86 research outputs found

    Evidence-Based Practice and Trends in Visual Rehabilitation for Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common, chronic, and progressive eye disease that is considered the leading cause of visual loss among the elderly in developed countries. Advanced AMD, including choroidal neovascularization (CNV) or geographic atrophy (GA), is associated with substantial and progressive visual impairment that can lead to a significant reduction in functional independence and quality of life (QoL) for affected individuals, whose number is expected to increase in the coming years in line with population growth and ageing. In this context, while an important part of medical care is focused on preventing the progression of the disease, Visual Rehabilitation (VR) aims to address its consequences by providing these patients with a number of strategies to achieve their goals and participate autonomously, actively and productively in society. This chapter aims to provide an update on evidence-based practices in the field and how modern technologies play an important role in the development of new VR approaches

    Dysfunctional oxidative phosphorylation shunts branched-chain amino acid catabolism onto lipogenesis in skeletal muscle

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    It is controversial whether mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle is the cause or consequence of metabolic disorders. Herein, we demonstrate that in vivo inhibition of mitochondrial ATP synthase in muscle alters whole-body lipid homeostasis. Mice with restrained mitochondrial ATP synthase activity presented intrafiber lipid droplets, dysregulation of acyl-glycerides, and higher visceral adipose tissue deposits, poising these animals to insulin resistance. This mitochondrial energy crisis increases lactate production, prevents fatty acid b-oxidation, and forces the catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to provide acetyl-CoA for de novo lipid synthesis. In turn, muscle accumulation of acetyl-CoA leads to acetylation-dependent inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory complex II enhancing oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction which results in augmented ROS production. By screening 702 FDA-approved drugs, we identified edaravone as a potent mitochondrial antioxidant and enhancer. Edaravone administration restored ROS and lipid homeostasis in skeletal muscle and reinstated insulin sensitivity. Our results suggest that muscular mitochondrial perturbations are causative of metabolic disorders and that edaravone is a potential treatment for these diseasesThis work was ts from Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, MINECO, Spain (SAF2016-76028-R and SAF2016-75916-R) and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) de Enfermedades Raras, Spain (CB06/07/0017

    Impact of first year renal replacement therapy on the hospital admissions of a regional public health system

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    Introducción y objetivos: La enfermedad renal crónica tiene una alta prevalencia y coste, así como un mayor riesgo de ingreso. Disponemos de registros públicos y obligatorios, pero no hay referencias recientes para estimar el impacto que el tratamiento sustitutivo renal (TSR) tiene en la actividad hospitalaria. Métodos: Tras las autorizaciones pertinentes, hemos integrado las bases de datos REMER (2013-2014) y CMBDH (2013-2015) para analizar la actividad hospitalaria durante el primer an˜ o de TSR. Resultados: Un total de 767 pacientes iniciaron TSR en los 7 hospitales de tercer nivel de la Comunidad de Madrid. Más de una tercera parte lo hicieron de forma no programada durante un ingreso. Este inicio es más frecuente en HD que en DP, pero existen diferencias clínicas relevantes en edad y en comorbilidad. Descartando este primer episodio, casi el 60% de pacientes ingresan durante el primer an˜ o. La tasa de ingreso es de 1,2 ingresos/paciente, más alta en HD que en TX y DP; la estancia media es de 8,6 días. El coste agregado de los ingresos del primer an˜ o es de 12.006 D /paciente. Nuestro análisis asegura la inclusión exhaustiva de todos los episodios y la estimación precisa de costes. Conclusiones: El impacto del TSR en la actividad hospitalaria ha sido infraestimado y es una parte importante del coste global del TSR. Los resultados de la literatura internacional no pueden extrapolarse a nuestro país por las diferencias en el modelo sanitario y perfil de paciente. La integración de bases de datos clínicas es técnicamente viable y podría abrir una vía inmensa de información que solo requiere apoyo institucional para su desarrollo.Introduction and objectives: Chronic kidney disease has a high prevalence and economic impact, and an increased risk of hospitalization. Although there are public regional and country registries, we have not found references to estimate the impact of renal replacement therapy (RRT) on hospital admissions. Methods: We obtained authorization from the ethics committee and health authorities to integrate the REMER [Madrid Kidney Disease Registry] (2013-2014) and Minimum Basic Data Set (2013-2015) databases and to analyze the admissions during the first year of RRT. Results: 767 patients started RRT in all the hospitals of our region across all RRT modalities. More than a third of the patients start dialysis during a hospital admission. This unplanned start, more common in HD than PD, shows relevant differences in patient profile or admission characteristics. Without considering this initial episode, almost 60% of patients were admitted during their first year. The hospitalization rate was 1.2 admissions/patient, higher in HD than in TX or PD; the mean length of stay was 8.6 days. The estimated cost of admissions during the first year is D 12,006/patient. Our analysis ensures the exhaustive inclusion of all episodes and accurate estimation based on the discharge form. Conclusion: The impact of RRT on hospitals has been underestimated and is very relevant when calculating the total cost of RRT. Results from other countries cannot be extrapolated due to differences in the health system and patient profile. The integration of clinical databases could open up an opportunity that needs only institutional support for its development

    Dynamics of an infectious keratoconjunctivitis outbreak by Mycoplasma conjunctivae on Pyrenean chamois Rupicapra p. pyrenaica

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    Between 2006 and 2008, an outbreak of Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) affected Pyrenean chamois Rupicapra p. pyrenaica, an endemic subspecies of mountain ungulate that lives in the Pyrenees. The study focused on 14 mountain massifs (180,000 ha) where the species’ population is stable. Cases of IKC were detected in ten of the massifs and, in five of them, mortality was substantial. The outbreak spread quickly from the first location detected, with two peaks in mortality that affected one (2007) and three (2008) massifs. In the latter, the peak was seasonal (spring to autumn) and, in the former, the outbreak persisted through winter. To identify the outbreak’s aetiology, we examined 105 Pyrenean chamois clinically affected with IKC. TaqMan rt-PCR identified Mycoplasma conjunctivae in 93 (88.5%) of the chamois. Another rt-PCR detected Chlamydophila spp. in 14 of chamois, and 12 of those had mixed infections with mycoplasmas. In the period 2000–2007, the chamois population increased slightly (¿ 1.026) but decreased significantly during the IKC outbreak (¿ 0.8, 2007–2008; ¿ 0.85, 2008–2009) before increasing significantly after the outbreak (¿ 1.1, 2009–2010). Sex-biased mortality shifted the adult sex ratio toward males (from 0.6 to 0.7 males per female) and reduced productivity slightly. Hunting was practically banned in the massifs where chamois experienced significant mortality and allowed again after the outbreak ended. Long-term monitoring of wild populations provides a basis for understanding the impacts of disease outbreaks and improves management decisions, particularly when species are subject to extractive exploitation

    Best Practice Guide for Positive Parenting. A resource for practitioners working with families

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    [spa] El modo en que se concibe el ejercicio de la parentalidad ha cambiado sustancialmente en nuestra sociedad. Ello no sólo se debe a la gran variedad de formas familiares y diversidad de culturas que conviven actualmente en su seno, sino también a un cambio conceptual que afecta al núcleo básico de la tarea parental. Nos referimos a la necesidad de sustituir el concepto de autoridad parental, centrado únicamente en la necesidad de lograr metas de obediencia y disciplina en los hijos e hijas, por otro más complejo y demandante como es el concepto de responsabilidad parental. Según este concepto, la cuestión clave no es si las figuras parentales deben ejercer la autoridad para que sus hijos/as les obedezcan, sino cómo ejercerla de modo responsable para que se preserven los derechos de los mismos, sin menoscabar los de padres y madres, y se fomenten sus capacidades críticas y de participación en el proceso de socialización, al mismo tiempo que se promueve progresivamente su autonomía y contribución a la vida comunitaria. Ante este cambio cualitativo en la manera de entender las responsabilidades parentales, se alzan muchas voces de desánimo entre los propios padres y madres, quienes en ocasiones se ven impotentes en su tarea al no saber cómo actuar para lograr metas educativas tan complejas y sentir, al mismo tiempo, que están perdiendo capacidades de control sobre sus hijos e hijas. En otras ocasiones, el desánimo y el estrés ante la tarea parental no surge por no saber llevarla a cabo sino por no poder hacerlo adecuadamente debido a la situación de la persona que educa en solitario o en pareja sin contar con redes de apoyo apropiadas. Esto crea situaciones límite que repercuten negativamente en todos y cada uno de los miembros de la familia, especialmente en los más vulnerables.[eng] Our conception of what parenting should look like has changed considerably in our society. This is due not only to the large variety of family structures and the diversity of cultures that currently co-exist in our society, but also to a shift in mindset that touches the very heart of the parenting task. This can be expressed as the need to replace the concept of parental authority, which focuses solely on meeting aims related to the child’s obedience and discipline, with the much more complex and demanding concept of parental responsibility. Here, the key question is not whether the parent figure should exert the necessary authority to ensure a child’s obedience. Rather, it is about how this authority can be exerted responsibly in a way that protects the child’s rights - without of course neglecting the mother’s and father’s rights - and that fosters the child’s skills in critical thinking and participation in the socialisation process, while at the same time progressively fostering the child’s autonomy and contribution to community life. There has been much concern expressed in response to this qualitative shift in how a parent’s responsibilities are viewed, including amongst mothers and fathers themselves. Parents often feel powerless to act, as they do not know how to achieve such complex parenting goals, and feel like they are losing control over their children. Other times, feelings of discouragement and stress arise not because parents do not how to go about the task of parenting, but rather because they find themselves unable to do so, as may be the case for single parents or couples raising children without the necessary support networks. This can lead to extreme situations which can have a negative impact on the entire family, and especially its most vulnerable members