1,219 research outputs found

    La relación hombre-naturaleza en Ortega y Gasset

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    Communication as a Teaching/Learning Strategy in Bilingual Education

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    This paper is based on my experience as a member of the coordinating team of the Plurilingual Education Programme (PEP) at the School of Education, Universidad de Cadiz (Spain). We have been working with a group of 23 subject-matter teachers belonging to up to 13 content areas and three target languages: English, French and German. The main purpose of the project was to train lectures on the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodological approach. We have focused our training on content and communication (based on Coyle (1999)’s four C’s framework) with an emphasis on constructing the communicative channels appropriate to convey content with language as a medium of communication, not as an aim itself. As communicative exchanges will be between non-native teachers and non-native students, teachers have been trained on some communicative strategies typical of the CLIL approach in order to improve the teachers’ communicative competence. In this paper, some of these strategies and their benefits will be depicted : using the foreign language as the language of communication in the class, improving clarity of speech, enhancing oral interaction with/among students, visual aids, rephrasing, reformulating, redundancy or content reduction are amongst the most essential strategies to improve communicative exchanges in bilingual settings

    Augmented Perception for Agricultural Robots Navigation

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    [EN] Producing food in a sustainable way is becoming very challenging today due to the lack of skilled labor, the unaffordable costs of labor when available, and the limited returns for growers as a result of low produce prices demanded by big supermarket chains in contrast to ever-increasing costs of inputs such as fuel, chemicals, seeds, or water. Robotics emerges as a technological advance that can counterweight some of these challenges, mainly in industrialized countries. However, the deployment of autonomous machines in open environments exposed to uncertainty and harsh ambient conditions poses an important defiance to reliability and safety. Consequently, a deep parametrization of the working environment in real time is necessary to achieve autonomous navigation. This article proposes a navigation strategy for guiding a robot along vineyard rows for field monitoring. Given that global positioning cannot be granted permanently in any vineyard, the strategy is based on local perception, and results from fusing three complementary technologies: 3D vision, lidar, and ultrasonics. Several perception-based navigation algorithms were developed between 2015 and 2019. After their comparison in real environments and conditions, results showed that the augmented perception derived from combining these three technologies provides a consistent basis for outlining the intelligent behavior of agricultural robots operating within orchards.This work was supported by the European Union Research and Innovation Programs under Grant N. 737669 and Grant N. 610953. The associate editor coordinating the review of this article and approving it for publication was Dr. Oleg Sergiyenko.Rovira Más, F.; Sáiz Rubio, V.; Cuenca-Cuenca, A. (2021). Augmented Perception for Agricultural Robots Navigation. IEEE Sensors Journal. 21(10):11712-11727. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2020.3016081S1171211727211

    Sensing Architecture for Terrestrial Crop Monitoring: Harvesting Data as an Asset

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    [EN] Very often, the root of problems found to produce food sustainably, as well as the origin of many environmental issues, derive from making decisions with unreliable or inexistent data. Datadriven agriculture has emerged as a way to palliate the lack of meaningful information when taking critical steps in the field. However, many decisive parameters still require manual measurements and proximity to the target, which results in the typical undersampling that impedes statistical significance and the application of AI techniques that rely on massive data. To invert this trend, and simultaneously combine crop proximity with massive sampling, a sensing architecture for automating crop scouting from ground vehicles is proposed. At present, there are no clear guidelines of how monitoring vehicles must be configured for optimally tracking crop parameters at high resolution. This paper structures the architecture for such vehicles in four subsystems, examines the most common components for each subsystem, and delves into their interactions for an efficient delivery of high-density field data from initial acquisition to final recommendation. Its main advantages rest on the real time generation of crop maps that blend the global positioning of canopy location, some of their agronomical traits, and the precise monitoring of the ambient conditions surrounding such canopies. As a use case, the envisioned architecture was embodied in an autonomous robot to automatically sort two harvesting zones of a commercial vineyard to produce two wines of dissimilar characteristics. The information contained in the maps delivered by the robot may help growers systematically apply differential harvesting, evidencing the suitability of the proposed architecture for massive monitoring and subsequent data-driven actuation. While many crop parameters still cannot be measured non-invasively, the availability of novel sensors is continually growing; to benefit from them, an efficient and trustable sensing architecture becomes indispensable.This research was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program with grant agreement number 737669 entitled VineScout: Intelligent decisions from vineyard robots.Rovira Más, F.; Saiz Rubio, V.; Cuenca-Cuenca, A. (2021). Sensing Architecture for Terrestrial Crop Monitoring: Harvesting Data as an Asset. Sensors. 21(9):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21093114S12421

