621 research outputs found
Implementation of stable isotopes lipoprotein kinetic studies: effects on HDL metabolism of a Mediterranean type diet rich in MUFAs from virgin olive oil.
The anti-atherogenic effects ascribed to a Mediterranean-type diet rich in monounsaturatedfatty acids (MUFAs) from virgin olive oil are due, partly, to an increase in, or maintenance of,plasma concentrations of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. However, the underlyingmechanisms that may explain these concentrations are not well characterised, to-date.Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I (apoA-I) is the major HDL apo and its kinetic parameters, such asproduction rate and catabolic rate, reflect the kinetics of the HDL particle. Our workinghypothesis is as follows: a Mediterranean-type diet rich in MUFAs from virgin olive oil,compared to a STEP II diet, increases or preserves HDL cholesterol concentrations due to anincrease in apoA-I production and not to a decrease in apoA-I catabolism. Kinetic studiesusing stable isotopes are, perhaps, the best approach in physiologically evaluating apoproduction and catabolism in humans. This methodology has not as yet been implemented inSpain. Objectives: to implement the necessary methodology to perform kinetic studies of apoB-100 and, especially, of apoA-I and apoA-II in volunteers in vivo using stable isotopes tolabel proteins in vivo. Further, we used this methodology to analyse the overall effects of aMediterranean-type diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids from virgin olive oil comparedwith a low-fat, STEP II diet, on HDL and low density lipoprotein (LDL) metabolism. Design:we conducted a crossover, randomised study with dietary intervention periods of 4 weeks,interspersed with a washout period between diets. A total of 10 healthy, moderatelyhypercholesterolaemic, male volunteers consumed the two diets. The project was approvedby the Clinical Research Ethical Committee of the Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan, Reus.Instrumentation: kinetic studies were performed at the end of each diet using a 16h primedconstant infusion of stable isotope2H3-L-leucine. Lipoprotein fractions were separated usingultracentrifugation technique. Stable isotope incorporated into proteins was measured usingGC-MS. The data obtained were analysed applying multi-compartmental modelling techniquewith the SAAM II program. ApoA-I and A-II kinetic studies were conducted in our ResearchUnit in Reus. Apo B-100 kinetic studies and kinetic parameter modelling were performed incollaboration with Dr. Caslake and Professor Packard of the Vascular Biochemistry Section,Division of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences, Royal Infirmary, University of Glasgow,Glasgow, Scotland. Results: the Mediterranean diet, compared to the STEP II diet,significantly increases apoA-I plasma concentrations. A total of 17 kinetic studies have beenperformed but, due to methodological complexity, only the results of 7 kinetic studies (4following a Mediterranean diet and 3 following a STEP II diet) that have been analysed in aGC-MS to-date, are presented in this thesis. Despite the limitation of the low number ofkinetic studies analysed, we are able to document that the Mediterranean diet induces a highapoA-I HDL production rate compared to the STEP II diet. Also, the Mediterranean dietinduces a high apo B-100 LDL production rate and fractional catabolic rate compared to theSTEP II diet. Conclusions: we have, for the first time in Spain, implemented the necessarymethodology to perform apo B-100, apoA-I and A-II kinetic studies in vivo using stableisotopes in human subjects. A high apoA-I production rate is the main determinant of highplasma concentrations of apoA-I, and not variations in its catabolism. Lipoprotein kineticstudies enable the monitoring of lipoprotein metabolic parameters and the investigation ofnutritional and pharmacologic interventions in the primary and secondary prevention ofcardiovascular disease targets.Els efectes antiaterogènics atribuïts a una dieta de tipus mediterrani, rica en à cids grassosmonoinsaturats (AGM), aportats per oli d'oliva verge, són deguts, en part, a l'augment o almanteniment de les concentracions plasmà tiques de colesterol de les lipoproteïnes d'altadensitat (HDL). No obstant i fins al moment, no es coneixen del tot els mecanismes queexpliquen aquestes concentracions. L'apolipoproteïna (apo) A-I (apoA-I) és l'apolipoproteïnamajorità ria de les HDL i els seus parà metres cinètics, com ara la taxa de producció i la taxade catabolisme, reflexen la cinètica de les partÃcules d'HDL. La nostra hipòtesi de treball és lasegüent: una dieta Mediterrà nia rica en AGM aportats per oli d'oliva verge, comparada ambuna dieta STEP II, incrementa o manté els nivells de colesterol de les HDL degut a unaugment de la producció i no a una disminució de la degradació d'apoA-I. Possiblement, larealització d'estudis de cinètiques utilitzant isòtops estables és la forma més fisiològicad'avaluar la producció i la degradació d'apolipoproteïnes en l'home. Objectiu: Implementar lametodologia necessà ria per realitzar cinètiques d'apo B-100 i, especialment, d'apoA-I id'apoA-II en voluntaris in vivo utilitzant isòtops estables com a marcatge de les proteïnes.Aplicar aquesta metodologia per comparar els efectes d'una dieta Mediterrà nia rica en olid'oliva verge amb una dieta pobra en greixos STEP II sobre el metabolisme de les HDL i deles lipoproteïnes de baixa densitat (LDL). Disseny: Estudi creuat randomitzat de 4 setmanesd'intervenció dietètica, amb un perÃode de rentat entre elles. 10 voluntaris, homes sans,moderadament hipercolesterolèmics van seguir ambdues dietes. Aquest estudi va seraprovat pel Comitè d'Ètica i d'Investigació ClÃnica de l'Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan deReus. Instrumentalització: Estudi cinètic mitjançant la injecció i perfusió d'isòtop estable 2H3-L-leucina en forma d'un bolus inicial i de perfusió durant 16h al final de cada dieta. Lesdiferents fraccions lipoproteïques es van separar per ultracentrifugació. La detecció d'isòtopincorporat va ser mitjançant GC-MS. Les dades obtingudes es van analitzar amb modelsmulticompartimentals i el programa SAAM II. Els estudis cinètics d'apoA-I i d'apoA-II es vanposat a punt i realitzat a la nostra Unitat de Recerca a Reus. Els estudis d'apo B-100 i lamodelització de les dades cinètiques es van realitzar en colClaboració amb el grup de recercade la Vascular Biochemistry Section, Division of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences, RoyalInfirmary, University of Glasgow, Glasgow). Resultats: La dieta Mediterrà nia, comparadaamb la dieta STEP II, incrementa significativament la concentració plasmà tica d'apoA-I.S'han realizat 17 cinètiques però, degut a la complexitat de la metodologia, en aquesta tesises presenten els resultats de les 7 cinètiques (4 després de la dieta Mediterrà nia i 3 desprésde la dieta STEP II) analitzades per GC-MS fins ara. A pesar de l'escà s nombre de cinètiques,s'observen certes tendències. La dieta Mediterrà nia, comparada amb la dieta STEP II,presenta una major taxa de producció d'apoA-I de les HDL, aixà com una major taxa deproducció i de catabolisme de l'apo B-100 de les LDL. Conclusions: S'ha implementat lametodologia dels estudis de cinètiques amb isòtops estables de l'apoA-I i l'apoA-II de lesHDL i de l'apo B-100 de les VLDL1, VLDL2, IDL i LDL. El determinant de les concentracionsmés elevades d'apoA-I en plasma és una major taxa de producció d'aquesta apo i nodiferències en el seu catabolisme. Les aportacions de las cinètiques de les lipoproteïnespermetran avançar en els mecanismes lipÃdics involucrats en les malalties vasculars i aportarnous aspectes sobre les dianes nutricionals i farmacològiques
Official quality controls and the fight against fraud in the olive oil sector in Catalonia. Results 2011–2014
This article highlights the key aspects of the official control procedures concerning quality and in the fight against food fraud in the oil sector implemented in Catalonia by the Ministry for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Catalonia and, more specifically, by the Subdirectorate General of Agri-food Inspection and Control. This summarized view focuses on issues related to the legality and competence framework for official controls, the goals and purpose thereof, the area’s object of investigation and technical scope, the stages of the food chain at which measures are carried out, the types of inspection and control actions and the main investigation techniques. It also presents the results of the inspections, with a summary of the types of irregularities detected in the olive oil sector over the 2011–2014 period
Propuesta de un cuadro de indicadores para un sistema de gestión integrada (calidad, medio ambiente y PRL) especÃfico del sector de la construcción
A partir de un diseño de mapa de procesos para un sistema de gestión integrado basado en las normas
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 y OHSAS 18001, se crea un cuadro de indicadores para cada uno de los
procesos, de manera que sirve de guÃa para la mejora continua para este tipo de sistemas para las
empresas del sector de la construcción que lo quiera implantar
Development and experimental validation of an overlay mortar with biocide activity
Biodeterioration of concrete by microorganism colonisation may be a problem in several structures, especially in irrigation and hydroelectric canals. The main problem in such structures is the proliferation of algae and cyanobacteria that affect the performance of the structure, increase the maintenance costs and affects its durability. A research was conducted to develop a novel cement-based material with biocide activity that can be used as an overlay mortar in existing structures, such as canals and pipes. With this aim, ten commercial biocides were evaluated in a laboratory campaign to assess the effectiveness of the compounds against the microbial colonisation of concrete. Both mono- and multicomponent formulations were designed from the commercial products, to increase their antimicrobial effect obtaining a set of biocide formulations. The formulations were submitted to a flowchart process to determine their influence on the physical properties of the concrete, evaluate the release of the actives, and their antimicrobial efficiency both before and after accelerated aging processes. During the campaign, some formulations were observed to diminish the strength of the concrete. Such behaviour was normally due to the interaction of the active with the cement hydration process. Other formulations showed a high release of active from the concrete in water, compromising the durability of the treatment. In general, monocomponent formulations did not succeed to fulfill all the requirements, thus multicomponent formulations were analysed. One studied multicomponent formulation presented particularly good results in all properties analysed. This product did not significantly change the properties of concrete and the release of active in water from the concrete was low, while the antimicrobial effects were long lasting.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Treatment Options for Villous Adenoma of the Ampulla of Vater
Introduction: Duodenal villous adenoma arising
from the ampulla of Vater has a high risk of malignant
development. Excluding associated malignant
disease prior to resection of an adenoma of the ampulla
is not always possible. Therefore, the surgical
procedure of choice to treat this rare tumour is still
