1,962 research outputs found

    Foot health in people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a scoping review

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    Review[Abstract] Background: Chemotherapy has relevant implications for cancer patients’ physical, social, and psychological health. Foot health has gained relevance in recent years due to its importance to independence and wellbeing, especially in chronic conditions. This study aims to explore the scope of the literature regarding foot health problems in people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: scoping review following the PRISMA-ScR, Arksey and O’Malley, and the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines. Different databases were used (Cochrane Plus, Scopus, Web of Science, and Pubmed). A total of 4911 articles were identified. Finally, 11 papers were included. Results: Foot problems are relevant and deteriorate wellbeing. The prevalence of some podiatric pathologies is controversial. The main literature deals with hand–foot syndrome and peripheral neuropathy. Focused instruments on foot health were not thoroughly used. Conclusion: There is insufficient evidence on foot health problems and their influence on the quality of life of people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Even though a significant percentage of this population has a foot problem, its care and importance are neglected. More studies are needed to contribute to the care of people with cancer through foot health

    Patología podológica en una muestra aleatoria poblacional

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    [Resumen] Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de patología podológica, la concordancia entre los indicadores Staheli, Chippaux y Clarke, la calidad de vida y la dependencia en una población de 40 años y más. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, en muestra aleatoria (Cambre, A Coruña n=1002 pacientes). Tras consentimiento informado (aprobación CEIC 2008/264), se estudiaron variables antropométricas, comorbilidad, parámetros analíticos, calidad de vida, actividad física y examen podológico. Análisis descriptivo y multivariado de regresión logística. Resultados: Las patologías más frecuentes son dedos en garra (69,7%), hallux valgus (38%) y hallux extensus (15,8%), que se incrementan con la edad y sexo femenino. El Índice Chippaux detecta una prevalencia de pie plano de 62,0% y el ángulo de Clarke de 24,6% de pie cavo. La concordancia (índice de Kappa) para el diagnóstico de pie cavo y plano oscila entre 0,24 y 0,32. No se objetiva correlación significativa de la calidad de vida con la patología podológica Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de patología podológica que se modifica con la edad y sexo. La concordancia para el diagnóstico de pie plano y cavo es débil. La patología podológica no altera la dependencia y calidad de vida de forma significativa.[Resumo] Obxectivos: Determinar a prevalencia de patoloxía podolóxica, a concordancia entre os indicadores Staheli, Chippaux e Clarke, a calidade de vida e a dependencia nunha poboación de 40 anos e máis. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional, en mostra aleatoria (Cambre, A Coruña n=1002 pacientes). Tras consentimento informado (aprobación CEIC2008/264), estudáronse variables antropométricas, comorbilidade, parámetros analíticos, calidade de vida, actividade física e exame podolóxico. Análise descritiva e multivariado de regresión loxística. Resultados: As patoloxías máis frecuentes son dedos en garra (69,7%), hallux valgus (38%) e hallux extensus (15,8%), que se incrementan, coa idade e sexo feminino. O Índice Chippaux detecta unha prevalencia do pé plano de 62.0% e o ángulo de Clarke de pé cavo de 24.6%. A concordancia (índice de Kappa) para o diagnóstico do pé cavo e plano oscila entre 0.24 e 0.32. Non se obxectiva correlación significativa da calidade de vida coa patoloxía podolóxica Conclusións: Existe unha alta prevalencia de patoloxía podolóxica que se modifica coa idade e sexo. A concordancia para o diagnóstico do pé plano e cavo é débil. A patoloxía podolóxica non altera a dependencia e calidade de vida de forma significativa.[Abstract] Aims: To determine the prevalence of podiatric pathology, the correlation between the Staheli, Chippaux and Clarke indicators, the quality of life and the dependence in a population of 40 and over. Materials and methods: Observational study, in random sample (Cambre, A Coruña n=1002 patients). After informed consent (approval CEIC 2008/264), anthropometric variables, comorbidity, laboratory parameters, quality of life, physical activity and podiatric examination were studied. A descriptive analysis and multivariate of logistic regression was performed. Results: The most common diseases are claw toes (69.7%), hallux valgus (38%) and hallux extensus (15.8%), which is increased with age and female sex.The Chippaux Index detects a flat feet prevalence of 62.0% and the Clarke angle of cavus foot of 24.6%.The concordance (Kappa index) for the diagnosis of cavus and varus foot ranging between 0.24 and 0.32.No significant correlation of objective quality of life with podiatric pathology. Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of podiatric pathology that amends with age and sex. The concordance for the diagnosis of flat and cavus foot is weak. The podiatric pathology doesn't alter the dependence and the quality of a meaningful life

    A comparison between the soft X-ray and [O III] morphologies of active galactic nuclei

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    Several studies of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) have shown that the soft X-ray emission presents a size and morphology that resembles that of the narrow-line region (NLR) traced by [O III]. Since the NLR is mainly constituted by gas photoionised by the AGN, it seems logical to assume that this is also the primary source of the soft X-ray emission. However, these results are based on individual sources or small samples, particularly focused on type-2 Seyfert galaxies. Very little has been said concerning other types of AGN. The purpose of this work is to compare the circumnuclear morphologies of soft X-ray and [O III] images to test whether they match in different optical classes of AGN. Our sample is composed of 27 AGN: nine type-1 Seyferts, 10 type-2 Seyferts, and eight low ionisation nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs). We find a good match in 100% of the type-2 Seyferts in our sample. This correspondence is less frequent in type-1 Seyferts (22%) and it is not seen in LINERs. The good resemblance in type-2 Seyferts constitutes an evidence for a common physical origin. We argue that the lack of correspondence in type-1 Seyferts might be due to the line of sight perpendicular to the accretion disk. Based on the morphologies of the eight LINERs in our sample, we discard a common origin for the soft X-ray and [O III] emissions in these objects. Regarding the X-ray properties, both high column density and hard X-ray luminosity are associated with matched morphologies.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 20 pages, 9 figure

    Antecedentes y estado de la cuestión sobre los Repositorios Institucionales de Contenido Educativo (RICE)

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    La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior ha significado profundas transformaciones en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que incluyen tanto la forma de impartir docencia por parte del profesorado, como la manera en la que el alumnado adquiere los conocimientos. Uno de los aspectos clave en la transformación de la Universidad son las TIC y, por extensión, la forma en la que se crea, difunde y adquiere la información. Bajo este contexto, los repositorios institucionales de las universidades cobran un gran protagonismo como herramientas que permiten almacenar, distribuir y preservar la información. Si bien los trabajos de índole científico predominan en los repositorios universitarios, cada vez cobran más fuerza los Repositorios Institucionales de Contenido Educativo (RICE). Bajo este contexto, esta comunicación tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre los trabajos que aborden el estudio de los repositorios universitarios con especial atención a los RICE, para poder determinar: 1) evolución y estado actual; 2) características; 3) ventajas e inconvenientes; y 4) propuestas de mejora

    Assessment of the geothermal potential in the region of Ávila (Spain): An integrated and interactive thermal approach

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    Exploring and exploiting a geothermal resource has become one of the most prolific tasks for contributing to the global sustainable development. Despite this fact, several countries, such as Spain, are still far from achieving a generalized use of these renewable systems. The reason for this underuse often derives from the lack of information and characterization of the geothermal energy source. Considering this, the present research aims to provide relevant data about the geothermal potential of the Spanish region of Ávila. The geological context of this province lays the foundations for considering the region as a promising site for different geothermal uses. In order to estimate the geothermal energy potential of the region, the existing geological information has been complemented with thermal surveys carried out in the study area. The experimental measuring has consisted of the register of the underground temperature in piezometers of variable depth and natural springs distributed throughout the province. The processing of these records has allowed knowing the thermal evolution of the subsoil at the different levels evaluated in the research. Results show that there are two main potential areas in the province that could be successfully used for heating purposes (maybe as part of district heating systems) and for future deeper evaluations in the sense of Hot Dry Rock (HDR) techniques. Final conclusions have also been included in an interactive and open-source tool that allows visualizing the thermal findings with the aim of planning future geothermal uses in the region

    Geophysical exploration for shallow geothermal applications: A case study in Artà, (Balearic Islands, Spain)

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    [EN] Within the installation of a shallow geothermal system, the lack of information on the subsoil frequently leads to errors in the design of the geothermal wellfield. This research presents the application of geophysics, combining 2D and 3D electrical resistivity tomography surveys and the geological information of a certain area for defining the structural distribution of the underground. Processed electrical resistivity data allow elucidating possible geological units and the thermal behavior of the in-depth materials. Two different assumptions (with different locations of the wells) are designed by using the specific geothermal software GES-CAL. Results show, that Case 1 (based on the geophysical results, so avoiding complex areas) allows the reduction of the global drilling length, and hence, the general initial investment of the system (around 20% lower). Meanwhile, Case 2 (without considering the geophysics) is less economically advantageous and could also present technical difficulties during the drilling process, as well as the possible alteration to the normal system operation. The study highlights the benefits of geophysics as an effective approach to characterize the underground and to help to understand its thermal behavior, which is, in turn, crucial for a proper geothermal design.S

