1,300 research outputs found

    Summary and recommendations

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    According to Carpenter (1993), the first problem for nutritional science, to identify the chemicals required in a diet to support human growth and maintenance, has been solved. Enough information has been amassed from the study of many populations to enable nutritionists to offer safe recommendations about daily intakes of energy and nutrients for all stages of the human life cycle (see reviews by Nesheim and by Solomons, this volume). Adoption of these recommendations would generally correct deficiency diseases and would reduce the incidence of health complications which are linked to excessive intakes of fat, sodium, alcohol and other substances. Carpenter also drew attention to malnutrition, the solution of which he believed to have become largely political and economic although the fact remains that very many people still do not receive or grow enough food. In the context of this volume, Carpenter's most interesting point was his view that our understanding of the complex relationship between nutrition and disease was still at an early stag

    Whole-blood transcriptomic signatures induced during immunization by chloroquine prophylaxis and Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites

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    A highly effective vaccine that confers sterile protection to malaria is urgently needed. Immunization under chemoprophylaxis with sporozoites (CPS) consistently confers high levels of protection in the Controlled Human Malaria infection (CHMI) model. To provide a broad, unbiased assessment of the composition and kinetics of direct ex vivo human immune responses to CPS, we profiled whole-blood transcriptomes by RNA-seq before and during CPS immunization and following CHMI challenge. Differential expression of genes enriched in modules related to T cells, NK cells, protein synthesis, and mitochondrial processes were detected in fully protected individuals four weeks after the first immunization. Non-protected individuals demonstrated transcriptomic changes after the third immunization and the day of treatment, with upregulation of interferon and innate inflammatory genes and downregulation of B-cell signatures. Protected individuals demonstrated more significant interactions between blood transcription modules compared to non-protected individuals several weeks after the second and third immunizations. These data provide insight into the molecular and cellular basis of CPS-induced immune protection from P. falciparum infection

    Efficacy of different antifouling treatments for seawater cooling systems

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    In an industrial seawater cooling system, the effects of three different antifouling treatments, viz. sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), aliphatic amines (Mexel1432) and UV radiation, on the characteristics of the fouling formed were evaluated. For this study a portable pilot plant, as a side-stream monitoring system and seawater cooling system, was employed. The pilot plant simulated a power plant steam condenser, having four titanium tubes under different treatment patterns, where fouling progression could be monitored. The nature of the fouling obtained was chiefly inorganic, showing a clear dependence on the antifouling treatment employed. After 72 days the tubes under treatment showed a reduction in the heat transfer resistance (R) of around 70% for NaClO, 48% for aliphatic amines and 55% for UV, with respect to the untreated tube. The use of a logistic model was very useful for predicting the fouling progression and the maximum asymptotic value of the increment in the heat transfer resistance (DRmax). The apparent thermal conductivity (l) of the fouling layer showed a direct relationship with the percentage of organic matter in the collected fouling. The characteristics and mode of action of the different treatments used led to fouling with diverse physicochemical properties

    On the possibility to supercool molecular hydrogen down to superfluid transition

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    Recent calculations by Vorobev and Malyshenko (JETP Letters, 71, 39, 2000) show that molecular hydrogen may stay liquid and superfluid in strong electric fields of the order of 4×107V/cm4\times 10^7 V/cm. I demonstrate that strong local electric fields of similar magnitude exist beneath a two-dimensional layer of electrons localized in the image potential above the surface of solid hydrogen. Even stronger local fields exist around charged particles (ions or electrons) if surface or bulk of a solid hydrogen crystal is statically charged. Measurements of the frequency shift of the 121 \to 2 photoresonance transition in the spectrum of two-dimensional layer of electrons above positively or negatively charged solid hydrogen surface performed in the temperature range 7 - 13.8 K support the prediction of electric field induced surface melting. The range of surface charge density necessary to stabilize the liquid phase of molecular hydrogen at the temperature of superfluid transition is estimated.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Protein-Specific Features Associated with Variability in Human Antibody Responses to Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Antigens

