844 research outputs found

    Locating the Self in Autobiographical Memories: A New Approach to Analysis

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    Systematic cross-cultural variation in autobiographical memory has been reported in numerous previous research. Variations have often been interpreted as mirroring differences in culturally diverging self-conceptions, implying that content characteristics of autobiographical memories can be used as indirect measures of self. However, a majority of these characteristics rest on the traditional independence vs. interdependence dimension, and might only be suitable for typically Western and Eastern populations. Other content characteristics could be more instrumental for “locating” the self in autobiographical memories, such as the incidence of actions, mental states and reflections. We therefore propose a new approach to content analysis of autobiographical memories. The approach is theoretically grounded in Kagitcibasi’s (2005) model of autonomy and relatedness and Bruner’s (1987) distinction between landscape of action and landscape of consciousness. Operationalizing these concepts and building on empirical work of Qi Wang (e.g. Wang, 2001), we present a four-step coding system for content analysis of autobiographical memories. In the first step, memories are divided into separate units of analysis. In the next three steps, these units are placed within a number of different categories, and that with regards to who the units’ subjects are, what these subjects are doing or experiencing, and whether they are thereby showing any signs of agency and/or relatedness. Ultimately, the proposed coding system aims to capture how the self is present, and presented, in autobiographical memory in a more nuanced way, compared with previous research. Hence, the system could be applicable for use in studies with a variety of culturally diverse populations

    Finite size fluctuations and stochastic resonance in globally coupled bistable systems

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    The dynamics of a system formed by a finite number NN of globally coupled bistable oscillators and driven by external forces is studied focusing on a global variable defined as the arithmetic mean of each oscillator variable. Several models based on truncation schemes of a hierarchy of stochastic equations for a set of fluctuating cumulant variables are presented. This hierarchy is derived using It\^o stochastic calculus, and the noise terms in it are treated using an asymptotic approximation valid for large NN. In addition, a simplified one-variable model based on an effective potential is also considered. These models are tested in the framework of the phenomenon of stochastic resonance. In turn, they are used to explain in simple terms the very large gains recently observed in these finite systems

    Stationarity, soft ergodicity, and entropy in relativistic systems

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    Recent molecular dynamics simulations show that a dilute relativistic gas equilibrates to a Juettner velocity distribution if ensemble velocities are measured simultaneously in the observer frame. The analysis of relativistic Brownian motion processes, on the other hand, implies that stationary one-particle distributions can differ depending on the underlying time-parameterizations. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate how this relativistic phenomenon can be understood within a deterministic model system. We show that, depending on the time-parameterization, one can distinguish different types of soft ergodicity on the level of the one-particle distributions. Our analysis further reveals a close connection between time parameters and entropy in special relativity. A combination of different time-parameterizations can potentially be useful in simulations that combine molecular dynamics algorithms with randomized particle creation, annihilation, or decay processes.Comment: 4 page

    Size-selective breaking of the core-shell structure of gallium nanoparticles

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    This Accepted Manuscript is available for reuse under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence after the 12 month embargo period provided that all the terms of the licence are adhered toCore-shell gallium nanoparticles (Ga NPs) have recently been proposed as an ultraviolet plasmonic material for different applications but only at room temperature. Here, the thermal stability as a function of the size of the NPs is reported over a wide range of temperatures. We analyze the chemical and structural properties of the oxide shell by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. We demonstrate the inverse dependence of the shell breaking temperature with the size of the NPs. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is used for tracking the rupture and its mechanism is systematically investigated by scanning electron microscopy, grazing incidence x-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence. Taking advantage of the thermal stability of the NPs, we perform complete oxidations that lead to homogenous gallium oxide NPs. Thus, this study set the physical limits of Ga NPs to last at high temperatures, and opens up the possibility to achieve totally oxidized NPs while keeping their sphericityThe research is supported by the MINECO (CTQ2014-53334-C2-2-R, CTQ2017-84309-C2-2-R, MAT2016-80394-R, MAT 2015-65274-R/FEDER and MAT2017-85089-C2-1-R) and Comunidad de Madrid (NANOAVANSENS ref. S2013/MIT-3029) projects. ARC acknowledges Ramón y Cajal program (under contract number RYC-2015-18047). FN acknowledges support from Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 641899 from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm

    A Jerte Valley Cherry-Based Product as a Supply of Tryptophan

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    L-Tryptophan (tryptophan) is an essential amino acid in humans. It has important roles as a precursor of different bioactive compounds. Based on previous studies in which tryptophan has been shown to be present in fresh cherries, the aim of the present work was to analyze the tryptophan content of a Jerte Valley cherry-based product. A previously optimized method of analysis of tryptophan was used, ie, high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC/FL). As expected, HPLC/FL technique permitted to detect and quantify the tryptophan content in a different matrix rather than fresh cherries. In fact, the Jerte Valley cherry-based product contained 69.54 ± 10.64 ppm of tryptophan, thereby showing that this product is a good source of tryptophan. In summary, it has been proven that the Jerte Valley cherry-based product is rich in tryptophan and may be indicated as a supply of this essential amino acid as well as having potential health benefits for conditions where tryptophan is necessary


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    The aim of this work is to start an introduction to software characteristics and applications in dietetics and nutrition in the Spanish language. There are very much nutrition programs and nutritional calculators in the web of uncertain application due either to its doubtful database or to their “non-existent” authors. That’s why the computer programs with the highest reliability besides an optimum quality-price ratio have been chosen. This software shows a very high trustworthiness and handling just because of its scientific-technical professionalism, and it can be used according to the case, from a personal use to a very specialized one, as in the case of researcher or health professional workers. Its characteristics, as well as its applications are described in a sufficiently concise way to start to study the use of these informatics tools.Con el siguiente trabajo se ha tratado de iniciar una introducción a las características y aplicaciones de software en dietética y nutrición en el idioma castellano. Existen en la webincontable número de programas en nutrición y calculadoras nutricionales de muy insegura aplicación debido a su dudosa base de datos o a su inexistencia de autores. Para ello se han seleccionado los programas informáticos que presentan la mayor fiabilidad así como una relación calidad-precio óptima. Debido a la profesionalidad científico-técnica muestran un manejo y una fiabilidad muy alta, pudiendo ser utilizados dependiendo del caso, desde un uso personal hasta un uso más especializado como es el del profesional investigador y/o sanitario. Sus características así como aplicaciones son descritas de forma suficiente y concisa para iniciarse en el manejo de dichas herramientas informáticas

    Incorporation of europium into gan nanowires by ion implantation

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    Rare earth (RE)-doped GaN nanowires (NWs), combining the well-defined and controllable optical emission lines of trivalent RE ions with the high crystalline quality, versatility, and small dimension of the NW host, are promising building blocks for future nanoscale devices in optoelectronics and quantum technologies. Europium doping of GaN NWs was performed by ion implantation, and structural and optical properties were assessed in comparison to thin film reference samples. Despite some surface degradation for high implantation fluences, the NW core remains of high crystalline quality with lower concentrations of extended defects than observed in ion-implanted thin films. Strain introduced by implantation defects is efficiently relaxed in NWs and the measured deformation stays much below that in thin films implanted in the same conditions. Optical activation is achieved for all samples after annealing, and while optical centers are similar in all samples, Eu^3+ emission from NW samples is shown to be less affected by residual implantation damage than for the case of thin films. The incorporation of Eu in GaN NWs was further investigated by nano-cathodoluminescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Maps of the Eu-emission intensity within a single NW agree well with the Eu-distribution predicted by Monte Carlo simulations, suggesting that no pronounced Eu-diffusion takes place. XAS shows that 70-80% of Eu is found in the 3+ charge state while 20-30% is 2+ attributed to residual implantation defects. A similar local environment was found for Eu in NWs and thin films: for low fluences, Eu is mainly incorporated on substitutional Ga-sites, while for high fluences XAS points at the formation of a local EuN-like next neighbor structure. The results reveal the high potential of ion implantation as a processing tool at the nanoscale

    Peer e-assessment and feedback for student self-regulation and strategic learning at university: Student perception

