16 research outputs found

    TeV blazar variability: the firehose instability?

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    Recently observed minute timescale variability of blazar emission at TeV energies has imposed severe constraints on jet models and TeV emission mechanisms. We focus on a robust jet instability to explain this variability. As a consequence of the bulk outflow of the jet plasma, the pressure is likely to be anisotropic, with the parallel pressure PP_{||} in the forward jet direction exceeding the perpendicular pressure PP_{\perp}. Under these circumstances, the jet is susceptible to the firehose instability, which can cause disruptions in the large scale jet structure and result in variability of the observed radiation. For a realistic range of parameters, we find that the growth timescale of the firehose instability is \approx a few minutes, in good agreement with the observed TeV variability timescales for Mrk 501 (Albert et al. 2007) and PKS 2155-304 (Aharonian et al. 2007).Comment: Accepted for publication, MNRA

    Radio galaxies and magnetic fields in A514

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    A514 contains six extended and polarized radio sources located at various projected distances from the cluster center. Here we present a detailed study of these six radio sources in total intensity and polarization using the Very Large Array at 3.6 and 6 cm. Since the radio sources sample different lines of sight across the cluster, an analysis of the Faraday Rotation Measures (RMs) provides information on the strength and the structure of the cluster magnetic field. These sources show a decreasing Faraday Rotation Measure with increasing distance from the cluster center. We estimate the strength of the magnetic field to be ~3-7 uG in the cluster center. From the RM structure across the stronger and more extended sources we estimate the coherence length of the magnetic field to be about 9 kpc at the cluster center.Comment: 16 pages, 18 ps figures accepted by A&

    Radio emission and particle acceleration in plerionic supernova remnants

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    Plerionic supernova remnants exhibit radio emission with remarkably flat spectral indices ranging from α=0.0\alpha=0.0 to α=0.3\alpha=-0.3. The origin of very hard particle energy distributions still awaits an explanation, since shock waves generate particle distributions with synchrotron spectra characterized by α0.5\alpha\le-0.5. Acceleration of high energy leptons in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence instead may be responsible for the observed hard spectra. This process is studied by means of relativistic test particle calculations using electromagnetic fields produced by three-dimensional simulations of resistive magnetohydrodynamical turbulence. The particles receive power-law energy spectra N(γ)γsN(\gamma)\propto \gamma^{-s} with ss ranging from 1.2 to 1.6, i.e. particle spectra that are required to explain the radio emission of plerions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 Figures, to be published in A&

    Subaru optical observations of the old pulsar PSR B0950+08

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    We report the B band optical observations of an old (17.5 Myr) radiopulsar PSR B0950+08 obtained with the Suprime-Cam at the Subaru telescope. We detected a faint object, B=27.07(16). Within our astrometrical accuracy it coincides with the radio position of the pulsar and with the object detected earlier by Pavlov et al. (1996) in UV with the HST/FOC/F130LP. The positional coincidence and spectral properties of the object suggest that it is the optical counterpart of PSR B0950+08. Its flux in the B band is two times higher than one would expect from the suggested earlier Rayleigh-Jeans interpretation of the only available HST observations in the adjacent F130LP band. Based on the B and F130LP photometry of the suggested counterpart and on the available X-ray data we argue in favour of nonthermal origin of the broad-band optical spectrum of PSR B0950+08, as it is observed for the optical emission of the younger, middle-aged pulsars PSR B0656+14 and Geminga. At the same time, the optical efficiency of PSR B0950+08, estimated from its spin-down power and the detected optical flux, is by several orders of magnitude higher than for these pulsars, and comparable with that for the much younger and more energetic Crab pulsar. We cannot exclude the presence of a compact, about 1'', faint pulsar nebula around PSR B0950+08, elongated perpendicular to the vector of its proper motion, unless it is not a projection of a faint extended object on the pulsar position.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, aa.cls style, 5 PS figures, submitted to A&A. Image is available in FITS format at http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/astro/NSG/obs/0950-subar

    The Crab pulsar and its red knot in the near-infrared

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    We present near-infrared observations obtained with ISAAC on the VLT of the Crab pulsar and its environment. Photometry of the pulsar in Js, H and Ks shows the pulsar spectrum to extend fairly smoothly from the UV/optical regime. PSF subtraction of the pulsar allows us to study its immediate neighborhood in some detail. In particular, the knot positioned just 0.6 arcsec from the pulsar has been revealed in the IR. Using also archival HST data for the knot, we have measured its broad band spectrum to rise steeply into the IR, in contrast to the spectrum of the pulsar itself.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Pulsed radiation from neutron star winds

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    The radiation of a pulsar wind is computed assuming that at roughly 10 to 100 light cylinder radii from the star, magnetic energy is dissipated into particle energy. The synchrotron emission of heated particles appears periodic, with, in general, both a pulse and an interpulse. The predicted spacing agrees well with the Crab and Vela pulse profiles.Using parameters appropriate for the Crab pulsar (magnetisation parameter at the light cylinder σ=6×104\sigma=6\times10^4, Lorentz factor Γ=250\Gamma=250) agreement is found with the observed total pulsed luminosity. This suggests that the high-energy pulses from young pulsars originate not in the corotating magnetosphere within the light cylinder (as in all other models) but from the radially directed wind well outside it.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Particle acceleration in three-dimensional tearing configurations

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    In three-dimensional electromagnetic configurations that result from unstable resistive tearing modes particles can efficiently be accelerated to relativistic energies. To prove this resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations are used as input configurations for successive test particle simulations. The simulations show the capability of three-dimensional non-linearly evolved tearing modes to accelerate particles perpendicular to the plane of the reconnecting magnetic field components. The simulations differ considerably from analytical approaches by involving a realistic three-dimensional electric field with a non-homogenous component parallel to the current direction. The resulting particle spectra exhibit strong pitch-angle anisotropies. Typically, about 5-8 % of an initially Maxwellian distribution is accelerated to the maximum energy levels given by the macroscopic generalized electric potential structure. Results are shown for both, non-relativistic particle acceleration that is of interest, e.g., in the context of auroral arcs and solar flares, and relativistic particle energization that is relevant, e.g., in the context of active galactic nuclei.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, in prin

    On particle acceleration and very high energy gamma-ray emission in Crab-like pulsars

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    The origin of very energetic charged particles and the production of very high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission remains still a challenging issue in modern pulsar physics. By applying a toy model, we explore the acceleration of co-rotating charged particles close to the light surface in a plasma-rich pulsar magnetosphere and study their interactions with magnetic and photon fields under conditions appropriate for Crab-type pulsars. Centrifugal acceleration of particles in a monopol-like magnetic field geometry is analyzed and the efficiency constraints, imposed by corotation, inverse Compton interactions and curvature radiation reaction are determined. We derive expressions for the maximum particle energy and provide estimates for the corresponding high-energy curvature and inverse Compton power outputs. It is shown that for Crab-like pulsars, electron Lorentz factor up to γ107\gamma \sim 10^7 can be achieved, allowing inverse Compton (Klein-Nishina) up-scattering of thermal photons to TeV energies with a maximum luminosity output of 1031\sim10^{31} erg/s. Curvature radiation, on the other hand, will result in a strong GeV emission output of up to (10341035)\sim(10^{34}-10^{35}) erg/s, quasi-exponentially decreasing towards higher energies for photon energies below 50\sim 50 GeV. Accordingly to the results presented only young pulsars are expected to be sites of detectable VHE γ\gamma-ray emission.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur