3,133 research outputs found

    Predicting expected TCP throughput using genetic algorithm

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    Predicting the expected throughput of TCP is important for several aspects such as e.g. determining handover criteria for future multihomed mobile nodes or determining the expected throughput of a given MPTCP subflow for load-balancing reasons. However, this is challenging due to time varying behavior of the underlying network characteristics. In this paper, we present a genetic-algorithm-based prediction model for estimating TCP throughput values. Our approach tries to find the best matching combination of mathematical functions that approximate a given time series that accounts for the TCP throughput samples using genetic algorithm. Based on collected historical datapoints about measured TCP throughput samples, our algorithm estimates expected throughput over time. We evaluate the quality of the prediction using different selection and diversity strategies for creating new chromosomes. Also, we explore the use of different fitness functions in order to evaluate the goodness of a chromosome. The goal is to show how different tuning on the genetic algorithm may have an impact on the prediction. Using extensive simulations over several TCP throughput traces, we find that the genetic algorithm successfully finds reasonable matching mathematical functions that allow to describe the TCP sampled throughput values with good fidelity. We also explore the effectiveness of predicting time series throughput samples for a given prediction horizon and estimate the prediction error and confidence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Knowledge transfer opportunities for the bioscience sector in Chile.

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    In this article, the movement of knowledge and discoveries that take place in Chile, between academia and industry is reviewed. Examples of knowledge transfer activities, such as training, consultancy, contract and collaborative research as well as licensing relating to Chile’s bioscience sector are presented. In addition, a knowledge transfer ‘fitness’ index of Chile’s six leading universities is derived and analyzed. As a result, an approach for obtaining efficient knowledge transfer activities tailored to the biotechnology industry in Chile is proposed. Indeed, it is recommended that universities that lack intellectual property rights or knowledge transfer capacity concentrate their efforts in developing tailor made consultancy services, focused on biotechnology projects that could be turned into research collaborations with biotechnology companies. Finally, a number of useful information resources about the developments currently taking place in the biotechnology sector in Chile as well as a detail description of the mutual long term benefits of research collaborations to industry and academia are offered.En este artículo, la transferencia de conocimiento y de los descubrimientos que se realizan en Chile, entre la academia y la industria. Ejemplos de actividades de transferencia tecnológica, tales como entrenamiento, consultorías, contratos e investigación colaborativa como también el licenciamiento relacionado con el sector de las Biociencias en Chile son presentados. Adicionalmente se presenta un índice de “salud” de transferencia del conocimiento derivado del análisis de las seis Universidades líderes. Como resultado, se propone una aproximación para la obtención de actividades eficientes de transferencia tecnológica, ajustadas a la industria biotecnológica chilena. Así también se recomienda que las Universidades que carecen de derechos de propiedad intelectual o de capacidad de transferencia tecnológica, concentren sus esfuerzos en el desarrollo de servicios de consultoría, enfocados en los proyectos de biotecnología que podrían transformarse en investigaciones colaborativas con las compañías biotecnológicas. Finalmente, se ofrecen un número de fuentes de información útil acerca de los desarrollos que usualmente toman lugar en el sector biotecnológico en Chile, como también una descripción en detalle de los beneficios mutuos a largo plazo de las investigaciones colaborativas.In this article, the movement of knowledge and discoveries that take place in Chile, between academia and industry is reviewed. Examples of knowledge transfer activities, such as training, consultancy, contract and collaborative research as well as licensing relating to Chile’s bioscience sector are presented. In addition, a knowledge transfer ‘fitness’ index of Chile’s six leading universities is derived and analyzed. As a result, an approach for obtaining efficient knowledge transfer activities tailored to the biotechnology industry in Chile is proposed. Indeed, it is recommended that universities that lack intellectual property rights or knowledge transfer capacity concentrate their efforts in developing tailor made consultancy services, focused on biotechnology projects that could be turned into research collaborations with biotechnology companies. Finally, a number of useful information resources about the developments currently taking place in the biotechnology sector in Chile as well as a detail description of the mutual long term benefits of research collaborations to industry and academia are offered

    Aspects of the pseudo Chiral Magnetic Effect in 2D Weyl-Dirac Matter

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    A connection is established between the continuum limit of the low-energy tight-binding description of graphene immersed in an in-plane magnetic field and the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Quantum Chromodynamics. A combination of mass gaps that explicitly breaks the equivalence of the Dirac cones, favoring an imbalance of pseudo-chiralities, is the essential ingredient to generate a non-dissipative electric current along the external field. Currents, number densities and condensates generated from this setup are investigated for different hierarchies of the energy scales involved.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Several text improvements. Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Sublethal concentrations of waterborne copper induce cellular stress and cell death in zebrafish embryos and larvae