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    [EN] The implementation of successful assessment for learning practices requires a co-responsibility of students and teachers. Participative assessment practices and feedback are key elements in assessment for learning to enhance student’s self-regulation and strategic learning. More specifically, through peer-assessment students participate in a dialogic process where they assess their co-equals’ performances and tasks offering constructive feedback. In such cases, technologies can facilitate and enrich the whole process. This paper provides an insight of student perceptions about their participation in peer-assessment and peer-feedback practices using information and communication technologies (ICT). Nine lecturers from different studies and 195 students participated in the research. Data gathering was implemented with a questionnaire that questioned about the possibilities and difficulties of three main topics: peer-assessment and peer-feedback process, the assessment task and the use of technologies to support the process. Results show positive appraisal of students in all the categories. Participants seem to highlight that providing peer-assessment and feedback enhance their critical skills when assessing their own performance. Still, to improve the results there is a need to train students in assessment, communication and technologies. To conclude, some prospective research actions are drawn stressing the contributions to feedback that electronic and virtual resources can provide.[ES] En la evaluación para el aprendizaje la responsabilidad de la evaluación se comparte entre profesorado y alumnado. Mediante la participación del estudiante en los procesos evaluativos y la retroalimentación se pretende fomentar la autorregulación y el aprendizaje estratégico de los implicados. De forma concreta, a través de la evaluación entre iguales los estudiantes participan en un proceso dialógico donde evalúan el trabajo de sus compañeros y les ofrecen retroalimentación orientada a la mejora, siendo un facilitador del proceso la mediación tecnológica. Los beneficios de estas prácticas en la literatura son abundantes, sin embargo, se ha considerado importante indagar sobre qué piensan los propios estudiantes sobre su participación en la evaluación y retroalimentación electrónica entre iguales. De esta forma, se ha realizado una investigación que involucró a nueve docentes de distintas titulaciones y un total de 195 estudiantes universitarios. La recogida de información se realizó a través de un cuestionario que incluía preguntas sobre las posibilidades y dificultades de la evaluación y retroalimentación entre iguales, sobre la tarea diseñada y sobre el uso de herramientas tecnológicas. Los resultados revelan valoraciones positivas del alumnado en todas las dimensiones. Los participantes han destacado sobre todo que evaluar y retroalimentar a compañeros les ha permitido aumentar su capacidad crítica ante trabajos y ejecuciones propias. No obstante, para mejorar estos resultados se plantea la necesidad de mayor formación sobre evaluación, comunicación y tecnologías. Para finalizar se exponen futuras líneas de investigación destacando el papel predominante de los recursos virtuales en la aportación de retroalimentación.Gallego Noche, B.; Quesada Serra, V.; Gómez Ruiz, M.; Cubero Ibáñez, J. (2017). La evaluación y retroalimentación electrónica entre iguales para la autorregulación y el aprendizaje estratégico en la universidad: la percepción del alumnado. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 15(1):127-146. doi:10.4995/redu.2017.5991.SWORD12714615

    Microbial Community Characterizing Vermiculations from Karst Caves and Its Role in Their Formation

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    The microbiota associated with vermiculations from karst caves is largely unknown. Vermiculations are enigmatic deposits forming worm-like patterns on cave walls all over the world. They represent a precious focus for geomicrobiological studies aimed at exploring both the microbial life of these ecosystems and the vermiculation genesis. This study comprises the first approach on the microbial communities thriving in Pertosa-Auletta Cave (southern Italy) vermiculations by next-generation sequencing. The most abundant phylum in vermiculations was Proteobacteria, followed by Acidobacteria > Actinobacteria > Nitrospirae > Firmicutes > Planctomycetes > Chloroflexi > Gemmatimonadetes > Bacteroidetes > Latescibacteria. Numerous less-represented taxonomic groups (< 1%), as well as unclassified ones, were also detected. From an ecological point of view, all the groups co-participate in the biogeochemical cycles in these underground environments, mediating oxidation-reduction reactions, promoting host rock dissolution and secondary mineral precipitation, and enriching the matrix in organic matter. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy brought evidence of a strong interaction between the biotic community and the abiotic matrix, supporting the role of microbial communities in the formation process of vermiculations