Proteoglycans in articular cartilage and their contribution to chondral injury and repair mechanisms
Proteoglycans are vital components of the extracellular matrix in articular cartilage, providing biomechanical properties crucial for its proper functioning. They are key players in chondral diseases, specifically in the degradation of the extracellular matrix. Evaluating proteoglycan molecules can serve as a biomarker for joint degradation in osteoarthritis patients, as well as assessing the quality of repaired tissue following different treatment strategies for chondral injuries. Despite ongoing research, understanding osteoarthritis and cartilage repair remains unclear, making the identification of key molecules essential for early diagnosis and effective treatment. This review offers an overview of proteoglycans as primary molecules in articular cartilage. It describes the various types of proteoglycans present in both healthy and damaged cartilage, highlighting their roles. Additionally, the review emphasizes the importance of assessing proteoglycans to evaluate the quality of repaired articular tissue. It concludes by providing a visual and narrative description of aggrecan distribution and presence in healthy cartilage. Proteoglycans, such as aggrecan, biglycan, decorin, perlecan, and versican, significantly contribute to maintaining the health of articular cartilage and the cartilage repair process. Therefore, studying these proteoglycans is vital for early diagnosis, evaluating the quality of repaired cartilage, and assessing treatment effectiveness
Docencia virtual y Covid-19: percepción del profesorado universitario
Las clases online se han puesto en práctica desde hace años, pero ha sido este último año cuando se ha tenido que
instaurar en la Universidad de Sevilla de manera obligatoria por la emergencia sanitaria frente al COVID-19. Por ello,
muchos de los/las docentes tuvieron que formarse en TIC para frenar una posible brecha educativa. Esto mismo generó
un gran desconcierto y discrepancias por parte de los estudiantes. El no acceso a la enseñanza presencial ha traÃdo
consecuencias económicas, sociales y psicológicas por parte de los/las docentes y de ello hay que conseguir el lado
positivo para avanzar en sociedad. En este estudio de investigación se ha evaluado a diferentes docentes de la
Universidad de Sevilla. Para esto se ha llevado a cabo una encuesta de 30 Ãtems en los cuales se preguntaban cómo
vivieron esta situación de pandemia y qué métodos utilizaron durante las clases. Se obtuvo finalmente como resultado
que a los/las docentes al principio les costó mucho adaptarse a este tipo de situación ya que muchos de ellos no
manejaban las nuevas tecnologÃas. Las plataformas que utilizaron fueron las proporcionadas por la Universidad y rara
vez otras. Las formaciones que daba la propia Universidad ante esta situación dejaba mucho que desear. También se
utilizaron nuevos métodos de evaluación como la reducción del tiempo en los exámenes o de programas que ayudaban a
conocer lo que hacÃa el/la estudiante. La carga lectiva del docente también aumentó bastante haciendo que se sintieran
bastante frustrados. Con todo esto, nos debemos de quedar con el gran avance y la experiencia que han tenido los/las
docentes brindándoles una formación que muchos seguirán utilizando para transformar con ella la educación de hoy.Online classes have been in practice for years, but they had to be made compulsory at the University of Seville last year,
due to the health emergency in the face of COVID-19. As a result, many of the teachers had to be trained in ICT in
order to stop a possible educational gap. This generated a great deal of bewilderment and discrepancies on the part of
the students. The lack of access to face-to-face teaching has brought economic, social and psychological consequences
for teachers and it is necessary to get the positive side of this in order to advance in society. In this research study,
different teachers of the University of Seville have been evaluated. For this purpose, a survey of 30 items was carried
out in which they were asked about how they experienced this pandemic situation and what methods they used during
the classes. The final result was that at the beginning it was very difficult for the teachers to adapt to this type of
situation since many of them did not use the new technologies. The platforms they used were those provided by the
University and rarely others. The training provided by the University left a lot to be desired. New evaluation methods
were also used, such as the reduction of time in exams or programs that helped to know what the student was doing.
The teaching load of teachers also increased considerably, making them feel quite frustrated. With all this, we must keep
in mind the great progress and the experience that teachers have had, providing them with a training that many of them
will continue to use in order to transform today's education.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primaria
El tráfico de influencias : un tipo prescindible
En España existe la generalizada convicción de que disponer de una buena red de contactos es un patrimonio que puede generar beneficios en todos los ámbitos, incluido, por supuesto, el de las relaciones con la Administración. Por ello, a nadie extraña que, cada vez que se descubre un nuevo caso de corrupción, se formule de modo casi sistemático acusación por tráfico de influencias. Lo que produce sorpresa es el contraste entre la profusión de acusaciones por este delito y la práctica total ausencia de condenas por el mismo. En este artÃculo, se reflexiona acerca del motivo del escaso número de condenas y la preocupante asimilación práctica de este tipo a la inducción a la prevaricación
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