298 research outputs found

    An Improved Limit on Invisible Decays of Positronium

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    The results of a new search for positronium decays into invisible final states are reported. Convincing detection of this decay mode would be a strong evid ence for new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM): for example the existence of extra--dimensions, of milli-charged particles, of new light gauge bosons or of mirror particles. Mirror matter could be a relevant dark matter candidate. In this paper the setup and the results of a new experiment are presented. In a collected sample of about (6.31±0.28)×106(6.31\pm0.28) \times 10^6 orthopositronium decay s, no evidence for invisible decays in an energy window [0,80] keV was found and an upper limit on the branching ratio of orthopositronium \invdecay could be set: \binvdecay<4.2\times 10^{-7} (90% C.L.) Our results provide a limit on the photon mirror-photon mixing strength ϵ1.55×107\epsilon \leq 1.55\times 10^{-7} (90% C.L.) and rule out particles lighter than the electron mass with a fraction Qx3.4×105Q_x \leq 3.4 \times 10^{-5} of the electron charge. Furthermore, upper limits on the branching ratios for the decay of parapositronium Br(pPsinvisible)4.3×107Br(p-Ps\to invisible)\leq 4.3 \times 10^{-7} (90% C.L.) and the direct annihilation Br(e+einvisible)2.1×108Br(e^+e^-\to invisible)\leq 2.1 \times 10^{-8} (90% C.L.) could be set.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, added references, fixed limit on millicharged particles and changed two plots accordingl

    Positronium Portal into Hidden Sector: A new Experiment to Search for Mirror Dark Matter

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    The understanding of the origin of dark matter has great importance for cosmology and particle physics. Several interesting extensions of the standard model dealing with solution of this problem motivate the concept of hidden sectors consisting of SU(3)xSU(2)_LxU(1)_Y singlet fields. Among these models, the mirror matter model is certainly one of the most interesting. The model explains the origin of parity violation in weak interactions, it could also explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and provide a natural ground for the explanation of dark matter. The mirror matter could have a portal to our world through photon-mirror photon mixing (epsilon). This mixing would lead to orthopositronium (o-Ps) to mirror orthopositronium oscillations, the experimental signature of which is the apparently invisible decay of o-Ps. In this paper, we describe an experiment to search for the decay o-Ps -> invisible in vacuum by using a pulsed slow positron beam and a massive 4pi BGO crystal calorimeter. The developed high efficiency positron tagging system, the low calorimeter energy threshold and high hermiticity allow the expected sensitivity in mixing strength to be epsilon about 10^-9, which is more than one order of magnitude below the current Big Bang Nucleosynthesis limit and in a region of parameter space of great theoretical and phenomenological interest. The vacuum experiment with such sensitivity is particularly timely in light of the recent DAMA/LIBRA observations of the annual modulation signal consistent with a mirror type dark matter interpretation.Comment: 40 pages, 29 Figures 2 Tables v2: Ref. added, Fig. 29 and some text added to explain idea for backscattering e+ background suppression, corrected typos v3: minor corrections: Eq 2.1 corrected (6 lines-> 5 lines), Eq.2.17: two extra "-" signs remove

    Influence of ligand structure and molecular geometry on the properties of d6 polypyridinic transition metal complexes

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    Different strategies to improve the excited state properties of polypyridinic complexes by varying ligand structure and molecular geometry are described. Bidentate and tetradentate ligands based on fragments as dipyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c]phenazine, dppz, and pyrazino[2,3-f][1,10]-phenanthroline, ppl, have been used. Quinonic residues were fused to these basic units to improve acceptor properties. Photophysical studies were performed in order to test theoretical predictions