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602011000100002&lng=es&nrm=isoCopper is an essential ion that forms part of the active sites of many proteins. At the same time, an excess of this metal produces free radicals that are toxic for cells and organisms. Fish have been used extensively to study the effects of metals, including copper, present in food or the environment. It has been shown that different metals induce different adaptive responses in adult fish. However, until now, scant information has been available about the responses that are induced by waterborne copper during early life stages of fish. Here, acute toxicity tests and LC50 curves have been generated for zebrafish larvae exposed to dissolved copper sulphate at different concentrations and for different treatment times. We determined that the larvae incorporate and accumulate copper present in the medium in a concentration-dependent manner, resulting in changes in gene expression. Using a transgenic fish line that expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the hsp70 promoter, we monitored tissue-specific stress responses to waterborne copper by following expression of the reporter. Furthermore, TUNEL assays revealed which tissues are more susceptible to cell death after exposure to copper. Our results establish a framework for the analysis of whole-organism management of excess external copper in developing aquatic animals

    Which is the influence on students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of applying skill-integrating teaching techniques in English classes in primary school?

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    Which is the influence on students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of applying skill-integrating teaching techniques in English classes in primary school?El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar la integración de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas en las clases de inglés de los alumnos de quinto año de la escuela primaria observando cómo se imparten las clases allí y determinar si un plan de clase integrando las cuatro habilidades puede afectar la motivación del alumno hacia la clase. Para lograr esto, observación de las lecciones se llevará a cabo, reuniendo datos y organizándolos en base a categorías previamente asignadas destinadas a describir el desempeño del maestro, el rendimiento de los estudiantes, el diseño de las lecciones y el enfoque motivacional en el aula. Además, un cuestionario acerca de las clases de inglés en general se entregará a los estudiantes, a quienes se les pedirá que respondan de forma anónima con el fin de no cambiar sus respuestas. Para establecer una relación entre las dos variables, se realizará un análisis artesanal a partir de los datos recopilados tanto en las observaciones como en las encuestas.The goal of this research is to identify the integration of the four language skills in English lessons of fifth year primary school students by observing the way classes are given there, and to determine whether a skill- integrated lesson class can affect student’s motivation towards the lesson. In order to achieve this, observation of lessons will be conducted, gathering data and arranging them based on previously assigned categories aimed at describing teacher’s performance, students’ performance, lessons design and motivational focus in the classroom. Also, surveys regarding English classes as a whole will be handed to students, who will be asked to answer anonymously in order not to change their answers. In order to establish a relationship between the two variables, an artisanal analysis will be made out of the data collected in both the observations and the surveys.Abstract 4 Resumen 5 Introduction 6 Justification 8PregradoLicenciado en Lenguas Moderna

    Proposicion de una estrategia de negocio para una empresa del sector plastico, que permita posicionarla en el mercado

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    99 p.El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad proponer una estrategia de negocio para una pequefia Empresa elaboradora de productos plasticos, la cual compite dentro de la industria del plastico, con articulos desarrollados a traves del proceso de inyeccion, especialmente con productos para otras empresas. El estudio se desarrolla apoyado por el metodo de planificacion estrategica expuesto por Hax y Majluf, el cual consiste en cuatro etapas: La primera etapa consiste en poseer un amplio conocimiento de la Empresa, de tal forma que permita conocer su proposito y razon de ser, su ambito de desarrollo y como desea ser vista. La segunda etapa es un analisis externo, segmentando la industria de modo que pueda establecer el segmento competitivo de la empresa, de tal forma que permita detectar las Oportunidades y Amenazas. La tercera etapa consiste en identificar las fortalezas y debilidades de la empresa con relacion a su principal competidor. La cuarta etapa consiste en generar una estrategia de negocio apropiada para la empresa, de manera que permita enfrentar su situacion actual, de tal forma que permita generar planes de accion para la permanencia en la industria y proyectarse en el largo plazo. De las propuestas desarrolladas, fue factible considerar la aplicacion de una estrategia de concentracion basada en la diferenciacion de productos, dado que en general sus productos se caracterizan por ser reconocidos como unicos por los clientes pertenecientes a los nichos de mercado que satisface. Adicionalmente los planes de accion establecidos fueron apoyados por planes especificos de accion, de modo que permita establecer una mejor posicion a la empresa y proyectar su permanencia en la industria de mejor forma