3,414 research outputs found

    Empirical Likelihood Ratio Tests for Coe cients in High Dimensional Heteroscedastic Linear Models

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    This paper considers hypothesis testing problems for a low-dimensional coefficient vector in a high-dimensional linear model with heteroscedastic variance. Heteroscedasticity is a commonly observed phenomenon in many applications, including finance and genomic studies. Several statistical inference procedures have been proposed for low-dimensional coefficients in a high-dimensional linear model with homoscedastic variance, which are not applicable for models with heteroscedastic variance. The heterscedasticity issue has been rarely investigated and studied. We propose a simple inference procedure based on empirical likelihood to overcome the heteroscedasticity issue. The proposed method is able to make valid inference even when the conditional variance of random error is an unknown function of high-dimensional predictors. We apply our inference procedure to three recently proposed estimating equations and establish the asymptotic distributions of the proposed methods. Simulation studies and real data applications are conducted to demonstrate the proposed methods

    Jakość środowiska, korupcja i rozwój przemysłu: perspektywa globalna

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    This paper investigates the causal relationship between environmental quality and corruption for 129 countries, using the panel cointegration and panel-based error correction models for the period 2002-2015. In the paper, we use EPI, EHI, and EVI to represent environmental quality, which are more reasonable and comprehensive. We further take industry growth into consideration and investigate its impact on environmental quality. Our results corroborate that there exists a long-term equilibrium cointegrated relationship among the variables, both of corruption and industry growth have a negative effect on environmental quality and the corruption can seriously decrease environmental quality in the long term, while industry growth weakens environmental quality no matter in the short or long run.W artykule zbadano związek przyczynowy między jakością środowiska a korupcją w 129 krajach, wykorzystując modele kointegracji panelowej i panelowej korekcji błędów za lata 2002-2015. W pracy używamy EPI, EHI i EVI do wyznaczania jakości środowiska, które wydają się najbardziej sensowne i wszechstronne. Ponadto bierzemy pod uwagę rozwój branży i badamy jego wpływ na jakość środowiska. Nasze wyniki potwierdzają, że istnieje długoterminowa stabilna skointegorowana relacja pomiędzy zmiennymi, zarówno korupcja, jak i rozwój przemysłu mają negatywny wpływ na jakość środowiska, a korupcja może poważnie obniżyć jakość środowiska w dłuższej perspektywie, podczas gdy wzrost przemysłu osłabia jakość środowiska zarówno w krótkim, jak i długim okresie

    Unified empirical likelihood ratio tests for functional concurrent linear models and the phase transition from sparse to dense functional data

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    We consider the problem of testing functional constraints in a class of functional concurrent linear models where both the predictors and the response are functional data measured at discrete time points. We propose test procedures based on the empirical likelihood with bias‐corrected estimating equations to conduct both pointwise and simultaneous inferences. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived under the null and local alternative hypotheses, where sparse and dense functional data are considered in a unified framework. We find a phase transition in the asymptotic null distributions and the orders of detectable alternatives from sparse to dense functional data. Specifically, the tests proposed can detect alternatives of √n‐order when the number of repeated measurements per curve is of an order larger than urn:x-wiley:13697412:media:rssb12246:rssb12246-math-0001 with n being the number of curves. The transition points urn:x-wiley:13697412:media:rssb12246:rssb12246-math-0002 for pointwise and simultaneous tests are different and both are smaller than the transition point in the estimation problem. Simulation studies and real data analyses are conducted to demonstrate the methods proposed

    Light Wave Propagation and Scattering Through Particles

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    The study of light propagating and scattering for various particles has always been important in many practical applications, such as optical diagnostics for combustion, monitoring of atmospheric pollution, analysis of the structure and pathological changes of the biological cell, laser Doppler technology, and so on. This chapter discusses propagation and scattering through particles. The description of the solution methods, numerical results, and potential application of the light scattering by typical particles is introduced. The generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) for solving the problem of Gaussian laser beam scattering by typical particles with regular shapes, including spherical particles, spheroidal particles, and cylindrical particles, is described. The numerical methods for the scattering of Gaussian laser beam by complex particles with arbitrarily shape and structure, as well as random discrete particles are introduced. The essential formulations of numerical methods are outlined, and the numerical results for some complex particles are also presented

