979 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy of phase-shifting techniques

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    The traditional phase-shifting profilometry technique is based on the projection of digital interference patterns and computation of the absolute phase map. Recently, a method was proposed that used phase interpolation to the corner detection, at subpixel accuracy in the projector image for improving the camera–projector calibration. We propose a general strategy to improve the accuracy in the search for correspondence that can be used to obtain high precision three-dimensional reconstruction. Experimental results show that our strategy can outperform the precision of the phase-shifting method

    Epidemiological implications of the genetic diversification of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and genotypes in Mexico

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    Variation and clade shifts in dengue virus (DENV) genotypes are responsible for numerous dengue fever outbreaks throughout Latin America in the past decade. Molecular analyses of dengue serotypes have revealed extensive genetic diversification and the emergence of new genotypes in Brazil (DENV-4 genotype I) and elsewhere in tropical and subtropical America. The goal of the present study is to assess the extent to which the adventitious introduction of DENV genotypes and their increasing genetic diversity affects dengue epidemiology in Mexico. A nuanced sequence inspection and phylogenetic analysis of the C-prM nucleotide region of DENV was performed for specimens collecting in 2009 from the Veracruz State, Mexico. Findings were contrasted with specimens collected in adjacent years and analysed based on the epidemiological patterns reported between 1990 and 2019. Additionally, the identification process of various DENV genotypes was assessed, including: (1) DENV-1, genotype V, (2) the DENV-2 Asian/American and Asian II genotypes (3) DENV-3, genotype III, and (4) DENV-4, genotype I. This resulted in the discovery of a distinct genetic cladistic pattern for serotype DENV-2. Lastly, study findings suggest that a correlation exists between the emergence of novel genotypes and genetic diversification, with the increasing incidence of DENV infections in Mexico in 2009

    Viral contamination during sequential phacoemulsification surgeries in an experimental model

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    Purpose: To determine the incidence of Piry virus contamination among surgical instruments used with disposable accessories for phacoemulsification during sequential surgeries. Methods: An experimental model was created with 4 pigs' eyes that were contaminated with Piry virus and 4 pigs' eyes that were not contaminated. Phacoemulsification was performed on the eyes, alternating between the contaminated and non-contaminated eyes. From one surgery to another, the operating fields, gloves, scalpel, tweezers, needles, syringes, tips and bag collector from the phacoemulsification machine were exchanged; only the hand piece and the irrigation and aspiration systems were maintained. Results: In the collector bag, three samples from the contaminated eyes (3/4) were positive, and two samples from the non-contaminated (2/4) eyes were also positive; at the tip, one sample from the contaminated eyes (1/4) and two samples of the noncontaminated eyes (2/4) yielded positive results. In the irrigation system, one sample from a non-contaminated eye (1/4) was positive, and in the aspiration system, two samples from contaminated eyes (2/4) and two samples from non-contaminated eyes (2/4) were positive. In the gloves, the samples were positive in two samples from the non-contaminated eyes (2/4) and in two samples from the contaminated eyes (2/4). In the scalpel samples, three contaminated eyes (3/4) and none of the non-contaminated eyes (0/4) were positive; finally, two samples from the anterior chambers of the non-contaminated eyes gathered after surgery were positive. Conclusions: In two non-contaminated eyes, the presence of genetic material was detected after phacoemulsification surgery, demonstrating that the transmission of the genetic material of the Piry virus occurred at some point during the surgery on these non-contaminated eyes when the hand piece and irrigation and aspiration systems were reused between surgeries

    Hemocyanin facilitates lignocellulose digestion by wood-boring marine crustaceans