    Un ideólogo olvidado: el joven José Antonio Maravall y la defensa del Estado Nacionalsindicalista. Su colaboración en Arriba, órgano oficial de FET y de las JONS. 1939-1941

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    Remembered as a liberal man, brilliant pioneer in investigation of the social history of mentalities, José Antonio Maravall was, nevertheless, one of the main teachers and moving forces of the post war falangism. This is to say, of the Falangist project supported by the power of Ramón Serrano Súñer as the brother in law of Francisco Franco and as the Minister of Government and Overseas Affairs. A project which Maravall himself identifed with the European totalitarian movement represented, essentially, by Nazi Germany and which he defended as the best option for social and political reconstruction of the Spain resulting from the civil war

    Actitudes de los docentes hacia el papel de la lengua en la educación bilingüe en la universidad

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    The main goal of this article is to explore the attitudes (opinions, beliefs, etc.) regarding ‘language’ of university teachers engaged in bilingual education. The context for this research is an on-going teacher development programme at the School of Engineering (Escuela Superior de Ingeniería) at the University of Cadiz. At this stage in our research, we are looking at teacher attitudes to language from three perspectives: to better understand what they think about language in their ‘normal’ i.e. Spanish/monolingual teaching; how they conceive of language per se in learning and how they feel about bilingual classrooms. Prior to their involvement in bilingual education, these teachers were likely encouraged to think of themselves as specialists in Áreas No Lingüísticas, but it would appear that they are in the process of reconceptualising both the roles of language in learning and the contributions that teachers can make. In the bilingual classrooms, most of their students are locals with limited language skills and the teachers favour an approach geared to developing both content and languages (L1 and L2) concurrently and perceive of themselves as both models and facilitators in the process. We interpret this as a good example of Internationalization at Home (IaH).El objetivo principal de este artículo es esbozar las actitudes (opiniones, creencias, etc.) respecto a la lengua del profesorado universitario participante en planes de enseñanza bilingüe. El contexto de esta investigación es un programa de formación permanente de docentes en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cádiz. En esta etapa de nuestra investigación, hemos analizado las actitudes de los docentes hacia el lenguaje desde tres perspectivas diferentes. Por un lado, comprender mejor lo que piensan sobre la lengua en su enseñanza “normal”, es decir, español / monolingüe. Por otro lado, cómo conciben el papel de la lengua en sí en el proceso de aprendizaje. Por último, cuál es su opinión acerca de la enseñanza bilingüe. Antes de su participación en el programa de enseñanza bilingüe, estos docentes se consideraban a sí mismos especialistas en áreas no lingüísticas, pero tras un período extenso de formación, parecen inmersos en el proceso de re-conceptualización tanto del papel de la lengua en el aprendizaje como de las aportaciones que ellos mismos pueden hacer desde esta nueva perspectiva didáctica. En la clase bilingüe, la mayoría son estudiantes locales con capacidades lingüísticas limitadas, de ahí que la labor de los docentes se base en un enfoque orientado al desarrollo integrado de contenidos y lenguas (L1 y L2), y se perciban a sí mismos como modelos y facilitadores en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este es un buen ejemplo de internacionalización en casa

    Study of the establishment of epithelial polarity: search for new proteins that interact with apkc

