982 research outputs found

    Stem emissions of monoterpenes, acetaldehyde, and methanol from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) affected by tree water relations and cambial growth

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    Abstract Tree stems are an overlooked source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Their contribution to ecosystem processes and total VOC fluxes is not well studied, and assessing it requires better understanding of stem emission dynamics and their driving processes. To gain more mechanistic insight into stem emission patterns, we measured monoterpene, methanol, and acetaldehyde emissions from the stems of mature Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a boreal forest over three summers. We analysed the effects of temperature, soil water content, tree water status, transpiration, and growth on the VOC emissions, and used generalized linear models to test their relative importance in explaining the emissions. We show that Scots pine stems are considerable sources of monoterpenes, methanol, and acetaldehyde, and their emissions are strongly regulated by temperature. However, even small changes in water availability affected the emission potentials: increased soil water content increased the monoterpene emissions within a day, whereas acetaldehyde and methanol emissions responded within two to four days. This lag corresponded to their transport time in the xylem sap from the roots to the stem. Moreover, the emissions of monoterpenes, methanol, and acetaldehyde were influenced by the cambial growth rate of the stem with six- to ten-day lags. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Tracking the reflexivity of the (dis)engaged citizen: some methodological reflections

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    The relationship between governments and citizens in many contemporary democracies is haunted by uncertainty and sociologists face the task of listening effectively to citizens’ own reflections on this uncertain relationship. This article reflects on the qualitative methodology of a recently completed UK project which used a combination of diary and multiple interviews/ focus groups to track over a fieldwork period of up to a year citizens’ reflections on their relationship to a public world and the contribution to this of their media consumption. In particular, the article considers how the project’s multiple methods enabled multiple angles on the inevitable artificiality and performative dimension of the diary process, resulting in rich data on people’s complex reflections on the uncertain position of the contemporary citizen

    Intercomparison of an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) with ambient fine aerosol measurements in downtown Atlanta, Georgia

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    Currently, there are a limited number of field studies that evaluate the long-term performance of the Aerodyne Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) against established monitoring networks. In this study, we present seasonal intercomparisons of the ACSM with collocated fine aerosol (PM<sub>2.5</sub>) measurements at the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) Jefferson Street (JST) site near downtown Atlanta, GA, during 2011–2012. Intercomparison of two collocated ACSMs resulted in strong correlations (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> > 0.8) for all chemical species, except chloride (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.21) indicating that ACSM instruments are capable of stable and reproducible operation. In general, speciated ACSM mass concentrations correlate well (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> > 0.7) with the filter-adjusted continuous measurements from JST, although the correlation for nitrate is weaker (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.55) in summer. Correlations of the ACSM NR-PM<sub>1</sub> (non-refractory particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 1 ÎŒm) plus elemental carbon (EC) with tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) PM<sub>2.5</sub> and Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM<sub>1</sub> mass are strong with <i>r</i><sup>2</sup> > 0.7 and <i>r</i><sup>2</sup> > 0.8, respectively. Discrepancies might be attributed to evaporative losses of semi-volatile species from the filter measurements used to adjust the collocated continuous measurements. This suggests that adjusting the ambient aerosol continuous measurements with results from filter analysis introduced additional bias to the measurements. We also recommend to calibrate the ambient aerosol monitoring instruments using aerosol standards rather than gas-phase standards. The fitting approach for ACSM relative ionization for sulfate was shown to improve the comparisons between ACSM and collocated measurements in the absence of calibrated values, suggesting the importance of adding sulfate calibration into the ACSM calibration routine

    Prognostic factor from MR spectroscopy in rat with astrocytic tumour during radiation therapy

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the tumour volume and metabolic rates of astrocytic tumours using MR spectroscopy (MRS) during radiation therapy (RT). Methods: 12 healthy male Sprague-Dawley¼ rats (Spragueñ€“Dawley Animal Company, Madison, WI) were used, and a tumour model was created through injecting C6 tumour cells into the right caudate nuclei of the rats. Tumours grew for 18 days after the injection and before the imaging study and radiation treatment. MRS was performed with two-dimensional multivoxel point-resolved spectroscopy sequence using a GE Signa VH/i 3.0-T MR scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) equipped with rat-special coil. RT was given on the 19th day with a dose of 4ñ€‰Gy in one single fraction. The image examinations were performed before RT, and on the 4th, 10th, 14th and 20th days after treatment, respectively. GE FuncTool software package (GE Healthcare) was used for post-processing of spectrum. Results: Metabolic ratios of serial MRS decrease progressively with time after RT. Choline-containing components (Cho)/creatine and creatine phosphate (Cr) ratios immediately prior to RT differed significantly from those on the 10th, 14th and 20th days after RT; both Cho/N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) ratios and NAA/Cr ratios immediately prior to RT differed significantly from those on the 14th and 20th days after RT. A positive correlation between changes of tumour volume and changes of Cho/Cr, lipid and lactate/Cr and glutamate plus glutamine/Cr ratio was observed on the 4th day after RT. Conclusion: MRS provides potential in monitoring tumour response during RT, and the imaging biomarkers predict the response of astrocytic tumours to treatment. Advances in knowledge: MRS is combined with both tumour size and Ki-67 labelling index to access tumour response to radiation.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    The politics of playing along: radio and regulation in democratic Europe

