17 research outputs found

    Cannabis en los jóvenes: patología psiquiátrica y escalas de consumo

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    El cannabis es la droga ilegal de uso más extendido en España siendo la prevalencia de su consumo elevada (17% en el último año-población de 15 a 34 años). Dado que diversos estudios muestran que sólo una pequeña proporción de personas con abuso o dependencia de cannabis buscan tratamiento, para detectar un consumo patológico se hace necesario disponer de instrumentos que se puedan utilizar tanto en atención primaria como en las encuestas a población general o escolar. Por otro lado, teniendo en cuenta la asociación entre problemas mentales y consumo de sustancias (comorbilidad psiquiátrica) y dado que en nuestro país no existen estudios de morbilidad psiquiátrica en población joven consumidora de cannabis fuera de tratamiento, es de interés estudiar la patología psiquiátrica asociada a dicho consumo en una muestra de sujetos jóvenes reclutados fuera del marco asistencial. Este estudio se diseñó para dar respuesta a estas deficiencias.El cànnabis és la droga d’ús il·legal més extensa a Espanya sent la prevalença del seu consum elevada (17% en l’últim any-població de 15 a 34 anys). Donat que diversos estudis mostren que només una petita proporció de persones amb abús o dependència de cànnabis busquen tractament, per a detectar un consum patològic és necessari disposar d’instruments que es puguin utilitzar tant en atenció primària como en las enquestes a població general o escolar. Per una altra banda, tenint en compte l’associació entre problemes mentals y consum de substàncies (comorbiditat psiquiàtrica) i donat que en el nostre país no existeixen estudis de morbiditat psiquiàtrica en població jove consumidora de cànnabis fora de tractament, és d’interès estudiar la patologia psiquiàtrica associada a aquest consum en una mostra de subjectes joves reclutats fora del marc assistencial. Aquest estudi va ser dissenyat per donar resposta a aquestes deficiències.Cannabis is the illicit drug most widely used in Spain being prevalence of consumption high (17% in the last year-population 15-34 years). Since studies show that only a small proportion of people with cannabis abuse or dependence seek treatment, to detect abnormal consumption is necessary to have instruments that can be used both in primary care and in general population surveys or school. On the other hand, given the association between mental health problems and substance use (psychiatric comorbidity) and given that in our country there are no studies of psychiatric morbidity in young people consuming cannabis off treatment, is of interest to study psychiatric disorders associated this consumption in a sample of young subjects recruited outside the care setting. This study was designed to address these shortcomings

    Type 2 diabetes and cognitive impairment in an older population with overweight or obesity and metabolic syndrome: baseline cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-plus study

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    This study cross-sectionally examines in the elderly population: (a) the association of type 2 diabetes with executive function (EF); (b) the effect of BMI on both type 2 diabetes and EF; (c) the association between glycaemia control and EF in type 2 diabetes. 6823 older individuals with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome participating in the PREDIMED-PLUS study, were assessed with a battery of cognitive tests and a medical interview. ANOVA showed a significantly worse performance on EF in type 2 diabetes vs. non-diabetic individuals. Two complementary models were displayed: (1) in the whole sample, the presence of type 2 diabetes, depressive symptoms and BMI had a direct negative effect on EF, while apnoea had an indirect negative effect; (2) in the diabetes subsample, higher illness duration was associated with worse performance in EF. Participants with type 2 diabetes and HbA1c<53 mmol/mol displayed better cognitive performance when compared to those with HbA1c≥53 mmol/mol. Our results provide a controlled comprehensive model that integrates relevant neuropsychological and physical variables in type 2 diabetes. The model suggests that, to improve treatment adherence and quality of life once diabetes has been diagnosed, cognitive decline prevention strategies need to be implemented while monitoring depressive symptoms, BMI and glycaemia control.This project is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Spanish Government Official Agency for funding biomedical research - with competitive grants for the periods 2014–2016, 2015–2017, 2017–2019 and 2018–2020, through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund [grants: PI13/00673, PI13/00492, PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/02184, PI13/00728 PI13/01090 PI13/01056, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/00618, PI14/00696, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/00853, PI14/01374, PI16/00473, PI16/00662, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00381, PI16/00366, PI16/01522, PI16/01120, PI17/00764, PI17/01183, PI17/00855, PI17/01347, PI17/00525, PI17/01827, PI17/00532, PI17/00215, PI17/01441, PI17/00508, PI17/01732, PI17/00926] and the European Research Council [Advanced Research Grant 2014–2019; agreement #340918]. Additional grants: Acciones Especiales from ISCIIII, Consejería-Salud, Junta -Andalucía [PI0458/2013, PS0358/2016], Recercaixa-grant 2013 [2013ACUP00194], a SEMERGEN grant, International Nut & Dried Fruit Council – FESNAD No. 201302. Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero is providing the necessary amounts of olive oil. Nuts were initially and only partially provided by Pistachios Growers and Almond Board of California, for the pilot study. This research was also partially funded by EU-H2020 Grant (Eat2beNICE/H2020-SFS-2016–2; Ref 728018), PI14/00290 y PI17/1167(Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund, ERDF, a way to build Europe), PERIS (Generalitat de Catalunya, SLT006/17/00077), Grant PROMETEO/2017/017 (Generalitat Valenciana) and Grant FEA/SEA 2017 for Primary Care Research. We thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. ML-M is supported by a predoctoral Grant of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU15/02911). None of these funding sources plays any role in the design, collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data or in the decision to submit manuscripts for publication

    Association between ankle-brachial index and cognitive function in participants in the PREDIMED-Plus study: cross-sectional assessment

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    Introducción y objetivos: El índice tobillo-brazo (ITB) es un indicador de enfermedad arterial periférica (EAP). El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la asociación entre la EAP medida con el ITB y el rendimiento cognitivo de individuos con sobrepeso u obesidad y síndrome metabólico. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado con los datos basales del estudio PREDIMED-Plus, en el que se incluyó a un total de 4.898 participantes (tras excluir a aquellos sin medición de ITB) de entre 55 y 75 años, con sobrepeso u obesidad y síndrome metabólico. En la visita basal se midió el ITB según un protocolo estandarizado, así como otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular (diabetes mellitus, dislipemia e hipertensión arterial, entre otros). Para la evaluación del rendimiento cognitivo, se aplicaron diferentes pruebas validadas en población española (Mini-mental Test, test de fluencia verbal semántica y fonológica, test de valoración de memoria de trabajo, test del trazo y test del reloj). Para evaluar la asociación entre el ITB y el rendimiento cognitivo, se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados. Resultados: El 3,4% de los participantes tenían EAP, definida por un ITB ≤ 0,9, y un 3,3%, calcificación arterial definida por un ITB ≥ 1,4. La EAP se asoció con la edad, la presión arterial sistólica y los indicadores de obesidad, mientras que la calcificación arterial se asoció también con obesidad y diabetes. Entre el rendimiento cognitivo y el ITB o la EAP, no se observaron asociaciones significativas. Conclusiones: En nuestra muestra la EAP aumenta con la edad, la presión arterial y los indicadores de obesidad. No se observa una asociación significativa entre el ITB, la EAP y el rendimiento cognitivo.Introduction and objectives: The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is an indicator of peripheral artery disease (PAD). The aim of this study was to assess the association between PAD, measured with the ABI, and cognitive function in persons with overweight or obesity and metabolic syndrome. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with baseline data from the PREDIMED-Plus study, which included 4898 participants (after exclusion of those without ABI measurements) aged between 55 and 75 years, and with overweight or obesity and metabolic syndrome. At the baseline assessment, we measured the ABI with a standardized protocol and assessed the presence of other cardiovascular risk factors (eg, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension). Cognitive function was evaluated using several tests validated for the Spanish population (mini-mental state examination [MMSE], phonological and semantic verbal fluency test, WAIS-III working memory index [WMI], parts A and B of the trail making test (TMT), and clock drawing test). Generalized linear models were used to assess the association between the ABI and cognitive function. Results: Among the participants, 3.4% had PAD defined as ABI ≤ 0.9, and 3.3% had arterial calcification defined as ABI ≥ 1.4. PAD was associated with age, systolic blood pressure and obesity indicators, while arterial calcification was also associated with obesity and diabetes. No significant associations were observed between cognitive function and ABI or PAD. Conclusions: In our sample, the presence of PAD increased with age, blood pressure, and obesity. No significant association was observed between ABI, PAD, or cognitive function

    Safety and preliminary efficacy on cognitive performance and adaptive functionality of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in children with Down syndrome. A randomized phase Ib clinical trial (PERSEUS study)

