176 research outputs found

    Estudio prospectivo para la Corporación de Mujeres Fresia 2030

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    108 páginas y anexos.El modelo prospectivo estratégico para la Corporación de Mujeres Fresia - 2030, se desarrolló con el fin de superar la dificultad de mantener estructuras financieras sólidas y enfrentar las dinámicas complejas y cambiantes del sector social. En el estudio se identificó el reto tecnológico como un factor fundamental para transformar el alcance de la intervención social. Factores no gobernables, como el contexto normativo de las Entidades sin ánimo de lucro - ESALES y los procesos de paz del nivel nacional, son objeto de continua vigilancia y podrían reorientar estrategias relacionadas con la adaptación de tecnologías para la prevención y atención de problemáticas sociales de niños, niñas y mujeres, el fortalecimiento de redes sociales, la diversificación de las fuentes de financiación para la sostenibilidad de la organización, el posicionamiento de la Corporación y, la atención de mujeres víctimas y victimarias del conflicto en Colombia. Finalmente, la investigación realizada y los ejercicios participativos desarrollados para integrar el conocimiento, la experiencia, los anhelos y las realidades del sector, pueden ser un marco de referencia que invita a las ESALES a analizar su situación actual y a construir escenarios futuros para direccionar la acción y generar rupturas sectoriales con impactos significativos.The strategic prospective model for the "Mujeres Fresia Corporation -2030" was developed in order to overcome the difficulty of preserving solid financial structures and facing the complex and ever-changing dynamics of the social sector. The technological challenge has been identified in the study as a critical factor to transform the scope of social intervention. Non-governable factors, such as the legal context of non-profit organizations and the peace processes taking place in the country, need to be constantly monitored. They have the potential to redirect strategies related to technological adaptation for the prevention of and attention to social issues associated with children and women; the strengthening of social networks; the diversification of funding sources for the organization's sustainability; the positioning of the Corporation; and the care given to female victims or victimizers within the context of the armed conflict in Colombia. Finally, the research carried out and the participative exercises, developed to combine the knowledge, experience, aspirations and realities of the sector, can be a reference framework inviting non-profit organizations to analyze their current situation and build future scenarios to guide actions and make transformations within the sector in order to achieve significant impacts.MaestríaMagíster en Prospectiva y Pensamiento Estratégic

    Radiation Tests on the Complete System of the Instrumentation of the LHC Cryogenics at the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) Test Facility

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    There are more than 6000 electronic cards for the instrumentation of the LHC cryogenics, housed in crates and distributed around the 27 km tunnel. Cards and crates will be exposed to a complex radiation field during the 10 years of LHC operation. Rad-tol COTS and rad-hard ASIC have been selected and individually qualified during the design phase of the cards. The test setup and the acquired data presented in this paper target the qualitative assessment of the compliance with the LHC radiation environment of an assembled system. It is carried out at the CNGS test facility which provides exposure to LHC-like radiation field

    Inclusion of a specific T cell epitope increases the protection conferred against foot-and-mouth disease virus in pigs by a linear peptide containing an immunodominant B cell site

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes an economically important and highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals. FMD control in endemic regions is implemented using chemically inactivated whole-virus vaccines. Currently, efforts are directed to the development of safe and marked vaccines. We have previously reported solid protection against FMDV conferred by branched structures (dendrimeric peptides) harbouring virus-specific B and T-cell epitopes. In order to gain insights into the factors determining a protective immune response against FMDV, in this report we sought to dissect the immunogenicity conferred by different peptide-based immunogens. Thus, we have assessed the immune response and protection elicited in pigs by linear peptides harbouring the same FMDV B-cell or B and T-cell epitopes (B and TB peptides, respectively).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pigs were twice immunized with either the B-cell epitope (site A) peptide or with TB, a peptide where the B-cell epitope was in tandem with the T-cell epitope [3A (21-35)]. Both, B and TB peptides were able to induce specific humoral (including neutralizing antibodies) and cellular immune responses against FMDV, but did not afford full protection in pigs. The data obtained showed that the T-cell epitope used is capable to induce efficient T-cell priming that contributes to improve the protection against FMDV. However, the IgA titres and IFNγ release elicited by these linear peptides were lower than those detected previously with the dendrimeric peptides.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the incorporation of a FMDV specific T-cell epitope in the peptide formulation allows a significant reduction in virus excretion and clinical score after challenge. However, the linear TB peptide did not afford full protection in challenged pigs, as that previously reported using the dendrimeric construction indicating that, besides the inclusion of an adecuate T-cell epitope in the formulation, an efficient presentation of the B-cell epitope is crucial to elicit full protection by peptide vaccines.</p

    Identificación y análisis de patologías en la guadua angustifolia Kunt utilizada en la construcción

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLa Guadua Angustifolia Kunth por ser una variedad endémica en Colombia para los departamentos de Santander, Nariño y el Eje Cafetero entre otros, y por sus cualidades estructurales es altamente utilizada para el desarrollo de construcciones, a pesar de esto los antecedentes para la identificación de sus patologías son limitados. A lo largo de esta investigación se mantuvo un enfoque cualitativo el cual se llevó a cabo por medio de una revisión exhaustiva de bibliografía enfocada a la Guadua Angustifolia Kunth, esta nos lleva a definir que la guadua por ser un material natural está expuesto a diferentes agentes dañinos clasificados en: bióticos como “hongos e insectos los cuales generan perforaciones en el cuerpo de la guadua y la pérdida de resistencia, abióticos como fuego o estar expuesto a la intemperie.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ANÁLISIS PATOLOGÍAS GENERADAS EN LA GUADUA ANGUSTIFOLIA KUNTH 3. CONCLUSIONES 4. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Migrant labour insertion in agrarian territories: the case of the el Maule region, Chile

