130 research outputs found

    Técnica alternativa viable en el desarrollo de la actividad piscícola mediante la optimización de los recursos y bienes, sin deterioro de los recursos naturales en el municipio de Cocorná

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    Recaudar y analizar toda la información pertinente y necesaria para tener un punto de partida real que permita realizar un posterior estudio de factibilidad, y finalmente lograr un mayor desarrollo de la actividad piscícola, mediante la optimización de los bienes, sin deterioro de los recursos naturales en el municipio de Cocorná.Teniendo en cuenta que los piscicultores del municipio de Cocorná llevan realizando el cultivo de peces desde hace varios años, el presente proyecto plantea el levantamiento de información con las principales características de las técnicas empleadas hasta el momento, con la intención de determinar la efectividad de dichas acciones y su relación con la productividad del sector. Por tanto se realizó un estudio exploratorio, en un primer nivel del conocimiento, que permitirá familiarizarse con el fenómeno de la piscicultura en el municipio de estudio Cocorná. Acerca del cual se extraerán los análisis y conclusiones que permitirán generar recomendaciones generales conlleven al mejoramiento de la producción

    Técnica alternativa viable en el desarrollo de la actividad piscícola mediante la optimización de los recursos y bienes, sin deterioro de los recursos naturales en el municipio de Cocorná

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    Recaudar y analizar toda la información pertinente y necesaria para tener un punto de partida real que permita realizar un posterior estudio de factibilidad, y finalmente lograr un mayor desarrollo de la actividad piscícola, mediante la optimización de los bienes, sin deterioro de los recursos naturales en el municipio de Cocorná.Teniendo en cuenta que los piscicultores del municipio de Cocorná llevan realizando el cultivo de peces desde hace varios años, el presente proyecto plantea el levantamiento de información con las principales características de las técnicas empleadas hasta el momento, con la intención de determinar la efectividad de dichas acciones y su relación con la productividad del sector. Por tanto se realizó un estudio exploratorio, en un primer nivel del conocimiento, que permitirá familiarizarse con el fenómeno de la piscicultura en el municipio de estudio Cocorná. Acerca del cual se extraerán los análisis y conclusiones que permitirán generar recomendaciones generales conlleven al mejoramiento de la producción

    La reparación administrativa de perjuicios en la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado en el derecho colombiano

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    Una propuesta de reparación administrativa de perjuicios en la responsabilidad del Estado en Colombia, que pretende evitar la congestión judicial imperante en el país en esa materia, especialmente. Así, en un escenario en el cual las víctimas acuden de manera directa al juez para que se declare su derecho a la reparación, se propone un procedimiento administrativo en el cual sea la administración pública quien resuelva y reconozca ese derecho, con el consecuente control judicial del acto que decida el asunto. En la primera parte se analiza la procedencia constitucional de este procedimiento, para luego analizar la necesidad de una ley que lo establezca y determine sus particularidades y finalmente las normas en las que debe fundamentarse la Administración para resolver esos casos. En la segunda parte, se exponen casos particulares de reparación administrativa, pese a que en Colombia se pretende darles otro nombre, para no admitir que es posible la reparación administrativa, entre los que se encuentran los daños a la propiedad y al medio ambiente causados por la fumigación con glifosato. Por último, se propone el procedimiento que debe debería realizar la Administración Pública, sus características y reglas.This thesis is a proposal for reparation of damages in the responsibility of the State in Colombia, which aims to avoid the prevailing judicial congestion in the country, especially in this matter. Thus, in the scenario in which the victims go directly to the judge to have their right to reparation declared, an administrative procedure is proposed in which it is the public administration that resolves and recognizes the reparation right, with the consequent judicial control of the act that decides this matter. In the first part of the text, the constitutional provenance of this procedure is analyzed, to then study the need for a law that establishes it and determines its particularities, and finally the rules on which the Public Administration must base itself to resolve those cases. In the second part, particular cases of administrative reparation are exposed, despite the fact that in Colombia they do not receive this recognition, so as not to admit that administrative reparation is possible. Among these are the damages to property and the environment caused by glyphosate fumigation. Finally, the third section describes and proposes the procedure that the Public Administration should carry out, its characteristics and rules.MaestríaMagíster en Derecho de Estado con Énfasis en Derecho Administrativ

    El daño y la liquidación de los perjuicios en la responsabilidad precontractual y contractual del Estado

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    In the course of the State’s precontractual and contractual activities a series of events can cause damage to individuals contracting or aspiring to pass a contract with the Administration. Since these damages must be repaired, the jurisprudence of the Colombian State Council has developed a series of criteria for available remedies to proceed. This paper studies the role of the Colombian administrative judge in the definition of these criteria by approaching the most common damages and remedies in both precontractual and contractual stages.En el mundo de la actividad precontractual y contractual del Estado se pueden presentar una serie de eventos generadores de daños a los particulares que pretenden celebrar o celebran contratos con la Administración. Estos daños deben ser reparados, razón por la cual la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado, jugando un papel estelar en la evolución de esta disciplina, ha desarrollado una serie de criterios para definir qué, cómo y cuánto se repara; papel que se busca estudiar en este escrito abordando los grandes daños que se presentan o que hasta el momento se han identificado por parte de la jurisprudencia

    Characterization of motivation and type of physical-sport practice in adults through COMPASS profiles