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    Purpose: although some caregivers are using epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) off label in hopes of improving cognition in young adults with Down syndrome (DS), nothing is known about its safety, tolerability, and efficacy in the DS pediatric population. We aimed to evaluate safety and tolerability of a dietary supplement containing EGCG and if EGCG improves cognitive and functional performance. Methods: a total of 73 children with DS (aged 6-12 years) were randomized. Participants received 0.5% EGCG (10 mg/kg daily dose) or placebo for 6 months with 3 months follow up after treatment discontinuation. Results: in total, 72 children were treated and 66 completed the study. A total of 38 participants were included in the EGCG group and 35 in the placebo group. Of 72 treated participants, 62 (86%) had 229 treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs). Of 37 participants in the EGCG group, 13 (35%) had 18 drug-related treatment-emergent AEs and 12 of 35 (34%) from the placebo group had 22 events. In the EGCG group, neither severe AEs nor increase in the incidence of AEs related to safety biomarkers were observed. Cognition and functionality were not improved compared with placebo. Secondary efficacy outcomes in girls point to a need for future work. Conclusion: the use of EGCG is safe and well-tolerated in children with DS, but efficacy results do not support its use in this population

    Prevention of cognitive decline in subjective cognitive decline APOE ε4 carriers after EGCG and a multimodal intervention (PENSA): Study design

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    Introduction: Subjects exhibiting subjective cognitive decline (SCD) are at an increased risk for mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Given the delay between risk exposure and disease onset, SCD individuals are increasingly considered a good target population for cost-effective lifestyle-based Alzheimer's disease prevention trials. Methods: The PENSA study is a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial that aims to evaluate the efficacy of a personalized multimodal intervention in lifestyle (diet counseling, physical activity, cognitive training, and social engagement) combined with the use of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) over 12 months, in slowing down cognitive decline and improving brain connectivity. The study population includes 200 individuals meeting SCD criteria and carrying the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele, who will be randomized into four treatment arms (multimodal intervention + EGCG/placebo, or lifestyle recommendations + EGCG/placebo). The primary efficacy outcome is change in the composite score for cognitive performance measured with the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite (ADCS-PACC-like) adding to the original version the Interference score from the Stroop Color and Word Test and the Five Digit Test. Secondary efficacy outcomes are (1) change in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and structural neuronal connectivity (structural MRI) and (2) the safety assessment of the EGCG compound. This study is framed within the WW-FINGERS consortium. Discussion: The use of new technologies (i.e., mobile ecological momentary assessments [EMAs], activity tracker) in the PENSA study allows the collection of continuous data on lifestyle behaviors (diet and physical activity) and mood, enabling a personalized design as well as an intensive follow-up of participants. These data will be used to give feedback to participants about their own performance along the intervention, promoting their involvement and adherence. The results of the study may aid researchers on the design of future clinical trials involving preventive lifestyle multicomponent interventions

    Semantic Verbal Fluency Pattern, Dementia Rating Scores and Adaptive Behavior Correlate With Plasma Aβ42 Concentrations in Down Syndrome Young Adults.

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    Down syndrome (DS) is an intellectual disability (ID) disorder in which language and specifically, verbal fluency are strongly impaired domains; nearly all adults show neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD), including amyloid deposition by their fifth decade of life. In the general population, verbal fluency deficits are considered a strong AD predictor being the semantic verbal fluency task (SVFT) a useful tool for enhancing early diagnostic. However, there is a lack of information about the association between the semantic verbal fluency pattern (SVFP) and the biological amyloidosis markers in DS. In the current study, we used the SVFT in young adults with DS to characterize their SVFP, assessing total generated words, clustering, and switching. We then explored its association with early indicators of dementia, adaptive behavior and amyloidosis biomarkers, using the Dementia Questionnaire for Persons with Intellectual Disability (DMR), the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition (ABAS-II), and plasma levels of Aβ peptides (Aβ40 and Aβ42), as a potent biomarker of AD. In DS, worse performance in SVFT and poorer communication skills were associated with higher plasma Aβ42 concentrations, a higher DMR score and impaired communication skills (ABAS-II). The total word production and switching ability in SVFT were good indicators of plasma Aβ42 concentration. In conclusion, we propose the SVFT as a good screening test for early detection of dementia and amyloidosis in young adults with DS.This work was supported by grants, donations and agreements from Fondation Jérôme Lejeune (Paris, France), Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER, (PI11/00744), MINECO (SAF2010-19434 and SAF2013-49129-C2-1-R), EU (Era Net Neuron PCIN-2013-060), DIUE de la Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 2009/1450 and SGR 2009/718)

    The influence of genetic and environmental factors among MDMA users in cognitive performance

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    This study is aimed to clarify the association between MDMA cumulative use and cognitive dysfunction, and the potential role of candidate genetic polymorphisms in explaining individual differences in the cognitive effects of MDMA. Gene polymorphisms related to reduced serotonin function, poor competency of executive control and memory consolidation systems, and high enzymatic activity linked to bioactivation of MDMA to neurotoxic metabolites may contribute to explain variations in the cognitive impact of MDMA across regular users of this drug. Sixty ecstasy polydrug users, 110 cannabis users and 93 non-drug users were assessed using cognitive measures of Verbal Memory (California Verbal Learning Test, CVLT), Visual Memory (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, ROCFT), Semantic Fluency, and Perceptual Attention (Symbol Digit Modalities Test, SDMT). Participants were also genotyped for polymorphisms within the 5HTT, 5HTR2A, COMT, CYP2D6, BDNF, and GRIN2B genes using polymerase chain reaction and TaqMan polymerase assays. Lifetime cumulative MDMA use was significantly associated with poorer performance on visuospatial memory and perceptual attention. Heavy MDMA users (>100 tablets lifetime use) interacted with candidate gene polymorphisms in explaining individual differences in cognitive performance between MDMA users and controls. MDMA users carrying COMT val/val and SERT s/s had poorer performance than paired controls on visuospatial attention and memory, and MDMA users with CYP2D6 ultra-rapid metabolizers performed worse than controls on semantic fluency. Both MDMA lifetime use and gene-related individual differences influence cognitive dysfunction in ecstasyThis study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant no. 1 R01 DA017987, Grant 2005SGR00032, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS-00/00777), Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (INT/2012/2002) Spain, Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas: PNSD 2006/101(2007–2009) Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Effects of a psychosocial intervention at one-year follow-up in a PREDIMED-plus sample with obesity and metabolic syndrome

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    This study examines if overweight/obesity are related to higher impulsivity, food addiction and depressive symptoms, and if these variables could be modified after 1 year of a multimodal intervention (diet, physical activity, psychosocial support). 342 adults (55-75 years) with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) from the PREDIMED-Plus Cognition study were randomized to the intervention or to the control group (lifestyle recommendations). Cognitive and psychopathological assessments were performed at baseline and after 1-year follow-up. At baseline, higher impulsivity was linked to higher food addiction and depressive symptoms, but not to body mass index (BMI). Food addiction not only predicted higher BMI and depressive symptoms, but also achieved a mediational role between impulsivity and BMI/depressive symptoms. After 1 year, patients in both groups reported significant decreases in BMI, food addiction and impulsivity. BMI reduction and impulsivity improvements were higher in the intervention group. Higher BMI decrease was achieved in individuals with lower impulsivity. Higher scores in food addiction were also related to greater post-treatment impulsivity. To conclude, overweight/obesity are related to higher impulsivity, food addiction and depressive symptoms in mid/old age individuals with MetS. Our results also highlight the modifiable nature of the studied variables and the interest of promoting multimodal interventions within this population.This project was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Spanish Government Official Agency for funding biomedical research—with competitive grants leaded by Jordi Salas-Salvadó and Josep Vidal for the periods 2014–2016, 2015–2017, 2017–2019 and 2018–2020, through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund [grants: PI13/00233, PI13/00728, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI16/00533, PI16/00366, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI19/00017, PI19/00781, PI19/01032, PI19/00576]; the Especial Action Project entitled: Implementación y evaluación de una intervención intensiva sobre la actividad física Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus grant to Jordi Salas-Salvadó; the European Research Council [Advanced Research Grant 2014–2019; agreement #340918] granted to Miguel Ángel Martínez-González; the Recercaixa (number 2013ACUP00194) grant to Jordi Salas-Salvadó. This research was also partially funded by EU-H2020 Grants (Eat2beNICE/H2020-SFS-2016-2; Ref 728018; and PRIME/H2020-SC1-BHC-2018-2020; Ref: 847879) and Instituto Salud Carlos III (Fondo Investigación Sanitario, FIS: PI17/01167), Grant PROMETEO/2017/017 (Generalitat Valenciana) and Grant FEA/SEA 2017 for Primary Care Research. This work is also partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme

    Metabolic, affective and neurocognitive characterization of metabolic syndrome patients with and without food addiction. Implications for weight progression

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    According to the food addiction (FA) model, the consumption of certain types of food could be potentially addictive and can lead to changes in intake regulation. We aimed to describe metabolic parameters, dietary characteristics, and affective and neurocognitive vulnerabilities of individuals with and without FA, and to explore its influences on weight loss progression. The sample included 448 adults (55-75 years) with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome from the PREDIMED-Plus cognition sub-study. Cognitive and psychopathological assessments, as well as dietary, biochemical, and metabolic measurements, were assessed at baseline. Weight progression was evaluated after a 3-year follow up. The presence of FA was associated with higher depressive symptomatology, neurocognitive decline, low quality of life, high body mass index (BMI), and high waist circumference, but not with metabolic comorbidities. No differences were observed in the dietary characteristics except for the saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids consumption. After three years, the presence of FA at baseline resulted in a significantly higher weight regain. FA is associated with worse psychological and neurocognitive state and higher weight regain in adults with metabolic syndrome. This condition could be an indicator of bad prognosis in the search for a successful weight loss process.We thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support and partial support was also provided by SLT006/17/00246, funded by the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the calls “Acció instrumental de programes de recerca orientats en l’àmbit de la recerca i la innovació en salut” and “Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS)”. This research was also partially funded by EU-H2020 Grants (Eat2beNICE/ H2020-SFS-2016-2; Ref 728018; and PRIME/ H2020-SC1-BHC-2018-2020; Ref: 847879). IP-G receives a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU 17/01925). C.G.-M. receives a predoctoral grant from the University of Rovira i Virgili (2020PMF-PIPF-37); J.S-S. is partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia program

    VNTR-DAT1 and COMTVal158Met Genotypes Modulate Mental Flexibility and Adaptive Behavior Skills in Down Syndrome

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    Down syndrome (DS) is an aneuploidy syndrome that is caused by trisomy for human chromosome 21 resulting in a characteristic cognitive and behavioral phenotype, which includes executive functioning and adaptive behavior difficulties possibly due to prefrontal cortex (PFC) deficits. DS also present a high risk for early onset of Alzheimer Disease-like dementia. The dopamine (DA) system plays a neuromodulatory role in the activity of the PFC. Several studies have implicated trait differences in DA signaling on executive functioning based on genetic polymorphisms in the genes encoding for the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMTVal158Met) and the dopamine transporter (VNTR-DAT1). Since it is known that the phenotypic consequences of genetic variants are modulated by the genetic background in which they occur, we here explore whether these polymorphisms variants interact with the trisomic genetic background to influence gene expression, and how this in turn mediates DS phenotype variability regarding PFC cognition. We genotyped 69 young adults of both genders with DS, and found that VNTR-DAT1 was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium but COMTVal158Met had a reduced frequency of Met allele homozygotes. In our population, genotypes conferring higher DA availability, such as Met allele carriers and VNTR-DAT1 10-repeat allele homozygotes, resulted in improved performance in executive function tasks that require mental flexibility. Met allele carriers showed worse adaptive social skills and self-direction, and increased scores in the social subscale of the Dementia Questionnaire for People with Intellectual Disabilities than Val allele homozygotes. The VNTR-DAT1 was not involved in adaptive behavior or early dementia symptoms. Our results suggest that genetic variants of COMTVal158Met and VNTR-DAT1 may contribute to PFC-dependent cognition, while only COMTVal158Met is involved in behavioral phenotypes of DS, similar to euploid population.This work was supported by grants, donations and agreements from Fondation Jérôme Lejeune (Paris, France), Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER, (PI11/00744), MINECO (SAF2010-19434 and SAF2013-49129-C2-1-R), EU (Era Net Neuron PCIN-2013-060), DIUE de la Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 2009/1450, 2014SGR 680, 2014 SGR 464, SGR 2009/718, and SGR 2014/1125). LdH is recipient of a pre-doctoral fellowship from ISCIII [FI12/00319]. CRG is Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa SEV-2012-0208