4,753 research outputs found

    Roadside Weed Cutting

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    Irish Trainees Continuing to Emigrate.

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    The Medical Council’s spotlight report on ‘Trainee Career and Retention Intentions’, to be released later in October 2015, will report further findings from its 2014 Trainee National Experience Survey1, to which over 1,600 non consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs) in training posts responded. This latest report will show that close to half of trainees – the cornerstone of hospital care and the future cornerstone of our health services – intend to pursue their careers outside of Ireland. Most worrying is that those in Higher Specialist Training are more likely to leave, resulting in greater loss to the Irish health system in terms of investment of effort and money, and lost expertise. The findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence on the medical workforce crisis facing Ireland. In early 2015, 88% of Irish medical students reported their intentions to leave Ireland on graduation, though close to half said they would return. However, the assumption that most doctors will return was dispelled in our 2015 survey of 307 emigrant Irish trained doctors who had left Ireland between 2008 and 2013.Since leaving, there had been a three-fold rise in those intending to remain abroad permanently and only a quarter intended to return to practice in Ireland

    Heavy particle concentration in turbulence at dissipative and inertial scales

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    Spatial distributions of heavy particles suspended in an incompressible isotropic and homogeneous turbulent flow are investigated by means of high resolution direct numerical simulations. In the dissipative range, it is shown that particles form fractal clusters with properties independent of the Reynolds number. Clustering is there optimal when the particle response time is of the order of the Kolmogorov time scale τη\tau_\eta. In the inertial range, the particle distribution is no longer scale-invariant. It is however shown that deviations from uniformity depend on a rescaled contraction rate, which is different from the local Stokes number given by dimensional analysis. Particle distribution is characterized by voids spanning all scales of the turbulent flow; their signature in the coarse-grained mass probability distribution is an algebraic behavior at small densities.Comment: 4 RevTeX pgs + 4 color Figures included, 1 figure eliminated second part of the paper completely revise

    Team sport athletes’ perceptions and use of recovery strategies: a mixed-methods survey study

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    Background: A variety of recovery strategies are used by athletes, although there is currently no research that investigates perceptions and usage of recovery by different competition levels of team sport athletes. Methods: The recovery techniques used by team sport athletes of different competition levels was investigated by survey. Specifically this study investigated if, when, why and how the following recovery strategies were used: active land-based recovery (ALB), active water-based recovery (AWB), stretching (STR), cold water immersion (CWI) and contrast water therapy (CWT). Results: Three hundred and thirty-one athletes were surveyed. Fifty-seven percent were found to utilise one or more recovery strategies. Stretching was rated the most effective recovery strategy (4.4/5) with ALB considered the least effective by its users (3.6/5). The water immersion strategies were considered effective/ineffective mainly due to psychological reasons; in contrast STR and ALB were considered to be effective/ineffective mainly due to physical reasons. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that athletes may not be aware of the specific effects that a recovery strategy has upon their physical recovery and thus athlete and coach recovery education is encouraged. This study also provides new information on the prevalence of different recovery strategies and contextual information that may be useful to inform best practice among coaches and athletes

    Patient Choice for Older People in English NHS Primary Care: Theory and Practice

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    In the English National Health Service (NHS), patients are now expected to choose the time and place of treatment and even choose the actual treatment. However, the theory on which patient choice is based and the implementation of patient choice are controversial. There is evidence to indicate that attitudes and abilities to make choices are relatively sophisticated and not as straightforward as policy developments suggest. In addition, and surprisingly, there is little research on whethermaking individual choices about care is regarded as a priority by the largest NHS patient group and the single largest group for most GPs—older people.This conceptual paper examines the theory of patient choice concerning accessing and engaging with healthcare provision and reviews existing evidence on older people and patient choice in primary care

    Statistical properties of an ideal subgrid-scale correction for Lagrangian particle tracking in turbulent channel flow

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    One issue associated with the use of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) to investigate the dispersion of small inertial particles in turbulent flows is the accuracy with which particle statistics and concentration can be reproduced. The motion of particles in LES fields may differ significantly from that observed in experiments or direct numerical simulation (DNS) because the force acting on the particles is not accurately estimated, due to the availability of the only filtered fluid velocity, and because errors accumulate in time leading to a progressive divergence of the trajectories. This may lead to different degrees of inaccuracy in the prediction of statistics and concentration. We identify herein an ideal subgrid correction of the a-priori LES fluid velocity seen by the particles in turbulent channel flow. This correction is computed by imposing that the trajectories of individual particles moving in filtered DNS fields exactly coincide with the particle trajectories in a DNS. In this way the errors introduced by filtering into the particle motion equations can be singled out and analyzed separately from those due to the progressive divergence of the trajectories. The subgrid correction term, and therefore the filtering error, is characterized in the present paper in terms of statistical moments. The effects of the particle inertia and of the filter type and width on the properties of the correction term are investigated.Comment: 15 pages,24 figures. Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Pb-Pb Dating of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Samples Using Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    We are developing an in-situ, rock-dating spectrometer for spaceflight called the Chemistry, Organics, and Dating EXperiment (CODEX). CODEX will measure Rb-Sr ages on the Moon or Mars, and can be augmented to obtain Pb-Pb ages. Coupling Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb measurements broadens the suite of samples that can be dated, and could provide tests of concordance. Here we assess whether geochronologically meaningful Pb-Pb data could be measured in situ by tuning the prototype CODEX to acquire Pb-Pb data from a suite of well-characterized specimens from the Earth, Moon, and Mars. For Keuhl Lake zircon 91500 our 207Pb/206Pb age of 1090 ± 40 Ma is indistinguishable from the accepted age. In each of the Martian meteorites we studied, we could not resolve more than a single component of Pb, and could not uniquely determine ages. Nevertheless, our measurements were consistent with most previous studies of Pb in these meteorites. On the other hand, we determined 204.206,207 Pb isochron ages for all three lunar meteorites we studied. Our age for MIL 05035 is 3500 ± 200 Ma, within 2σ of published ages for this specimen, in spite of its having \u3c1 ppm Pb. LAP 02205 was contaminated by terrestrial Pb, but by filtering our data to exclude the most contaminated spots, we obtained an age of 3010 ± 70 Ma, coincident with published values. Finally, our age for NWA 032 is nearly 1000 Myr older than its age determined from other isotopic systems, and is supported by additional Pb measurements made after chemical leaching

    Objective methods for reliable detection of concealed depression

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    Recent research has shown that it is possible to automatically detect clinical depression from audio-visual recordings. Before considering integration in a clinical pathway, a key question that must be asked is whether such systems can be easily fooled. This work explores the potential of acoustic features to detect clinical depression in adults both when acting normally and when asked to conceal their depression. Nine adults diagnosed with mild to moderate depression as per the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) were asked a series of questions and to read a excerpt from a novel aloud under two different experimental conditions. In one, participants were asked to act naturally and in the other, to suppress anything that they felt would be indicative of their depression. Acoustic features were then extracted from this data and analysed using paired t-tests to determine any statistically significant differences between healthy and depressed participants. Most features that were found to be significantly different during normal behaviour remained so during concealed behaviour. In leave-one-subject-out automatic classification studies of the 9 depressed subjects and 8 matched healthy controls, an 88% classification accuracy and 89% sensitivity was achieved. Results remained relatively robust during concealed behaviour, with classifiers trained on only non-concealed data achieving 81% detection accuracy and 75% sensitivity when tested on concealed data. These results indicate there is good potential to build deception-proof automatic depression monitoring systems
