946 research outputs found
Aproximación al concepto de Fideicomiso tácito en el Derecho Romano
[Resumen] Se pretende en este trabajo delimitar el concepto de fideicomiso tácito con que
operan los juristas clásicos aclarando los términos y el alcance de la diferencia que se
observa entre la posición de Juliano-Calístrato (D.30.130 y D.49.14.3pr.) y la de
Marcelo-Paulo (D.30.123.1 y D.49.14.40pr.). La hipótesis de la que se parte es doble:
por una parte, que el concepto jurisprudencial de fideicomiso tácito es unívoco, sobre-
entendido en las fuentes y distinto de las nociones de fraude y fideicomiso secreto; por
otra, que los juristas mencionados difieren exclusivamente en el tratamiento procesal
del dolo del fiduciario.[Abstract] The purpose of this paper is to set the limits of the concept tacitum fideicommis-
sum as operated by the classical jurists, clarifying the terms and the range of difference
which can be observed between Iulianus-Calistratus’ position (D.30.130 and
D.49.14.3pr.) and Marcellus-Paulus’ position (D.30.123.1 and D.49.14.40pr.). The
hypothesis from which we depart is a double one: on one hand, it states that jurispru-
dential concept of tacitum fideicommissum is univocal, inferred from the sources and
different from the notions of fraud and secret trust; on the other hand, it explains that
the abovementioned jurists only differ in the procedural treatment of the fiduciary’s
Privacy and security in genomic information
Today, whole human genome sequencing is a reality affordable for many individuals.
Technology advances in this arena are going fast, in fact it is possible that we are living the
beginning of a “genomic revolution”. However, human genome contains highly sensitive
information about individuals. Concerns regarding privacy and security are getting wider as
technology advances ever more rapidly. The present work focuses on contributing and support
the development of new security and privacy mechanisms in genomic information formats. An
intended software prototype has been developed and it is presented in the current report. The tool
permits reading and handling genomic information after evaluating the access requirements
according to defined rules
Improved prediction of dietary protein use and nitrogen excretion in tropical dairy cattle
The overall objective of the present doctoral thesis was to evaluate the adequacy (i.e., accuracy and precision) of existing laboratory methodologies and modeling tools, originally designed for temperate systems, in predicting the nitrogen (N) supply and excretion of cattle in tropical husbandry systems. It was hypothesized that the adoption of laboratory methodologies and modeling tools from temperate systems without validating and adapting them for tropical systems may result in inaccurate estimations of N supply, utilization, and excretion, which will hamper the assessment of N use efficiency. An in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the adequacy of the chemical method (Sniffen et al., 1992; Kirchhof et al., 2010; Valdés et al., 2011) to predict rumen-undegraded crude protein (RUP) of tropical forages grasses and legumes (n = 23). The adequacy of the predictions was assessed by comparing them with RUP proportions measured in situ at rumen passage rates of 2, 5, and 8% per hour. Results showed that the RUP of tropical forages estimated with the in situ method can be predicted using the chemical method. However, regression equations developed for temperate forages were not adequate enough to predict RUP proportions of tropical forages consistently for all rumen passage rates. Instead, developed equations in the present thesis can be used to predict RUP proportion of tropical forages with a similar chemical composition than the reference forage sample set. A second in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the adequacy of the chemical (Sniffen et al., 1992; Zhao and Cao, 2004) and in vitro methods (Steingaß et al., 2001) to predict post-ruminal crude protein (PRCP) supply of tropical forages (n = 23). The adequacy of the PRCP supply with the chemical and in vitro methods were tested against PRCP supply estimated from in situ measurements at rumen passage rates of 2, 5, and 8% per hour and digested organic matter. Results showed that the in vitro method can be used as an alternative method to estimate PRCP supply in tropical forages at moderate to fast rumen passage rate but not at slow rumen passage rate. Available regression equations developed for temperate forages were not adequate enough to predict the PRCP supply of tropical forages from concentrations of chemical crude protein fractions. Instead, developed equations in the present thesis can be used to estimate PRCP supply of tropical forages with a similar chemical composition than the reference forage sample set. A third study was conducted to assess the adequacy of modeling tools to predict N excretion of cattle in tropical husbandry