79 research outputs found

    A chironomid-based reconstruction of summer temperatures in NW Iceland since AD 1650

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    Few studies currently exist that aim to validate a proxy chironomid-temperature reconstruction with instrumental temperature measurements. We used a reconstruction from a chironomid percentage abundance data set to produce quantitative summer temperature estimates since AD 1650 for NW Iceland through a transfer function approach, and validated the record against instrumental temperature measurements from Stykkishólmur in western Iceland. The core was dated through Pb-210, Cs-137 and tephra analyses (Hekla 1693) which produced a well-constrained dating model across the whole study period. Little catchment disturbance, as shown through geochemical (Itrax) and loss-on-ignition data, throughout the period further reinforce the premise that the chironomids were responding to temperature and not other catchment or within-lake variables. Particularly cold phases were identified between AD 1683–1710, AD 1765–1780 and AD 1890–1917, with relative drops in summer temperatures in the order of 1.5–2°C. The timing of these cold phases agree well with other evidence of cooler temperatures, notably increased extent of Little Ice Age (LIA) glaciers. Our evidence suggests that the magnitude of summer temperature cooling (1.5–2°C) was enough to force LIA Icelandic glaciers into their maximum Holocene extent, which is in accordance with previous modelling experiments for an Icelandic ice cap (Langjökull)

    Modern pollution signals in sediments from Windermere, NW England, determined by micro-XRF and lead isotope analysis

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    High resolution geochemical (Itrax micro-XRF and wavelength dispersive XRF) data, radiochronology (210Pb and 137Cs analyses) and ultra-high precision double-spike lead isotope measurements from lacustrine sediment cores are used in combination with historical research of former mining landscapes to investigate modern pollution signals in sediments from Windermere, the largest lake in the English Lake District. The sediment record suggests that while most element concentrations have been stable, there has been a significant increase since the 1930s in lead, zinc and copper concentrations. Double-spike lead isotope measurements reveal a mixture of natural lead, and three major contributory sources of anthropogenic (industrial) lead, comprising gasoline lead, coal combustion lead (from coal-fired steam ships) and lead derived from Carboniferous Pb–Zn mineralisation (mining activities). A number of up-system sediment traps have limited the amount of mining related heavy metals entering Windermere, and as a result, periods of metal workings do not correlate with peaks in heavy metals. Increases could also be due to flood-induced metal inwash or weathering of bedrock in the catchment. Application of these non-destructive and high precision analytical techniques provides new insights into the pollutant depositional history of Windermere

    A 500 year sediment lake record of anthropogenic and natural inputs to Windermere (English Lake District) using double-spike lead isotopes, radiochronology, and sediment microanalysis

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    A high-resolution record of pollution is preserved in recent sediments from Windermere, the largest lake in the English Lake District. Data derived from X-ray core scanning (validated against wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence), radiochronological techniques (210Pb and 137Cs) and ultrahigh precision, double-spike mass spectrometry for lead isotopes are combined to decipher the anthropogenic inputs to the lake. The sediment record suggests that while most element concentrations have been stable, there has been a significant increase in lead, zinc, and copper concentrations since the 1930s. Lead isotope down-core variations identify three major contributory sources of anthropogenic (industrial) lead, comprising gasoline lead, coal combustion lead (most likely source is coal-fired steam ships), and lead derived from Carboniferous Pb–Zn mineralization (mining activities). Periods of metal workings do not correlate with peaks in heavy metals due to the trapping efficiency of up-system lakes in the catchment. Heavy metal increases could be due to flood-induced metal inwash after the cessation of mining and the weathering of bedrock in the catchment. The combination of sediment analysis techniques used provides new insights into the pollutant depositional history of Windermere and could be similarly applied to other lake systems to determine the timing and scale of anthropogenic inputs

    A coupled natural immobilisation machanism for mercury and selenium in deep-sea sediments.

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    Abstract—In the succession of redox conditions encountered with increasing depth in sediments, the first major redox change is the oxic/post-oxic boundary. The geochemical behaviour of Hg is investigated in three different deep-sea situations where this boundary has been localised within a narrow depth zone for a sustained period (thousands of years) because of changes in sedimentary accumulation conditions. From previous work it is known that a variety of redox-sensitive elements form diagenetic peak concentrations above and below this boundary. This work shows for the first time that Hg also develops sharp peaks immediately into post-oxic conditions in two different situations where sediments containing trace pyrite have been re-oxidised. The Hg peaks are always closely associated with corresponding Se peaks, and the diagenetic concentrations of both elements are persistent over millions of years on subsequent burial into more reducing conditions. There is an apparent offset in the locations of Hg and Se peaks observed in a continuously accumulated case where Se uptake from bottom waters occurs independently of pyrite formation or re-oxidation, which may be a consequence of a widely spread Se peak. It is proposed that formation of the HgSe species tiemannite is involved, by analogy with selenium ore occurrences and the other elements found immobilised along with Se and Hg in the cases studied. Copyright © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd 1

    Организация деятельности педагога по совершенствованию умений диалогической речи у детей старшего дошкольного возраста.

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    В работе рассмотрены основы психического и речевого развития детей старшего дошкольного возраста, охарактеризованы лингво-методические основы развития диалогической речи у старшего дошкольного возраста, раскрыто содержание деятельности педагога по совершенствованию умений диалогической речи у детей старшего дошкольного возраста, разработан комплекс педагогических мероприятий по теме исследования

    Snow petrel stomach-oil deposits as a new biological archive of Antarctic sea ice

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    Where snow petrels forage is predominantly a function of sea ice. They spit stomach oil in defence, and accumulated deposits at nesting sites are providing new opportunities to reconstruct their diet, and, in turn, the sea-ice environment over past millennia

    Isolation and quantification of 55Fe and 63Ni in reactor effluents using extraction chromatography and liquid scintillation analysis

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    A novel extraction chromatographic resin based on diisobutyl ketone has been developed for the isolation of 55Fe. This material has been used in conjunction with a dimethylglyoxime-based resin for the sequential separation of 55Fe and 63Ni and isolation of these radionuclides from associated contaminants. The preparation and characterisation of these resins is described along with an assessment of their performance for the isolation of 55Fe and 63Ni from a mixture of nuclear activation products. In addition, a refined approach for the measurement of these nuclides by liquid scintillation counting is discussed. The findings of these studies have been combined to develop a robust procedure for the analysis of 55Fe and 63Ni in reactor effluents which is now the preferred method for a number of UK analytical laboratories