70 research outputs found

    Pedagogiczna nadzieja między obecnością i obietnicą

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    What specific imprint does Christianity give to the philosophical elaboration of personalism? Initially, we introduce a reflective reread on Christian personalist thought in ongoing pedagogical discourse, in particular through the paradigmatic concept of hope. Returning to the traditional concept of ‘person’ and to its philosophical-ontological legacy, this essay discusses the dynamic of the teacher-student educational relationship. In this context, this paper attempts to show that the educator manifests his being a person of hope through his educative presence and respect for the promise.Co można uznać za oryginalny wkład chrześcijaństwa w rozwój personalizmu na gruncie filozofii? Na wstępie niniejszego artykułu zaprezentowano, przede wszystkim poprzez odniesienie do paradygmatycznej idei nadziei, refleksyjne odczytanie chrześcijańskiej myśli personalistycznej w kontekście bieżącego dyskursu pedagogicznego. Wracając do tradycyjnej koncepcji osoby, jak i filozoficzno-ontologicznej spuścizny tegoż pojęcia, niniejszy esej poświęcony jest omówieniu dynamiki relacji wychowawczej zachodzącej między nauczycielem i wychowankiem. W tym właśnie ujęciu podjęta zostaje próba wykazania, że wychowawca przedstawia się jako osoba nadziei poprzez swoją wychowawczą obecność i szacunek dla obietnicy

    Reflectiveness in professional teacher training

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    Questo saggio presenta una ricostruzione della pratica riflessiva in termini di teoria e metodologia, ed è basato su un’analisi della letteratura scientifica in argomento. La pratica riflessiva è stata a lungo una delle preoccupazioni più rilevanti nella pratica professionale, specialmente nell’ambito della formazione degli insegnanti. Lo scopo di questo contributo è di mostrare che promuovere la riflessività durante la formazione dei docenti e nel loro servizio professionale può avere forti benefici relativamente all’efficacia didattica, perché la riflessività sviluppa la capacità degli insegnanti di considerare la propria pratica e di modificare la loro considerazione sull’insegnamento e sull’apprendimento. La pratica riflessiva promuove anche lo sviluppo dell’identità professionale. Infatti, l’insegnante come professionista riflessivo sa interpretare e reinterpretare la propria esperienza, sviluppando in questo modo la sua identità professionale di docente.This essay presents a reconstruction of reflective practice in terms of theory and methodology, and is based on an analysis of scientific literature in the subject. Reflective practice has long been one of the most important concerns in professional practice, especially in the field of teacher training. The purpose of this contribution is to show that promoting reflexivity during teacher training and their professional service can have great benefits in terms of didactic effectiveness, because reflection develops the ability of teachers to consider their practice and to modify their consideration of teaching and learning. Reflective practice also promotes the development of professional identity. In fact, the teacher as a reflective professional can interpret and reinterpret his own experience, thus developing his professional identity as a teacher.Educació

    Handedness impacts the neural correlates of kinesthetic motor imagery and execution: A FMRI study

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    The human brain functional lateralization has been widely studied over the past decades, and neuroimaging studies have shown how activation of motor areas during hand movement execution (ME) is different according to hand dominance. Nevertheless, there is no research directly investigating the effects of the participant's handedness in a motor imagery (MI) and ME task in both right and left‐handed individuals at the cortical and subcortical level. Twenty‐six right‐handed and 25 left‐handed participants were studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging during the imagination and execution of repetitive self‐paced movements of squeezing a ball with their dominant, non‐dominant, and both hands. Results revealed significant statistical difference (p < 0.05) between groups during both the execution and the imagery task with the dominant, non‐dominant, and both hands both at cortical and subcortical level. During ME, left‐handers recruited a spread bilateral network, while in right‐handers, activity was more lateralized. At the critical level, MI between‐group analysis revealed a similar pattern in right and left‐handers showing a bilateral activation for the dominant hand. Differentially at the subcortical level, during MI, only right‐handers showed the involvement of the posterior cerebellum. No significant activity was found for left‐handers. Overall, we showed a partial spatial overlap of neural correlates of MI and ME in motor, premotor, sensory cortices, and cerebellum. Our results highlight differences in the functional organization of motor areas in right and left‐handed people, supporting the hypothesis that MI is influenced by the way people habitually perform motor actions

