37 research outputs found

    A influência da mídia nos casos julgados pelo Tribunal do Júri

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    A presente monografia tem como objetivo principal analisar e identificar a influência da mídia nas decisões tomadas pelos jurados no Tribunal do Júri. Aborda, primeiramente, o contexto histórico do Tribunal do Júri ao redor do mundo e no Brasil, seus princípios norteadores, rito e estrutura. Após isso, se volta para os aspectos que envolvem o tema principal, bem como trazer as respostas para as hipóteses da problemática arguidas. O objetivo é mostrar até que ponto essa influência pode trazer malefícios ao indiciado. O pré-julgamento que a sociedade pode fazer, baseado tão somente nos meios de comunicação, é o componente básico da tarefa de análise realizada

    Expression and Targeting of the Apoptosis Inhibitor, Survivin, in Human Melanoma

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    The newly described apoptosis inhibitor survivin is expressed in many human cancers and appears to play a critical part in both apoptosis regulation and cell cycle progression. Its potential role in malignant melanoma is unknown. In a panel of 30 malignant melanomas, survivin was strongly expressed in all cases (15 of 15) of metastatic malignant melanomas and 13 of 15 cases of invasive malignant melanomas by immunohistochemistry. In invasive malignant melanomas, survivin was also expressed in the in-situ component of the lesion. Survivin expression was found in all cases (11 of 11) of nevi, but not in melanocytes in sections of normal skin. The apoptosis inhibitor bcl-2 was expressed in 26 of 30 cases, but generally at lower levels than that of infiltrating lymphocytes. The mitotic index, as assessed by MIB-1 staining, was consistently higher in metastatic than invasive malignant melanomas. Assessment of apoptotic index by in situ end-labeling revealed extremely low rates of apoptosis in most malignant melanomas. Survivin expression by western blotting was detected in four human metastatic malignant melanoma cell lines but not in cultured normal human melanocytes. Transfection of both YUSAC-2 and LOX malignant melanoma cells with green fluorescence protein-conjugated survivin anti-sense or green fluorescence protein-conjugated survivin dominant negative mutant (Cys85Ala) resulted in increased apoptosis in the absence of other genotoxic stimuli. Two-color flow cytometry confirmed that YUSAC-2 cells transfected with survivin anti-sense expressed less endogenous survivin and exhibited an increased fraction of cells with sub-G1 DNA content. These data demonstrate that apoptosis inhibition by survivin may participate in the onset and progression of malignant melanomas, and suggest that therapeutic targeting of survivin may be beneficial in patients with recurrent or metastatic disease

    The ITASAT – The Lessons Learned from the Mission Concept to the Operation

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    The ITASAT Project was initiated as an effort of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) and the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) to train human resources to the Aerospace sector due to the lack of experience of the students in practical projects in the aerospace segment in Brazil. In this effort students were challenged to design, build and operate a satellite in a hands-on project. Along the project years several changes happened on the satellite configuration, going through a 100 kg satellite to a 6U CubeSat and this last configuration was designed, assembled and tested. In December ITASAT was launched and since its launch has been tracked and operated by the ground operation team. In this paper we will discuss the lessons learned during the project, since the decision to change the satellite size and re-thinking the scope of the project objectives, focusing on system engineering, Assembly Integration and Testing (AIT), Verification and Validation (V&V) and ground operations. The paper will present the challenges of the group of students in this hands-on project, the mistakes and hits along the project phases

    Relato de experiência no seguimento disciplinar teórico-prático de reumatologia e geriatria / Disciplinary follow-up experience report theoretical and practice of reumatology and generation

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    O programa de monitoria é uma ferramenta através da qual o estudante desenvolve habilidades referentes à docência e ao campo da pesquisa, contribuindo também com o processo de aprendizagem de outros alunos. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever o programa de monitoria acadêmica na Universidade Federal de Goiás e retratar a percepção do monitor quanto ao aprendizado, troca de conhecimentos e interação com o docente e alunos atendidos na monitoria. Trata-se de um relato de experiência de dois acadêmicos, ambos monitores nas disciplinas de Clínica em Reumatologia e Geriatria e Fisioterapia Aplicada a Reumatologia e Geriatria. Durante a experiência, foi possível conquistar uma boa relação com os alunos, que resultou em desfechos satisfatórios tratando-se de seu desempenho. Além disso, o maior contato com a disciplina por meio do acompanhamento das aulas, auxílio durante os processos de estruturação do conteúdo, avaliações e atividades de reforço para os acadêmicos, fez com que abrangêssemos nosso conhecimento sobre os conteúdos, contribuindo para um melhor futuro como profissional nesta área. Foi perceptível a relevância da monitoria no desenvolvimento teórico e prático dos alunos, facilitando o processo de aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento das ações disciplinares. 

    The ITA Space Center and Its Role in Space Education in Brazil

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    This paper presents the ITA Space Center and its mission in the formation of human resources and in the research and development of space products. In 2012 the first aerospace engineers were graduated at ITA, and since then many efforts have been done to improve the engineering education. The first effort was the development of AESP-14 CubeSat project, then the development and launch of ITASAT, a 6U CubeSat. These two projects showed that small satellites projects provide a good learning approach once students were deeply involved in the development process. These two projects opened the opportunity for the creation of the ITA Space Center (CEI -acronym for Centro Espacial ITA in Portuguese). Inside its facilities the ITA Space Center provides capabilities for the development of small space projects such as electronics, software engineering, mechanical design, and simulation with the aid of systems engineering and project management. By means of the graduate and undergraduate programs the ITA Space Center is providing education and integration with the industries and other partner organizations. In developing and delivering space products, and fostering higher education in space, the ITA Space Center is accomplishing of its proposed mission

    [Local immune reaction in human intestinal spirochetosis]

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    The pathogenetic and clinical importance of intestinal spirochaetes in man is still unresolved. In 12 patients mainly presenting with mild diarrhoea, light and electron microscopy demonstrated massive spirochaetal infestation of the colonic mucosa (spirochaetosis). There were several hitherto unreported features: spirochaetes adhered not only to the surface epithelium of the intestine but were also present within epithelial cells and subepithelial macrophages; many partially degranulated mast cells were noted within the epithelium; there was a marked increase of IgE plasma cells within the lamina propria. In control biopsies intraepithelial mast cells were absent and IgE cells occurred only sporadically. Penetration of the microorganisms into the intestinal mucosa may be responsible for this unusual immune response. Spirochaetes, symptoms and findings disappeared after antibiotic therapy. The authors therefore suggest that intestinal spirochaetosis can cause clinical symptoms in man, and that spirochaetes should not invariably be considered harmless commensals

    The relationships between anatomy and motor activity of the colon

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