174 research outputs found

    La experiencia educativa con menores infractores sancionados

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    Con la ponencia denominada: “La experiencia educativa con menores infractores sancionados”, Daniel Cuadra, coordinador del centro para la ejecución de la medida sancionadora de convivencia en grupo educativo de la Asociación Meridianos, ha analizado la labor de los grupos de convivencia en el sistema de reforma juvenil de la Junta de Andalucía. En particular, ha explicado las causas que llevan a los menores a la delincuencia y el tratamiento integral que reciben en los centros. De igual forma, ha reflexionado sobre la falta de prevención en el campo de la delincuencia juvenil y el tratamiento que los medios de comunicación efectúan de esta última, sobre todo, cuando se trata de casos graves. La ponencia ha concluido con un debate en torno a la eficacia de implementar políticas legislativas que no han sido previamente evaluadas y que abogan por ejercer un férreo control sobre los menores en detrimento de alternativas educativas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Quantum and classical spin network algorithms for qq-deformed Kogut-Susskind gauge theories

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    Treating the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of non-abelian gauge theories is an outstanding challenge for classical and quantum simulations. Here, we introduce qq-deformed Kogut-Susskind lattice gauge theories, obtained by deforming the defining symmetry algebra to a quantum group. In contrast to other formulations, our proposal simultaneously provides a controlled regularization of the infinite-dimensional local Hilbert space while preserving essential symmetry-related properties. This enables the development of both quantum as well as quantum-inspired classical Spin Network Algorithms for qq-deformed gauge theories (SNAQs). To be explicit, we focus on SU(2)k_k gauge theories, that are controlled by the deformation parameter kk and converge to the standard SU(2) Kogut-Susskind model as kk \rightarrow \infty. In particular, we demonstrate that this formulation is well suited for efficient tensor network representations by variational ground-state simulations in 2D, providing first evidence that the continuum limit can be reached with k=O(10)k = \mathcal{O}(10). Finally, we develop a scalable quantum algorithm for Trotterized real-time evolution by analytically diagonalizing the SU(2)k_k plaquette interactions. Our work gives a new perspective for the application of tensor network methods to high-energy physics and paves the way for quantum simulations of non-abelian gauge theories far from equilibrium where no other methods are currently available.Comment: 5+4 pages, 4+1 figure

    Tiempo y anacronía en vineland,de thomas pynchon:un análisis genetteano

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    The aim of this research is to analyze, from a Genettean perspective of temporal order, the influence that numerous anachronies present in the discourse of Vineland ( by Thomas Pynchon, may have in the novel as a whole, either by means of analeptic al and proleptical movements, or through immersions into hypodiegetic levels. In order to do so, the most widely used theoretical framework, provided by Gérard Genette, will be observed. Besides, this research attempts to evince its weaknesses when applied to postmodernist literature, assisted, moreover, by Brian McHale’s approximations, so that an alternative model of analysis for non sequential discourse will be suggested.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde una perspectiva genetteana del orden temporal, la incidencia que las numerosas anacron ías presentes en el discurso de Vineland ( de Thomas Pynchon, tienen en el conjunto de la obra, bien a través de movimientos analépticos y prolepticos, bien mediante inmersiones en niveles hipodiegéticos. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo se presentará el marco teórico más utilizado en narratología, el propuesto por Gérard Genette. Asimismo, se observarán tanto las debilidades de esta propuesta en su aplicación sobre literatura postmodernista como la perspectiva más reciente de Brian McHale, a fin de establecer un modelo de análisis alternativo en aquellos discursos no secuenciales

    Robust Topological Order in Fermionic Z(2) Gauge Theories: From Aharonov-Bohm Instability to Soliton-Induced Deconfinement

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    Topologically ordered phases of matter, although stable against local perturbations, are usually restricted to relatively small regions in phase diagrams. Thus, their preparation requires a precise fine-tunning of the system's parameters, a very challenging task in most experimental setups. In this work, we investigate a model of spinless fermions interacting with dynamical Z2 gauge fields on a cross-linked ladder and show evidence of topological order throughout the full parameter space. In particular, we show how a magnetic flux is spontaneously generated through the ladder due to an Aharonov-Bohm instability, giving rise to topological order even in the absence of a plaquette term. Moreover, the latter coexists here with a symmetry-protected topological phase in the matter sector, which displays fractionalized gauge-matter edge states and intertwines with it by a flux-threading phenomenon. Finally, we unveil the robustness of these features through a gauge frustration mechanism, akin to geometric frustration in spin liquids, allowing topological order to survive to arbitrarily large quantum fluctuations. In particular, we show how, at finite chemical potential, topological solitons are created in the gauge field configuration, which bound to fermions and form Z2 deconfined quasiparticles. The simplicity of the model makes it an ideal candidate for 2D gauge theory phenomena, as well as exotic topological effects, to be investigated using cold-atom quantum simulators