    School between de-constructions and constructions

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    The essay deals with the relationship between the new guidelines for the design of school buildings (D.M. 11 aprile 2013) and the pedagogical thinking that has supported its development. Through the analysis of the proposal contained in the law n. 107/2015 to create innovative schools from the educational point of view, the welfare of its users and the opening to the territory (civic center), it is presented a model that combines the architectural design element with the educational needs. The surrounding environment is considered in its value as a “third educator”. For that to happen, it is desirable for the government’s decision to be followed by a participated involvement in the planning and management phase by all the players involved in the education processes and by the territorial authorities.   La scuola tra de-costruzioni e costruzioni Il saggio affronta la relazione che intercorre tra le nuove Linee guida per la progettazione di edifici scolastici (D.M. 11 aprile 2013) e la riflessione pedagogica che ne ha supportato lo sviluppo. Attraverso l’analisi della L. n. 107/2015 inerente la realizzazione di scuole innovative dal punto di vista didattico, del benessere dei suoi fruitori e di apertura al territorio (civic centre), viene presentato un modello che coniuga l’elemento di design architettonico e le esigenze didattico-educative. Lo spazio è, quindi, considerato nel suo valore di “terzo educativo”. Perché ciò avvenga è auspicabile che, alla proposta governativa segua un coinvolgimento partecipato in fase progettuale e gestionale di tutti i protagonisti dell’istituzione scolastica e territoriale

    School between de-constructions and constructions

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    The essay deals with the relationship between the new guidelines for the design of school buildings (D.M. 11 aprile 2013) and the pedagogical thinking that has supported its development. Through the analysis of the proposal contained in the law n. 107/2015 to create innovative schools from the educational point of view, the welfare of its users and the opening to the territory (civic center), it is presented a model that combines the architectural design element with the educational needs. The surrounding environment is considered in its value as a “third educator”. For that to happen, it is desirable for the government’s decision to be followed by a participated involvement in the planning and management phase by all the players involved in the education processes and by the territorial authorities. La scuola tra de-costruzioni e costruzioniIl saggio affronta la relazione che intercorre tra le nuove Linee guida per la progettazione di edifici scolastici (D.M. 11 aprile 2013) e la riflessione pedagogica che ne ha supportato lo sviluppo. Attraverso l’analisi della L. n. 107/2015 inerente la realizzazione di scuole innovative dal punto di vista didattico, del benessere dei suoi fruitori e di apertura al territorio (civic centre), viene presentato un modello che coniuga l’elemento di design architettonico e le esigenze didattico-educative. Lo spazio è, quindi, considerato nel suo valore di “terzo educativo”. Perché ciò avvenga è auspicabile che, alla proposta governativa segua un coinvolgimento partecipato in fase progettuale e gestionale di tutti i protagonisti dell’istituzione scolastica e territoriale

    Carriers of ADAMTS13 Rare Variants Are at High Risk of Life-Threatening COVID-19

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    Thrombosis of small and large vessels is reported as a key player in COVID-19 severity. However, host genetic determinants of this susceptibility are still unclear. Congenital Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is a severe autosomal recessive disorder characterized by uncleaved ultra-large vWF and thrombotic microangiopathy, frequently triggered by infections. Carriers are reported to be asymptomatic. Exome analysis of about 3000 SARS-CoV-2 infected subjects of different severities, belonging to the GEN-COVID cohort, revealed the specific role of vWF cleaving enzyme ADAMTS13 (A disintegrin-like and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 13). We report here that ultra-rare variants in a heterozygous state lead to a rare form of COVID-19 characterized by hyper-inflammation signs, which segregates in families as an autosomal dominant disorder conditioned by SARS-CoV-2 infection, sex, and age. This has clinical relevance due to the availability of drugs such as Caplacizumab, which inhibits vWF-platelet interaction, and Crizanlizumab, which, by inhibiting P-selectin binding to its ligands, prevents leukocyte recruitment and platelet aggregation at the site of vascular damage