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    The magnitude of antibody responses varies across the individual proteins that constitute any given microorganism, both in the context of natural infection and vaccination with attenuated or inactivated pathogens. The protein-specific factors underlying this variability are poorly understood. In 267 individuals exposed to intense seasonal malaria, we examined the relationship between immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses to 861 Plasmodium falciparum proteins and specific features of these proteins, including their subcellular location, relative abundance, degree of polymorphism, and whether they are predicted to have human orthologs. We found that IgG reactivity was significantly higher to extracellular and plasma membrane proteins and also correlated positively with both protein abundance and degree of protein polymorphism. Conversely, IgG reactivity was significantly lower to proteins predicted to have human orthologs. These findings provide insight into protein-specific factors that are associated with variability in the magnitude of antibody responses to natural P. falciparum infection-data that could inform vaccine strategies to optimize antibody-mediated immunity as well as the selection of antigens for sero-diagnostic purposes

    Tourism policy and destination marketing in developing countries: the chain of influence

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    Tourism marketers including destination marketing organisations (DMOs) and international tour operators play a pivotal role in destination marketing, especially in creating destination images. These images, apparent in tourist brochures, are designed to influence tourist decision-making and behaviour. This paper proposes the concept of a “chain of influence” in destination marketing and image-making, suggesting that the content of marketing materials is influenced by the priorities of those who design these materials, e.g. tour operators and DMOs. A content analysis of 2,000 pictures from DMO and tour operator brochures revealed synergies and divergence between these marketers. The brochure content was then compared to the South African tourism policy, concluding that the dominant factor in the chain of influence in the South African context is in fact its organic image

    Experience of clinical services shapes attitudes to mental health data sharing: findings from a UK-wide survey

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    BACKGROUND: Routinely-collected mental health data could deliver novel insights for mental health research. However, patients’ willingness to share their mental health data remains largely unknown. We investigated factors influencing likelihood of sharing these data for research purposes amongst people with and without experience of mental illness. METHODS: We collected responses from a diverse sample of UK National Health Service (NHS) users (n = 2187) of which about half (n = 1087) had lifetime experience of mental illness. Ordinal logistic regression was used to examine the influence of demographic factors, clinical service experience, and primary mental illness on willingness to share mental health data, contrasted against physical health data. RESULTS: There was a high level of willingness to share mental (89.7%) and physical (92.8%) health data for research purposes. Higher levels of satisfaction with the NHS were associated with greater willingness to share mental health data. Furthermore, people with personal experience of mental illness were more willing than those without to share mental health data, once the variable of NHS satisfaction had been controlled for. Of the mental illnesses recorded, people with depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), personality disorder or bipolar disorder were significantly more likely to share their mental health data than people without mental illness. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that positive experiences of health services and personal experience of mental illness are associated with greater willingness to share mental health data. NHS satisfaction is a potentially modifiable factor that could foster public support for increased use of NHS mental health data in research. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12889-022-12694-z

    Sport in the city: measuring economic significance at the local level

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    In many cities throughout Europe, sport is increasingly being used as a tool for economic revitalisation. While there has been a growth in literature relating to the specific economic impacts of sports-led development, including professional sport facilities, teams, and sport events, limited research has been undertaken on the contribution of the whole sport sector to output and employment. In the United Kingdom (UK), studies have focused on evaluating sport-related economic activity at the national level, yet despite the increasing use of sport for local economic development little research has been undertaken at the city level. To address this situation, this article uses the National Income Accounting framework to measure the economic importance of sport in Sheffield, UK. It shows that the value-added in 1996/97 was 165.61m or 4.11% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), approximately twice the amount predicted from current national estimates. It is argued that this can primarily be explained by previous studies under-estimating the economic importance of sport, largely due to methodological differences. It goes on to suggest that future research on the significance of sport should be undertaken at the local level to provide policymakers with information at the spatial level where regeneration programmes are being implemented.</p

    Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development: Synthesis Report, Mobile Learning Week 2019

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    (First paragraph) 2019’s Mobile Learning Week (MLW), UNESCO’s flagship event for information and communication technology (ICT) in education, focused on the theme ‘Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development’. Held over five days in Paris, it comprised a sequence of high-profile events (a global conference, a policy forum and workshops, a symposium and strategy labs), and involved more than 1,500 participants from 140 countries (including Ministers of Education and ICT, other representatives from Member States, the private sector, academia and international organizations)