1,977 research outputs found


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    A critical review on altmetrics: can we measure the social impact factor?

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    Altmetrics measure the digital attention received by a research output. They allow us to gauge the immediate social impact of an article by taking real-time measurements of how it circulates in the Internet. While there are several companies offering attention scores, the most extensive are Altmetric.com (Altmetric Attention Score—AAS) and Plum X (Plum Print). As this is an emerging topic, many medical specialities have tried to establish if there is a relationship between an article’s altmetric data and the citations it subsequently receives. The results have varied depending on the research field. In radiology, the social network most used is Twitter and the subspeciality with the highest AAS is neuroimaging. This article will review the process involved from the start when an article is published through to finally obtaining its altmetric score. It will also address the relationship between altmetrics and more traditional approaches focusing on citations in radiology and will discuss the advantages and limitations of these new impact indicators

    The impact of lowering the payroll tax on informality in Colombia

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    In 2012, the Colombian Government reduced employer payroll contributions from 29.5 to 16.0 percent. Two years later, the informality rate had diminished by about 4.0 percentage points. This paper attempts to estimate how much of this reduction was due to the tax reform, isolating the impact of other macroeconomic variables. A natural approach to performing this task is to apply a difference-in-differences methodology using a household survey panel. Since the Colombian survey does not have a panel structure, we simulated one using a matching difference-in-differences methodology. According to the results, the tax reform is associated with a 4.8-percentage-point decrease in the informality of workers affected by the reform in the thirteen main metropolitan areas. This represents approximately half the reduction of the relevant informality rate during that period, affecting mostly salaried men and workers in general with low levels of education

    Informality and Inclusive Growth in Latin America: The Case of Colombia

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of informality on inclusive growth in Latin America, and particularly in Colombia. The relationship between informality and inclusive growth is represented by two different hypotheses. According to the traditional perspective, informality constrains inclusive growth by restricting growth of the formal sector, draining resources from the public treasury and supplying low quality jobs that are unable to provide adequate conditions for a better standard of living. However, from another point of view, informality provides a default alternative to unemployment, particularly amongst poorly educated individuals; a perspective that is rarely taken into account in Latin America. Drawing on the case study of Colombia as well as a review of literature on Latin America, one of the main conclusions of this paper is that both hypotheses hold, yet their relevance depends on labour market restrictions and the socio-economic characteristics of informal workers since the informal sector in Latin America demonstrates considerable heterogeneity

    Parto activo y acompañamiento respetuoso

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    Las primeras profesoras de gimnástica en España : profesión liberal y coartada durante el siglo XIX

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    El objetivo de este artículo es una aproximación a la realidad de la profesión de profesora de gimnasia en los inicios de la configuración de dicha profesión. Por causa del aparente vacío doctrinal existente sobre esta temática durante el periodo estudiado, las fuentes de información empleadas proceden principalmente de fuentes archivísticas y hemerográficas de la época. Igualmente se ha recurrido a estudios actuales con el fin de centrar una posición desde la historia social de las prácticas gimnástico-deportivas. Las conclusiones del trabajo muestran que las primeras profesoras de gimnasia, a pesar de contar en un momento puntual con formación oficial, fueron vetadas para acceder a los institutos o incluso a escuelas normales, quedando relegadas a centros de educación infantil y primaria o al ejercicio de la profesión de forma privada o en gimnasios familiares. La moralidad de la época y el rol asignado a las mujeres actuaron como condicionantes claros para que su orientación profesional se vinculase a la gimnasia higiénica en el sistema educativo o a clases de gimnasia femenina en instituciones privadas. A pesar de esto, existieron mujeres que transgredieron dichos roles y que, precisamente por ello, se estudian aquí tambiénThe aim of this article is to offer a glimpse of the reality of the practice of female gymnastics teachers in the beginnings of its inception as a professional practice. Due to the apparent lack of disciplinary work on the topic in the period that is the object of our study, the sources of information that we have used are mainly archival and periodical. Likewise, we have resorted to current studies aiming at a positioning of sports and gymnastic practices considering socio-historical arguments. The conclusions of the work show that the first female gymnastic teachers, despite having at some point some formal training, were banned from accessing secondary schools, or even regular schools, being thus relegated to teaching in pre-elementary and elementary schools, or to teaching private lessons in family gyms. The morality of the time and the role assigned to women, clearly affected the way in which female teachers' professional careers were linked to hygienic gymnastic within the official school system, or to female physical education lessons in private institutions. In spite of this, there were women who transgressed those roles and who are therefore object of our current wor

    Influências do fumo sobre a espessura do epitélio oral da gengiva marginal

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    Smoking patients show reduction of inflammatory clinical signs that might be associated with local vasoconstriction and an increased gingival epithelial thickness. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the thickness of the marginal gingival oral epithelium in smokers and non-smokers, with clinically healthy gingivae or with gingivitis. Twenty biopsies were obtained from four different groups. Group I: non-smokers with clinically healthy gingivae (n = 5). Group II: non-smokers with gingivitis (n = 5). Group III: smokers with clinically healthy gingivae (n = 5). Group IV: smokers with gingivitis (n = 5). These biopsies were histologically processed, serially sectioned at 5 mm, stained with H. E., and examined by image analysis software (KS400), which was used to perform the morphometric evaluation and the quantification of the major epithelial thickness, the epithelial base thickness and the external and internal epithelial perimeters. Differences between the four groups were analyzed using ANOVA test and Tukey's test. The criteria for statistical significance were accepted at the probability level p < 0.05. A greater epithelial thickness was observed in smokers independent of the gingival health situation.Pacientes fumantes freqüentemente apresentam redução dos sinais clínicos inflamatórios da gengivite, associada, em grande parte, a vasoconstrição local e aumento da espessura epitelial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a espessura do epitélio oral da gengiva marginal de pacientes fumantes e não fumantes, nos estados de saúde gengival e gengivite. Foram obtidos vinte fragmentos de tecido gengival de quatro grupos de pacientes. Grupo I: não fumantes com saúde gengival (n = 5). Grupo II: não fumantes com gengivite (n = 5). Grupo III: fumantes com saúde gengival (n = 5). Grupo IV: fumantes com gengivite (n = 5). As biópsias receberam processamento histológico de rotina, e os cortes semi-seriados com 5 mm de espessura foram corados com H. E. Com auxílio do sistema de imagens KS400 foram quantificadas a espessura epitelial maior e a espessura da base epitelial e determinados os valores dos perímetros epiteliais externo e interno. Os dados foram avaliados pelo ANOVA e pelo teste de Tukey, considerando significativo o valor de a = 0,05. Os resultados mostraram valores da espessura da base epitelial maior (p < 0,05) nos pacientes fumantes, independentemente do estado de saúde gengival

    a dynamic model of evolution

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    El estudio busca proveer evidencia empírica sobre cómo las sedes centrales configuran relaciones y organizan actividades con la red de filiales, así como los mecanismos para crear valor agregado mediante el uso de la estrategia de entrada de la “filial trampolín”. Mediante métodos cualitativos se exploran los determinantes, el desarrollo y la dinámica de la evolución de estas unidades en empresas multinacionales europeas, utilizando a España como filial trampolín para manejar sus operaciones en América Latina. El artículo amplía también la literatura internacional de negocios sobre sedes extra regionales y las ventajas del padrinazgo empresarial dentro de la empresa multinaciona