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    Woody (lignocellulosic) plant biomass is an abundant renewable feedstock, rich in polysaccharides that are bound into an insoluble fiber composite with lignin. Marine crustacean woodborers of the genus Limnoria are among the few animals that can survive on a diet of this recalcitrant material without relying on gut resident microbiota. Analysis of fecal pellets revealed that Limnoria targets hexose-containing polysaccharides (mainly cellulose, and also glucomannans), corresponding with the abundance of cellulases in their digestive system, but xylans and lignin are largely unconsumed. We show that the limnoriid respiratory protein, hemocyanin, is abundant in the hindgut where wood is digested, that incubation of wood with hemocyanin markedly enhances its digestibility by cellulases, and that it modifies lignin. We propose that this activity of hemocyanins is instrumental to the ability of Limnoria to feed on wood in the absence of gut symbionts. These findings may hold potential for innovations in lignocellulose biorefining

    Breakthrough invasive fungal infection among patients with haematologic malignancies: A national, prospective, and multicentre study

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    Objectives: We describe the current epidemiology, causes, and outcomes of breakthrough invasive fungal infections (BtIFI) in patients with haematologic malignancies.Methods: BtIFI in patients with & GE; 7 days of prior antifungals were prospectively diagnosed (36 months across 13 Spanish hospitals) according to revised EORTC/MSG definitions.Results: 121 episodes of BtIFI were documented, of which 41 (33.9%) were proven; 53 (43.8%), probable; and 27 (22.3%), possible. The most frequent prior antifungals included posaconazole (32.2%), echinocandins (28.9%) and fluconazole (24.8%)-mainly for primary prophylaxis (81%). The most common haematologic malignancy was acute leukaemia (64.5%), and 59 (48.8%) patients had undergone a hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Invasive aspergillosis, principally caused by non-fumigatus Aspergillus, was the most fre-quent BtIFI with 55 (45.5%) episodes recorded, followed by candidemia (23, 19%), mucormycosis (7, 5.8%), other moulds (6, 5%) and other yeasts (5, 4.1%). Azole resistance/non-susceptibility was commonly found. Prior antifungal therapy widely determined BtIFI epidemiology. The most common cause of BtIFI in proven and probable cases was the lack of activity of the prior antifungal (63, 67.0%). At diagnosis, antifungal therapy was mostly changed (90.9%), mainly to liposomal amphotericin-B (48.8%). Overall, 10 0-day mor-tality was 47.1%; BtIFI was either the cause or an essential contributing factor to death in 61.4% of cases.Conclusions: BtIFI are mainly caused by non-fumigatus Aspergillus, non-albicans Candida, Mucorales and other rare species of mould and yeast. Prior antifungals determine the epidemiology of BtIFI. The exceed-ingly high mortality due to BtIFI warrants an aggressive diagnostic approach and early initiation of broad-spectrum antifungals different than those previously used.& COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Outcomes and prognostic factors of adults with refractory or relapsed T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia included in measurable residual disease-oriented trials

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    Despite high complete remission (CR) rates with frontline therapy, relapses are frequent in adults with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) with limited salvage options. We analyzed the outcomes and prognostic factors for CR to salvage therapy and overall survival (OS) of patients with R/R T-ALL included in two prospective measurable residual disease-oriented trials. Seventy-five patients (70 relapsed, 5 refractory) were identified. Relapses occurred in bone marrow, isolated or combined in 50 patients, and in the central nervous system (CNS; isolated or combined) in 20. Second CR was attained in 30/75 patients (40%). Treatment with FLAG-Ida and isolated CNS relapse were independently associated with a higher CR rate after first salvage therapy. The median OS was 6.2 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.9–8.6) months, with a 4-year OS probability of 18% (95% CI, 9%–27%). No differences in survival were observed according to the treatment with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients in CR after first salvage therapy. Multivariable analysis showed a ≥12-month interval between first CR and relapse, CR after first salvage therapy and isolated CNS relapse as favorable prognostic factors for OS with hazard ratios (HR) (95% CI) of 1.931 (1.109–3.362), 2.958 (1.640–5.334), and 2.976 (1.157–7.655), respectively. This study confirms the poor outcomes of adults with R/R T-ALL among whom FLAG-Ida was the best of the rescue therapies evaluated. Late relapse, CR after first rescue therapy and isolated CNS relapse showed prognostic impact on survival. More effective rescue therapies are needed in adults with R/R T-ALL.La Caixa" Foundation and ISCIII, Grant/ Award Number: PI19/01828; Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC), Grant/Award Number: 2017 SGR28

