36 research outputs found

    Factorial structure and reliability of a Perceived Influence on selection of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, in secondary school students of Chillán, Chile

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    The process of vocational election is influenced by internal and external factors. However, there is no evidence of the influences on the election process of a specialized plan of studies that secondary students have to cope in the tenth year of the Chilean educational regular system. To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others’ expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system.Facultad de Psicologí

    Factorial structure and reliability of a Perceived Influence on selection of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, in secondary school students of Chillán, Chile

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    The process of vocational election is influenced by internal and external factors. However, there is no evidence of the influences on the election process of a specialized plan of studies that secondary students have to cope in the tenth year of the Chilean educational regular system. To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others’ expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system.Facultad de Psicologí

    Expectativas de implicación académica: Validez y uso en el diagnóstico de ingreso a la educación superior

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    Conocer las características de entrada de los estudiantes que inician la educación superior, permite tener una primera imagen de éstos para tomar decisiones institucionales que respondan a sus necesidades. El presente trabajo busca aportar a los procesos de diagnóstico institucional en el área socioemocional, indagando en un componente clave de ésta: las expectativas de implicación académica, entendidas como lo que el estudiante espera hacer durante su vida universitaria; expectativas que pueden incidir en su permanencia en educación superior. En este estudio de carácter cuantitativo no experimental y transversal, se aplicó la traducción del Cuestionario de Implicación Académica en su forma A (CIA –A) que evalúa expectativas. Este fue aplicado a 2.334 estudiantes de la cohorte 2019 que ingresaron a la Universidad Católica de Temuco en Chile, como parte del proceso diagnóstico institucional.Se evaluó la estructura factorial del CIA-A mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio; se calculó la confiabilidad de los factores identificados y  se emplearon análisis de conglomerados jerárquico y no jerárquico. La solución de mejor ajuste respaldaba la existencia de cinco factores: Implicación vocacional, Implicación institucional, Implicación social, Utilización de recursos y Participación estudiantil (alfas entre 0,79 y 0,88). Desde el análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos, se identificaron dos conglomerados y al asignar los participantes a cada uno, empleando un análisis de conglomerado no jerárquico, se obtuvo un primer cluster con un 44,83% (n=1.002) de los casos y un segundo cluster con un 55,17% (n=1.233), asumiéndose la presencia de perfiles de expectativas. Al comparar los resultados de ambos perfiles en el CIA-A se encontró que el perfil 2 presentaba mayores puntajes que el perfil 1 en todos los factores de expectativas académicas, por lo que se le denominó: Perfil de Mayor Involucramiento Esperado (n=1.233; 55,17%), mientras que al otro grupo se le denominó Perfil de Menor Involucramiento Esperado (n=1.002; 44,83%). Al comparar el perfil actitudinal por sexo, se puede observar que las mujeres tienden a presentar un perfil de mayor involucramiento esperado (60,8%) en comparación con los hombres (46,4%). Y entre las facultades, los alumnos de Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales y de Humanidades, tienen una mayor proporción de alumnos en el perfil de mayor involucramiento esperado. Esta investigación aporta respaldo de la validez y confiabilidad del CIA-A como instrumento para la identificación de perfiles de estudiantes, lo que puede ayudar a identificar perfiles de riesgo. Lo anterior es relevante, pues evaluar expectativas permitiría anticipar problemas de adaptación y podría constituirse como herramienta factible para la identificación de áreas críticas a intervenir institucionalmente a través de programas de acompañamiento a estudiantes iniciales, docencia universitaria y desarrollo estudiantil, que permitan afianzar la permanencia de los estudiantes en las Instituciones de Educación Superior

    Mobile Phone Use by the Elderly: Relationship between Usability, Social Activity, and the Environment

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    [EN] Mobile phones have caused diverging opinions regarding the change in communication patterns and the isolation among young people. However, in the case of the elderly, there are positive ef ects related to their use, their social activity, and their environmental awareness. This study connects these three variables beginning with the mobile telephone use by the elderly. A sample of 399 self-reliant elderly people was interviewed in Chile, where 159 had mobile phones. They answered the Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of Use Questionnaire (USE) and a series of questions about the environment and social life developed from previous studies. The results were analyzed using a multiple correspondence and correlation analysis. A high correlation between the three variables was found. Hence, a higher usability of mobile phones was associated with higher social activity and a higher environmental concern. These results showed that a design approach for the elderly could increase satisfaction regarding the use of a product and, as a result, improve communication with their social setting. From an environmental point of view, an indirect relationship was seen between the selection, use, and expectations of the end of life of the products.This research was funded by CONICYT FONDECYT grant number 1171037.Briede-Westermeyer, JC.; Pacheco-Blanco, B.; Luzardo-Briceño, M.; Pérez-Villalobos, C. (2020). Mobile Phone Use by the Elderly: Relationship between Usability, Social Activity, and the Environment. Sustainability. 12(7):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12072690S114127WHO Envejecimiento y ciclo de vida https://www.who.int/ageing/about/facts/es/Indice de envejecimiento de las Americas https://public.tableau.com/views/EnvSal_IndiceEnvejecimiento_viz1/Dashboard1?:embed=yes&:toolbar=yes&:showVizHome=noLife Expectancy and Mortality at Older Ages https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/popfacts/PopFacts_2013-8_new.pdfShaw, L. H., & Gant, L. M. (2002). In Defense of the Internet: The Relationship between Internet Communication and Depression, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Social Support. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 5(2), 157-171. doi:10.1089/109493102753770552Vlontzos, G., Kyrgiakos, L., & Duquenne, M. (2018). What Are the Main Drivers of Young Consumers Purchasing Traditional Food Products? European Field Research. Foods, 7(2), 22. doi:10.3390/foods7020022Gu, F., Summers, P. A., & Hall, P. (2019). Recovering materials from waste mobile phones: Recent technological developments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 237, 117657. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117657Bouma, H., Fozard, J. L., Bouwhuis, D. G., & Taipale, V. T. (2007). Gerontechnology in perspective. Gerontechnology, 6(4). doi:10.4017/gt.2007., A., Rollwagen, I., & Neven, L. (2014). The rise of the «innosumer»—Rethinking older technology users. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 82, 199-214. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2013.06.013Righi, V., Sayago, S., & Blat, J. (2017). When we talk about older people in HCI, who are we talking about? Towards a ‘turn to community’ in the design of technologies for a growing ageing population. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 108, 15-31. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.06.005Suckling, J., & Lee, J. (2015). Redefining scope: the true environmental impact of smartphones? The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20(8), 1181-1196. doi:10.1007/s11367-015-0909-4Gartner Gartner says smartphone sales grew 46.5 percent in second quarter of 2013 and exceeded feature phone sales for first time http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2573415Tanskanen, P. (2013). Management and recycling of electronic waste. Acta Materialia, 61(3), 1001-1011. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.005OECD Enviroment Directorate Materials Case Study 1: Critical Metals and Mobile Devices http://www.oecd.org/environment/waste/46132634.pdfOngondo, F. O., & Williams, I. D. (2011). Mobile phone collection, reuse and recycling in the UK. Waste Management, 31(6), 1307-1315. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2011.01.032Zambrano-Monserrate, M. A., & Alejandra Ruano, M. (2020). Do you need a bag? Analyzing the consumption behavior of plastic bags of households in Ecuador. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 152, 104489. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104489Sun, Y., Liu, N., & Zhao, M. (2019). Factors and mechanisms affecting green consumption in China: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, 481-493. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.241Shahsavar, T., Kubeš, V., & Baran, D. (2020). Willingness to pay for eco-friendly furniture based on demographic factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119466. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119466Gutiérrez, E., Adenso-Díaz, B., Lozano, S., & González-Torre, P. (2010). A competing risks approach for time estimation of household WEEE disposal. Waste Management, 30(8-9), 1643-1652. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2010.02.032Pacheco-Blanco, B., Martínez-Gómez, M., Collado-Ruiz, D., & Capuz-Rizo, S. (2018). Sustainable Information in Shoe Purchase Decisions: Relevance of Data Based on Source. Sustainability, 10(4), 1170. doi:10.3390/su10041170SANHUEZA PARRA, M., CASTRO SALAS, M., & MERINO ESCOBAR, J. M. (2005). ADULTOS MAYORES FUNCIONALES: UN NUEVO CONCEPTO EN SALUD. Ciencia y enfermería, 11(2). doi:10.4067/s0717-95532005000200004Proposed Working Definition of an Older Person in Africa for the MDS Project https://www.who.int/healthinfo/survey/ageingdefnolder/en/Glosario Gerontologico http://www.senama.gob.cl/storage/docs/GLOSARIO_GERONTOLOGICO.pdfManual de Aplicación del Examen de Medicina Preventiva del Adulto Mayor https://www.minsal.cl/portal/url/item/ab1f81f43ef0c2a6e04001011e011907Luzardo, M., Márquez, V., Segovia, H., & Rangel, K. (2016). Índice de pobreza multivariante a través de la III Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Famililares 2004-2005. Comunicaciones en Estadística, 9(2), 199. doi:10.15332/s2027-3355.2016.0002.02Subnational Human Development Index (4.0) Biobío region 2017 https://globaldatalab.org/shdi/INE Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas Chile Resultados CENSO 2017 región del Biobío http://resultados.censo2017.cl/Region?R=R0

    Construcció i validació d'instruments per avaluar competències genèriques, en educació superior

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    Es presenta una alternativa d'avaluació per a les competències genèriques que es desenvolupen en educació superior, considerant la seua característica de multidimensionalitat. Es construeixen instruments per a avaluar la dimensió cognitiva, afectiva i conductual del pensament crític, comunicació, emprenedoria i treball en equip i, responsabilitat social. S'analitza la seua validesa de constructe per mitjà d'anàlisi factorial exploratòria i confiabilitat, per mitjà del càlcul del coeficient de consistència interna 'alfa de Cronbach' d'una mostra de 493 estudiants de primer any de carrera durant l'any 2015. Els resultats suggereixen que es disposa d'instruments confiables i vàlids, per tant, adients per a l'avaluació de la dimensió cognitiva, conductual i afectiva de les competències genèriques

    Association between collaborative work, learning by observation and modeling in the improvement of pedagogical practices

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue a analizar la percepción docente sobre elementos socioculturales asociados al mejoramiento de sus prácticas pedagógicas en la Región Metropolitana. Surgió del actual vacío teórico respecto a la existencia de un modelo explicativo sobre el rol que ocupa el aprendizaje por observación, modelado y trabajo colaborativo en el mejoramiento de prácticas pedagógicas. La investigación es cualitativa, y se realiza con el enfoque teórico-metodológico de la Teoría Fundamentada, mediante la realización de seis entrevistas a docentes. Los resultados se presentan a nivel descriptivo y relacional axial, destacando en este último, la elaboración de un modelo explicativo inicial de cómo se produce la modificación de las prácticas pedagógicas a partir del aprendizaje colaborativo.This research aims to analyze the teaching perception on sociocultural elements associated with the improvement of their pedagogical practices in the Metropolitan Region. It emerged from the current theoretical gap regarding the existence of an explanatory model on the role that learning by observation, modeling and collaborative work occupies in the improvement of pedagogical practices. The research is qualitative, and is carried out with the theoretical methodological approach of Grounded Theory, by conducting six interviews with teachers. The results are presented at a descriptive and axial relational level, highlighting in the latter, the development of an initial explanatory model of how the modification of pedagogical practices from collaborative learning occurs

    Factorial structure and reliability of a Perceived Influence on selection of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, in secondary school students of Chillán, Chile

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    The process of vocational election is influenced by internal and external factors. However, there is no evidence of the influences on the election process of a specialized plan of studies that secondary students have to cope in the tenth year of the Chilean educational regular system. To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others’ expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system

    Estrutura fatorial e confiabilidade da Escala de Influências Percebidas na Escolha de um programa diferenciado, IPEP, nos estudantes de enseno médio de Chillán, Chile

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    Los procesos de elección vocacional son influidos por factores individuales y externos al sujeto, no obstante no existe evidencia de cuál es su influencia en la elección del plan diferenciado de estudios al que, en el sistema educacional chileno, se debe ingresar en tercero medio. Para evaluar estos factores, se construyó la escala de Influencias Percibidas en la Elección de un Plan Diferenciado, IPEP, y en esta investigación se evaluó su estructura factorial y confiabilidad. El instrumento fue aplicado a 115 alumnos, elegidos mediante muestreo por cuotas, que cursaban tercer año medio en un colegio particular subvencionado de la cuidad de Chillán, Chile. A partir de un análisis factorial exploratorio se identificó ocho factores en la escala IPEP: Proyección académica, Desarrollo personal, Mantención del entorno social, Exigencia académica, Satisfacción de expectativas de otros, Información vocacional, Imagen del plan y Presión Familiar. Los resultados presentan evidencia inicial de una estructura factorial empírica y teóricamente adecuada, cuyos factores son internamente consistentes y conceptualmente útiles, ya que distinguen aspectos psicogénicos y sociogénicos de la toma de decisiones vocacionales, permitiendo iniciar acciones diagnósticas e investigativas en torno a esta decisión vocacional que el sistema educativo establece en medio de la educación secundaria.O processo de eleição vocacional é influenciada por fatores internos e externos. No entanto, não há evidências das influências sobre o processo eleitoral de um plano de estudos especializados que alunos do ensino secundário têm de lidar no décimo ano do sistema educacional chileno regular. Para avaliar esses fatores, a escala de influências percebidas sobre a eleição de um plano de estudos especializados, IPEP, foi construído para este estudo e sua estrutura fatorial e confiabilidade foram avaliadas. O instrumento foi aplicado a 115 alunos, escolhidos por amostragem citação. Eles eram estudantes de uma escola particular subsidiada secundárias da cidade de Chillan, Chile. Uma análise fatorial exploratória identificou oito fatores no IPEP escala: projeção acadêmica, desenvolvimento pessoal, manutenção do ambiente social, requisitos acadêmicos, satisfação das expectativas dos outros, a informação profissional, imagem do plano e da pressão da Família. Os resultados apresentam uma estrutura inicial fatorial, que empiricamente e teoricamente adequada, cujos fatores são fiáveis e conceitualmente útil. Esses fatores permitem distinguir os aspectos psicogênicos e sociogênicos do processo de vocacional, e permitir a iniciar ações de diagnóstico e de investigação em relação a este vocacional eleições antecipadas que se estabelece nas escolas secundárias do sistema educacional chileno.Facultad de Psicologí

    Estrutura fatorial e confiabilidade da Escala de Influências Percebidas na Escolha de um programa diferenciado, IPEP, nos estudantes de enseno médio de Chillán, Chile

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    Los procesos de elección vocacional son influidos por factores individuales y externos al sujeto, no obstante no existe evidencia de cuál es su influencia en la elección del plan diferenciado de estudios al que, en el sistema educacional chileno, se debe ingresar en tercero medio. Para evaluar estos factores, se construyó la escala de Influencias Percibidas en la Elección de un Plan Diferenciado, IPEP, y en esta investigación se evaluó su estructura factorial y confiabilidad. El instrumento fue aplicado a 115 alumnos, elegidos mediante muestreo por cuotas, que cursaban tercer año medio en un colegio particular subvencionado de la cuidad de Chillán, Chile. A partir de un análisis factorial exploratorio se identificó ocho factores en la escala IPEP: Proyección académica, Desarrollo personal, Mantención del entorno social, Exigencia académica, Satisfacción de expectativas de otros, Información vocacional, Imagen del plan y Presión Familiar. Los resultados presentan evidencia inicial de una estructura factorial empírica y teóricamente adecuada, cuyos factores son internamente consistentes y conceptualmente útiles, ya que distinguen aspectos psicogénicos y sociogénicos de la toma de decisiones vocacionales, permitiendo iniciar acciones diagnósticas e investigativas en torno a esta decisión vocacional que el sistema educativo establece en medio de la educación secundaria.O processo de eleição vocacional é influenciada por fatores internos e externos. No entanto, não há evidências das influências sobre o processo eleitoral de um plano de estudos especializados que alunos do ensino secundário têm de lidar no décimo ano do sistema educacional chileno regular. Para avaliar esses fatores, a escala de influências percebidas sobre a eleição de um plano de estudos especializados, IPEP, foi construído para este estudo e sua estrutura fatorial e confiabilidade foram avaliadas. O instrumento foi aplicado a 115 alunos, escolhidos por amostragem citação. Eles eram estudantes de uma escola particular subsidiada secundárias da cidade de Chillan, Chile. Uma análise fatorial exploratória identificou oito fatores no IPEP escala: projeção acadêmica, desenvolvimento pessoal, manutenção do ambiente social, requisitos acadêmicos, satisfação das expectativas dos outros, a informação profissional, imagem do plano e da pressão da Família. Os resultados apresentam uma estrutura inicial fatorial, que empiricamente e teoricamente adequada, cujos fatores são fiáveis e conceitualmente útil. Esses fatores permitem distinguir os aspectos psicogênicos e sociogênicos do processo de vocacional, e permitir a iniciar ações de diagnóstico e de investigação em relação a este vocacional eleições antecipadas que se estabelece nas escolas secundárias do sistema educacional chileno.Facultad de Psicologí

    Factorial structure and reliability of a Perceived Influence on selection of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, in secondary school students of Chillán, Chile

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    The process of vocational election is influenced by internal and external factors. However, there is no evidence of the influences on the election process of a specialized plan of studies that secondary students have to cope in the tenth year of the Chilean educational regular system. To evaluate these factors, the scale of perceived influences on the election of a specialized plan of studies, IPEP, was built and in this study its factorial structure and reliability were evaluated. The instrument was applied to 115 students, chosen by quote sampling. They were students of a subsidized private secondary school from the city of Chillan, Chile. An exploratory factorial analysis identified eight factors in the scale IPEP: Academic projection, Personal development, Maintenance of the social environment, Academic requirements, Satisfaction of others’ expectations, Vocational information, Image of the plan and Family pressure. The results present an initial factorial structure, that empirically and theoretically adequate, whose factors were reliable and conceptually useful. These factors distinguish psychogenic and sociogenic aspects of the vocational process, and allow to initiate diagnostic and investigative actions in relation to this early vocational election that is established in secondary schools of the Chilean educational system.Facultad de Psicologí