    Initial operation of the International Gravitational Event Collaboration

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    The International Gravitational Event Collaboration, IGEC, is a coordinated effort by research groups operating gravitational wave detectors working towards the detection of millisecond bursts of gravitational waves. Here we report on the current IGEC resonant bar observatory, its data analysis procedures, the main properties of the first exchanged data set. Even though the available data set is not complete, in the years 1997 and 1998 up to four detectors were operating simultaneously. Preliminary results are mentioned.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables; Proceeding of the GWDAW'99. Submitted to the International Journal of Modern Physic

    Identification of a minimum number of genes to predict triple-negative breast cancer subgroups from gene expression profiles

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    Background: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a very heterogeneous disease. Several gene expression and mutation profiling approaches were used to classify it, and all converged to the identification of distinct molecular subtypes, with some overlapping across different approaches. However, a standardised tool to routinely classify TNBC in the clinics and guide personalised treatment is lacking. We aimed at defining a specific gene signature for each of the six TNBC subtypes proposed by Lehman et al. in 2011 (basal-like 1 (BL1); basal-like 2 (BL2); mesenchymal (M); immunomodulatory (IM); mesenchymal stem-like (MSL); and luminal androgen receptor (LAR)), to be able to accurately predict them. Methods: Lehman’s TNBCtype subtyping tool was applied to RNA-sequencing data from 482 TNBC (GSE164458), and a minimal subtype-specific gene signature was defined by combining two class comparison techniques with seven attribute selection methods. Several machine learning algorithms for subtype prediction were used, and the best classifier was applied on microarray data from 72 Italian TNBC and on the TNBC subset of the BRCA-TCGA data set. Results: We identified two signatures with the 120 and 81 top up- and downregulated genes that define the six TNBC subtypes, with prediction accuracy ranging from 88.6 to 89.4%, and even improving after removal of the least important genes. Network analysis was used to identify highly interconnected genes within each subgroup. Two druggable matrix metalloproteinases were found in the BL1 and BL2 subsets, and several druggable targets were complementary to androgen receptor or aromatase in the LAR subset. Several secondary drug–target interactions were found among the upregulated genes in the M, IM and MSL subsets. Conclusions: Our study took full advantage of available TNBC data sets to stratify samples and genes into distinct subtypes, according to gene expression profiles. The development of a data mining approach to acquire a large amount of information from several data sets has allowed us to identify a well-determined minimal number of genes that may help in the recognition of TNBC subtypes. These genes, most of which have been previously found to be associated with breast cancer, have the potential to become novel diagnostic markers and/or therapeutic targets for specific TNBC subsets

    The LBNO long-baseline oscillation sensitivities with two conventional neutrino beams at different baselines

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    The proposed Long Baseline Neutrino Observatory (LBNO) initially consists of 20\sim 20 kton liquid double phase TPC complemented by a magnetised iron calorimeter, to be installed at the Pyh\"asalmi mine, at a distance of 2300 km from CERN. The conventional neutrino beam is produced by 400 GeV protons accelerated at the SPS accelerator delivering 700 kW of power. The long baseline provides a unique opportunity to study neutrino flavour oscillations over their 1st and 2nd oscillation maxima exploring the L/EL/E behaviour, and distinguishing effects arising from δCP\delta_{CP} and matter. In this paper we show how this comprehensive physics case can be further enhanced and complemented if a neutrino beam produced at the Protvino IHEP accelerator complex, at a distance of 1160 km, and with modest power of 450 kW is aimed towards the same far detectors. We show that the coupling of two independent sub-MW conventional neutrino and antineutrino beams at different baselines from CERN and Protvino will allow to measure CP violation in the leptonic sector at a confidence level of at least 3σ3\sigma for 50\% of the true values of δCP\delta_{CP} with a 20 kton detector. With a far detector of 70 kton, the combination allows a 3σ3\sigma sensitivity for 75\% of the true values of δCP\delta_{CP} after 10 years of running. Running two independent neutrino beams, each at a power below 1 MW, is more within today's state of the art than the long-term operation of a new single high-energy multi-MW facility, which has several technical challenges and will likely require a learning curve.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure