133 research outputs found
Envejecimiento, natalidad y empleo: cambios demográficos del nuevo milenio.
Sin resumenLa situación demográfica en España se carac- The demographic situation in Spain actual/y teriza actualmente por una fecundidad muy baja, depens on the low leve/ of fecundity; that la the el nivel más bajo de la UE; al mismo tiempo que mostly in the EU. Also the major/ty of population una elevada esperanza de vida, y una inmigración sus fain the highest life expectancy, and the imextranjera más bien pequeña que se ha iniciado migration of foreiner workers increases more recientemente, puesto que nuestro país fue más slowly than the EU work/ng population. Countries bien país de emigrantes. E/envejecimiento de la that axperienced earlier ferti/ity declines, such as población aumen fará en el futuro, sin que pueda those in Europe, face rapid aging of Iheir populapaliarío ni la inmigración, ni la recuperación deja tions. In 2014 the proporfion aged 65 or older in fecundidad. Todo ello incrementará la depen- h/gh-income countries wil/ reach l8percent. The dencia, y al mismo tiempo tendrá consecuencias se shifts change the demands on health care en el equilibrio de /os sistemas de protección so- systems and other social services, many of which cialy salud, así como en el ámbito financiero, por may be unsustainable v'hen de fuil effects of the las nuevas demandas y expectativas de servicios new age structure are felt. To the extent that bet de bienestar que esto puede crear ter management of chronic conditiona increases life expectancy at older ages, rescurces for oíd age support and health care may have to increa ses beyond current expectatiors
Analysis of blasting vibrations produced In a gold mine using the damage prevention abacus
The present work was partially funded by Perforaciones Noroeste S.A. in the frame of the University-Company
collaboration project FUO-20-052Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producció i Consum ResponsablesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPostprint (published version
Tolerance to geometrical inaccuracies in CBCT systems:a comprehensive study
Purpose: The last decades have seen the consolidation of the cone-beam CT (CBCT) technology, which is nowadays widely used for different applications such as micro-CT for small animals, mammography, dentistry, or surgical procedures. Some CBCT systems may suffer mechanical strains due to the heavy load of the x-ray tube. This fact, together with tolerances in the manufacturing process, lead to different types of undesirable effects in the reconstructed image unless they are properly accounted for during the reconstruction. To obtain good quality images, it is necessary to have a complete characterization of the system geometry including the angular position of the gantry, the source-object and detector-object distances, and the position and pose of the detector. These parameters can be obtained through a calibration process done periodically, depending on the stability of the system geometry. To the best of our knowledge, there are no comprehensive works studying the effect of inaccuracies in the geometrical calibration of CBCT systems in a systematic and quantitative way. In this work, we describe the effects of detector misalignments (linear shifts, rotation, and inclinations) on the image and define their tolerance as the maximum error that keeps the image free from artifacts.
Methods: We used simulations of four phantoms including systematic and random misalignments. Reconstructions of these data with and without errors were compared to identify the artifacts introduced in the reconstructed image and the tolerance to miscalibration deemed to provide acceptable image quality.
Results: Visual assessment provided an easy guideline to identify the sources of error by visual inspection of the artifactual images. Systematic errors result in blurring, shape distortion and/or reduction of the axial field of view while random errors produce streaks and blurring in all cases, with a tolerance which is more than twice that of systematic errors. The tolerance corresponding to errors in position of the detector along the tangential direction, that is, skew (<0.2°) and horizontal shift (<0.4 mm), is tighter than the tolerance to those errors affecting the position along the longitudinal direction or the magnification, that is, vertical shift (<2 mm), roll (<1.5°), tilt (<2°), and SDD (<3 mm).
