18 research outputs found

    Viral Transmission in Organ Transplantation: The Importance of Risk Assessment

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    Organ transplantation presents a low but extant risk of allograft transmission of blood-borne viruses (BBV) including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Other infections temporarily present in blood are also transmissible from donor to recipient, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), polyomavirus (BK), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and others, where the donor has acute infection at the time of donation. Decisions about accepting organs for transplantation involve a trade-off between the acquisition of good-quality organs, which can confer longer survival time for the recipient, but at the risk of dying from waiting too long from the underlying condition, versus accepting an organ of less quality, but at the risk of potentially acquiring a donor-derived infection (DDI), unless such infection can be ruled out in the donated organ. In this chapter, we describe the different factors contributing to the overall risk of acquiring a BBV infection through the allograft, mechanisms for assessing risk of the donor and the different strategies available to minimize or mitigate the risk. The process is one of risk assessments and risk ameliorations through optimum laboratory and clinical assessment processes, so that transplantation professionals can balance the overall risk against the life-saving and life-enhancing benefits of organ transplantation

    La lógica del exceso en los restaurantes de comida rápida

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    La obesidad está siendo considerada como uno de los mayores problemas para la salud pública de nuestro tiempo. El modelo norteamericano de alimentación urbana, ejemplificado en las cadenas de comida rápida, se ha extendido por todo el mundo, trasladando fuera de sus fronteras la preocupación por la gordura y su consideración como una patología de graves consecuencias. Analizamos en este trabajo los valores y el simbolismo de la iconografía de McDonald's, bajo la tesis de que la lógica del exceso, la simbología encarnada a través de los espacios y la cuestión de la obesidad se vinculan formando un discurso sutil que refuerza el estigma de las personas obesas. La metáfora del exceso forma parte central de los mensajes, ambientación y diseños de la cadena, desde sus reclamos publicitarios hasta la presentación de la comida y la dinámica del comportamiento del cliente. Nuestra conclusión es que McDonald's es un fiel reflejo de las características sociales vinculadas al concepto de posmodernidad (simulacro, superficialidad, carácter efímero o líquido de los acontecimientos sociales). No nos interesa si la comida rápida contribuye al incremento de la obesidad. Hablar sobre McDonald's es asociar la obesidad con una imagen de alimentación fuertemente cuestionada, y por lo tanto, establecer el discurso sobre la corpulencia y la gordura en el terreno del estigma y el rechazo social.Obesity is considered as one of the main problems for public health. The USA urban model of feeding, illustrated through the system of fast food restaurants, is extended all over the world, translating the worry and the consideration of obesity as a pathology with severe consequences. We analyze here the values and symbolism of McDonald's. Our thesis poses that the logic of excess, the symbology tied in and through the environments, and the question of obesity are linked together, creating a subtle discourse that reinforces the obesity stigma. The metaphore of excess takes a central part in the messages, ambient and designs, from the interiors advertising to the presentation of meal and the clients programs of behaviour. We conclude that McDonald's fits well with the social characteristics associated to the concept of postmodernity (simulacra, superficiality, ephemeral or liquid social interaction). We don't think about the contribution of fast food to obesity. To talk about McDonald's is the same than to associate obesity with a very criticized image of feeding, and therefore, to establish the discourse about fatness and corpulence in the domain of social stigma and rejection

    Proficiency of Nucleic Acid Tests for Avian Influenza Viruses, Australasia

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    An avian influenza quality assurance program was used to provide information for laboratories on the sensitivity and specificity of their avian influenza nucleic acid testing. Most laboratories were able to correctly detect clinically relevant amounts of influenza virus (H5N1), and results improved as each subsequent panel was tested

