2,279 research outputs found

    Resenha do Livro Análise Avançada das Demonstrações Contábeis

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    Resenha do Livro Análise Avançada das Demonstrações Contábei

    Risk factors for mediastinitis in the post-operative period of heart surgery / fatores de riscos para mediastinite no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca

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    Objectives: The study’s main purpose has been to identify both pre and postoperative risk factors related to the development of mediastinitis among patients who underwent cardiac surgery at a hospital from the Rio de Janeiro city. Furthermore, to characterize the study population and to analyze the relationship between risk factors and the incidence of mediastinitis in patients who underwent cardiac surgery. Methods: It is a descriptive and retrospective study with a quantitative approach, where there were identified the risk factors related to the development of mediastinitis in patients who underwent cardiac surgery at a university hospital from the Rio de Janeiro State. Results: There were obtained a total of 192 patients, mostly males, within the age group from 50 to 69 years old and overweight. Diabetes mellitus and smoking were the most frequent comorbidities, and coronary artery bypass graft surgery was the most performed surgery, 4 patients had mediastinitis. Conclusion: The identification of such factors contributes to the elaboration of prevention strategies for mediastinitis, and the implementation of nursing care in both pre and postoperative periods of cardiac surgeries

    Risk factors for mediastinitis in the post-operative period of heart surgery / fatores de riscos para mediastinite no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca

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    Objectives: The study’s main purpose has been to identify both pre and postoperative risk factors related to the development of mediastinitis among patients who underwent cardiac surgery at a hospital from the Rio de Janeiro city. Furthermore, to characterize the study population and to analyze the relationship between risk factors and the incidence of mediastinitis in patients who underwent cardiac surgery. Methods: It is a descriptive and retrospective study with a quantitative approach, where there were identified the risk factors related to the development of mediastinitis in patients who underwent cardiac surgery at a university hospital from the Rio de Janeiro State. Results: There were obtained a total of 192 patients, mostly males, within the age group from 50 to 69 years old and overweight. Diabetes mellitus and smoking were the most frequent comorbidities, and coronary artery bypass graft surgery was the most performed surgery, 4 patients had mediastinitis. Conclusion: The identification of such factors contributes to the elaboration of prevention strategies for mediastinitis, and the implementation of nursing care in both pre and postoperative periods of cardiac surgeries

    Feminino Sagrado, Profano e Científico: impasses nas intervenções genitais femininas

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    O que acontece quando o direito de minorias étnicas e religiosas parece ser incompatível com o direito nacional, os direitos humanos internacionais e os direitos das mulheres? Pensar tal questão é o objetivo deste trabalho, que foca no impasse em torno das Intervenções Genitais Femininas (IGF). Partindo da definição de Mutilação Genital Feminina (MGF), fornecida pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) em 1997, busca-se analisar a construção do conceito de MGF, assim como o impacto das legislações e das políticas públicas estabelecidas a partir dele. Para tanto, as autoras tomam como caso de estudo a Itália, um dos países com maior índice de MGF. Paralelamente, realizamos uma reflexão acerca das diversas formas de IGF (MGF, Circuncisão Feminina, Cirurgia de Correção de Genitália, Cirurgia ‘Cosmética’ Genital Feminina), com o intuito de compreender o que há (ou não) de violento em cada tipo de IGF

    Geographical distribution and monitoring of dengue in 141 municipalities in the center-west of Brazil: Distribuição geográfica e monitoramento de dengue em 141 municípios no centro-oeste do Brasil

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    In fact, it appears that dengue is characterized as a disease that has relevance to public health in the country. For the year 2019, 1,544,987 cases of dengue could be reported, with the presence of 782 confirmed deaths. Regarding the interruption of dengue epidemic cycles, it was noted that measures associated with vector control have not been successful. This study aims to analyze the spatial distribution associated with dengue cases present in the municipalities of the state of Mato Grosso, from 2015 to 2018, in order to identify the municipalities that have the highest risk rates related to the presence of arbovirus. Gross and Smoothed Rates were used through the Local Empirical Bayesian method. In order to calculate these Bayesian rates, a neighborhood matrix was developed with the presence of the continuity criterion that removed the zero risk of dengue from this calculation, thus minimizing the effects associated with the random fluctuations present in the areas that were monitored. Of course, the SaTScan software was used to calculate the Relative Risk (RR), and it was found that in this spatial scan clusters of low, medium and high risks were identified, demonstrating statistically significant data. The use of statistical techniques and spatial analysis employed in the study expanded the more detailed examination of the risk of transmission in the monitored areas, contributing significantly to the formulation and planning of integrated prevention and control strategies aimed at monitoring the arbovirus present in the state of Mato Grosso