Conclusion: We present a comprehensive study, based on realistic simulations, of the effects on the reconstructed image quality of errors in the geometrical characterization of a CBCT system and define their tolerance. These results could be used to guide the design of new systems, establishing the mechanical precision that must be achieved, and to help in the definition of an optimal geometrical calibration process. Also, the thorough visual assessment may be valuable to identify the most predominant sources of error based on the effects shown in the reconstructed image.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, project “DPI2016-79075-R - AEI/FEDER, UE”, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, project “DTS17/00122”, cofunded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way of making Europe”. Also partially funded by project “DEEPCT-CM-UC3M,” funded by the call "Programa de apoyo a la realización de proyectos interdisciplinares de I+D para jóvenes investigadores de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2019-2020 en el marco del Convenio Plurianual Comunidad de Madrid - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid” and project “RADCOV19,” funded by CRUE Universidades, CSIC and Banco Santander (Fondo Supera). The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015 -0505
Retos y oportunidades para el desarrollo de la NAMA Ganadería en Colombia y Costa Rica
La NAMA ganadera en ambos países busca transformar la ganadería. Es necesario superar las barreras y aprovechar las oportunidades que brinda el sector para alcanzar las metas propuestas Hay una demanda creciente en el mercado por carne y leche de mejor calidad, implementar las NAMA es el inicio para alcanzar nuevos mercados
The Proteasomal Deubiquitinating Enzyme PSMD14 Regulates Macroautophagy by Controlling Golgi-to-ER Retrograde Transport
Ubiquitination regulates several biological processes, however the role of specific members of the ubiquitinome on intracellular membrane trafficking is not yet fully understood. Here, we search for ubiquitin-related genes implicated in protein membrane trafficking performing a High-Content siRNA Screening including 1187 genes of the human “ubiquitinome” using amyloid precursor protein (APP) as a reporter. We identified the deubiquitinating enzyme PSMD14, a subunit of the 19S regulatory particle of the proteasome, specific for K63-Ub chains in cells, as a novel regulator of Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retrograde transport. Silencing or pharmacological inhibition of PSMD14 with Capzimin (CZM) caused a robust increase in APP levels at the Golgi apparatus and the swelling of this organelle. We showed that this phenotype is the result of rapid inhibition of Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport, a pathway implicated in the early steps of the autophagosomal formation. Indeed, we observed that inhibition of PSMD14 with CZM acts as a potent blocker of macroautophagy by a mechanism related to the retention of Atg9A and Rab1A at the Golgi apparatus. As pharmacological inhibition of the proteolytic core of the 20S proteasome did not recapitulate these effects, we concluded that PSMD14, and the K63-Ub chains, act as a crucial regulatory factor for macroautophagy by controlling Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport
Neuropsychological Assessment for Early Detection and Diagnosis of Dementia: Current Knowledge and New Insights
Dementia remains an underdiagnosed syndrome, and there is a need to improve the early detection of cognitive decline. This narrative review examines the role of neuropsychological assessment in the characterization of cognitive changes associated with dementia syndrome at different states. The first section describes the early indicators of cognitive decline and the major barriers to their identification. Further, the optimal cognitive screening conditions and the most widely accepted tests are described. The second section analyzes the main differences in cognitive performance between Alzheimer’s disease and other subtypes of dementia. Finally, the current challenges of neuropsychological assessment in aging/dementia and future approaches are discussed. Essentially, we find that current research is beginning to uncover early cognitive changes that precede dementia, while continuing to improve and refine the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders that cause dementia. However, neuropsychology faces several barriers, including the cultural diversity of the populations, a limited implementation in public health systems, and the adaptation to technological advances. Nowadays, neuropsychological assessment plays a fundamental role in characterizing cognitive decline in the different stages of dementia, but more efforts are needed to develop harmonized procedures that facilitate its use in different clinical contexts and research protocols
Sistematización de Experiencias Socioeducativas de Mujeres Estudiantes de FAREM- Estelí que laboran en el sector tabaco, en el periodo de septiembre a diciembre del año 2019
La sistematización de experiencias socioeducativas de mujeres estudiantes de FAREM y trabajadoras en el sector tabaco de la cuidad de Estelí, permite obtener una visión más amplia en cuanto al desarrollo que han alcanzado desde la condición de ser trabajadoras y estudiantes. Comprende el contexto de las protagonistas, las que son contratadas para laborar en las áreas de pre industria e industria tabacalera. Además, permite conocer las vivencias educativas dentro de la Facultad, donde han encontrado la oportunidad para alcanzar el sueño de formarse, dándole realce, promoción y credibilidad al Alma Mater que está formando profesionales con calidad humana. Esta sistematización describe las estrategias utilizadas para afrontar los obstáculos en su inserción, permanencia y culminación de estudios superiores; además se abordan las percepciones de docentes, el roll de dirigencia estudiantil de UNEN en sus diferentes procesos y la opinión del jefe de producción de una fábrica tabacalera
Consenso de la Rama de Genética de la Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría sobre las anomalías congénitas de mal pronóstico vital (ACMPV)
ResumenIntroducciónLa rama de genética de la Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, en relación con el proyecto de ley que regula la despenalización de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en 3 causales, centrándose en la segunda causal que considera al «embrión o feto que padezca una alteración estructural congénita o genética incompatible con la vida extrauterina», se reunió para discutir conforme a la evidencia científica qué anomalías congénitas (AC) podrían ser incluidas en el proyecto de ley.MetodologíaLos expertos en genética clínica se centraron en 10 AC. Se efectuó revisión bibliográfica y una reunión extraordinaria para discutirla.ResultadosSe acordó no emplear el término «incompatible con la vida extrauterina», pues existen excepciones de sobrevidas más prolongadas y cambiar por «anomalía congénita de mal pronóstico vital (ACMPV)». Se evaluaron 10 AC: defectos graves de cierre del tubo neural: anencefalia, iniencefalia y craneorraquisquisis, hipoplasia pulmonar, feto acardio, ectopia cordis, triploidía no mosaico, complejo limb body wall, anomalía body stalk, trisomía 13, trisomía 18 y agenesia renal bilateral. Se analizaron los hallazgos sobre prevalencia, historia natural, métodos diagnósticos prenatales, sobrevida, casos descritos de sobrevida prolongada. Para catalogarlas como ACMPV se consideraron: sobrevida posnatal, existencia de tratamientos y evolución posterior e historia natural sin intervenciones.ConclusiónLas ACMPV incluidas serían: anencefalia, hipoplasia pulmonar severa, feto acardio, ectopia cordis cervical, triploidía no mosaico, complejo limb body wall, anomalía body stalk, trisomía 13 no mosaico, trisomía 18 no mosaico y agenesia renal bilateral. Se requiere para el diagnóstico que toda mujer gestante tenga acceso a evaluaciones ecográficas de anatomía fetal, y en ocasiones a resonancia magnética y estudios citogenéticos y moleculares.AbstractIntroductionThe Genetic Branch of the Chilean Society of Paediatrics, given the draft Law governing the decriminalisation of abortion on three grounds, focusing on the second ground, which considers the “embryo or foetus suffering from a congenital structural anomaly or a genetic disorder incompatible with life outside the womb”, met to discuss the scientific evidence according to which congenital anomalies (CA) may be included in this draft law.MethodologyExperts in clinical genetics focused on 10 CA, reviewed the literature evidence, and met to discuss it.ResultsIt was agreed not to use the term “incompatible with life outside the womb”, as there are exceptions and longer survivals, and change to “congenital anomaly of poor prognosis (CAPP)”. Ten CA were evaluated: serious defects of neural tube closure: anencephaly, iniencephaly and craniorachischisis, pulmonary hypoplasia, acardiac foetus, ectopia cordis, non-mosaic triploidy, “limb body wall” complex, “body stalk” anomaly, trisomy 13, trisomy 18, and bilateral renal agenesis. Findings on the prevalence, natural history, prenatal diagnostic methods, survival, and reported cases of prolonged survival were analysed. Post-natal survival, existence of treatments, and outcomes, as well as natural history without intervention, were taken into account in classifying a CA as a CAPP.ConclusionA CAPP would be: anencephaly, severe pulmonary hypoplasia, acardiac foetus, cervical ectopia cordis, non-mosaic triploidy, limb body wall complex, body stalk anomaly, non-mosaic trisomy 13, non-mosaic trisomy 18, and bilateral renal agenesis. For their diagnosis, it is required that all pregnant women have access to assessments by foetal anatomy ultrasound and occasionally MRI, and cytogenetic and molecular testing
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