873 research outputs found

    A new approach to measure reduction intensity on cores and tools on cobbles: the Volumetric Reconstruction Method

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    Knowing to what extent lithic cores have been reduced through knapping is an important step toward understanding the technological variability of lithic assemblages and disentangling the formation processes of archaeological assemblages. In addition, it is a good complement to more developed studies of reduction intensity in retouched tools, and can provide information on raw material management or site occupation dynamics. This paper presents a new methodology for estimating the intensity of reduction in cores and tools on cobbles, the Volumetric Reconstruction Method (VRM). This method is based on a correction of the dimensions (length, width, and thickness) of each core from an assemblage. The mean values of thickness and platform thickness of the assemblage’s flakes are used as corrections for the cores’ original dimensions, after its diacritic analysis. Then, based on these new dimensions, the volume or mass of the original blank are reconstructed using the ellipsoid volume formula. The accuracy of this method was experimentally tested, reproducing a variety of possible archaeological scenarios. The experimental results demonstrate a high inferential potential of the VRM, both in estimating the original volume or mass of the original blanks, and in inferring the individual percentage of reduction for each core. The results of random resampling demonstrate the applicability of VRM to non size-biased archaeological contexts.Introduction Methods - The Volumetric Reconstruction Method - Experimental design - Statistical procedures - Resamples Results - Geometric formulas - Reduction strategy and size - Resampling (randomly biased record) - Resampling (size bias) - Measuring the effect of number of generations Discussion and conclusion

    Human myiasis in Ecuador.

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    We review epidemiological and clinical data on human myiasis from Ecuador, based on data from the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) and a review of the available literature for clinical cases. The larvae of four flies, Dermatobia hominis, Cochliomyia hominivorax, Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis, and Lucilia eximia, were identified as the causative agents in 39 reported clinical cases. The obligate D. hominis, causing furuncular lesions, caused 17 (43.5%) cases distributed along the tropical Pacific coast and the Amazon regions. The facultative C. hominivorax was identified in 15 (38%) clinical cases, infesting wound and cavitary lesions including orbital, nasal, aural and vaginal, and occurred in both subtropical and Andean regions. C. hominivorax was also identified in a nosocomial hospital-acquired wound. Single infestations were reported for S. haemorrhoidalis and L. eximia. Of the 39 clinical cases, 8 (21%) occurred in tourists. Ivermectin, when it became available, was used to treat furuncular, wound, and cavitary lesions successfully. MPH data for 2013–2015 registered 2,187 cases of which 54% were reported in men; 46% occurred in the tropical Pacific coast, 30% in the temperate Andes, 24% in the tropical Amazon, and 0.2% in the Galapagos Islands. The highest annual incidence was reported in the Amazon (23 cases/100,000 population), followed by Coast (5.1/100,000) and Andes (4.7/100,000). Human myiasis is a neglected and understudied ectoparasitic infestation, being endemic in both temperate and tropical regions of Ecuador. Improved education and awareness among populations living in, visitors to, and health personnel working in high-risk regions, is required for improved epidemiological surveillance, prevention, and correct diagnosis and treatment

    Systematic Literature Review on the LDAP Protocol As a Centralized Mechanism for the Authentication of Users in Multiple Systems

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    The protocol LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows centralized identity authentication, where the information of the directory is faster and easier to read. This article carries out a systematic literature review (SLR) according to what is proposed in the article by Bárbara Kitchenham [1], aimed to identify different methods for users’ authentication in multiple systems using LDAP protocol, an analysis of criteria is carried out about different studies published in five digital libraries (Scopus, IEEEXplorer, Scientific.net, Google Scholar, DBLP), and two academic magazines (Revista Energía of UNL, Revista Científica of UTB), making relevant conclusions of the use of four mechanisms for the authentication of users of multiple systems such as: Languaje PHP, SSO (Single sign-on), IAM (Identity and Access Management), and T-RBAC (Access control based on roles and tasks), predominantly the use of the PHP language for its administrative tools for managing LDAP servers.     Keywords: LDAP, authentication, user management, systematic literature review, securit

    ¡A la escuela! Identification of the information needs of Hispanic/Latino parents in North Carolina, and how school district's Web sites may address those needs: An exploratory user study

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    The Hispanic/Latino community is a fast growing and younger community in North Carolina. Therefore, we can expect that public service providers, commerce and professionals aren't familiar with their language, culture and information needs. As immigrants, Hispanic families face several challenges in their process of adaptation. The language, among others, is also a big barrier for Spanish-speaking parents to learn about, and get involved in their children's school activities, delaying and making more complex the adaptation to U.S. schools system. Results of this study reveal that the information needs of the group studied are related to learning about the school enrollment process, the structure of the U.S. education system, and additional services provided at schools. Based on these results and qualitative data collected from Web browsing sessions with Hispanic parents, an effective Web site design oriented to the Latino community is proposed

