53 research outputs found

    Az uborka (Cucumis sativus) érése során bekövetkező beltartalmi értékváltozások = Changes in nutritional values during the ripening of cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

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    Az uborka (Cucumis sativus) a magyar lakosság által egyik legnagyobb mennyiségben fogyasztott zöldségféle. A nemzetközi irodalomban számtalan olyan cikk lelhető fel, amelyek más élelmiszerekkel összehasonlítva vizsgálják a vitaminokat, az öszszes polifenoltartalom, valamint az antioxidáns-aktivitás értékeit, ugyanakkor a termés érettségének függvényében nem történtek vizsgálatok. Célunk volt, hogy az érés egyes stádiumban meghatározzuk a peroxidáz (POX)-, glutathion-S-transzferáz enzim (GST) aktivitásának változásait, valamint az összes klorofilltartalom és antioxidáns-aktivitás alakulását. Eredményeink alapján az érés előrehaladtával a peroxidáz-aktivitás csökken, míg a GST-aktivitás nő. A klorofilltartalom folyamatosan csökken, míg az antioxidáns-kapacitás lényegében nem változik. Mindezek alapján elmondható, hogy bár az uborkában igen jelentős növényélettani változások zajlanak, a táplálkozástudományi paraméterek változásai nem követik egyöntetűen az enzimek aktivitásváltozásait. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is one of the most preferred vegetable among the Hungarian population. Altought many article can be found about the vitamin, polyphenol content and antioxidant-activity comparison of cucumber with other vegetables, there are only limited available information about the physiological and nutritional changes of cucumber during the ripening processes of the fruit. One of our aim was to study the peroxidase (POX)-, glutathione-S-transferase - enzyme (GST) activity changes, which indicate the physiological status of the plant tissues. Chlorophyll content and antioxidant-activity alteration via the ripening processes were also assessed. Our results indicate that POX-activity decreases dramatically, while the GST-activity continously increases as the fruit growing. Chlorophyll content decrease, while the antioxidant-activity doesn’t change significantly. From our result we can make the conclusion that although the physiological status of the cucumber fruit change by the ongoing ripening processes; it doesn’t come along with the change of the nutritional value alteration

    Citizen-led emissions reduction: Enhancing enjoyment and understanding for diverse citizen engagement with air pollution and climate change decision making

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    Diverse citizens need to be involved in net zero transitions to ensure policy interventions do not entrench inequalities for people from minoritised or disenfranchised groups and ensure public engagement with rapid social changes. This paper illustrates the importance of designing enjoyable engagement activities aimed at segmented citizen and community groups, to ensure a broad cross-section of society can participate in environmental debate and policymaking. We analysed an evaluation sample of 857 people, representing 10.3% of the 8,302 people directly engaged with the ClairCity project from six European countries. Women were under-represented in our activities, and younger participants preferred non-traditional forms of engagement like online games. Across all activities, multiple regression analyses found statistically significant relationships between younger age groups and enjoyment, and a positive correlation between enjoyment and understanding of air quality. Behaviour change intention was also significantly positively correlated to understanding, with 74% of participants indicating they would make a behaviour change to improve air quality. While climate change and air pollution are serious issues, public engagement to raise awareness and improve participation in policymaking does not have to be. To fully realise citizen-led emissions reduction, policymakers need to co-create engagement activities which are enjoyable, inclusive, and attractive to diverse citizens representing regional demographics. Ultimately, the more enjoyable and relevant the engagement activities, the more understanding people gain about the issues, and are therefore more likely to make a change to individual or community behaviours to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions and improve public and environmental health

    Claircity project: Citizen-led scenarios to improve air quality in European cities

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    © 2018 WIT Press. Air pollution has as significant impact on the health of European citizens, particularly in urban areas, and was responsible for more than 400,000 premature deaths in Europe in 2014. It is within our cities where this public health impact is most acute as high population densities and high ambient concentrations result in an increased risk of exposure. This health impact is further exacerbated as air pollution interacts with other social determinants of health creating a disproportionate risk and burden. Traditional top-down government policy development and consultation, married with a very techno-centric view of air pollution sources and solutions, has resulted in a general apathy among citizens towards the problem of air pollution and subsequently a lack of ownership of the solutions. The ClairCity Project aims to create a major shift in public understanding towards the causes of poor air quality, inviting citizens to give their opinions on air pollution and carbon reduction policies to shape the cities of the future. By putting citizens' behaviour and activities at the heart of policy making for air quality and carbon management, ClairCity has utilised a suite of innovative toolkits for enhanced quantification and citizen engagement (such as surveys, workshops, online games and apps) to assess the public acceptability of specific policies and also to enable a bottom-up, citizen-led scenario creation process whereby citizens are empowered to visualise clean, low carbon, healthy futures for their city

    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Flour Varieties as Promising New Ingredients for Gluten-Free Cookies

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    Monotony in a gluten-free (GF) diet can be a challenge because of a limited choice of acceptable cereal sources. This study investigates the potential of five types of differently coloured lentils in the development of GF cookies using rice flour as a reference. Raw materials (lentil flours) and cookies were characterised in terms of physicochemical parameters (e.g., crude protein content, total phenolics and flavonoids, antioxidant properties, colour, pH); additionally, geometry, baking loss and texture profile were determined for the cookies. A sensory acceptance test was also conducted to find out consumer preferences regarding rice versus different lentil cookies. Results showed that lentil cookies were superior to rice control in terms of higher crude protein (12.1–14.8 vs. 3.8 g/100 g), phenolic (136.5–342.3 vs. 61.5 mg gallic acid equivalents/100 g) and flavonoid (23.8–75.9 vs. 13.1 mg catechin equivalents/100 g) content and antioxidant capacity (0.60–1.81 vs. 0.35 mmol trolox equivalents/100 g), as well as lower hydroxymethyl-furfural content (<1 vs. 26.2 mg/kg). Consumers preferred lentil cookies to rice ones (overall liking: 6.1–7.0 vs. 5.6, significant differences for red and brown lentils), liking especially their taste (6.3–7.0 vs. 5.5). Depending on the target parameter, whether physicochemical or sensory, these lentil flours can be promising raw materials for GF bakery products

    A study of noise disturbance : Project E05 Korsvägen

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    Rapporten berör projekt E05 Korsvägen där beställaren är Trafikverket och entreprenören är West Link Contractors, WLC. Korsvägen är en deletapp av Västlänken som byggs i centrala Göteborg. Att bygga ett anläggningsprojekt i stadsmiljö har många utmaningar gällande omgivningspåverkan, där buller är en av faktorerna som påverkar mest. Då det idag byggs mer i redan tätbebyggda områden, är ämnet intressant att undersöka för såväl befintliga som framtida projekt. Studien behandlar projektets utmaningar av ställda bullerkrav, samt hur buller påverkar yrkesarbetare och kringliggande verksamheter. Rapporten är en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metodik. Den kvantitativa delen utgjordes av två enkätundersökningar. Den ena enkäten behandlade närliggande verksamheters upplevelse av bullerstörningar från projektet. Den andra enkäten undersökte hur yrkesarbetare i projektet påverkas av buller i deras dagliga arbete. För en fördjupning i hur bullerfrågor hanteras inom WLC, gjordes kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med utvalda personer i projektet. I resultatet konstaterades att yrkesarbetare inom projektet inte är tillräckligt medvetna om konsekvenser och hälsoeffekter som orsakas av buller. Idag är det inte ett krav att använda hörselskydd inom byggarbetsplatsområdet, dock bör hörselskydd användas vid behov när bullrande arbeten utförs. Många yrkesarbetare anser att användning av hörselskydd borde vara ett krav. Enkätundersökningen visar att buller från projektet påverkar kringliggande verksamheter och att informationsspridning om bullerstörningar är viktigt. Bullerkraven som ställs mot WLC har orsakat att dispens måste sökas till vissa bullerkritiska arbetsmoment. Det visar sig även vara en utmaning att arbeta med dessa krav för ett sådant stort projekt med många aktörer inblandade. Yrkesarbetarnas medvetenhet om hur buller påverkar hälsan kan ifrågasättas. Även om deras dagliga arbete upplevs som bullrig, verkar de omedvetna om hur buller kan påverka deras framtida hälsa. Detta är en arbetsmiljöfråga som bör uppmärksammas. Förbättringsområden inom bullerfrågor är bättre kommunikation mellan inblandade parter samt att säkerställa att information om bullerstörningar når ut till alla berörda.This report covers projects E05 Korsvägen where the client is Trafikverket and the contractor West Link Contractors, WLC. We have chosen to examine a subject for the project and chose to immerse ourselves in noise issues. Korsvägen is a substage of the West Link built in central Gothenburg. The project will affect the environment with noise from the construction site. It is therefore interesting to investigate how the environment is affected and how workers and entrepreneurs within the project experience a noisy work environment. Furthermore, as there are increasingly large complex infrastructure projects, it is interesting to shed light on how WLC is working to achieve the requirements regarding noise. The report is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative part consisted of two surveys. One survey examined the experience of nearby companies regarding noise disturbances from the project. The second survey examined how workers in the project are affected by noise in their daily work. For a deepening of how noise issues are handled within WLC, qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with selected people from the project. The results found that workers in the project are not sufficiently aware of the consequences and health effects caused by noise. Today there is no requirement to use hearing protection in the construction area, however, hearing protection should be used as needed when noisy work is carried out. Many workers believe that the use of hearing protection should be a requirement. The survey shows that noise from the project affects the surrounding activities and that the dissemination of information on noise disturbances is important. The noise requirements imposed against WLC have caused exemptions to be sought for certain noise-critical work operations. It also proved to be a challenge to work on these requirements for such a large project with many actors involved. Workers ' awareness of how noise affects health can be questioned. Although their daily work is perceived as noisy, they seem unaware of how noise can affect their future health. This is a health and safety issue that should be addressed. Improvement areas concerning noise issues are better communication between the parties involved and ensuring that information on noise disturbance reaches all concerned

    Térhálós poliuretánok előállítása és vizsgálata

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    A környezetvédelem érdekében a cél olyan műanyagok előállítása, melyek „zöldebbek” az elődeiknél, könnyebben átalakíthatóak és lebonthatóak. Az egyik ilyen új anyagtípus a vitrimerek. A szakdolgozatom célja különböző összetételű vitrimer típusú térhálós polimerek előállítása poli(ε-kaprolaktondiol) kiindulásával, majd előállítás után a megfelelő mechanikai vizsgálatok elvégzése és az így kapott adatok kiértékelése.BSc/BAVegyészmérnök BS