782 research outputs found

    Mutational analysis of DAX1 in patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism or pubertal delay

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    Although delayed puberty is relatively common and often familial, its molecular and pathophysiologic basis is poorly understood. In contrast, the molecular mechanisms underlying some forms of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) are clearer, following the description of mutations in the genes KAL, GNRHR, and PROP1. Mutations in another gene, DAX1 (AHC), cause X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita and HH. Affected boys usually present with primary adrenal failure in infancy or childhood and HH at the expected time of puberty.DAX1 mutations have also been reported to occur with a wider spectrum of clinical presentations. These cases include female carriers of DAX1 mutations with marked pubertal delay and a male with incomplete BH and mild adrenal insufficiency in adulthood. Given this emerging phenotypic spectrum of clinical presentation in men and women with DAX1 mutations, we hypothesized that DAX1 might be a candidate gene for mutation in patients with idiopathic sporadic or familial HH or constitutional delay of puberty. Direct sequencing of DAX1 was performed in 106 patients, including 85 (80 men and 5 women) with sporadic HH or constitutional delay of puberty and patients from 21 kindreds with familial forms of these disorders. No DAX1 mutations were found in these groups of patients, although silent single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified (T114C, G498A). This study suggests that mutations in DAX1 are unlikely to be a common cause of HH or pubertal delay in the absence of a concomitant history of adrenal insufficiency

    MEK inhibition leads to BRCA2 downregulation and sensitization to DNA damaging agents in pancreas and ovarian cancer models

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    Targeting the DNA damage response (DDR) in tumors with defective DNA repair is a clinically successful strategy. The RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK signalling pathway is frequently deregulated in human cancers. In this study, we explored the effects of MEK inhibition on the homologous recombination pathway and explored the potential for combination therapy of MEK inhibitors with DDR inhibitors and a hypoxia-activated prodrug. We studied effects of combining pimasertib, a selective allosteric inhibitor of MEK1/2, with olaparib, a small molecule inhibitor of poly (adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerases (PARP), and with the hypoxia-activated prodrug evofosfamide in ovarian and pancreatic cancer cell lines. Apoptosis was assessed by Caspase 3/7 assay and protein expression was detected by immunoblotting. DNA damage response was monitored with ÎłH2AX and RAD51 immunofluorescence staining. In vivo antitumor activity of pimasertib with evofosfamide were assessed in pancreatic cancer xenografts. We found that BRCA2 protein expression was downregulated following pimasertib treatment under hypoxic conditions. This translated into reduced homologous recombination repair demonstrated by levels of RAD51 foci. MEK inhibition was sufficient to induce formation of ÎłH2AX foci, suggesting that inhibition of this pathway would impair DNA repair. When combined with olaparib or evofosfamide, pimasertib treatment enhanced DNA damage and increased apoptosis. The combination of pimasertib with evofosfamide demonstrated increased anti-tumor activity in BRCA wild-type Mia-PaCa-2 xenograft model, but not in the BRCA mutated BxPC3 model. Our data suggest that targeted MEK inhibition leads to impaired homologous recombination DNA damage repair and increased PARP inhibition sensitivity in BRCA- 2 proficient cancers

    Hazard and risk assessments for induced seismicity in Groningen

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    Earthquakes associated with gas production have been recorded in the northern part of the Netherlands since 1986. The Huizinge earthquake of 16 August 2012, the strongest so far with a magnitude of M L = 3.6, prompted reassessment of the seismicity induced by production from the Groningen gas field. An international research programme was initiated, with the participation of many Dutch and international universities, knowledge institutes and recognised experts. The prime aim of the programme was to assess the hazard and risk resulting from the induced seismicity. Classic probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment (PSHA) was implemented using a Monte Carlo method. The scope of the research programme extended from the cause (production of gas from the underground reservoir) to the effects (risk to people and damage to buildings). Data acquisition through field measurements and laboratory experiments was a substantial element of the research programme. The existing geophone and accelerometer monitoring network was extended, a new network of accelerometers in building foundations was installed, geophones were placed at reservoir level in deep wells, GPS stations were installed and a gravity survey was conducted. Results of the probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment have been published in production plans submitted to the Minister of Economic Affairs, Winningsplan Groningen 2013 and 2016 and several intermediate updates. The studies and data acquisition further constrained the uncertainties and resulted in a reduction of the initially assessed hazard and risk

    Regulation of pituitary MT1 melatonin receptor expression by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and early growth response factor-1 (Egr-1) : in vivo and in vitro studies

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    Copyright: © 2014 Bae et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: This work was funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC; grant BB/F020309/1; http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/home/home.aspx). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    An optimized non-destructive protocol for testing mechanical properties in decellularized rabbit trachea.

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    Successful tissue-engineered tracheal transplantation relies on the use of non-immunogenic constructs, which can vascularize rapidly, support epithelial growth, and retain mechanical properties to that of native trachea. Current strategies to assess mechanical properties fail to evaluate the trachea to its physiological limits, and lead to irreversible destruction of the construct. Our aim was to develop and evaluate a novel non-destructive method for biomechanical testing of tracheae in a rabbit decellularization model. To validate the performance of this method, we simultaneously analyzed quantitative and qualitative graft changes in response to decellularization, as well as in-vivo biocompatibility of implanted scaffolds. Rabbit tracheae underwent two, four and eight cycles of detergent-enzymatic decellularization. Biomechanical properties were analyzed by calculating luminal volume of progressively inflated and deflated tracheae with microCT. DNA, glycosaminoglycan and collagen contents were compared to native trachea. Scaffolds were prelaminated in vivo. Native, two- and four-cycle tracheae showed equal mechanical properties. Collapsibility of eight-cycle tracheae was significantly increased from -40 cmH2O (-3.9 kPa). Implantation of two- and four-cycle decellularized scaffolds resulted in favorable flap-ingrowth; eight-cycle tracheae showed inadequate integration. We showed a more limited detergent-enzymatic decellularization successfully removing non-cartilaginous immunogenic matter without compromising extracellular matrix content or mechanical stability. With progressive cycles of decellularization, important loss of functional integrity was detected upon mechanical testing and in-vivo implantation. This instability was not revealed by conventional quantitative nor qualitative architectural analyses. These experiments suggest that non-destructive, functional evaluation, e.g. by microCT, may serve as an important tool for mechanical screening of scaffolds before clinical implementation

    Inhibition of CDK4/6 as a novel therapeutic option for neuroblastoma

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    Background: Neuroblastoma is a neural crest-derived tumor and is the most common cancer in children less than 1 year of age. We hypothesized that aberrations in genes that control the cell cycle could play an important role in the pathogenesis of neuroblastoma and could provide a tractable therapeutic target. Methods: In this study, we screened 131 genes involved in cell cycle regulation at different levels by analyzing the effect of siRNA-mediated gene silencing on the proliferation of neuroblastoma cells. Results: Marked reductions in neuroblastoma cellular proliferation were recorded after knockdown of CCND1 or PLK1. We next showed that pharmacological inhibition of cyclin D1 dependent kinases 4/6 (CDK4/6) with PD 0332991 (palbociclib) reduced the growth of neuroblastoma cell lines, induced G1 cell cycle arrest, and inhibited the cyclin D1-Rb pathway. Conclusion: Selective inhibition of CDK4/6 using palbociclib may provide a new therapeutic option for treating neuroblastoma

    Effects of antenatal betamethasone on preterm human and mouse ductus arteriosus: comparison with baboon data.

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    BackgroundAlthough studies involving preterm infants ≀34 weeks gestation report a decreased incidence of patent ductus arteriosus after antenatal betamethasone, studies involving younger gestation infants report conflicting results.MethodsWe used preterm baboons, mice, and humans (≀276/7 weeks gestation) to examine betamethasone's effects on ductus gene expression and constriction both in vitro and in vivo.ResultsIn mice, betamethasone increased the sensitivity of the premature ductus to the contractile effects of oxygen without altering the effects of other contractile or vasodilatory stimuli. Betamethasone's effects on oxygen sensitivity could be eliminated by inhibiting endogenous prostaglandin/nitric oxide signaling. In mice and baboons, betamethasone increased the expression of several developmentally regulated genes that mediate oxygen-induced constriction (K+ channels) and inhibit vasodilator signaling (phosphodiesterases). In human infants, betamethasone increased the rate of ductus constriction at all gestational ages. However, in infants born ≀256/7 weeks gestation, betamethasone's contractile effects were only apparent when prostaglandin signaling was inhibited, whereas at 26-27 weeks gestation, betamethasone's contractile effects were apparent even in the absence of prostaglandin inhibitors.ConclusionsWe speculate that betamethasone's contractile effects may be mediated through genes that are developmentally regulated. This could explain why betamethasone's effects vary according to the infant's developmental age at birth

    Psoriatic Arthritis and Burden of Disease: Patient Perspectives from the Population-Based Multinational Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (MAPP) Survey

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    Introduction: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is underdiagnosed and has a substantial impact on quality of life, disability, and work productivity. The population-based Multinational Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (MAPP) survey examined the impact of PsA on patients’ activities of daily living and unmet treatment needs. Methods: This large-scale, random digit dialing, telephone survey of patients self-reporting a diagnosis of psoriasis and/or PsA was conducted in North America and Europe. Results: In all, 3426 patients participated in the survey, including 712 (21%) who identified themselves as having PsA. Over half of the patients reported severe PsA involving more than four joints. Eighty-three percent of patients with PsA visited a health-care provider within the past 12 months. Approximately one-quarter saw their primary care provider or dermatologist most often for their disease; 37% responded that their rheumatologist was the health-care provider seen most often for PsA. Patients with PsA reported a substantial impact of disease on physical function. One-third of patients with PsA reported missing work because of their disease and PsA impacted their ability to work full time. Over half of the patients with PsA (58%) reported receiving no treatment or topical therapy only, leaving their joint disease untreated. Factors associated with lack of adherence were perceived lack of efficacy and concerns about long-term safety. Conclusions: The MAPP survey confirms that PsA has a significant impact on physical function and activities of daily living. Undertreatment of PsA suggests a need for improved screening and diagnosis as well as education about treatment options and adherence

    Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of Ireland: results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood obesity is emerging as a major public health problem in developed and developing countries worldwide. The aim of this survey was to establish baseline data on the prevalence and correlates of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) and Northern Ireland (NI).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The heights and weights of 19,617 school-going children and adolescents aged between 4 and 16 years in NI and RoI were measured using standardised and calibrated scales and measures. The participants were a representative cross-sectional sample of children randomly selected on the basis of age, gender and geographical location of the school attended. Overweight and obesity were classified according to standard IOTF criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Males were taller than females, children in RoI were taller than those in NI and the more affluent were taller than the less well off. The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was higher among females than males in both jurisdictions. Overall, almost one in four boys (23% RoI and NI) and over one in four girls (28% RoI, 25% NI) were either overweight or obese. In RoI, the highest prevalence of overweight was among 13 year old girls (32%) and obesity among 7 year old girls (11%). In NI the highest prevalence of overweight and obesity were found among 11 and 8 year old girls respectively (33% and 13%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These figures confirm the emergence of the obesity epidemic among children in Ireland, a wealthy country with the European Union. The results serve to underpin the urgency of implementing broad intersectoral measures to reduce calorie intake and increase levels of physical activity, particularly among children.</p
