105 research outputs found

    Sistema de gestión energético óptimo para edificios inteligentes con sistemas de generación renovable integrados

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    Como solución para los nuevos edificios que desean adquirir la etiqueta de “edificios inteligentes” proponemos un software de gestión energética optima. Se trata de un sistema centralizado capaz de gestionar elementos de generación (por ejemplo, unidades de generación renovables integradas en el edificio), un sistema de almacenamiento y los distintos tipos de demanda que puede generar dicho edificio. Con el objetivo de un control energético total, el sistema consta de tres niveles distintos de gestión y a su vez, con tres modos de funcionamiento diferentes. Para demostrar el funcionamiento de esta herramienta se incluyen los resultados sobre un escenario emulado que consta de una pequeña generación solar, de tres niveles distintos de demanda propia y la demanda de un vehículo eléctrico que a su vez podrá servir de almacenaje energético mientras este permanezca aparcado.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Potential externalities savings due to electric vehicle smart charge

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    This work focuses on the analysis developed in order to demonstrate how smart charging, using tailored control algorithms, contributes to minimize the environmental impact and economic costs associated to the electric vehicles under an LCA perspective. The analysis considers the Spanish grid mix profile and specific charging patterns.The LCA methodology adopted implies a comprehensive assessment of the impacts and costs occurring upstream and downstream the charging event. For the environmental analysis, the LCA impact categories are considered, while for the economic assessment, data regarding the costs associated to the electricity price and the pollutants generation have been adopted.Postprint (published version

    The impact of commercial quality on electricity consumer satisfaction

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    Quality of supply has been one of the main aspects covered by the European Energy Policy in the last decades together with the competitiveness and the sustainability. Several regulatory actions have been taken in this regard and have been applied at European level. Most of Energy National Regulatory Agencies have implemented electricity distribution network retribution mechanisms based on the quality of supply provided by the companies responsible for that. These measures were mainly based on the technical quality: number and length of service interruptions. However, electricity consumer satisfaction has not been measured for checking how commercial quality is affecting it. In this working paper, technical and commercial quality of supply indicators for household electricity consumers in Spain are assessed together by means of an statistic model. The impact of commercial quality will allow us to identify possible policy recommendations to be implemented in the regulatory framework.Postprint (published version

    Optimal energy management for a residential microgrid including a vehicle-to-grid system

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    An optimization model is proposed to manage a residential microgrid including a charging spot with a vehicle-togrid system and renewable energy sources. In order to achieve a realistic and convenient management, we take into account: (1) the household load split into three different profiles depending on the characteristics of the elements considered; (2) a realistic approach to owner behavior by introducing the novel concept of range anxiety; (3) the vehicle battery management considering the mobility profile of the owner and (4) different domestic renewable energy sources. We consider the microgrid operated in grid-connected mode. The model is executed one-day-ahead and generates a schedule for all components of the microgrid. The results obtained show daily costs in the range of 2.82eto 3.33e; the proximity of these values to the actual energy costs for Spanish households validate the modeling. The experimental results of applying the designed managing strategies show daily costs savings of nearly 10%.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Data Collection and Reporting Guidelines for European electro-mobility projects

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    Analysis of the data collected from electro-mobility projects has shown that only in very limited cases, the data reported were of enough quality and/or comprehensive enough to allow a meaningful and complete analysis. Various types of data are sometimes missing, making it almost impossible to analyse them correctly. The objective of this report is to provide guidance to publicly funded European Electro-mobility Projects on what and how to monitor and report. Detailed description of the necessary monitored elements and those which are considered as optional due to the complexity or expense involved in collecting them, is included, as well some ideas on quality control and on data collection. An extensive stakeholder consultation has taken place before the release of this report.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Estado Nutricional e Fatores de Risco para Desnutrição no Atendimento Nutricional Pediátrico da Admissão Hospitalar

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    Introdução: Desnutrição calórico-proteica em crianças menores de cinco anos é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública nos países em desenvolvimento. Resulta da interação entre fatores como pobreza, infecções e baixa ingestão calórica e proteica. A avaliação do estado nutricional (EN) na admissão hospitalar é fundamental para estabelecer métodos para a recuperação e/ou manutenção do EN durante a internação e identificar os fatores de risco (FR) para desnutrição.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi classificar o EN de crianças e adolescentes e seus FR para desnutrição na admissão hospitalar.Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 387 indivíduos de 0 a 14 anos admitidos em unidades de internação pediátrica. Na avaliação antropométrica, mensurou-se peso e estatura. Os FR para desnutrição incluíam: antropometria, jejum >2 dias, alimentação enteral ou parenteral, disfagia, perda ponderal, vômitos ou diarreia nas últimas 24 horas, febre acima de     37,5o C e risco relacionado ao diagnóstico. O EN foi classificado segundo os critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde, 2006.Resultados: Na classificação do EN (N=363) utilizamos escore Z (N=327; 85%) e índice de massa corporal (IMC;        N=36; 9%), e 23 foram avaliados através de protocolos específicos. Encontramos 48% eutróficos, 27% desnutridos, 15% em risco nutricional, 6% com sobrepeso e 4% obesos. Em relação aos FR para desnutrição, 271 (70%) indivíduos apresentavam até 2 FR; 114 (29,5%) de 3 a 5 (p<0,001) e 2 (0,5%) 6 ou mais.Conclusão: A prevalência de desnutrição e de seus fatores de risco na admissão hospitalar encontrada em crianças e adolescentes foi bastante expressiva. Esse achado é muito relevante, já que a identificação do EN permite uma intervenção nutricional adequada com a prevenção de desfechos clínicos desfavoráveis

    Clinical consequences of BRCA2 hypomorphism

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    Breast cancer; Cancer geneticsCáncer de mama; Genética del cáncerCàncer de mama; Genètica del càncerThe tumor suppressor FANCD1/BRCA2 is crucial for DNA homologous recombination repair (HRR). BRCA2 biallelic pathogenic variants result in a severe form of Fanconi anemia (FA) syndrome, whereas monoallelic pathogenic variants cause mainly hereditary breast and ovarian cancer predisposition. For decades, the co-occurrence in trans with a clearly pathogenic variant led to assume that the other allele was benign. However, here we show a patient with biallelic BRCA2 (c.1813dup and c.7796 A > G) diagnosed at age 33 with FA after a hypertoxic reaction to chemotherapy during breast cancer treatment. After DNA damage, patient cells displayed intermediate chromosome fragility, reduced survival, cell cycle defects, and significantly decreased RAD51 foci formation. With a newly developed cell-based flow cytometric assay, we measured single BRCA2 allele contributions to HRR, and found that expression of the missense allele in a BRCA2 KO cellular background partially recovered HRR activity. Our data suggest that a hypomorphic BRCA2 allele retaining 37–54% of normal HRR function can prevent FA clinical phenotype, but not the early onset of breast cancer and severe hypersensitivity to chemotherapy

    Economía Colaborativa como modelo de negocio para el turismo sustentable en la provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador

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    The collaborative economy has become a trend that, added to the growing use of the internet, it looks for promoting the tourism; through the exchange of assets and services, modifying the traditional vision of business. That is why this research aims to determine the feasibility of the collaborative economy as a business model, through a descriptive and causal statistical analysis to the tourist servers of Pichincha province through the digital platforms’ empowerment as a direct link between tourism companies and their consumers. The research was divided into two groups: suppliers and demanders, where the supplier promises new ways of traveling, staying and integrating into the local culture at a lower cost and, on the other hand, the demander describes familiarization with the use of mobile applications, as well as web pages to search for the tourist places of their choice. The results showed that there is a relationship between digital media and the contracted service, nevertheless it is evident that the collaborative economy applied to the tourism is a business model that for the moment has not been exploited in Pichincha , with the exception of those who actively use social networks and information technologies to promote their resources, whilst in the case of small establishments, they should work hard on the use of these benefits in order to bring out their dependence.La economía colaborativa se ha convertido en una tendencia que sumada al creciente uso del internet, busca potenciar el turismo; mediante el intercambio de bienes y servicios, modificando la visión tradicional de negocio. Es por ello que, la presente investigación pretende determinar la factibilidad de la economía colaborativa como modelo de negocios, mediante un análisis estadístico descriptivo y causal a los servidores turísticos de la provincia de Pichincha a través de la potenciación de plataformas digitales como nexo directo entre las empresas turísticas y sus consumidores. La investigación se dividió en dos grupos: ofertantes y consumidores, en donde el ofertante promete nuevas formas de viajar, de alojarse y de integrarse en la cultura local a un costo inferior y por el otro lado el consumidor, describe la familiarización con el uso de aplicaciones móviles, así como páginas web para la búsqueda de los lugares turísticos de su preferencia. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación entre los medios digitales y el servicio contratado, mas se evidencia que la economía colaborativa aplicada al turismo es un modelo de negocios que por el momento no se ha explotado en la provincia de Pichincha, a excepción de aquellos que usan activamente redes sociales y tecnologías de la información para promover sus recursos, mientras que en el caso de establecimientos pequeños se debería trabajar arduamente en el uso de estas bondades a fin de sacar a flote su dependencia

    Identification of a Molecularly-Defined Subset of Breast and Ovarian Cancer Models that Respond to WEE1 or ATR Inhibition, Overcoming PARP Inhibitor Resistance

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    Cáncer de mama y de ovario; Inhibición WEE1Càncer de mama i d'ovari; Inhibició WEE1Breast and ovarian cancer; WEE1 inhibitionPurpose: PARP inhibitors (PARPi) induce synthetic lethality in homologous recombination repair (HRR)-deficient tumors and are used to treat breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. Multiple PARPi resistance mechanisms exist, most resulting in restoration of HRR and protection of stalled replication forks. ATR inhibition was highlighted as a unique approach to reverse both aspects of resistance. Recently, however, a PARPi/WEE1 inhibitor (WEE1i) combination demonstrated enhanced antitumor activity associated with the induction of replication stress, suggesting another approach to tackling PARPi resistance. Experimental Design: We analyzed breast and ovarian patient-derived xenoimplant models resistant to PARPi to quantify WEE1i and ATR inhibitor (ATRi) responses as single agents and in combination with PARPi. Biomarker analysis was conducted at the genetic and protein level. Metabolite analysis by mass spectrometry and nucleoside rescue experiments ex vivo were also conducted in patient-derived models. Results: Although WEE1i response was linked to markers of replication stress, including STK11/RB1 and phospho-RPA, ATRi response associated with ATM mutation. When combined with olaparib, WEE1i could be differentiated from the ATRi/olaparib combination, providing distinct therapeutic strategies to overcome PARPi resistance by targeting the replication stress response. Mechanistically, WEE1i sensitivity was associated with shortage of the dNTP pool and a concomitant increase in replication stress. Conclusions: Targeting the replication stress response is a valid therapeutic option to overcome PARPi resistance including tumors without an underlying HRR deficiency. These preclinical insights are now being tested in several clinical trials where the PARPi is administered with either the WEE1i or the ATRi.This work was supported by the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), an initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation partially supported by European Regional Development FEDER Funds (FIS PI17/01080 to V. Serra, PI12/02606 to J. Balmaña); European Research Area-NET, Transcan-2 (AC15/00063), Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (AECC; LABAE16020PORTT), the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR; 2017 SGR 540), La Marató TV3 (654/C/2019), and ERAPERMED2019–215 to V. Serra. We also acknowledge the GHD-Pink program, the FERO Foundation, and the Orozco Family for supporting this study (to V. Serra). V. Serra was supported by the Miguel Servet Program (ISCIII; CPII19/00033); M. Castroviejo-Bermejo and C. Cruz (AIOC15152806CRUZ) by AECC; A. Herencia-Ropero by Generalitat de Catalunya-PERIS (SLT017/20/000081); M. Palafox by Juan de la Cierva (FJCI-2015–25412); A. Lau by AECC and Generalitat de Catalunya-PERIS (INVES20095LLOP, SLT002/16/00477); A. Gris-Oliver by FI-AGAUR (2015 FI_B 01075). This work was supported by Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF-19–08), Instituto de Salud Carlos III Project Reference number AC15/00062, and the EC under the framework of the ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 initiative co-financed by FEDER, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CB16/12/00449 and PI19/01181), and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (to J. Arribas). The xenograft program in the Caldas laboratory was supported by Cancer Research UK and also received funding from an EU H2020 Network of Excellence (EuroCAN). The RPPA facility is funded by NCI #CA16672

    Cisplatin resistance involves a metabolic reprogramming through ROS and PGC-1α in NSCLC which can be overcome by OXPHOS inhibition

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    Background: Platinum-based chemotherapy remains the standard of care for most lung cancer cases. However chemoresistance is often developed during the treatment, limiting clinical utility of this drug. Recently, the ability of tumor cells to adapt their metabolism has been associated to resistance to therapies. In this study, we first described the metabolic reprogramming of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in response to cisplatin treatment. Methods: Cisplatin-resistant versions of the A549, H1299, and H460 cell lines were generated by continuous drug exposure. The long-term metabolic changes, as well as, the early response to cisplatin treatment were analyzed in both, parental and cisplatin-resistant cell lines. In addition, four Patient-derived xenograft models treated with cisplatin along with paired pre- and post-treatment biopsies from patients were studied. Furthermore, metabolic targeting of these changes in cell lines was performed downregulating PGC-1α expression through siRNA or using OXPHOS inhibitors (metformin and rotenone). Results: Two out of three cisplatin-resistant cell lines showed a stable increase in mitochondrial function, PGC1-α and mitochondrial mass with reduced glycolisis, that did not affect the cell cycle. This phenomenon was confirmed in vivo. Post-treatment NSCLC tumors showed an increase in mitochondrial mass, PGC-1α and a decrease in the GAPDH/MT-CO1 ratio. In addition, we demonstrated how a ROS-mediated metabolism reprogramming, involving PGC-1α and increased mitochondrial mass, is induced during short-time cisplatin exposure. Moreover, we tested how cells with increased PGC-1a induced by ZLN005 treatment, showed reduced cisplatin-driven apoptosis. Remarkably, the long-term metabolic changes, as well as the metabolic reprogramming during short-time cisplatin exposure can be exploited as an Achilles’ heel of NSCLC cells, as demonstrated by the increased sensitivity to PGC-1α interference or OXPHOS inhibition using metformin or rotenone. Conclusion: These results describe a new cisplatin resistance mechanism in NSCLC based on a metabolic reprogramming that is therapeutically exploitable through PGC-1α downregulation or OXPHOS inhibitors.Work in the authors’ laboratories is supported by ‘‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’’ PI13/01806 and PIE14/0064 to M.P. A.C-B, received a Spanish Lung Cancer Group fellowship. R.L-B, is supported by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid “Garantía juvenil” contrac