    Acesso ao diagnóstico da tuberculose em município brasileiro de médio porte

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    Objetivo Avaliar o acesso ao diagnóstico de tuberculose, na perspectiva dos doentes.Métodos Estudo transversal, com 108 doentes de tuberculose. Os dados foram coletados utilizando-se o instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validado para o Brasil, adaptado para atenção a tuberculose, incluiu indicadores socioeconômicos e demográficos, local do diagnóstico e de acesso ao diagnóstico de tuberculose. A análise dos dados foi de frequência, média, desvio-padrão, intervalo de confiança e teste Qui-quadrado.Resultados A maioria dos casos foi diagnosticada em hospitais (52,8%). O doente procurou a Unidade de Saúde em média três vezes, para conseguir atendimento. Os indicadores dificuldade de deslocamento, gasto com transporte motorizado e consulta no prazo de 24 horas para descoberta da doença foram não satisfatórios e regulares. Conseguir consulta para descobrir a tuberculose em 24 horas, foi não satisfatório. O teste qui-quadrado mostrou associação estatística entre locais de diagnóstico e procura pela unidade de saúde mais próxima da casa.Conclusão O diagnóstico precoce da Tuberculose na Atenção Primária apresenta fragilidades. São muitos desafios a serem enfrentados para o fortalecimento deste nível de atenção a saúde, com capacidade organizacional para a superação das deficiências relacionadas ao doente e ao serviço que dificultam o acesso ao diagnóstico da doença.Objetivo Evaluating access to tuberculosis diagnosis, from the perspective of patients.Methods Cross-sectional study with 108 tuberculosis patients. Data were collected using the brazilian instrument Primary Care Assessment Tool – PCAT-Brazil, adapted for attention to tuberculosis, including socio-economic and demographic indicators, location of diagnosis and diagnostic access tuberculosis. The analysis of the data was of frequency, average, standard deviation, confidence interval and Chi-square test.Results Most cases were diagnosed in hospitals (52.8%). The patient sought the Health Unit on average three times until receiving medical care. The indicators of difficulty of displacement, expenditure on motorized transport and consultation within 24 hours to discover the disease were not satisfactory and regular. The chi-square test showed a statistical association between diagnosis location and seeking the nearest health unit from home.Conclusions There are weaknesses in the early diagnosis of tuberculosis in primary care. There are many challenges to be faced to strengthen this level of health care,Objetivo Evaluar el acceso al diagnóstico de tuberculosis, desde la perspectiva de los enfermos.Métodos Estudio transversal con 108 pacientes de tuberculosis. Los datos fueron recolectados utilizando el instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool -PCAT-Brasil- . El análisis de los datos incluyeron frecuencia, media, desviación estándar, intervalo de confianza y prueba Chi-cuadrado.Resultados La mayoría de los casos fueron diagnosticados en hospitales (52,8%). El paciente buscó la Unidad de Salud en promedio tres veces, para conseguir atención. Los indicadores dificultad de desplazamiento, gasto con transporte motorizado y consulta en el plazo de 24 horas para el descubrimiento de la enfermedad, no fueron satisfactorios o regulares. La prueba de Chi-cuadrado mostró una asociación estadística entre el lugar de diagnóstico y la búsqueda de la unidad de salud más cercana al hogar.Conclusión El diagnóstico precoz de la tuberculosis en la Atención Primaria presenta fallas. Son muchos los desafíos a enfrentar para mejorar la atención, la capacidad organizacional para superar las deficiencias relacionadas con el enfermo y el servicio, que dificultan el acceso al diagnóstico de la enfermedad