    La lógica del exceso en los restaurantes de comida rápida

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    La obesidad está siendo considerada como uno de los mayores problemas para la salud pública de nuestro tiempo. El modelo norteamericano de alimentación urbana, ejemplificado en las cadenas de comida rápida, se ha extendido por todo el mundo, trasladando fuera de sus fronteras la preocupación por la gordura y su consideración como una patología de graves consecuencias. Analizamos en este trabajo los valores y el simbolismo de la iconografía de McDonald's, bajo la tesis de que la lógica del exceso, la simbología encarnada a través de los espacios y la cuestión de la obesidad se vinculan formando un discurso sutil que refuerza el estigma de las personas obesas. La metáfora del exceso forma parte central de los mensajes, ambientación y diseños de la cadena, desde sus reclamos publicitarios hasta la presentación de la comida y la dinámica del comportamiento del cliente. Nuestra conclusión es que McDonald's es un fiel reflejo de las características sociales vinculadas al concepto de posmodernidad (simulacro, superficialidad, carácter efímero o líquido de los acontecimientos sociales). No nos interesa si la comida rápida contribuye al incremento de la obesidad. Hablar sobre McDonald's es asociar la obesidad con una imagen de alimentación fuertemente cuestionada, y por lo tanto, establecer el discurso sobre la corpulencia y la gordura en el terreno del estigma y el rechazo social.Obesity is considered as one of the main problems for public health. The USA urban model of feeding, illustrated through the system of fast food restaurants, is extended all over the world, translating the worry and the consideration of obesity as a pathology with severe consequences. We analyze here the values and symbolism of McDonald's. Our thesis poses that the logic of excess, the symbology tied in and through the environments, and the question of obesity are linked together, creating a subtle discourse that reinforces the obesity stigma. The metaphore of excess takes a central part in the messages, ambient and designs, from the interiors advertising to the presentation of meal and the clients programs of behaviour. We conclude that McDonald's fits well with the social characteristics associated to the concept of postmodernity (simulacra, superficiality, ephemeral or liquid social interaction). We don't think about the contribution of fast food to obesity. To talk about McDonald's is the same than to associate obesity with a very criticized image of feeding, and therefore, to establish the discourse about fatness and corpulence in the domain of social stigma and rejection

    El discurso popular sobre la obesidad. Análisis de contenido de una discusión virtual

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    La discusión sobre el “orgullo gordo” y la supuesta pandemia de la obesidad han encontrado un espacio político y comercial receptivo en nuestras sociedades occidentales, y poco a poco amenaza con extenderse por todo el mundo. Siguiendo con anteriores trabajos, interpretamos y comentamos aquí los envíos remitidos por un grupo de lectores en respuesta a un artículo polémico publicado en las páginas de un periódico digital de difusión nacional. Más que intentar descifrar las supuestas motivaciones o intenciones de los lectores, nuestro objetivo es desarrollar algunas ideas sobre el modo en que las personas obesas resultan posicionadas o caracterizadas a través de los mensajes al foro del periódico: como personas enfermas, anormales, asociados con otros grupos socialmente mal considerados, discriminados, perjudiciales para la sociedad y condenados a resignarse con su estado obeso. Nuestro trabajo persigue poner de manifiesto el trato desconsiderado y estigmatizador que nuestra sociedad depara a las personas gordas, así como explorar algunas claves de actuación que sirvan para reducir el estigma

    Investigation of occult hepatitis B virus infection in anti-hbc positive patients from a liver clinic.

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    Occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is manifested by presence of very low levels (<200IU/mL) of Hepatitis B viral DNA (HBV DNA) in the blood and the liver while exhibiting undetectable HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). The molecular mechanisms underlying this occurrence are still not completely understood. This study investigated the prevalence of OBI in a high-risk Australian population and compared the HBV S gene sequences of our cohort with reference sequences. Serum from HBV DNA positive, HBsAg negative, and hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) positive patients (study cohort) were obtained from samples tested at SEALS Serology Laboratory using the Abbott Architect, as part of screening and diagnostic testing. From a total of 228,108 samples reviewed, 1,451 patients were tested for all three OBI markers. Only 10 patients (0.69%) out of the 1,451 patients were found to fit the selection criteria for OBI. Sequence analysis of the HBV S gene from 5 suspected OBI infected patients showed increased sequence variability in the 'a' epitope of the major hydrophilic region compared to reference sequences. In addition, a total of eight consistent nucleotide substitutions resulting in seven amino acid changes were observed, and three patients had truncated S gene sequence. These mutations appeared to be stable and may result in alterations in HBsAg conformation. These may negatively impact the affinity of hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) and may explain the false negative results in serological HBV diagnosis. These changes may also enable the virus to persist in the liver by evading immune surveillance. Further studies on a bigger cohort are required to determine whether these amino acid variations have been acquired in the process of immune escape and serve as markers of OBI

    Nucleotide substitutions in the HBV S gene of OBI cohort with corresponding amino acid changes in the small S protein and polymerase.

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    <p>Nucleotide substitutions in the HBV S gene of OBI cohort with corresponding amino acid changes in the small S protein and polymerase.</p