systems. These models, namely model A (based on AFRC, 1993), model G (based on GfE, 2001), and model I (INRA, 2019), were selected to predict fecal N (FN), urine N (UN), and total N (TN) excretion as well as FN fractions of dairy cows, heifers, and steers kept under typical tropical husbandry conditions. The adequacy of the model predictions was assessed against reference values of UN (total collection and creatinine method) and FN excretion (total collection, internal and external markers) (n = 392 observations). Adjustments were made to the models with the greatest potential to predict N excretion. The adjustments were focused on the input variables driving the variability in N excretion predictions, identified through a sensitivity analysis. None of the tested models predicts adequately the excretion of UN, FN, and of different FN fractions of individual cattle kept under tropical conditions. Instead, model I in the present thesis, adjusted for increased efficiency of rumen microbial crude protein synthesis and reduced intercept of FN prediction, can be used to estimate FN and TN excretion of individual cattle kept under tropical conditions. The findings from the present thesis partially support our hypothesis. The adjustment of laboratory methodologies, such as the chemical method used to estimate the protein value of temperate forages, to tropical forages, results in more adequate estimates of the proportion of RUP and PRCP supply of tropical forages. Model I is, therefore, able to predict the N excretion of cattle more adequately in tropical husbandry systems, because it is sensitive to differences in the RUP proportion and PRCP supply. In addition to increasing the adequacy of these input variables, adjustments made to the microbial protein synthesis and intercept of the FN excretion of model I results in a more adequate prediction of N excretion by cattle in tropical husbandry systems. However, not all adjustments to laboratory methodologies and modeling tools from temperate systems yielded adequate predictions. Specifically, challenges remained in predicting RUP proportion and PRCP supply for tropical forage legume with slow rumen passage rates, as well as urinary N excretion in cattle with low N intakes. Consequently, further research is required to identify the factors contributing to their poor adequacy.Das übergeordnete Ziel der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit bestand daher darin, die Genauigkeit und Präzision der vorhandenen Labormethoden und Modellierungsinstrumente für die Vorhersage der Stickstoff (N)-Zufuhr und -ausscheidung von Rindern in tropischen Haltungssystemen zu bewerten. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die Anwendung von Labormethoden und Modellierungsinstrumenten aus gemäßigten Breiten ohne deren Validierung und Anpassung an tropische Systeme zu ungenauen Schätzungen der N-Zufuhr, -verwendung und -ausscheidung führen kann, was die Bewertung der N-Verwertungseffizienz erschwert. In einer In-vitro-Studie wurde die Eignung der chemischen Methode (Sniffen et al., 1992; Kirchhof et al., 2010; Valdés et al., 2011) zur Vorhersage des im Pansen nicht abbaubaren Rohproteins (RUP) tropischer Futtermittel untersucht (n = 23). Die Genauigkeit und Präzision der Vorhersagen wurde anhand der in situ gemessenen RUP-Anteile bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der mit der In-situ-Methode geschätzte RUP-Anteil tropischer Futtermittel mit der chemischen Methode vorhergesagt werden kann. Die für gemäßigten Futtermittel entwickelten Regressionsgleichungen reichten jedoch nicht aus, um die RUP-Anteile tropischer Futtermittel für alle Pansenpassageraten (Kp) korrekt vorherzusagen. Stattdessen können die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Gleichungen zur Schätzung des RUP-Anteils tropischer Futtermittel verwendet werden, die eine ähnliche chemische Zusammensetzung aufweisen wie die Referenz-Futtermittelproben. Eine zweite In-vitro-Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Eignung der chemischen Analysemethode (Sniffen et al., 1992; Zhao and Cao, 2004) und der In-vitro-Methode (Steingaß et al., 2001) zur Vorhersage des postruminalen Rohproteinanteils (PRCP) von tropischen Futtermitteln zu bewerten (n = 23). Die Genauigkeit und Präzision der Vorhersagen wurden anhand der in situ gemessenen RUP-Anteile und der Konzentration an verdauter organischer Substanz bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die In-vitro-Methode zur Schätzung der PRCP-Versorgung in tropischen Futtermitteln bei mäßiger bis schneller Kp, nicht aber bei langsamer Kp, verwendet werden kann. Verfügbare Regressionsgleichungen, entwickelt für Futtermittel aus gemäßigten Zonen, waren nicht ausreichend, um die PRCP-Versorgung tropischer Futtermittel vorherzusagen. Stattdessen können die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Gleichungen zur Schätzung des PRCP-Angebots tropischer Futtermittel verwendet