    Advanced nanocellular foams: Perspectives on the current knowledge and challenges

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    Producción CientíficaNanocellular polymers (i.e., cellular polymers with cells and walls in the nanometric range) were first produced in the early 2000s, with the works of Yokoyama et al. being the main precedents in this field, producing nanocellular structures by using supercritical carbon dioxide. However, it was not until a decade later that this research field started to grow significantly, attracting several international research groups in the quest to obtain cellular polymers with cells in the nanocellular range. From 2010 to 2014, the basis of bulk nanocellular foam production was established, and the CO2 gas dissolution foaming technique rapidly proved to be the most suitable production route for such materials (details and theoretical basis of this technique can be found elsewhere). Continuous technical advances (e.g., higher saturation pressures, lower saturation temperatures, faster pressure drop rates) and diverse nucleating agents, from inorganic nanoparticles to block copolymers, provided a broad collection of cellular polymers with submicrometric and nanometric cells. Although quite diverse polymers allowed the achievement of submicrometric cells, amorphous polymers such as polyetherimide (PEI), polystyrene (PS), and, notably, poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) provided the best nanocellular structures, with cell sizes even below 100 nm and significant density reductions.Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital y FEDER (grants RTI2018-098749-BI00, RTI2018-097367-A-I00, and PRE2019-088820)Junta de Castilla y León (grants VA275P18 and CLU-2019-04

    Marcadores patobiológicos y supervivencia en el cáncer colo-rectal. Estudio molecular y topográfico de la beta-catenina, p53 y proteínas reparadoras

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    El cáncer colo-rectal (CCR) no obedece a una única alteración génica, sino que coexisten varias de ellas en el mismo paciente y el pronóstico/evolución pueden variar dependiendo de las alteraciones detectadas. Existe un elevado número de alteraciones genéticas puntuales, muchas de las cuales se sitúan en la vía de Wnt y afectan a su principal efector: la ß-catenina. Estos tumores son heterogéneos, de tipo morfológico y de carácter biológico ( las variaciones cinéticas propias del componente superficial y zona profunda del tumor). Se ha evaluado el comportamiento biológico de la ß-catenina, y su interacción con p53 y las proteínas reparadoras de errores en la transcripción de ADN, desde un enfoque topográfico, correlacionándolo con otros datos histopatológicos y pronóstico/evolutivos.El CCR es un tumor heterogéneo, advirtiéndose grandes variaciones entre los compartimentos tumorales superficial y profundo.La inmunoexpresión de ß-catenina en el CCR es muy variable, pero, debido a su papel oncogénico y a su relación con otras vías moleculares, juega un papel importante en el pronóstico de los pacientes. Existe mayor relación con el resto de variables -histopatológicas e inmunohistoquímicas- en el compartimento tumoral profundo que en el superficial. La inmunoexpresión de ßcatenina nuclear en el compartimento profundo se ha asociado a peor pronóstico. Las neoplasias con doble negatividad para p53 y ß-catenina en el compartimento profundo son las de peor supervivencia . El mejor pronóstico lo presentan las neoplasias con positividad para p53 y ß-catenina negativa, que sugiere la existencia de un bucle regulador entre p53 y ß-catenina. Concluimos que el análisis combinado de ß-catenina y p53 podría tener importancia pronóstica, como marcadores predictores de la progresión de la enfermedad, e identificar pacientes con alto riesgo de mortalidad

    Terminal terrestre en la ciudad de Abancay

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    El terminal terrestre actual de la ciudad de Abancay ha sobrepasado su capacidad (Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2015, pág. 5). Este problema fundamental genera la aparición desordenada de agencias de transporte a extramuros del terminal. La distribución dispersa de las agencias de transporte en la ciudad perjudica su orden y adecuado uso. Para contrarrestar esto, las operaciones del transporte interprovincial de pasajeros deben concentrarse en un solo establecimiento, de la magnitud y características necesarias para satisfacer la demanda tanto a pasajeros como a transportistas

    Anclaje de las expectativas de inflación ante choques de oferta adversos

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    In order to create an environment of low and stable inflation in Mexico it has been necessary to generate a framework for the conduction of monetary policy focused on price stability along with fiscal discipline. This paper describes some structural achievements to control inflation that have been attained in Mexico. In addition, it shows empirical evidence in favor of the anchoring of inflation expectations, particularly those for the medium and long term, being recently strengthened. Considering three episodes, within the period 2004-2012, in which inflation was subject to different supply shocks, it finds that during the episode in 2012 inflation expectations showed greater stability. Results show that the response from inflation expectations to supply shocks has diminished over time, up to values that are not significantly different from zero. This suggests a strengthening of the credibility of the Bank of Mexico's commitment to price stability