64 research outputs found


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    INTER-HABITAT MOVIMENT FOR ATLANTIC FOREST SPECIES AND THE DIFICULTY TO BUILD ECOPROFILES. Few studies have evaluated the animals' capacity of inter-patch movement, which contributed to the buildup over the years of approaches that use a target species to represent and protect the local biodiversity. Recently, the ‘ecoprofiles' approach, seeks to fill some gaps left by other approaches. The ecoprofiles taking into account three main characteristics (type of ecosystem, area requirements and capacity of inter-patch movement) of target species, which may serve as representatives of a range of species that do not possess such information and demanding ‘similar' ecological requirements. Here, we performed a scientometric study on the subject of inter-patch movement, focusing on Atlantic Forest species. We also evaluated the possible use of ecoprofiles approach for this biome. In a general view, Brazil contributed with 0.005% to the total of  published articles worldwide on the subject, which permit to conclude that the Brazilian contribution on the subject is still recent and restricted. Focusing in the Atlantic Forest biome, we found 24 papers published until January 2010, 15 of which presented explicit results on inter-patch movement for Atlantic Forest species. Among these 15 papers, the most common objective was to evaluate the species' dispersal capacity (the capacity to cross the matrix from one remnant forest to another). The non-volant mammals were the most frequent group in the articles and the birds showed the highest number of species studied. Only birds and small mammals were studied, probably because they are easily found and captured in remnant forests. This fact resulted in low values of inter-patch movement found for Atlantic Forest species. Moreover, this contribution presents a strong regional bias, since the state of Rio de Janeiro contributed all information about the subject for non-volant mammals and São Paulo for birds. Considering all the studies analyzed, although several aspects of the issue have been addressed, it is clear that knowledge about the ability to shift in the matrix is still very restricted. This fact, coupled with the lack of information on area requirements of the species, makes it virtually impossible to apply the ecoprofiles approach for the Atlantic Forest, at least in the short term.Keywords: Functional connectivity; gap crossing; perceptual range; Landscape Ecology; scientometrics.DESPLAZAMIENTO DE ESPECIES DEL BOSQUE ATLANTICO ENTRE PARCHES DE UNA MATRIZ Y LA DIFICULTAD DE CONSTRUIR PERFILES ECOLOGICOS. Pocos estudios han evaluado la capacidad de desplazamiento de especies entre parches de una matriz, que hayan contribuido a mejorar las aproximaciones que usan una especie blanco para representar y proteger la biodiversidad local. Recientemente, la aproximación de los “perfiles ecológicos” busca llenar algunos vacios dejados por otras aproximaciones. Esta tiene en consideración tres características principales de las especies blanco (tipo de ecosistema, requerimientos de área y capacidad de desplazamiento en la matriz), que pueden ser representativas de una gama de especies para la que no se posea información y tengan “similares” requerimientos ecológicos. En este trabajo realizamos un estudio cienciométrico sobre el desplazamiento entre parches de una matriz, enfocado en especies del Bosque Atlántico y evaluamos el uso posible de la aproximación de perfiles publicado mundialmente para este bioma. La contribución de Brasil es reciente y reducida. Para el Bosque Atlántico, encontramos 24 artículos publicados hasta enero del 2010, de los cuales solo 15 presentaron resultados explícitos de desplazamientos en la matriz para este bioma. De estos 15, el objetivo más común fue evaluar la dispersión de especies (capacidad de atravesar una matriz pasando de un hábitat a otro). Los mamíferos no voladores fueron el grupo más frecuente en los trabajos y las aves constituyeron el mayor número de especies estudiadas. Probablemente,  por la mayor facilidad de captura y mayor ocurrencia en los parches boscosos, solo las aves y pequeños mamíferos fueron estudiados, lo que dio como resultado bajos valores de desplazamiento en la matriz para especies del Bosque Atlántico. Además, esta contribución muestra un fuerte sesgo regional ya que el estado de Río de Janeiro contribuye con toda la información sobre la temática para los mamíferos no voladores y Sao Paulo para las aves. Teniendo en consideración todos los estudios analizados, si bien algunos aspectos sobre la temática han sido considerados, se hace evidente que el conocimiento sobre la capacidad de desplazamiento de especies entre parches de una matriz es muy restringido. Este hecho junto con la carencia de información sobre requerimientos de área de las especies, hace prácticamente imposible aplicar la aproximación de los “perfiles ecológicos” en el Bosque Atlántico, al menos en el corto plazo. Palabras clave: Conectividad funcional; gap crossing; rango perceptual; Ecología del Paisaje; cienciometría.Poucos estudos têm avaliado a capacidade de deslocamento das espécies na matriz, o que contribuiu para o acúmulo ao longo dos anos de abordagens que utilizavam uma espécie alvo para representar e proteger a biodiversidade local, sendo a de perfis ecológicos a mais recente. Nesse estudo, realizamos um estudo cienciométrico com enfoque na temática deslocamento na matriz para espécies que ocorrem na Mata Atlântica e avaliamos o possível uso da abordagem de perfis ecológicos para o bioma. Em uma visão geral, o Brasil contribui com menos de 0,005% do que é publicado mundialmente sobre a temática. Com relação à Mata Atlântica, ao todo 24 artigos foram selecionados até janeiro de 2010, sendo que apenas 15 apresentaram valores explícitos de deslocamento na matriz para espécies desse bioma. Os mamíferos não-voadores foram os mais estudados e o grupo das aves foi o que apresentou o maior número de espécies estudadas. Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo são os estados que contribuem com a maior parte do conhecimento sobre a temática. Dentre os 15 artigos que apresentaram resultados explícitos sobre deslocamento na matriz, o objetivo mais comum foi avaliar a dispersão de espécies entre fragmentos florestais. A abordagem de perfis ecológicos não pode ser utilizada para a Mata Atlântica, já que não há informação suficiente sobre a capacidade de dispersão das espécies e das exigências de habitat, que é outra variável contida na abordagem. Podemos concluir que a contribuição brasileira sobre a temática é ínfima e recente, acarretando em baixos valores de deslocamento encontrados para espécies da Mata Atlântica, já que apenas aves e mamíferos de pequeno porte foram estudados. Isso ocorre por serem facilmente capturados e encontrados em fragmentos florestais, além de sofrerem um forte viés regional, já que o estado do Rio de Janeiro contribui com toda a informação sobre a temática para os mamíferos não-voadores e São Paulo para o grupo das aves. Considerando todos os estudos, diversos aspectos sobre a temática foram enfocados, no entanto, o conhecimento sobre o assunto ainda é muito restrito, o que torna a abordagem de perfis ecológicos inadequada para a Mata Atlântica

    Incorporating habitat availability into systematic planning for restoration: A species-specific approach for Atlantic Forest mammals

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    AimSpecies persistence often depends not only on habitat protection, but also on habitat restoration. The effectiveness of species conservation through habitat restoration can be enhanced by explicitly considering habitat availability', the combined effects of the total amount of habitat and its spatial configuration. We develop an approach for prioritizing land for restoration in a complex biome, considering habitat availability, land acquisition cost and biogeographical representation

    Large-scale avian vocalization detection delivers reliable global biodiversity insights

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    Tracking biodiversity and its dynamics at scale is essential if we are to solve global environmental challenges. Detecting animal vocalizations in passively recorded audio data offers an automatable, inexpensive, and taxonomically broad way to monitor biodiversity. However, the labor and expertise required to label new data and fine-tune algorithms for each deployment is a major barrier. In this study, we applied a pretrained bird vocalization detection model, BirdNET, to 152,376 h of audio comprising datasets from Norway, Taiwan, Costa Rica, and Brazil. We manually listened to a subset of detections for each species in each dataset, calibrated classification thresholds, and found precisions of over 90% for 109 of 136 species. While some species were reliably detected across multiple datasets, the performance of others was dataset specific. By filtering out unreliable detections, we could extract species and community-level insight into diel (Brazil) and seasonal (Taiwan) temporal scales, as well as landscape (Costa Rica) and national (Norway) spatial scales. Our findings demonstrate that, with relatively fast but essential local calibration, a single vocalization detection model can deliver multifaceted community and species-level insight across highly diverse datasets; unlocking the scale at which acoustic monitoring can deliver immediate applied impact. biodiversity │ machine learning │ acoustics │ bioacoustics │ birdspublishedVersio

    Strategic approaches to restoring ecosystems can triple conservation gains and halve costs.