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    El artículo aborda el proceso de inserción laboral de migrantes en los territorios agrarios chilenos, a partir del caso de la Región del Maule (Chile). Junto con realizar una breve revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema a nivel latinoamericano, se indaga en las motivaciones de las/os inmigrantes para elegir un territorio agrario como lugar de destino, y en sus estrategias de inserción laboral en un contexto caracterizado por una matriz identitaria rural y una estructura de producción local vinculada al ámbito silvoagropecuario. A partir de lo cual, se esbozan algunas reflexiones iniciales sobre las trayectorias laborales es ese sector productivo. Para el desarrollo del estudio, se adoptó una estrategia metodológica mixta, con énfasis en los métodos cualitativos; se realizaron y analizaron 57 entrevistas a migrantes residentes en la Región del Maule. Los resultados muestran que, entre los principales elementos que motivan la elección del Maule como lugar de destino, están las características urbano-rurales del territorio y la posibilidad de acceder a una oferta laboral que –si bien precaria— es abundante, especialmente en el ámbito agrícola. Por otro lado, el patrón de hábitat urbano y la inserción laboral en la rama agrícola de las/os extranjeras/os –especialmente haitianas/os— profundiza la lógica productiva de los territorios agrariosThis article addresses the job-placement of migrant labour in the Chilean agricultural territory, based on the El Maule Region case. First, we elaborated a literature review for the topic on a Latin American scale. Then, we explored the motivations of migrants for choosing an agricultural territory and their job-placement strategies in an area with a strong rural identity and largely based on a silvo-agricultural production. We drew on this to suggest some preliminary reflections about the job career in the silvo-agricultural sector. We used mixed methods, focusing on qualitative techniques. Fifty-seven interviews were conducted with migrants in the El Maule Region. The results showed that the urban-rural features of this territory and the chance to get access to a labour market plenty of job openings -although precarious- are the main drivers to choose the Maule Region. Moreover, the urban habitat patterns and the job-placement largely based on the agricultural area –mainly Haitiansexpand the productive dynamic of the agricultural territorie

    WINSPECTRUM: software de control para analizadores de espectro con aplicaciones a la docencia

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    WINGENERATOR (WINdows SPECTRUM) is an eay-to-use application programmed in MATLAB language, running under Microsoft Windows™ on a PC developed for research and educational purposes. The main routine is a part of a general purpose tool called WINEASYLAB. The software has been made under friendly user philosophy and is self-explicative. The able to measure microwave signals, coupled with the graphical and mathematical capacities of MATLAB including phase noise and Pout vs. Pin curves makes this software an interesting tool easy to use by users at any level

    Changes in the Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Proteome with Ageing.

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    Following central nervous system (CNS) demyelination, adult oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) can differentiate into new myelin-forming oligodendrocytes in a regenerative process called remyelination. Although remyelination is very efficient in young adults, its efficiency declines progressively with ageing. Here we performed proteomic analysis of OPCs freshly isolated from the brains of neonate, young and aged female rats. Approximately 50% of the proteins are expressed at different levels in OPCs from neonates compared with their adult counterparts. The amount of myelin-associated proteins, and proteins associated with oxidative phosphorylation, inflammatory responses and actin cytoskeletal organization increased with age, whereas cholesterol-biosynthesis, transcription factors and cell cycle proteins decreased. Our experiments provide the first ageing OPC proteome, revealing the distinct features of OPCs at different ages. These studies provide new insights into why remyelination efficiency declines with ageing and potential roles for aged OPCs in other neurodegenerative diseases

    Detection of regulator genes and eQTLs in gene networks

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    Genetic differences between individuals associated to quantitative phenotypic traits, including disease states, are usually found in non-coding genomic regions. These genetic variants are often also associated to differences in expression levels of nearby genes (they are "expression quantitative trait loci" or eQTLs for short) and presumably play a gene regulatory role, affecting the status of molecular networks of interacting genes, proteins and metabolites. Computational systems biology approaches to reconstruct causal gene networks from large-scale omics data have therefore become essential to understand the structure of networks controlled by eQTLs together with other regulatory genes, and to generate detailed hypotheses about the molecular mechanisms that lead from genotype to phenotype. Here we review the main analytical methods and softwares to identify eQTLs and their associated genes, to reconstruct co-expression networks and modules, to reconstruct causal Bayesian gene and module networks, and to validate predicted networks in silico.Comment: minor revision with typos corrected; review article; 24 pages, 2 figure

    Co-construcción del conocimiento en GrupoLab

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    En este proyecto pretende dar respuesta a la necesidad de crear sinergias académicas entre alumnado, personal docente e investigador y usuarios de proyectos, cuyo punto en común es el interés en la investigación social y el trabajo social, en concreto en la intervención con grupos. Asimismo, da respuesta a la necesidad del alumnado de crear espacios de aprendizaje donde desarrollar propuestas que favorezcan el impulso de la carrera universitaria y donde se pueda colaborar de forma horizontal con otras personas de forma que se potencie la creatividad y la iniciativa