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    The loss of localism has been a common trend in most radio markets in Europe and the United States. Deregulation of ownership led to a concentration phenomenon that has affected local radios in several western democracies. New forms of regulation have been considered as possible ways to stop the erosion of localism by applying rules to markets in the defense of diversity, pluralism, and the local dimension. This article analyses the local radio market in Portugal, by assessing the changes in the legislation and by examining the regulatory action that can, according to its remit, act preventively to avoid market forces to harm these principles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of strain rate on tensile mechanical properties of high-purity niobium single crystals for SRF applications

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    An investigation of the mechanical properties of high-purity niobium single crystals is presented. Specimens were cut with different crystallographic orientations from a large grain niobium disk and uniaxial tensile tests were conducted at strain rates between 10-4 and 103 s-1. The logarithmic strain rate sensitivity for crystals oriented close to the center of a tensile axis inverse pole figure (IPF) is ~0.14 for all strain rates. The strain at failure (ranging from 0.4 to 0.9) is very sensitive to crystal orientation and maximal at ~10-2 s-1 for crystals oriented close to the center of an IPF. The high anisotropy observed at quasi-static strain rates decreased with increasing strain rate. The activation of multiple slip systems in the dynamic tests could account for this reduction in anisotropy. A transition from strain hardening to softening in the plastic domain was observed at strain rates greater than approximately 6 × 10-2 s-1 for crystals oriented close to the center of a tensile axis IPF. Shear bands were observed in specimens with orientations having similarly high Schmid factors on both {110} and {112} slip families, and they are correlated with reduced ductility. Crystal rotations at fracture are compared for the different orientations using scanning electron microscopy images and EBSD orientation maps. A rotation toward the terminal stable [101] orientation was measured for the majority of specimens (with tensile axes more than ~17° from the [001] direction) at strain rates between 1.28 × 10-2 and 1000 s-1.The authors would like to acknowledge the work of CERN's Materials, Metrology and Non-Destructive Testing (EN-MME-MM) section for granting access to their equipment for specimen preparation and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses. The authors would also like to thank Mr. Larry Vladic of Elite Motion LLC for lending us the high-speed camera during the high strain rate tests performed ASU. This Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) receives funding from the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 764879. T.R. Bieler, D. Kang, E. Pai Kulyadi, P. Eisenlohr, C. Kale, and K.N. Solanki acknowledge support from DOE/OHEP grant DE-SC0009962

    Cytotoxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles Can Be Tailored by Modifying Their Surface Structure: A Green Chemistry Approach for Safer Nanomaterials

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    ZnO nanoparticles (NP) are extensively used in numerous nanotechnology applications; however, they also happen to be one of the most toxic nanomaterials. This raises significant environmental and health concerns and calls for the need to develop new synthetic approaches to produce safer ZnO NP, while preserving their attractive optical, electronic, and structural properties. In this work, we demonstrate that the cytotoxicity of ZnO NP can be tailored by modifying their surface-bound chemical groups, while maintaining the core ZnO structure and related properties. Two equally sized (9.26 ± 0.11 nm) ZnO NP samples were synthesized from the same zinc acetate precursor using a forced hydrolysis process, and their surface chemical structures were modified by using different reaction solvents. X-ray diffraction and optical studies showed that the lattice parameters, optical properties, and band gap (3.44 eV) of the two ZnO NP samples were similar. However, FTIR spectroscopy showed significant differences in the surface structures and surface-bound chemical groups. This led to major differences in the zeta potential, hydrodynamic size, photocatalytic rate constant, and more importantly, their cytotoxic effects on Hut-78 cancer cells. The ZnO NP sample with the higher zeta potential and catalytic activity displayed a 1.5-fold stronger cytotoxic effect on cancer cells. These results suggest that by modifying the synthesis parameters/conditions and the surface chemical structures of the nanocrystals, their surface charge density, catalytic activity, and cytotoxicity can be tailored. This provides a green chemistry approach to produce safer ZnO NP
