339 research outputs found

    Northernmost record of the pantropical portunid crab <i>Cronius ruber</i> in the eastern Atlantic (Canary Islands): natural range extension or human-mediated introduction?

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    The pantropical crab Cronius ruber (Lamarck, 1818) (Brachyura: Portunidae) is recorded for the first time from the Canary Islands. Previously known from off Cape Verde Islands and Senegal, this is the northernmost record of the species in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Crabs have been caught by means of a collecting small trap for sampling in shallow waters, and then identified by both morphological characters and DNA barcoding (16S). Cytochrome c oxidase I partial sequence has been obtained for this species for the first time. This relatively large and very aggressive crab species seems to be rapidly occupying both hard substrates (sublittoral caves) and soft substrates (sand with seagrass meadow) adjacent to shallow rocky bottoms, at depths between 2 and 10 m, in the warm southern waters of Gran Canaria Island. The reasons for this species’ occurrence are discussed herein. Among them, natural range extension may be a consequence of tropicalization in the eastern Atlantic. Also, a human-mediated introduction could be based on the heavy traffic of ships (ballast waters or oil platforms) arriving at the Canary Islands from African countries and from Brazil in the last decade

    Letter to the editor

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    AbstractThis letter shows how the main result contained in a paper recently appeared in the Journal of Multivariate Analysis was in fact a particular case of a more general theorem published three years before

    Population structure and reproductive biology of the stone crab Xantho poressa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Xanthidae) in the ‘Corrales de Rota’ (south-western Spain), a human-modified intertidal fishing area

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    The present study describes the reproductive biology, population structure and life history traits of the abundant intertidal crab Xantho poressa. Between March 2007 and April 2008, a total of 1918 individuals were collected in Corrales de Rota (south-western Spain), a human-modified intertidal habitat characterized by an artificial high complexity. Suitable refuges for crabs (cobbles and boulders) are very abundant in this area and density (maximum of so ind(star)m(-2)) was directly related with the area covered by these stones. In spring and summer, size-frequency distributions showed a polymodal pattern with seasonal variations related to the incorporation of juveniles to the adult population. Newly settled juveniles were not found in the Corrales suggesting an ontogenetic migration from a distant recruitment habitat. The annual reproductive cycle was seasonal and successive peaks in the abundance of ovigerous females were observed in late spring and summer. Females probably produced multiple broods during a long intermoult period. The gonadosomatic index had a cyclic pattern of variation with peaks two weeks prior to those of ovigerous females; it was lower during the non-reproductive season. The hepatosomatic index was high during spring, decreased during summer and increased gradually at the end of the reproductive season. There was a monthly cycle of larval release resulting from a combination of a cyclic and synchronic ovarian maturity, oviposition and incubation; hatching took place during neap tides when the moon was at last quarter. The adaptive significance of the rhythmic reproduction and hatching observed may not be explained by the predator avoidance hypotheses. The overall sex-ratio did not differ from 1:1 but one male and several females coexist under a stone, indicating a female biased operative sex-ratio. The combination of a complex habitat, its use, and a strong sexual dimorphism suggest a refuge-defence polygenic mating system. The survival and fitness of X. poressa in the Corrales de Rota are probably enhanced by the availability of shelter, a consequence of a highly complex habitat, and probably, of human activity

    Evolution of social relationships between first-year students at middle school: from cliques to circles

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    People organize their social relationships under a restriction on the number that a single individual can maintain simultaneously (the so-called Dunbar’s number, ~150). Additionally, personal networks show a characteristic layered structure where each layer corresponds to relationships of different emotional closeness. This structure, referred to as Dunbar’s circles, has mostly been considered from a static viewpoint, and their structure and evolution is largely unexplored. Here we study the issue of the evolution of the structure of positive and negative relationships in early adolescence by using data from students in their first year at middle school obtained from surveys conducted in class in two different waves separated by several months. Our results show that, initially, students have a lower number of total relationships but the majority are more intense and over time they report a higher number of total relationships, but the more intense relationships appear in a lower proportion. We have also found differences in the structure of communities at both temporal moments. While in the first instance the communities that appeared are mixed, made up of both boys and girls, in the second they changed so that they were separated primarily by gender. In addition, the size of each community was stabilized around 15 people, which coincides with the size of the second Dunbar’s circle, known as the sympathy group in social psychology. As a consequence, in groups with around 20 students of the same gender, they tend to split in two separate communities of about 10 each, below the second Dunbar’s circle threshold. On the other hand, groups with more stable community structure appear to go through the inverse process of friendship evolution, becoming more focused on their best relationships. All these results suggest how the layered structure of the personal network, as well as the community structure of the social network, emerge directly from the union of both positive and negative relationships. Thus, we provide a new perspective about its temporal evolution that may have relevant applications to improve school life and student performance. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Trends in the species composition at the southernmost estuary of the Atlantic coast of Europe.

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    Climate change may enhance the establishment of introduced species, as well as the poleward shift in distribution of numerous species over decades. Long-term research and monitoring of an ecosystem at the southernmost point of the Atlantic coast of Europe should be an important priority in order to detect and understand trends in species composition and the related environmental changes. The Guadalquivir estuary (South Spain) is more likely to suffer the exacerbated effects of climate change due to its location in the Mediterranean-climate zone. The long-term data set between 1997 and 2015 in this estuary has allowed us to analyse the variability of the natural and anthropogenic stressors, especially in some dry years and how records of new species have been stabilised as a consequence of expanded connectivity (shipping) and “African Creep”. The mean interannual dissimilarity of the estuarine fauna (Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index) has showed important differences throughout the years, and the species that most contributed to these differences were the exotic species capable of completing their life cycles. Their average annual density has shown a continuous increase during the years of study in a period of expansion. This long-term monitoring of the estuarine community has allowed us to anticipate future events and ecological risk assessment in Europe due to climate change. Management implications are mainly related to the catching of exotic species to control their impact on native communities and reduce the shipping in this sort of ecosystem, which have been especially sensitive in the last 10 years

    Measurement of prethrombotic markers in the assessment of acquired hypercoagulable states

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    Hypercoagulable states can be detected by measuring activation peptides, enzyme-inhibitor complexes, and fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, which are markers of hemostatic activation. A series of these prethrombotic markers has been evaluated in the elderly, pregnancy, diabetes and acute myocardial infarction patients (n=30 in each group) as well as in hematologic malignancies (n=42). The parameters assayed were: prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), thrombin-antithrombin III complexes (TAT), fibrinopeptide A (FPA), plasmin-alpha2 antiplasmin complexes (PAP) and D-Dimer. Results were compared with those obtained in a group of 30 healthy subjects. We found a significant increase of F1+2, TAT and FPA in elderly (p<0.05), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (p<0.01), hematologic malignancies (p<0.01), and pregnancy (p<0.0001), indicating a marked clotting activation. Diabetic patients under strict metabolic control only presented a moderate increase of TAT (p<0.05), suggesting a slight activation. We also observed a highly significant elevation of PAP and D-Dimer in elderly (p<0.001), AMI (p<0.0001), and malignancy (p<0.0001), indicating an activation of the fibrinolytic system. The combination of selected fibrinolytic and coagulation measurements is useful for the detection of a hypercoagulable state in conditions characterized by a risk of thrombosis

    Does desmopressin acetate reduce blood loss after surgery in patients on cardiopulmonary bypass?

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    It has been suggested that desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) administration reduces blood loss after cardiac surgery. We have investigated the effect of DDAVP administration in a double-blind, randomized, prospective trial including 100 patients placed on cardiopulmonary bypass during surgery. Fifty patients received 0.3 micrograms/kg DDAVP and 50 patients received a placebo administered in a 50 ml saline solution over 15 min when cardiopulmonary bypass had been concluded. Results showed no significant differences either in total blood loss per square meter (458 +/- 206 ml in the DDAVP group vs 536 +/- 304 ml in the placebo group) or in necessity for red cell transfusions (1642 +/- 705 ml in the DDAVP group vs 1574 +/- 645 ml in the placebo group) in the first 72 hr after surgery. Only intraoperative blood loss per square meter was significantly lower (p less than .02) in the DDAVP group (131 +/- 106 ml) as compared with the placebo group (193 +/- 137 ml). The prolongation of bleeding time and the decrease of factor VIII:C and factor VIII:von Willebrand factor 90 min after treatment were significantly lower (p less than .001) in the DDAVP group as compared with the placebo group. We conclude that the administration of DDAVP in patients placed on cardiopulmonary bypass during surgery does not reduce total blood loss and is only effective in reducing intraoperative bleeding

    Apparent phase transitions in finite one-dimensional sine-Gordon lattices

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    We study the one-dimensional sine-Gordon model as a prototype of roughening phenomena. In spite of the fact that it has been recently proven that this model can not have any phase transition [J. A. Cuesta and A. Sanchez, J. Phys. A 35, 2373 (2002)], Langevin as well as Monte Carlo simulations strongly suggest the existence of a finite temperature separating a flat from a rough phase. We explain this result by means of the transfer operator formalism and show as a consequence that sine-Gordon lattices of any practically achievable size will exhibit this apparent phase transition at unexpectedly large temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    ANAIS: Status and prospects

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    AbstractANAIS (Annual modulation with NAI Scintillators) experiment aims to look for dark matter annual modulation with 250 kg of ultra-pure NaI(Tl) scintillators at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC), in order to confirm the DAMA/LIBRA positive signal in a model-independent way. The detector will consists in an array of close-packed single modules, each of them coupled to two high efficiency Hamamatsu photomultipliers. Two 12.5 kg each NaI(Tl) crystals provided by Alpha Spectra are currently taking data at the LSC. These modules have shown an outstanding light collection efficiency (12-16 phe/keV), about the double of that from DAMA/LIBRA phase 1 detectors, which could enable reducing the energy threshold down to 1 keVee. ANAIS crystal radiopurity goals are fulfilled for 232Th and 238U chains, assuming equilibrium, and in the case of 40K, present crystals activity (although not at the required 20 ppb level) could be acceptable. However, a 210Pb contamination out-of-equilibrium has been identified and its origin traced back, so we expect it will be avoided in next prototypes. Finally, current status and prospects of the experiment considering several exposure and background scenarios are presented