154 research outputs found

    Antimonene-modified screen-printed carbon nanofibers electrode for enhanced electroanalytical response of metal ions.

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    A two-dimensional (2D) Sb-modified screen-printed carbon nanofibers electrode (2D Sbexf-SPCNFE) was developed to improve the stripping voltammetric determination of Cd(II) and Pb(II), taking advantage of the synergistic effect between the two nanomaterials. The surface morphology of the 2D Sbexf-SPCNFE was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The analytical performance of 2D Sbexf-SPCNFE was compared to those presented by screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with 2D Sbexf (2D Sbexf-SPCE) and the corresponding bare electrodes: screen-printed carbon nanofibers electrode (SPCNFEbare) and screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCEbare). After optimizing the experimental conditions, the 2D Sbexf-SPCNFE exhibited much better analytical parameters compared to the other assessed sensors. Analysis in 0.01 mol L−1 HCl (pH = 2) using 2D Sbexf-SPCNFE showed excellent linear behavior in the concentration range of 2.9 to 85.0 µg L−1 and 0.3 to 82.0 µg L−1 for Cd(II) and Pb(II), respectively. The limits of detection after 240 s deposition time for Cd(II) and Pb(II) were 0.9 and 0.1 µg L−1, and sensitivities between 1.5 and 3 times higher than those displayed by SPCEbare, SPCNFEbare, and 2D Sbexf-SPCE were obtained. Finally, the 2D Sbexf-SPCNFE was successfully applied to the determination of Cd(II) and Pb(II) traces in a certified estuarine water sample

    Antimony nanomaterials modified screen-printed electrodes for the voltammetric determination of metal ions

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    Exfoliated β-Sb or two dimensional (2D) antimonene-based modified screen-printed electrode (2D Sb-SPCE), prepared by drop-casting of an exfoliated layered β-antimony (2D Sb) suspension, was used for the simultaneous determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV). 2D Sb-SPCE was characterized by microscopic and analytical techniques, and compared not only to bare SPCE but also to layered antimony chalcogenides based-sensors. Both Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 have an isomorphous tubular one-dimensional (1D) crystal structure, whereas Sb2Te3 and monoelement β-Sb have a 2D layered structure. Under optimized conditions, 2D Sb-SPCE displays an excellent analytical performance with detection limits of 0.3 and 2.7 μg L−1 for Pb(II) and Cd(II), respectively, and a linear response from 1.1 to 128.3 µg L−1 for Pb(II) and from 9.1 to 132.7 µg L−1 for Cd(II). Moreover, 2D Sb-SPCE was successfully applied for the DPASV determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in tap water, achieving statistically comparable results to those provided by ICP-MS measurements

    Enhanced voltammetric performance of sensors based on oxidized 2D layered black phosphorus

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    The exceptional properties of 2D layered black phosphorus (BP) make it a promising candidate for electrochemical sensing applications and, even though BP is considered unstable and tends to degrade by the presence of oxygen and moisture, its oxidation can be beneficial in some situations. In this work, we present an unequivocal demonstration that the exposition of BP-based working electrodes to normal ambient conditions can indeed be advantageous, leading to an enhancement of voltammetric sensing applications. This point was proved using a BP modified screen-printed carbon electrode (BP-SPCE) for the voltammetric determination of dopamine (DA) as a model target analyte. Oxidized BP-SPCE (up to 35% of PxOy at the surface) presented an enhanced analytical performance with a 5-fold and 2-fold increase in sensitivity, as compared to bare-SPCE and non-oxidized BP-SPCE stored in anhydrous atmosphere, respectively. Good detection limit, repeatability, reproducibility, stability, selectivity, and accuracy were also achieved. Overall, the results presented herein display the prominent possibilities of preparing and working with BP based-sensors in normal ambient settings and showcase their implementation under physiological conditions

    La Experimentación en la docencia de Ingeniería del Software

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    Los estudios empíricos en Ingeniería del Software son fundamentales para la validación de diversos métodos, técnicas, herramientas, etc., y los alumnos juegan un papel fundamental a la hora de llevarlos a cabo. Estos estudios no permiten obtener beneficios centrados exclusivamente en los aspectos de investigación, sino que es muy importante considerar también sus beneficios en la docencia. En este artículo se estudia la aplicación de experimentos controlados en cursos de Ingeniería de Software, destacando los beneficios que estos estudios aportan a los alumnos y a los docentes e investigadores que los llevan a cabo. Además, se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la realización de tres experimentos en cursos de ingeniería del software. Como consecuencia de llevar a cabo estos experimentos se han obtenido importantes beneficios pedagógicos

    Enseñando a los estudiantes cómo mejorar su atención y gestión del tiempo

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    En este artículo se describe un estudio empírico realizado para cuantificar las interrupciones a las que se ven sometidos los estudiantes a través de las aplicaciones de sus portátiles y teléfonos móviles, normalmente redes sociales, que tantas veces utilizan en el aula. En base a los resultados obtenidos en el mismo, los estudiantes realizaron un taller de gestión del tiempo, los pensamientos y la atención. Se evaluó la participación en este taller y los efectos que tuvo sobre sus participantes. Los resultados obtenidos, bastante optimistas, se describen en este trabajo para animar a otros centros universitarios a llevar a cabo iniciativas similares.This article describes an empirical study conducted to quantify the disruptions students are subjected to through the applications on their laptops and mobile phones, usually social networks, which they often use in the classroom. Based on the results obtained in this study, the students carried out a workshop on time, thought and attention management. Participation in this workshop and the effects it had on its participants were evaluated. The quite optimistic results obtained are described in this paper to encourage other university schools to perform similar initiatives

    ESI-Segmentation Fault: un videojuego serio para la integración de nuevos alumnos en un centro universitario

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    En la actualidad, la industria de desarrollo de videojuegos está en plena expansión, siendo el mercado del entretenimiento con mayor auge, superando en ingresos al cine y la música juntos. Además de su amplio uso, los géneros de los videojuegos también han ido cambiando a lo largo del tiempo. En este siglo se ha empezado a utilizar el término de juego serio. Se trata de retos cognitivos o físico basados en reglas (juegos) con un propósito distinto al de entretenimiento. El presente artículo presenta un videojuego serio con el objetivo de mejorar el proceso de integración de los nuevos estudiantes en un centro universitario, en este caso, la Escuela Superior de Informática de Ciudad Real, de la UCLM. El juego ofrece un entorno 3D, fiel a la realidad, de las instalaciones del centro, y sumerge al nuevo alumno, en una aventura conversacional dentro de una trama de investigación. El jugador interactuará con una serie de personajes que son modelos de personas reales y significativas en las primeras etapas de la vida universitaria, incluyendo el equipo directivo, profesores, personal y estudiantes de cursos superiores. La principal motivación para el desarrollo de este videojuego es que los nuevos estudiantes puedan conocer, de forma rápida y divertida, las instalaciones de su nuevo centro universitario, las personas con las que van a interactuar en sus primeras etapas, así como la información necesaria, tanto administrativa como académica, sobre los estudios que van a cursar.Nowadays, the video game industry is in expansion. It is the fastest growing entertainment market, with higher revenue than cinema and music industries. In addition to the widespread use, the genres of video games have also changed over time. In this century, the term serious games has appeared. Serious games are cognitive or physical challenges based on rules (games) with a purpose beyond the entertainment. This article presents a serious video game with the aim of improving the integration process of new students in a university college, in this case the University College of Computer Science at Ciudad Real, (UCLM). The game offers a 3D environment, faithful to reality, of the faculty facilities, and immerses the new student in a conversational adventure within an investigation story. The player will interact with several characters that are models of real people that are significant in the early stages of university life, including management staff, faculty staff, and students. The main motivation for the development of this video game is that new students can quickly and amusingly get to know the facilities of their new university faculty, the people they will be interacting with in their early stages, as well as the necessary information, both administrative and academic, about the studies they will be taking

    Gut-Brain Axis: Role of Microbiota in Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

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    It has recently been discovered that the digestive tract is lined with about 100 million nerve cells; the digestive tract has been baptized, metaphorically speaking, as “the second brain,” which contains a multitude of neurotransmitters, viruses, and bacteria that help regulate our emotional state. This second brain, known as the enteric nervous system, is a unique anatomical unit that extends from the esophagus to the anus. Like the nervous system, it produces a whole series of psychoactive substances, such as serotonin, dopamine, and opioids for pain, and synthesizes benzodiazepines. In it, we find the microbiota: a set of microorganisms (viruses and bacteria). Together with the brain, the microbiota directly influences mood, character, or sleep. Knowledge about the possible relationship of the microbiota with frequent neurological diseases is still just beginning. Recently, possible changes in the microbiota have been linked to the onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Also, today, we know that there are differences between the microbiota of healthy people and people with multiple sclerosis and that these differences have also been related to the disease and its evolution

    Sensores electroquímicos para la detección de contaminantes y la autentificación de alimentos

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    En este artículo resumiremos las últimas líneas de investigación del grupo, enmarcadas en la estrategia general de desarrollarsistemas de sensores económicos, sensibles y fiables que en un futuro puedan ser implementados en redes de control inalámbricas en ámbitos de creciente interés social, como la gestión del agua en un contexto de cambio climático o el control y la seguridad de los productos alimentarios