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    International commitments for ecosystem restoration add up to one-quarter of the world's arable land. Fulfilling them would ease global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity decline but could displace food production and impose financial costs on farmers. Here, we present a restoration prioritization approach capable of revealing these synergies and trade-offs, incorporating ecological and economic efficiencies of scale and modelling specific policy options. Using an actual large-scale restoration target of the Atlantic Forest hotspot, we show that our approach can deliver an eightfold increase in cost-effectiveness for biodiversity conservation compared with a baseline of non-systematic restoration. A compromise solution avoids 26% of the biome's current extinction debt of 2,864 plant and animal species (an increase of 257% compared with the baseline). Moreover, this solution sequesters 1 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent (a 105% increase) while reducing costs by US$28 billion (a 57% decrease). Seizing similar opportunities elsewhere would offer substantial contributions to some of the greatest challenges for humankind

    Global priority areas for ecosystem restoration

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    Extensive ecosystem restoration is increasingly seen as being central to conserving biodiversity1 and stabilizing the climate of the Earth2. Although ambitious national and global targets have been set, global priority areas that account for spatial variation in benefits and costs have yet to be identified. Here we develop and apply a multicriteria optimization approach that identifies priority areas for restoration across all terrestrial biomes, and estimates their benefits and costs. We find that restoring 15% of converted lands in priority areas could avoid 60% of expected extinctions while sequestering 299 gigatonnes of CO2—30% of the total CO2 increase in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. The inclusion of several biomes is key to achieving multiple benefits. Cost effectiveness can increase up to 13-fold when spatial allocation is optimized using our multicriteria approach, which highlights the importance of spatial planning. Our results confirm the vast potential contributions of restoration to addressing global challenges, while underscoring the necessity of pursuing these goals synergistically.Fil: Strassburg, Bernardo B. N.. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Iribarrem, Alvaro. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Beyer, Hawthorne L.. The University of Queensland; Australia. University of Queensland; AustraliaFil: Cordeiro, Carlos Leandro. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Crouzeilles, Renato. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Jakovac, Catarina C.. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Braga Junqueira, André. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Lacerda, Eduardo. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Latawiec, Agnieszka E.. University of East Anglia; Reino Unido. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Balmford, Andrew. University of Cambridge; Estados UnidosFil: Brooks, Thomas M.. University Of The Philippines Los Banos; Filipinas. Institute For Marine And Antarctic Studies; Australia. International Union For Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources; SuizaFil: Butchart, Stuart H. M.. University of Cambridge; Estados UnidosFil: Chazdon, Robin L.. University Of The Sunshine Coast; Australia. University of Connecticut; Estados UnidosFil: Erb, Karl-Heinz. Universitat Fur Bodenkultur Wien; AustriaFil: Brancalion, Pedro. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Buchanan, Graeme. Royal Society For The Protection Of Birds; Reino UnidoFil: Cooper, David. Secretariat Of The Convention On Biological Diversity; CanadáFil: Díaz, Sandra Myrna. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Donald, Paul F.. University of Cambridge; Estados UnidosFil: Kapos, Valerie. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre; Reino UnidoFil: Leclère, David. International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg; AustriaFil: Miles, Lera. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre; Reino UnidoFil: Obersteiner, Michael. Oxford Social Sciences Division; Reino Unido. International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg; AustriaFil: Plutzar, Christoph. Universitat Fur Bodenkultur Wien; Austria. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: de M. Scaramuzza, Carlos Alberto. International Institute For Sustainability; BrasilFil: Scarano, Fabio R.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Visconti, Piero. International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg; Austri

    Associations between socio-environmental factors and landscape-scale biodiversity recovery in naturally regenerating tropical and subtropical forests

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    Natural regeneration is key for large-scale forest restoration, yet it may lead to different biodiversity outcomes depending on socio-environmental context. We combined the results of a global meta-analysis to quantify how biodiversity recovery in naturally regenerating forests deviates from biodiversity values in reference old-growth forests, with structural equation modeling, to identify direct and indirect associations between socioeconomic, biophysical and ecological factors and deviation in biodiversity recovery at a landscape scale. Low deviation within a landscape means higher chances of multiple sites in naturally regenerating forests successfully recovering biodiversity compared to reference forests. Deviation in biodiversity recovery was directly negatively associated with the percentage of cropland, forest cover, and positively associated with the percentage of urban areas in the surrounding landscape. These three factors mediated the indirect associations with rural population size, recent gross deforestation, time since natural regeneration started, mean annual temperature, mean annual water deficit, road density, land opportunity cost, percentage cover of strictly protected forest areas, and human population variation in the surrounding landscape. We suggest that natural forest restoration should be prioritized in landscapes with both low socioeconomic pressures on land use conversion to pasturelands and urban areas, and high percentage of forest cover.This is available in the methods section of this paper


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