werden, die eine ähnliche chemische Zusammensetzung aufweisen wie die Referenz-Futtermittelproben. Eine dritte Studie durchgeführt, um die Eignung von Modellierungsinstrumenten zur Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung von Milchkühen, Färsen und Ochsen unter typischen tropischen Haltungsbedingungen zu bewerten. Diese Modelle, nämlich Modell A (AFRC, 1993), Modell G (GfE, 2001) und Modell I (INRA, 2019), wurden ausgewählt, um die Ausscheidung von N im Kot (KN), im Urin (UN) und Gesamt-N (GN) sowie die KN-Fraktionen vorherzusagen (n = 392). An den Modellen mit dem größten Potenzial zur Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung wurden Anpassungen vorgenommen. Die Anpassungen konzentrierten sich auf die Inputvariablen, die die größten Abweichungen bei der Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung verursachten. Um diese Inputvariablen zu identifizieren, wurde eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt. Keines der getesteten Modelle liefert adäquate Vorhersagen für die Ausscheidung von UN, KN und KN-Fraktionen. Stattdessen kann das Modell I zur Schätzung der KN- und GN-Ausscheidung bei Rindern in tropischer Haltung verwendet werden, nach Anpassungen an die mikrobielle Rohproteinsynthese im Pansen und den KN-Vorhersage-Intercept. Die Ergebnisse aus der vorliegenden Dissertation unterstützen unsere Hypothese teilweise. Die Anpassung von Labormethoden an tropische Futtermittel, wie z. B. der chemischen Methode zur Schätzung des Proteinwertes von Futtermitteln aus gemäßigten Zonen, führt zu genaueren und präziseren Schätzungen des Anteils der RUP- und PRCP-Versorgung mit tropischen Futtermitteln. Das Modell I ist daher in der Lage, die N-Ausscheidung von Rindern in tropischen Haltungssystemen besser vorherzusagen, da es auf Unterschiede im RUP-Anteil und PRCP-Angebot reagiert. Zusätzlich zur Erhöhung die Genauigkeit und Präzision dieser Inputvariablen führen die Anpassungen der mikrobiellen Proteinsynthese und des Schnittpunkts der KN-Ausscheidung des Modells I zu einer angemesseneren Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung von Rindern in tropischen Haltungssystemen. Jedoch führten nicht alle Anpassungen der Labormethoden und Modellierungswerkzeuge zu angemessenen Vorhersagen. Herausforderungen bleiben bestehen, insbesondere bei der präzisen Vorhersage des Anteils an RUP und PRCP für tropisches Leguminosen mit langsamer Kp, sowie bei der Harnstickstoffausscheidung bei Rindern mit geringer Stickstoffaufnahme. Daher ist weitere Forschung erforderlich, um die Faktoren zu identifizieren, die zu einer fehlerhaften Vorhersage beitragen
Financial regulation : 2012 Q1
Artículo de revist
Financial regulation : 2007 Q4
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Parenting the Self: Welfare, Family, and Subjectivity in Nineteenth-Century France.
This thesis studies the rise of the modern self in France from the aftermath of the French Revolution until the eve of the First Wold War. Building on the work of Michel Foucault, the modern individual is understood as the result of collective practices and beliefs that change across time and space, as well as being inseparable from the problem of governing and shaping the conduct of oneself and others. The focus is placed on how the experience of being a nineteenth-century self was structured, by considering, on the one hand, the explicit discourses and logics that naturalized specific forms of selfhood and made it possible to identify oneself and others as modern subjects and, on the other, the rise of techniques and technologies aimed at producing and reproducing this modern self. These included practices of the self such as moral analysis or self-mastery strategies, as well as the mechanisms for instilling selfhood in others, such as education or domesticity. In particular this thesis considers the mutually-supportive role of the nuclear family at the micro level and social assistance programmes at the macro level. The home and charity office participated in a new form of governing and understanding of authority called guardianship or tutelle. This was a conceptually non-coercive way of moulding those not yet able to govern themselves and others in accordance with freedom, but whose effects extended far beyond the pauper or child. Through mobilizing, sensationalist and threatening images of non-normative subjectivity and family breakdown, social reformers and administrators generated a troubling narrative of both lack and ideal against which poor and rich alike could contrast, measure, and correct the normativity of their own habits and domestic arrangements. This thesis therefore contributes to our understanding of how the modern individual was produced and reproduced as the normative subject of modern collectives
Financial regulation : 2008 Q1
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Financial regulation : 2013 Q4
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