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    Physical Activity and Sport Practice (PASP) have grown in popularity in last years given its positive effects at physiological, social, cognitive and emotional level. Several researches have studied the main motivations involved in PASP using the Self-Determination Theory, highlighting the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. This descriptive and cross sectional study aims to establish the main motivations involved in physical activity and to identify its association with the sport profiles proposed by COMPASS project (2000). The research was conducted with a sample of 1002 adults (a 53% is female and a 47% is male) from Sevilla ( = 45.35 years old; SD = 17.96), using the C-PAFYD questionnaire with a reliability of α = .84. The results show that profile 1 (competitive and intensive) comprises intrinsic and extrinsic motivations such as hedonism, desire of competition and to achieve a sport career, while profile 2 is oriented towards least self-determined motivations as health improving. In addition, these participants do physical activity alone or with co-workers. The profiles 3 and 4 (regular and non-organized physical activity) are related to motivations of social and ludic type. In fact, this sport practice is mainly done with friends and peers in public places. Finally, profiles 5 and 6, which are associated with an irregular and occasional PASP, manifested extrinsic motivations such as disease preventio

    Relationship between Academic Stress, Physical Activity and Diet in University Students of Education

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    (1) Background: Several research works have shown the relationship between physical activity (PA), adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and health. Nevertheless, there are few studies that demonstrate the relationship of these habits with academic performance, and specifically with academic stress. (2) Methods: This descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional study aims to analyse the associations between these variables in a sample composed of 515 university students, using as main instruments the KIDMED, PAQ-A and the Scale of Academic Stress. (3) Results: The university students analysed showed higher levels of academic stress for women, and especially in the academic obligations and communication of own ideas. In addition, it was shown that those university students that had a body mass index (BMI) associated with being overweight or under-weight were the respondents with higher levels of stress. Finally, the students with a low adherence to MD had higher scores for stress associated with the communication of their own ideas, while PA was not related to academic stress. When sex and BMI variables were controlled in the regression model, no associations were obtained between stress and diet quality. (4) Conclusions: This study shows interesting implications in the treatment of academic stress. Although stress was not associated with diet and physical activity, it was linked to a worse state of health associated with states of being overweight, being of special interest the treatment of stress in women

    Tutorial Action and Emotional Development of Students as Elements of Improved Development and Preventing Problems Related with Coexistence and Social Aspects

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    Integral development of students is promoted through tutorial action. Tutorial action is understood as the personal development of students, their learning, and their capabilities for social and labour integration. A descriptive, nonexperimental and ex post facto design was used. The sample consisted of 569 primary school students. The importance of emotional education and student tutoring was highlighted by the results produced. A relationship was established between working on emotions and emotional regulation, cognitive re-evaluation, and capacity to respond in an emotionally appropriate way when faced with different situations.Unidad de Calidad, Innovacion Docente y Prospectiva, Universidad de Granada 19-2

    Academic Self-Efficacy in Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: Structural Equation Modelling According to Schooling

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    (1) Background: New migratory flows taking place in Europe and the USA are categorised by a huge arrival of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM), requiring appropriate attention to schooling in order to guarantee their integration. In facing this situation, the various political and educational administrations of the European Union (EU) have promoted an action plan for schools. Despite this, it has been shown that schooling does not totally guarantee social integration, encouraging the development of a new social model to generate new ways of understanding the learning process. (2) Methods: The aim of the present study is to adapt and validate Bandura’s academic self-efficacy scale (2006) within a sample of UFM. This scale is composed of 18 items distributed according to three underlying constructs. (3) Results: The validation analysis consisted of an exploratory factorial analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation, followed by confirmatory factorial analysis using structural equations (root mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.052; normalised fit index (NFI) = 0.90; incremental fit index (IFI) = 0.91; confirmatory fit index (CFI) = 0.91). Reliability and internal consistency of the instrument was also tested with values being higher than 0.7 for all dimensions. (4) Conclusions: The final instrument was reduced to 12 items which were grouped into three dimensions (effort, self-confidence and understanding). Finally, the conducted multi-group analysis showed a stronger relationship between understanding, self-confidence and effort within UFM who had resided in Spain for a longer time. This could be linked to the more prolonged schooling process received.National research project: "Modelos de aprendizaje para la intervencion educativa con MENAS. Herramientas eficaces para la integracion escolar y social" [Learning models for educational intervention with MENAS. Effective tools for school and social integra EDU2017-88641-R"Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades. Gobierno de Espana" [Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Spanish Government]"Unidad de Excelencia de la Universidad de Granada (UGR): Desigualdad, Derechos Humanos y Sostenibilidad (DEHUSO)" [Unit of Excellence of the University of Granada (UGR): Inequality, Human Rights and Sustainability

    Promoting professionalism through preservice teachers’ collaboration

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    The professionalism of teachers through collaboration has become increasingly important in the last years. This paper describes the process of designing and validating a questionnaire for the analysis of future Primary and Pre-school teachers’ collaboration patterns. The psychometric properties of the scale were obtained from the analysis of the validity of content (expert judgement and pilot test to 293 students of Primary Education and Pre-school Education at a Spanish university and from construct (factor analysis) and reliability (Cronbach Alpha), obtaining appropiate results (KMO = 0.89; CFI = 0.91; GFI = 0.95; AGFI = 0.96; SMSR = 0.05). Four factors were identified in the questionnaire on collaboration and shared professional learning: Assertiveness and personal willingness to work together, Group Cohesion, Leadership Capacity and Group Awareness. The results obtained are consistent with empirical studies carried out on the teachers’ willingness towards collaboration, ongoing training and teacher professional development

    Caracterización Electromagnética de Medios Quirales

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    Experimental techniques for chiral media characterization at microwave frequencies are reviewed. Free-wave, waveguide and resonators techniques found in the current literature and the author’s own experience are discussed. Some free-wave results are presented. Finally, a critical discussion about each technique feasibility is presented.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció