24 research outputs found

    The impact of land surface temperature on soil moisture anomaly detection from passive microwave observations

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    For several years passive microwave observations have been used to retrieve soil moisture from the Earth's surface. Low frequency observations have the most sensitivity to soil moisture, therefore the current Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and future Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) satellite missions observe the Earth's surface in the L-band frequency. In the past, several satellite sensors such as the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E) and WindSat have been used to retrieve surface soil moisture using multi-channel observations obtained at higher microwave frequencies. While AMSR-E and WindSat lack an L-band channel, they are able to leverage multi-channel microwave observations to estimate additional land surface parameters. In particular, the availability of Ka-band observations allows AMSR-E and WindSat to obtain coincident surface temperature estimates required for the retrieval of surface soil moisture. In contrast, SMOS and SMAP carry only a single frequency radiometer and therefore lack an instrument suited to estimate the physical temperature of the Earth. Instead, soil moisture algorithms from these new generation satellites rely on ancillary sources of surface temperature (e.g. re-analysis or near real time data from weather prediction centres). A consequence of relying on such ancillary data is the need for temporal and spatial interpolation, which may introduce uncertainties. Here, two newly-developed, large-scale soil moisture evaluation techniques, the triple collocation (TC) approach and the <i>R</i><sub>value</sub> data assimilation approach, are applied to quantify the global-scale impact of replacing Ka-band based surface temperature retrievals with Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) surface temperature output on the accuracy of WindSat and AMSR-E based surface soil moisture retrievals. Results demonstrate that under sparsely vegetated conditions, the use of MERRA land surface temperature instead of Ka-band radiometric land surface temperature leads to a relative decrease in skill (on average 9.7%) of soil moisture anomaly estimates. However the situation is reversed for highly vegetated conditions where soil moisture anomaly estimates show a relative increase in skill (on average 13.7%) when using MERRA land surface temperature. In addition, a pre-processing technique to shift phase of the modelled surface temperature is shown to generally enhance the value of MERRA surface temperature estimates for soil moisture retrieval. Finally, a very high correlation (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.95) and consistency between the two evaluation techniques lends further credibility to the obtained results

    The impact of incorrect model error assumptions on the assimilation of remotely sensed surface soil moisture

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    Data assimilation approaches require some type of state forecast error covariance information in order to optimally merge model predictions with observations. The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) dynamically derives such information through a Monte Carlo approach and the introduction of random noise in model states, fluxes, and/or forcing data. However, in land data assimilation, relatively little guidance exists concerning strategies for selecting the appropriate magnitude and/or type of introduced model noise. In addition, little is known about the sensitivity of filter prediction accuracy to (potentially) inappropriate assumptions concerning the source and magnitude of modeling error. Using a series of synthetic identical twin experiments, this analysis explores the consequences of making incorrect assumptions concerning the source and magnitude of model error on the efficiency of assimilating surface soil moisture observations to constrain deeper root- zone soil moisture predictions made by a land surface model. Results suggest that inappropriate model error assumptions can lead to circumstances in which the assimilation of surface soil moisture observations actually degrades the performance of a land surface model (relative to open-loop assimilations that lack a data assimilation component). Prospects for diagnosing such circumstances and adaptively correcting the culpable model error assumptions using filter innovations are discussed. The dual assimilation of both runoff (from streamflow) and surface soil moisture observations appears to offer a more robust assimilation framework where incorrect model error assumptions are more readily diagnosed via filter innovations

    Correcting rainfall using satellite-based surface soil moisture retrievals: The Soil Moisture Analysis Rainfall Tool (SMART)

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    International audienceRecently, Crow et al. (2009) developed an algorithm for enhancing satellite-based land rainfall products via the assimilation of remotely sensed surface soil moisture retrievals into a water balance model. As a follow-up, this paper describes the benefits of modifying their approach to incorporate more complex data assimilation and land surface modeling methodologies. Specific modifications improving rainfall estimates are assembled into the Soil Moisture Analysis Rainfall Tool (SMART), and the resulting algorithm is applied outside the contiguous United States for the first time, with an emphasis on West African sites instrumented as part of the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis experiment. Results demonstrate that the SMART algorithm is superior to the Crow et al. baseline approach and is capable of broadly improving coarse-scale rainfall accumulations measurements with low risk of degradation. Comparisons with existing multisensor, satellite-based precipitation data products suggest that the introduction of soil moisture information from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer via SMART provides as much coarse-scale (3 day, 1°) rainfall accumulation information as thermal infrared satellite observations and more information than monthly rain gauge observations in poorly instrumented regions

    Kas Mattia hölmöö (4/4 F)

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    Laulun sanat: Kas, Mattia hölmöö, kun maansa möi Ottaen matkasauvan, EvÀÀnsÀ ja rahansa joi, Kuleksien kauvan. Onneksi Marketan kohtasi hÀn; Sitten he pyörivÀt kÀsittÀin. Hilapan pampan hilapan pampan hilapan hilapan pampam pei Hilapan pampan hilapan pampan hilapan hi

    A review of the applications of ASCAT [ Advanced SCATterometer] soil moisture products

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    Remote sensing of soil moisture has reached a level of good maturity and accuracy for which the retrieved products are ready to use in real-world applications. Due to the importance of soil moisture in the partitioning of the water and energy uxes between the land surface and the atmosphere, a wide range of applicationscanbene tfromtheavailabilityofsatellitesoilmoisture products. Speci cally, the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) on boardtheseriesofMeteorologicalOperational(Metop)satellitesis providing a near real time (and long-term, 9+ years starting from January2007)soilmoistureproduct,withanearlydaily(sub-daily after the launch of Metop-B) revisit time and a spatial sampling of 12.5 and 25 km. This study rst performs a review of the climatic, meteorological,andhydrologicalstudiesthatusesatellitesoilmoisture products for a better understanding of the water and energy cycle. Speci cally, applications that consider satellite soil moistureproductforimprovingtheirpredictionsareanalyzed anddiscussed. Moreover, four real examples are shown in which ASCAT soil moisture observations have been successfully applied toward: 1) numerical weather prediction, 2) rainfall estimation, 3) ood forecasting,and4)droughtmonitoringandprediction.Finally,the strengthsandlimitationsofASCATsoilmoistureproductsandthe way forward for fully exploiting these data in real-world applications are discussed