    COVID-19 in rheumatic diseases in Italy: first results from the Italian registry of the Italian Society for Rheumatology (CONTROL-19)

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    OBJECTIVES: Italy was one of the first countries significantly affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic. The Italian Society for Rheumatology promptly launched a retrospective and anonymised data collection to monitor COVID-19 in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs), the CONTROL-19 surveillance database, which is part of the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance. METHODS: CONTROL-19 includes patients with RMDs and proven severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) updated until May 3rd 2020. In this analysis, only molecular diagnoses were included. The data collection covered demographic data, medical history (general and RMD-related), treatments and COVID-19 related features, treatments, and outcome. In this paper, we report the first descriptive data from the CONTROL-19 registry. RESULTS: The population of the first 232 patients (36% males) consisted mainly of elderly patients (mean age 62.2 years), who used corticosteroids (51.7%), and suffered from multi-morbidity (median comorbidities 2). Rheumatoid arthritis was the most frequent disease (34.1%), followed by spondyloarthritis (26.3%), connective tissue disease (21.1%) and vasculitis (11.2%). Most cases had an active disease (69.4%). Clinical presentation of COVID-19 was typical, with systemic symptoms (fever and asthenia) and respiratory symptoms. The overall outcome was severe, with high frequencies of hospitalisation (69.8%), respiratory support oxygen (55.7%), non-invasive ventilation (20.9%) or mechanical ventilation (7.5%), and 19% of deaths. Male patients typically manifested a worse prognosis. Immunomodulatory treatments were not significantly associated with an increased risk of intensive care unit admission/mechanical ventilation/death. CONCLUSIONS: Although the report mainly includes the most severe cases, its temporal and spatial trend supports the validity of the national surveillance system. More complete data are being acquired in order to both test the hypothesis that RMD patients may have a different outcome from that of the general population and determine the safety of immunomodulatory treatments

    Gain- and Loss-of-Function CFTR Alleles Are Associated with COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes

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    Carriers of single pathogenic variants of the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene have a higher risk of severe COVID-19 and 14-day death. The machine learning post-Mendelian model pinpointed CFTR as a bidirectional modulator of COVID-19 outcomes. Here, we demonstrate that the rare complex allele [G576V;R668C] is associated with a milder disease via a gain-of-function mechanism. Conversely, CFTR ultra-rare alleles with reduced function are associated with disease severity either alone (dominant disorder) or with another hypomorphic allele in the second chromosome (recessive disorder) with a global residual CFTR activity between 50 to 91%. Furthermore, we characterized novel CFTR complex alleles, including [A238V;F508del], [R74W;D1270N;V201M], [I1027T;F508del], [I506V;D1168G], and simple alleles, including R347C, F1052V, Y625N, I328V, K68E, A309D, A252T, G542*, V562I, R1066H, I506V, I807M, which lead to a reduced CFTR function and thus, to more severe COVID-19. In conclusion, CFTR genetic analysis is an important tool in identifying patients at risk of severe COVID-19

    Association of Toll-like receptor 7 variants with life-threatening COVID-19 disease in males: findings from a nested case-control study

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    Background: Recently, loss-of-function variants in TLR7 were identified in two families in which COVID-19 segregates like an X-linked recessive disorder environmentally conditioned by SARS-CoV-2. We investigated whether the two families represent the tip of the iceberg of a subset of COVID-19 male patients.Methods: This is a nested case-control study in which we compared male participants with extreme phenotype selected from the Italian GEN-COVID cohort of SARS-CoV-2-infected participants (&lt;60y, 79 severe cases versus 77 control cases). We applied the LASSO Logistic Regression analysis, considering only rare variants on young male subsets with extreme phenotype, picking up TLR7 as the most important susceptibility gene.Results: Overall, we found TLR7 deleterious variants in 2.1% of severely affected males and in none of the asymptomatic participants. The functional gene expression profile analysis demonstrated a reduction in TLR7-related gene expression in patients compared with controls demonstrating an impairment in type I and II IFN responses.Conclusion: Young males with TLR7 loss-of-function variants and severe COVID-19 represent a subset of male patients contributing to disease susceptibility in up to 2% of severe COVID-19
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