173 research outputs found

    Internalizing Islamic Values in Electrochemistry Learning

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a potential way of integrating the knowledge of electrochemistry with a story in the Al-Quran particularly in the sura of Al-Kahfi, verse 83-96. The story tells about an implicit understanding of the concept of electro chemistry. Having the story in the learning of electrochemistry is aimed to internalizing the spirit of Islam in the learning of electro chemistry. Using a classroom action research, this study involved 95 students who are taking the course of Basic Chemistry 2. This study used three instruments, namely: observation sheet of students activity, observation sheet of students attitute, and self-assessment questionnaire. Based on the data, the study found that students were considerably active in each stage of the learning process with the average of activitiy is 78% (good). With regards to attitude, only aspect of responsibility that was not well appeared while the aspects of religious curiosity, cooperative, and communication relatively presente

    Optical coherence tomography- a non-invasive technique applied to conservation of paintings

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    It is current practice to take tiny samples from a painting to mount and examine in cross-section under a microscope. However, since conservation practice and ethics limit sampling to a minimum and to areas along cracks and edges of paintings, which are often unrepresentative of the whole painting, results from such analyses cannot be taken as representative of a painting as a whole. Recently in a preliminary study, we have demonstrated that near-infrared Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) can be used directly on paintings to examine the cross-section of paint and varnish layers without contact and the need to take samples. OCT is an optical interferometric technique developed for in vivo imaging of the eye and biological tissues; it is essentially a scanning Michelson’s interferometer with a ‘broadband’ source that has the spatial coherence of a laser. The low temporal coherence and high spatial concentration of the source are the keys to high depth resolution and high sensitivity 3D imaging. The technique is non-invasive and noncontact with a typical working distance of 2 cm. This non-invasive technique enables cross-sections to be examined anywhere on a painting. In this paper, we will report new results on applying near-infrared en-face OCT to paintings conservation and extend the application to the examination of underdrawings, drying processes, and quantitative measurements of optical properties of paint and varnish layers

    The Effect Of Using Pre-questioning On Students' Reading Comprehension Achievement

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    Membaca merupakan keterampilan yang rumit untuk dicapai karena siswa menunjukkan kesulitannya dalam pelajaran ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan yang signifikan pada prestasi pemahaman membaca siswa sebelum dan setelah pemberian pre-questioning dan mengetahui masalah-masalah yang dihadapi siswa dalam pemahaman membaca dan pre-questioning. Populasinya adalah siswa kelas dua SMPN 1 Seputih Banyak. VIII A diplih sebagai kelas penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre-test dan post-test satu kelompok. T-test pengukuran berulang digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Nilai rata-rata pre-tes 53.52 dan post test 69.15. Jadi, ada peningkatan sebesar 15.64. Hasil t-test menunjukkan t-ratio lebih tinggi daripada t-table (18.485 > 2.042) dengan signifikan level p 2.042) with the level of significant is p < 0.05 and significant two tail is p=0.000. It can be said that pre-questioning technique has effect on students’ reading comprehension achievement

    The Influence Of Using Parlour Games Towards Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh terhadap pencapaian vocabulary siswa setelah diajarkan melalui parlour games dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pengajaran vocabulary melalui parlour games.Hasil menunjukkan bahwa siswa diajarkan melalui permainan ini tampaknya lebih menyenangkan dan tertarik untuk belajar kosakata sejak siswa dapat memberikan respon yang baik selama proses belajar mengajar. Proses belajar mengajar menantang dan melibatkan semua siswa dalam permainan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa. Skor rata-rata siswa dari pretest adalah 56,50 sedangkan nilai rata-rata posttest adalah 63,40. Setelah membandingkan hasil pretest dan skor posttest, ditemukan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan, skor rata-rata siswa meningkat 6,9 setelah treatment. Berdasarkan hasil, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengajar vocabulary melalui permainan Parlour dapat memberikan pengaruh positif untuk meningkatkan prestasi kosakata siswa secara signifikan. This research was intended to find out whether there was an influence of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through parlour games and to know students’ response toward teaching vocabulary through parlour games. The results show that the students taught through parlour games seemed to be more enjoyable and interested in learning vocabulary since the students could provide a good response during teaching learning process. The teaching learning process challenged and involved all students in the game. It can be seen from the increase of the students’ mean score. The students’ mean score of the pretest was 56.50 while the mean score of the posttest was 63.40. After comparing the result of the pretest and the posttest scores, it was found that there was a significant increase, the mean score of the students had increased 6.9 after the treatments. Based on the results, it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary through Parlour games can give positive influence to increase students’ vocabulary achievement significantly.

    Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through Scrabble Game

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan apakah ada perbedaan yang terjadi pada kosakata siswa setelah belajar menggunakan scrabble. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain one group pretest posttest. Sample yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sebelas pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata pra tes para siswa yaitu 57,24 dan nilai rata-rata pasca tes yaitu 71,15. Dengan demikian ditemukan adanya peningkatan signifikan sebesar 13,91. Peneliti menggunakan level signifikan 0.05. Hasil penghitungan menunjukan bahwa nilai dua signifikan yaitu 0,000. Jadi hipotesis pada penelitian ini diterima. Itu membuktikan bahwa nilai para siswa meningkat secara signifikan (p<0.05,p=0.000). Dengan kata lain adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada  kosakata para siswa setelah belajar melalui scrabble. Oleh karena itu, permainan scrabble dianjurkan untuk digunakan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi kosakata para siswa.The objective of this research is to find out whether there is any difference of the students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through scrabble. This research applies one group pretest-posttest design. The sample of the research is the grade XI students in academic year of 2013/2014. The results show that the students’ mean score of the pretest was 57.24 and the mean score of the posttest was 71.15. It was found that there was a significant increase 13.91. The researcher uses the level of significant 0.05. The result of the computation shows the value of two tailed significance was 0.000. So that the Hypothesis in this research was accepted. It proved that the students’ scores were significantly increase (p<0.05, p= 0.000). In other words, there is a significant difference of the student’s vocabulary after being taught through scrabble. Therefore, scrabble game is recommended to be used by the teacher in increasing the students’ vocabulary achievement

    A Survey Of English Vocabulary Size In Senior High School

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah atas yang berada di Bandar Lampung, perbedaan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris antara sekolah negeri dan swasta, penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris dalam jurusan IPA dan IPS. Peneliti menggunakan desain t-test dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa ada perbedaan dalam penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah atas yang berada di bandar Lampung. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan dalam penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris antara sekolah negeri dan swasta. Hasil yang terakhir juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa Inggris dalam jurusan IPA dan IPS yang di tunjukkan dalam nilai rata-rata siswa jurusan IPA 3250 lebih besar dibandingkan nilai rata-rata siswa jurusan IPS 2794,5.The purpose of this study was to determine students\u27 vocabulary of English vocabulary size in high school located in Lampung, difference vocabulary size between public and private schools as well as in science and social studies department if there is a difference also. Researcher use t-test design in this study. The result of the research show that there is a difference between students vocabulary size in senior high school, there is a difference between students vocabulary size in public school and private school, there is a difference between students\u27 vocabulary size in science and social science students also. The data shows that the average value of 3250 students majoring in science is greater than the average value of 2794.5 Social Sciences students

    The Implementation of Projected Picture in Increasing Students\u27 English Vocabulary Achievement

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    The students’ difficulty in memorizing the English vocabulary is one of problems faced by the students. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out whether there is difference of the students’ English vocabulary achievement before and after the implementation of projected picture and to investigate whether or not it can be used to increase students’ English vocabulary achievement. The research was conducted in SMPN 1 Seputih Banyak, in which VII A as experimental class. The design used was one-group pretest-post test design. The result can be seen from the mean score of the students. The mean score of pretest was 49.58 and post test was 68.48. It means that there is an increase of 18.90. The t-test result shows that t-ratio higher than t-table; the result is 20.846>2.042, with the level of significant is p<0.05 and significance 2-tailed is p=.000. Moreover, based on subtopics taught, it was found that subtopic ‘things at school’ had the highest difference than others. Based on result above, it can be concluded that there is difference of the students’ English vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through projected picture and it can increase the students’ English vocabulary achievement