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    Objectives: describe the interaction process between the nurse and the parents in the NICU and soon afterwards; discuss as that interaction process facilitates the humanization in NICU. Methods: study descriptive, exploratory was accomplished, of qualitative approach, used as scenery an NICU, of the private net of health, located in the city of Niterói/RJ. The subjects of the study were the nurses that act in an NICU. Results: the collected data were interpreted starting from the Thematic Analysis and contained their results in relation to the categories: 1) the valorization of the parents' presence in NICU - motivating the bond parent-son; 2) Relationship nurse and parents and the humanization of the care. 3) Norms and pre-established Routines: To address in only road. Conclusion: it can be concluded that the humanization of the attendance in NICU owes if it rules in the singular care, in the integration and in the respect to the life.Objetivos: descrever o processo de interação entre o enfermeiro e os pais na UTI neonatal; discutir como esse processo de interação facilita a humanização na UTI Neonatal. Métodos: estudo de campo descritivo, exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, sendo utilizado como cenário uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal da rede privada de saúde, situada no município de Niterói/RJ. Os sujeitos do estudo foram enfermeiros que atuam nessa unidade. Resultados: os dados coletados foram interpretados a partir da Análise Temática e agrupados conforme às categorias: 1) A valorização da presença dos pais na UTIN - incentivando o vínculo pais-filho; 2) Relacionamento enfermeiro e pais e a humanização do cuidado; e 3) Normas e Rotinas pré-estabelecidas: Direcionamento em via única. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que a humanização da assistência na UTIN deve se pautar no cuidado singular, na integralidade e no respeito à vida. A construção da integralidade não deve ser transformada em um conceito, mas sim numa prática do cuidado que trata da valorização da vida, do respeito ao outro e das diferenças entre os seres humanos

    Adult users’ satisfaction in relation to attention to oral health in the family health strategy

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis de satisfação dos usuários adultos do município de Lauro de Freitas, no Estado da Bahia, em relação aos serviços de saúde bucal oferecidos pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). É um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, com a aplicação de dois instrumentos validados: o Questionário de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Usuários com os Serviços Públicos de Saúde Bucal (QASSaB) e parte do Questionário do Projeto SBBrasil 2010. A amostra foi de 418, com erro amostral de 5%. Foi feita a distribuição de frequência das variáveis quantitativas e de medidas de tendência central e de dispersão, por meio do programa estatístico SPSS. Os resultados mostraram que a maior parte dos entrevistados era do sexo feminino (78,2%), da raça/cor preta (47,0%) e solteira (46,1%). Em relação à morbidade bucal referida, a maioria reportou a necessidade de tratamento odontológico (91,4%). Dor de dente nos últimos seis meses foi relatada por 52,5%. Em relação às dimensões ambiente físico, aceitabilidade, eficiência, equidade, relações humanas e qualidade técnico-científica dos equipamentos, observou-se um bom grau de satisfação. Concluiu-se que, apesar de ainda persistirem muitos desafios para a melhoria da qualidade da atenção em saúde bucal na ESF, a satisfação dos usuários adultos foi alta.The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of satisfaction of the adult users of the municipality of Lauro de Freitas, state of Bahia, Brazil in relation to the oral-health services offered by the Family Health Strategy - ESF. This quantitative, descriptive study applied two validation instruments, the User-Satisfaction-Evaluation Questionnaire in conjunction with the Public Oral-Health Service and one part of the questionnaire from theSB Brasil2010Project. The sample size was 418 individuals, with a sampling-error rate of 5%. The quantitative variables and measurement of central tendencies and dispersion were distributed using the SPSS statistics program. The results demonstrated that most of those interviewed were women (78.2%), African descent (47.0%), and single (46.1%). In terms of the aforementioned oral morbidity, the majority reported the need for odontological treatment (91.4%). 52.5% reported toothache in the previous six months. A high degree of satisfaction was observed in relation to the dimensions of the physical environment, acceptability, efficiency, equality, human relations, and the technical-scientific quality of the equipment. In conclusion, despite the many challenges that persist to improving the quality of the oral-health services of the ESF, the level of satisfaction of adult users was high

    LC‐HRMS for the Identification of β‐Carboline and Canthinone Alkaloids Isolated from Natural Sources

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    β-carboline and canthinone alkaloids are widely distributed in the Angiosperms. Due to their diverse biological activities, the structures of these alkaloids have been used as important models for the synthesis of novel therapeutic drugs. Combining high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has provided a valuable tool in the analysis of these alkaloids in, for example, plants, insects, marine creatures, human tissues and body fluids. In this review, we summarized the main β-carboline and canthinone alkaloids studied by liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) associated with mass analyzers, molecular weight information, mass fragmentation and biological activities, presenting an overview of increasing interest for carboline alkaloids study by LC-HRMS