    Oldowan Technology Amid Shifting Environments ∼2.03–1.83 Million Years Ago

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    The Oldowan represents the earliest recurrent evidence of human material culture and one of the longest-lasting forms of technology. Its appearance across the African continent amid the Plio-Pleistocene profound ecological transformations, and posterior dispersal throughout the Old World is at the foundation of hominin technological dependence. However, uncertainties exist concerning the degree to which the Oldowan constitutes an environment-driven behavioral adaptation. Moreover, it is necessary to understand how Oldowan technology varied through time in response to hominin ecological demands. In this study, we present the stone tool assemblage from Ewass Oldupa, a recently discovered archeological site that signals the earliest hominin occupation of Oldupai Gorge (formerly Olduvai) ∼2.03 Ma. At Ewass Oldupa, hominins underwent marked environmental shifts over the course of a ∼200 kyr period. In this article, we deployed an analysis that combines technological and typological descriptions with an innovative quantitative approach, the Volumetric Reconstruction Method. Our results indicate that hominins overcame major ecological challenges while relying on technological strategies that remained essentially unchanged. This highlights the Oldowan efficiency, as its basic set of technological traits was able to sustain hominins throughout multiple environments.Introduction Ewass Oldupa Materials and methods - Stone Tool Techno-Typological Analysis - The Volumetric Reconstruction Method Results - Assemblage Overview - Techno-Typological Variation Over Time and Across Environments - The Volumetric Reconstruction Method Discussio

    A Comparison of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Tools

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    This paper presents the ongoing work of a decision aiding software intended to support cyber risk and cyber threats analysis of an information and communications technology infrastructure. The work focuses on the evaluation of the different tools in relation to risk assessment and decision making to incorporate some of the characteristics, metrics and strategies that will help cybersecurity risk analysis, decision-making, prevention measures and risk strategies for infrastructure and the protection of an organization's information assets

    Variabilidad genética de 29 accesiones de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) peruana mediante marcadores AFLP y análisis multivariante

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    Aiming to determine the genetic variability of accessions of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. "Quinoa" from the Germplasm Bank of INIA - Ayacucho, analyze 29 accessions, which were characterized using AFLP molecular markers. The quality of the DNA extracted by the Doyle and modified Doyle method was optimal for all samples, obtaining modifications in a range of 100 - 400 ng / μl. In the standardization of the AFLP technique, it was determined that the proteins between 100 and 200 ng / μl of digested DNA were adequate to efficiently develop the AFLP technique, and it was also determined that the preamplification products that allowed the resolution amplification profiles variables were higher with a 1:4 ratio. A total of 7 primer combinations generated 220 DNA bands, being 201 polymorphic loci. Molecular data grouped the accessions into seven groups at a similarity of 0.81 ultrametric units, of which a group is made up of 23 accessions and the remaining six made up of a single accession. It was found that the mean genetic variance was 0.306 ± 0.011, with a Shannon information index of 0.463 ± 0.015, these results showed that in the 29 quinoa accessions it presents a high degree of genetic variability and there is no duplicate accession. The study determines the genetic relationship and is essential to raise the genetic improvement and conservation of quinoa.Con el objetivo de determinar la variabilidad genética de accesiones de Chenopodium quinoa Willd. “quinua” del Banco de Germoplasma del INIA - Ayacucho, se analizaron 29 accesiones, las cuales fueron caracterizadas utilizando marcadores moleculares AFLP. La calidad del ADN extraído mediante el método de Doyle & Doyle modificado, fue óptima para todas las muestras, obteniéndose concentraciones en un rango de 100 – 400 ng/μl. En la estandarización de la técnica AFLP se determinó que las concentraciones entre 100 y 200 ng/μl de ADN digerido fueron adecuadas para desarrollar de manera eficiente la técnica de AFLP, además se determinó que los productos de preamplificación que permitieron perfiles de amplificación de mayor resolución fueron las concentraciones con una relación de 1:4. Un total de 7 combinaciones de iniciadores generaron 220 bandas de ADN, siendo 201 loci polimórficos. Los datos moleculares agruparon las accesiones en siete grupos a una similitud de 0,81 unidades ultramétricas, de los cuales un grupo está constituido por 23 accesiones y las seis restantes conformadas por una sola accesión. Se encontró que la variancia genética promedio fue de 0,306 ± 0,011, con un índice de información de Shannon de 0,463 ± 0,015, estos resultados mostraron que en las 29 accesiones de quinua presenta un alto grado de variabilidad genética y no existe ninguna accesión duplicada. El estudio determina la relación genética y es fundamental para plantear estrategias de mejoramiento genético y conservación de la quinua