    Anti-bacterial properties of lactoferrin immobilized wool fabric

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    A new biological cross-linker, microbial transglutaminase (mTGase), has been used to catalyze the immobilization of lactoferrin onto the wool fabrics, and the antibacterial properties of immobilized wool on both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria are studied. It is found that the minimal inhibitory concentration of lactoferrin against S·aureus and E·coli is 0.5mg/mL and 0.25mg/mL respectively. As compared to the control sample, the amount of lactoferrin adhered onto the wool fabric improves from 4.87 mg.(g fabric)-1 to 12.96 mg.(g fabric)-1, indicating that the crosslinking reaction initiated by mTGase can increase the amount of lactoferrin fixed onto wool fabric obviously. The ratios of bacteriostasis to S.aureus and E.coli of wool fabrics immobilized with lactoferrin are bound to be 57.95% and 69.96% respectively, showing good antibacterial property

    Potentiometric titration curves of aluminium salt solutions and its species conversion in the hydrolysis-polymerization course

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    A new concept of critical point is expounded by analysing the potentiometric titration curves of aluminium salt solutions under the moderate slow rate of base injection. The critical point is defined as the characteristic spot of the Al3+ salt solutions potentiometric titration curve, which is related to the experiment conditions. In addition, the changes of critical points reflect the influence of experiment conditions on the course of the hydrolysis-polymerization and the conversion of hydroxyl polynuclear aluminum species. According to the OH/Al mole ratio, the Al species can be divided into four regions quantitatively by three characteristic points on the titration curves: Part I, Al3+/Ala region, consist chiefly of Al3+ and mononuclear Al; Part II, the small/middle polynuclear Al region, including Al2-Al12; Part III, the large-size polynuclear aluminum region, consistent with predominantly Al13-Al54 and a little sol/gel Al(OH)3; Part IV, the dissolving region of sol/gel Alc, only Al(OH)3 (aq or am) and Al(OH)4- species, which set up a base to study on the hydrolysis-polymerization of Al3+. At the same time, significant effects of total aluminum concentration, temperature, halide ion, silicate radical, and organic acid radical on the titration curves and its critical points were observed. Given the three critical points which demarcating the aluminum forms, we carry out a through investigation into the fundamental regulations of these factors’ influence, and offer a fresh train of thought to study the hydrolysis-polymerization of Al3+ in soil solutions. KEY WORDS: Potentiometric titration, Hydroxyl polynuclear aluminum species, Hydrolysis-polymerization, Critical point, Factors affecting titration curves  Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2008, 22(2), 155-164

    Acute Exercise Induced Mitochondrial H 2

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    Exercise induced skeletal muscle phenotype change involves a complex interplay between signaling pathways and downstream regulators. This study aims to investigate the effect of acute exercise on mitochondrial H2O2 production and its association with p66Shc, FOXO3a, and antioxidant enzymes. Male ICR/CD-1 mice were subjected to an acute exercise. Muscle tissues (gastrocnemius and quadriceps femoris) were taken after exercise to measure mitochondrial H2O2 content, expression of p66Shc and FOXO3a, and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The results showed that acute exercise significantly increased mitochondrial H2O2 content and expressions of p66Shc and FOXO3a in a time-dependent manner, with a linear correlation between the increase in H2O2 content and p66Shc or FOXO3a expression. The activity of mitochondrial catalase was slightly reduced in the 90 min exercise group, but it was significantly higher in groups with 120 and 150 min exercise compared to that of 90 min exercise group. The activity of SOD was not significantly affected. The results indicate that acute exercise increases mitochondrial H2O2 production in the skeletal muscle, which is associated with the upregulation of p66Shc and FOXO3a. The association of p66Shc and FOXO3a signaling with exercise induced H2O2 generation may play a role in regulating cellular oxidative stress during acute exercise

    Control of quantum coherence of photons exploiting quantum entanglement

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    Accurately controlling the quantum coherence of photons is pivotal for their applications in quantum sensing and quantum imaging. Here, we propose the utilization of quantum entanglement and local phase manipulation techniques to control the higher-order quantum coherence of photons. By engineering the spatially varying phases in the transverse plane, we can precisely manipulate the spatial structure of the second-order coherence function of entangled photon pairs without changing the photon intensity distribution of each photon. Our approach can readily be extended to higher-order quantum coherence control. These results could potentially stimulate new experimental research and applications of optical quantum coherence.Comment: 9 page, 7 figures, and a supplementary materia