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    Póster presentado al IX Meeting of the Spanish Society for Developmental Biology celebrado en Granada del 12 al 14 de noviembre de 2012.A key issue in developmental biology is the relationship between cell polarity and signal transduction pathways. Most eukaryotic cells are polarized with an asymmetric distribution of molecules and organelles resulting in different functional regions required for cell physiology. The control of this polarity in space and time is essential to coordinate changes in cell morphology with proliferation and morphogenetic movements required for the development of the organism. This control is carried out by signalling pathways, which in many cases are regulated by the subcellular localization of their components. In fact, there is a close relationship between polarity and the control of cell proliferation, since many receptors of intercellular communication pathways that regulate proliferation are located and activated in specific domains of the plasma membrane. Therefore, the understanding of the signalling pathways‐cell polarity relationship is crucial for the knowledge of how signals are integrated to induce morphogenesis but also how are modified in aberrant processes as those occurring in cancer. The atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) is a crucial protein in the cell polarity establishment or maintenance and also can participate in many other processes in the cell. aPKC has an enzymatic activity and can regulate different signaling pathways in the cell. In all these processes aPKC interact, depending on the process, with different regulators and modifies different substrates. In addition, aPKC is an oncogene. To understand how cell polarity is established, maintained and modified and also how this polarity can regulate signalling processes we have focused on to find out new proteins that interact with aPKC.Peer Reviewe

    Estudo tracelógico de elementos líticos das fa ses neolíticas de Los Barruecos

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    Aportaciones recientes al conocimiento del Neolítico y Calcolítico en Extremadura y Alentejo.-- Actas de las Jornadas de Arqueología del Museo de Cáceres.[ES]: Se presenta el análisis traceológico de un conjunto de piezas localizadas durante la excavación de los niveles neolíticos de Los Barruecos, del que se infiere la realización de distintas actividades en el yacimiento.[PT]: Apresenta-se o estudo traceológico de um conjunto de peças líticas localizadas durante a escavaçâ dos níveis neolíticos de Los Barruecos. do que se pode inferir a realizaçâo de diferentes actividades no sitio.Peer reviewe

    Las funciones del personal eventual en la jurisprudencia

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    Aquest estudi analitza de manera exhaustiva la jurisprudència dels tribunals contenciosos administratius sobre les funcions de confiança i assessorament del personal eventual que la llei els encomana, sense concretar en què consisteixen. Aquesta indefinició ha generat nombrosos conflictes i litigis, aguditzats per la crisi econòmica. La Llei 27/2013, de racionalització i sostenibilitat de l'Administració local, estableix límits al nombre de llocs de personal eventual, segons la població del municipi, però no n’aborda la definició de les funcions. Per la qual cosa, la jurisprudència, que aquest treball sistematitza amb sentit crític, continua sent l'única orientació sobre aquest tema.This study is a comprehensive analysis of the case law of the administrative litigation courts relating to the responsibilities of trust and specialist advice that the law gives temporary staff, albeit without offering a clear definition of the nature of their functions. This legal and regulatory grey area has caused many conflicts and legal disputes made worse by the economic crisis. Act 27/2013 on Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Administration establishes a limit to the number of temporary staff according to the number of inhabitants in each municipality, but does not tackle the question of the definition of their functions. Consequently, the case law which this work systematises from a critical perspective, offers the only guidance on the subject to date.Este estudio analiza de manera exhaustiva la jurisprudencia de los tribunales de lo contencioso-administrativo sobre las funciones de confianza y asesoramiento del personal eventual, que la ley les encomienda sin concretar en qué consisten. Esta indefinición ha generado numerosos conflictos y litigios, agudizados por la crisis económica. La Ley 27/2013 de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la Administración Local establece límites al número de puestos de personal eventual, según la población del municipio, pero no aborda la definición de sus funciones. Por lo cual, la jurisprudencia, que este trabajo sistematiza con sentido crítico, sigue siendo la única orientación al respecto