    Characterizing Geological Heterogeneities for Geothermal Purposes through Combined Geophysical Prospecting Methods

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    Geothermal energy is becoming essential to deal with the catastrophic effect of climate change. Although the totality of the Earth’s crust allows the exploitation of shallow geothermal resources, it is important to identify those areas with higher thermal possibilities. In this sense, geophysical prospecting plays a vital role in the recognition and estimation of potential geothermal resources. This research evaluates the geothermal conditions of a certain area located in the center of Spain. The evaluation is mainly based on geological and geophysical studies and, in particular, the Time Domain Electromagnetic Method and the Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Once we analyzed the geology and the historical thermal evidence near the study area, our geophysical results were used to define the geothermal possibilities from a double perspective. In relation to anomalous heat gradient, the identification of a fault and the contact with impermeable granitic materials at the depth of 180 m denotes a potential location for the extraction of groundwater. Regarding the common ground-source heat-pump uses, the analysis has allowed the determination of the most appropriate area for the location of the geothermal well field. Finally, the importance of accurately defining the position of the drillings was confirmed by using software GES-CAL

    Investigating the potential of the slurry technology for sustainable pig farm heating

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    Sustainable energy development in the farming sector is an essential strategy to respond the combined challenge of achieving a reliable and affordable solution but including mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Intensive breeding farms require maintaining an adequate indoor thermal environment that results in high energy demands, usually covered by fossil fuels and electricity. This paper addresses the application of the combined slurry technology for a particular pig farm that currently uses a diesel boiler to supply the piglet heating energy needs. The study also considers different options based on closed ground source heat pump systems. After the design of the slurry alternative and the geothermal ones, notable advantages are detected compared to the existing diesel system. Results show that the implementation of the slurry technology implies an important reduction of the operational costs, which, in turn, involves short amortization periods for this system in relation to the diesel one. Greenhouse gases emissions are also highly reduced in the slurry alternative based on the low electricity use of the heat pump. The environmental side is reinforced by the reduction of polluting substances such as methane of ammonia derived from the descent of temperature of the slurry

    Evaluation of different methodologies for calculating the energy demand and their influence on the design of a low enthalpy geothermal system

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    The increasing importance of shallow geothermal resources in the decarbonization of heating and cooling systems requires the correct management of all the project stages. One of the fundamental steps in this process is determining the space energy demand, which plays a significant role in the subsequent geothermal design. In the context of Spain, different tools are available for the estimation of the mentioned parameter. For evaluating these procedures, this research applies the principal energy demand calculation tools and uses the outcomes for the later design of the shallow geothermal system. Results show how the Spanish official tools (HULC and CE3X) provide lower energy demand values adjusted to the construction conditions of the building that allow the optimization of the geothermal well field. On the contrary, simpler, and more intuitive applications (regular spreadsheets and GES-CAL) assume higher heating energy demands, which in turn implies an oversizing of the geothermal scheme. Even though all the procedures ensure to cover the energy requirements of the building, the most precise tools manage to reduce the initial investment of the system and its operating costs, in addition to reducing the global CO2 emissions because of the lower power of the associated geothermal heat pump

    Economic rationale shaping music teacher education: the case of Spain

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    This article discusses the literature on music teacher education programmes for mainstream education in order to undertake critical reflection on what we are doing and why in our university classrooms, what theories are implicit and what could be done to improve our programmes. After analysis, mainly from European contexts, and considering the Spanish one in particular, we find an influence of the economic – and, ultimately, political – rationale on substantial aspects, manifested in apparent disjunctions between musical and educational features, as well as in formal issues, fundamentally due to the European Higher Education Area. In the end, it is concluded that, without renouncing the economic aspects, curricula should be more addressed towards the integration of pedagogical and musical knowledge, and the treatment of aspects related to social justice, if we do not want an uncritical reproduction of rationalities that are often obsolete in the training of pre-service music teachers.Proyecto de investigación I+D EDU2017-84782-P sobre Formación del Profesorado y Música en la Sociedad y en la Economía del Conocimiento, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España.Universidad de Granad