204 research outputs found

    Tech Frame: integrative work project in strategy

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsIn any European jurisdiction filing an Industrial Property (IP) right, such as a patent, a design or a trademark, and being responsible for all its future management and vigilance is a complex process. For this reason these activities are generally subcontracted by the IP Rights’ Proprietors to IP Agents. Eyeing this opportunity, Tech Frame a Portuguese IT company has developed an IT solution, Darwin. Darwin is a software that supports all the activities performed by any IP Agent related to the management of IP Rights. Established in Portugal since 2000, Tech Frame already detains 80% of the Portuguese market share. Despite the large market share the Portuguese market exhibits limited growth opportunities. Therefore, Tech Frame is considering the possibility of entering the Italian market. This Integrative Work Project (IWP) focuses on identifying the opportunities that this market might offer as well as performing an in depth analysis of its structure. Furthermore, it will determine Tech Frame’s strengths and weakness and propose entry strategies that will optimally lead to the desired market share. The implementation proposal takes into account staffing, investment and timing issues necessary to effectively execute the recommended strategies for entry in the Italian market. The large differences between the Portuguese and Italian markets have been a constant concern when developing an international plan that will enable a successful entry

    Banisteriopsis Species: A Source of Bioactive of Potential Medical Application

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    In recent years, interest in further development of herbal or botanical drug products derived from traditional preparations has been increasing steadily. Plants have been used for thousands of years to treat health disorders and to prevent diseases including epidemics. Several research works have been developed to search for new natural products to be used in pharmaceutical products. Active compounds produced during secondary metabolism are responsible for the biological properties of the plant species and may be used to most diverse purposes, including treatment of several diseases. Banisteriopsis species has been described showing interesting activities by its use in popular medicine. The mainly use was described to production of the Ayahuasca, an Amazonian psychotropic plant tea obtained from Banisteriopsis caapi, which contains  betacarboline alkaloids, mainly harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine. Other species of Banisteriopsis genus have been described with biological metabolites as antimicrobial, anticholinesterase, antianxiety and others. These biological activities were described chiefly by the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins. Thus, to stimulate the study into the Banisteriopsis genus, the purpose of the present review is to gather information on the use of the extracts and metabolites of Banisteriopsis species (Malpighiaceae) as a resource to diseases treatment or to pharmaceutical purposes

    The neoliberal influence on the legislative power: the public-private partnerships case

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    A pesquisa que por ora se apresenta neste artigo analisa a influência da Escola Neoliberal sobre o Poder Legislativo Brasileiro ao longo da reforma administrativa do Estado durante o governo do ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a qual encabeçou a adição da “eficiência” no art. 37 da Constituição Brasileira de 1988 como princípio, em 1995, e a aprovação da Lei das Parcerias Público-Privadas, em 2004. Assim, é demonstrado o discurso neoliberal forjado em tal lei e os enormes benefícios que ela traz aos parceiros privados, baseado no descumprimento da Constituição Econô­mica Brasileira, bem como no desrespeito do interesse público e social.The research presented in this article analyses the influence of Neoliberal School on the Brazilian Legislative Branch throughout the State administrative reform within the government of former-president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, which headed both the addition of “efficiency” in the article 37 of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 as a principle, in 1995, and the passing of the Public-Private Partnerships Act, in 2004. Thus, it is demonstrated the neoliberal speech forged in such act and the huge benefits it provides to the private partners, based on the non-compliance of the Brazilian Economic Constitution as well as on the disrespect of the public and social interest

    Genetic diagnosis of α1-antitrypsin deficiency using DNA from buccal swab and serum samples

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    Background: α1-Antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is associated with a high risk of developing lung and liver disease. Despite being one of the most common hereditary disorders worldwide, AATD remains under-diagnosed and prolonged delays in diagnosis are usual. The aim of this study was to validate the use of buccal swab samples and serum circulating DNA for the complete laboratory study of AATD. Methods: Sixteen buccal swab samples from previously characterized AATD patients were analyzed using an allele-specific genotyping assay and sequencing method. In addition, 19 patients were characterized by quantification, phenotyping and genotyping using only serum samples. Results: the 16 buccal swab samples were correctly characterized by genotyping. Definitive results were obtained in the 19 serum samples analyzed by quantification, phenotyping and genotyping, thereby performing the complete AATD diagnostic algorithm. Conclusions: Buccal swab samples may be useful to expand AATD screening programs and family studies. Genotyping using DNA from serum samples permits the application of the complete diagnostic algorithm without delay. These two methods will be useful for obtaining more in depth knowledge of the real prevalence of patients with AATD

    Artemisia thuscula Cav.: antibacterial, antifungal activity of the plant extracts and associated endophytes

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    4 páginas, 2 tablas.In this paper we are presenting preliminary results for the antifungal and antibacterian activity of the Artemisia thuscula Cav. all together with the endophytic communities encountered in symbiosis with this specie. This plant is endemic for the Canary Islands and it is recognised for its traditional medicinal use (like other species of the same genus in the rest of the world) and for being a functional repellent of insects. The ethanol extracts tested showed an interesting activity against the phytopathogenic fungi Fusarium monilforme, F. solani and F. oxysporum and antibiotic activity against 2 Gram-positive bacteria: Bacillus cereus and Streptomyces griseus, in an primary screening. The diversity of endophytes found in this plant, especially in the roots, showed promising results supporting further work on this species.This publication has been financed by the project: ‘Bioprospection of endophytes in medicinal plants for biopesticides production’ MCIN- FCCI. 2009. Ref. ACI2009-0900Peer reviewe

    Alteração do comprimento do passo durante a transposição de obstáculos em tarefas de movimentação de cargas na construção civil

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    A Construção Civil tem sido o sector que regista maior incidência de acidentes fatais a nível mundial. Diversos estudos têm sido efectuados no sentido de compreender as causas que contribuem para a ocorrência de elevados índices de sinistralidade neste sector. Todavia, o contributo da movimentação manual de cargas, para a ocorrência de quedas na Construção Civil, tem sido descurado. No presente artigo procedeu-se, através de simulação laboratorial, ao estudo da influência da movimentação manual de cargas para a ocorrência de acidentes em operações envolvendo a transposição de obstáculos em obra. Verificou-se que o comprimento de passo e a passada do pé de avanço são alterados com o transporte de carga, aumentando a probabilidade de ocorrência de acidentes envolvendo quedas

    Application of a diagnostic algorithm for the rare deficient variant Mmalton of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency: a new approach

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    Background and objectives: alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is associated with a high risk for the development of early-onset emphysema and liver disease. A large majority of subjects with severe AATD carry the ZZ genotype, which can be easily detected. Another rare pathologic variant, the Mmalton allele, causes a deficiency similar to that of the Z variant, but it is not easily recognizable and its detection seems to be underestimated. Therefore, we have included a rapid allele-specific genotyping assay for the detection of the Mmalton variant in the diagnostic algorithm of AATD used in our laboratory. The objective of this study was to test the usefulness of this new algorithm for Mmalton detection. Materials and methods: we performed a retrospective revision of all AATD determinations carried out in our laboratory over 2 years using the new diagnostic algorithm. Samples with a phenotype showing one or two M alleles and AAT levels discordant with that phenotype were analyzed using the Mmalton allele-specific genotyping assay. Results: we detected 49 samples with discordant AAT levels; 44 had the MM and five the MS phenotype. In nine of these samples, a single rare Mmalton variant was detected. During the study period, two family screenings were performed and four additional Mmalton variants were identified. Conclusion: the incorporation of the Mmalton allele-specific genotyping assay in the diagnostic algorithm of AATD resulted in a faster and cheaper method to detect this allele and avoided a significant delay in diagnosis when a sequencing assay was required. This methodology can be adapted to other rare variants. Standardized algorithms are required to obtain conclusive data of the real incidence of rare AAT alleles in each region

    Rapid detection of Mmalton α1-antitrypsin deficiency allele by real-time PCR and melting curves in whole blood, serum and dried blood spot samples

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    Background: α1-Antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is an autosomal codominant disorder associated with a high risk of developing lung and liver disease. The most common deficient alleles are known as Z and S. However, another deficient variant, called Mmalton, which causes a deficiency similar to variant Z, is considered to be the second cause of severe AATD in Spain. Nevertheless, the Mmalton allele is not recognizable by usual diagnostic techniques and therefore, its real prevalence is underestimated. We describe a rapid real-time PCR and melting curves assay designed for the detection of Mmalton AATD. Methods: we tested the applicability of this new technique for the identification of the Mmalton allele in AATD screening using whole blood, dried blood spot (DBS) and serum samples. Mmalton heterozygote and homozygote samples and samples without this allele were included in the study. Results: this new assay is able to detect homozygous and heterozygous genotypes in the same reaction and in a single step, giving matching results with those obtained by SERPINA1 gene sequencing. Conclusions: this technology is optimal for working with small amounts of DNA, such as in DBS and even with residual DNA present in serum samples, allowing improvement in routine algorithms of AATD diagnosis or large-scale screening. This method will be useful for obtaining more in depth knowledge of the real incidence of the Mmalton variant

    Cloning, characterization and analysis of cat and ben genes from the phenol degrading halophilic bacterium Halomonas organivorans.

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    Background: Extensive use of phenolic compounds in industry has resulted in the generation of saline wastewaters that produce significant environmental contamination; however, little information is available on the degradation of phenolic compounds in saline conditions. Halomonas organivorans G-16.1 (CECT 5995T) is a moderately halophilic bacterium that we isolated in a previous work from saline environments of South Spain by enrichment for growth in different pollutants, including phenolic compounds. PCR amplification with degenerate primers revealed the presence of genes encoding ringcleaving enzymes of the b-ketoadipate pathway for aromatic catabolism in H. organivorans. Findings: The gene cluster catRBCA, involved in catechol degradation, was isolated from H. organivorans. The genes catA, catB, catC and the divergently transcribed catR code for catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (1,2-CTD), cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase, muconolactone delta-isomerase and a LysR-type transcriptional regulator, respectively. The benzoate catabolic genes (benA and benB) are located flanking the cat genes. The expression of cat and ben genes by phenol and benzoic acid was shown by RT-PCR analysis. The induction of catA gene by phenol and benzoic acid was also probed by the measurement of 1,2-CTD activity in H. organivorans growth in presence of these inducers. 16S rRNA and catA gene-based phylogenies were established among different degrading bacteria showing no phylogenetic correlation between both genes. Conclusions/Significance: In this work, we isolated and determined the sequence of a gene cluster from a moderately halophilic bacterium encoding ortho-pathway genes involved in the catabolic metabolism of phenol and analyzed the gene organization, constituting the first report characterizing catabolic genes involved in the degradation of phenol in moderate halophiles, providing an ideal model system to investigate the potential use of this group of extremophiles in the decontamination of saline environments