1,871 research outputs found

    Error de diciembre: ¿económico o de comunicación?

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    El desarrollo de la economía de un país sin duda que debe buena parte de su éxito o fracaso a una buena estrategia de comunicación, ya que para instrumentar las medidas necesarias es básico convencer a la sociedad de que se está en el rumbo correcto. Una buena política económica se puede ir a pique si no se convence a la población de que es lo adecuado, ya que puede boicotearla al tomar sus decisiones económicas de inversión, consumo y ahorro. Además los mercados financieros buscan anticipar el futuro y si no se da información confiable, los inversionistas pueden tambalear la estabilidad de un país al cambiar su dinero a otros mercados. Igualmente una política mal diseñada puede salir a flote si la población la considera como cierta y con su actuación le da certidumbre

    Realizations of multiassociahedra via bipartite rigidity

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    Let Assk(n)Ass_k(n) denote the simplicial complex of (k+1)(k+1)-crossing-free subsets of edges in (n2)\binom{n}{2}. Here k,nNk,n\in \mathbb{N} and n2k+1n\ge 2k+1. It is conjectured that this simplicial complex is polytopal (Jonsson 2005). However, despite several recent advances, this is still an open problem. In this paper we attack this problem using as a vector configuration the rows of a rigidity matrix, namely, hyperconnectivity restricted to bipartite graphs. We see that in this way Assk(n)Ass_k(n) can be realized as a polytope for k=2k=2 and n10n\le 10, and as a fan for k=2k=2 and n13n\le 13, and for k=3k=3 and n11n\le 11. However, we also prove that the cases with k3k\ge 3 and nmax{12,2k+4}n\ge \max\{12,2k+4\} are not realizable in this way. We also give an algebraic interpretation of the rigidity matroid, relating it to a projection of determinantal varieties with implications in matrix completion, and prove the presence of a fan isomorphic to Assk1(n2)Ass_{k-1}(n-2) in the tropicalization of that variety.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2212.1426

    The citation merit of scientific publications

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    We propose a new method to assess the merit of any set of scientific papers in a given field based on the citations they receive. Given a citation indicator, such as the mean citation or the h-index, we identify the merit of a given set of n articles with the probability that a randomly drawn sample of n articles from a reference set of articles in that field presents a lower citation index. The method allows for comparisons between research units of different sizes and fields. Using a dataset acquired from Thomson Scientific that contains the articles published in the periodical literature in the period 1998-2007, we show that the novel approach yields rankings of research units different from those obtained by a direct application of the mean citation or the h-index.Citation analysis, Citation merit, Mean citation, h-index

    The skewness of science in 219 sub-fields and a number of aggregates

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    This paper studies evidence from Thomson Scientific about the citation process of 3.7 million articles published in the period 1998-2002 in 219 Web of Science categories, or sub-fields. Reference and citation distributions have very different characteristics across sub-fields. However, when analyzed with the Characteristic Scores and Scales technique, which is replication and scale invariant, the shape of these distributions over three broad categories of articles appears strikingly similar. Reference distributions are mildly skewed, but citation distributions with a five-year citation window are highly skewed: the mean is twenty points above the median, while 9-10% of all articles in the upper tail account for about 44% of all citations. The aggregation of sub-fields into disciplines and fields according to several aggregation schemes preserve this feature of citation distributions. It should be noted that when we look into subsets of articles within the lower and upper tails of citation distributions the universality partially breaks down. On the other hand, for 140 of the 219 sub-fields the existence of a power law cannot be rejected. However, contrary to what is generally believed, at the sub-field level the scaling parameter is above 3.5 most of the time, and power laws are relatively small: on average, they represent 2% of all articles and account for 13.5% of all citations. The results of the aggregation into disciplines and fields reveal that power law algebra is a subtle phenomenon.

    A comparison of the scientific performance of the U.S. and the European Union at the turn of the 21st century.

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    In this paper, scientific performance is identified with the impact that journal articles have through the citations they receive. In 15 disciplines, as well as in all sciences as a whole, the EU share of total publications is greater than that of the U.S. However, as soon as the citations received by these publications are taken into account the picture is completely reversed. Firstly, the EU share of total citations is still greater than the U.S. in only seven fields. Secondly, the mean citation rate in the U.S. is greater than in the EU in every one of the 22 fields studied. Thirdly, since standard indicators—such as normalized mean citation ratios—are silent about what takes place in different parts of the citation distribution, this paper compares the publication shares of the U.S. and the EU at every percentile of the world citation distribution in each field. It is found that in seven fields the initial gap between the U.S. and the EU widens as we advance towards the more cited articles, while in the remaining 15 fields—except for Agricultural Sciences—the U.S. always surpasses the EU when it counts, namely, at the upper tail of citation distributions. Finally, for all sciences as a whole the U.S. publication share becomes greater than that of the EU for the top 50% of the most highly cited articles. The data used refers to 3.6 million articles published in 1998–2002, and the more than 47 million citations they received in 1998–2007Research performance; Citation analysis; Scientific ranking; European paradox;

    Desarrollo de geotecnologías aplicadas a la inspección y monitorización de entornos industriales

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]El desarrollo tecnológico de las últimas dos décadas ha supuesto un cambio radical que está llevando a un nuevo paradigma en el que se entremezclan el mundo físico y el digital. Estos cambios han influido enormemente en la sociedad, modificando las formas de comunicación, acceso a información, ocio, trabajo, etc. Asimismo, la industria ha adoptado estas tecnologías disruptivas, las cuales están contribuyendo a lograr un mayor control y automatización del proceso productivo. En el ámbito industrial, las tareas de mantenimiento son críticas para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de una planta o instalación, ya que influyen directamente en la productividad y pueden suponer un elevado costo adicional. Las nuevas tecnologías están posibilitando la monitorización continua y a la inspección automatizada, proporcionando herramientas auxiliares a los inspectores que mejoran la detección de fallos y permiten anticipar y optimizar la planificación de las tareas de mantenimiento. Con el objetivo de desarrollar herramientas que aporten mejoras en las tareas de mantenimiento en industria, la presente tesis doctoral se basa en el estudio de como las geotecnologías pueden aportar soluciones óptimas en la monitorización e inspección. Debido a la gran variedad de entornos industriales, las herramientas de apoyo al mantenimiento deben adaptarse a cada caso en concreto. En este aspecto, y con el fin de demostrar la adaptabilidad de la geomática y las geotecnologías, se han estudiado instalaciones industriales de ámbitos muy diversos, como una sala de máquinas (escenario interior), plantas fotovoltaicas (escenario exterior) y soldaduras (interior y exterior). La escala de los escenarios objeto de estudio ha sido muy variada, desde las escalas más pequeñas, para el estudio de las soldaduras y la sala de máquinas, a las escalas más grandes, en los estudios de evolución de la vegetación y presencia de masas de agua en plantas fotovoltaicas. Las geotecnologías demuestran su versatilidad para trabajar a distintas escalas, con soluciones que permiten un gran detalle y precisión, como la fotogrametría de rango cercano y el sistema de escaneado portátil (Portable Mobile Mapping System - PMMS), y otras que pueden abarcar zonas más amplias del territorio, como es el caso de la teledetección o la fotogrametría con drones. Según lo expuesto anteriormente, el enfoque de la tesis ha sido el estudio de elementos o instalaciones industriales a diferentes escalas. En el primer caso se desarrolló una herramienta para el control de calidad externo de soldaduras utilizando fotogrametría de rango cercano y algoritmos para la detección automática de defectos. En el segundo caso se propuso el uso de un PMMS para optimizar la toma de datos en las tareas de inspección en instalaciones fluidomecánicas. En el tercer caso se utilizó la fotogrametría con drones y la combinación de imágenes RGB y térmicas con algoritmos de visión computacional para la detección de patologías en paneles fotovoltaicos. Finalmente, para la monitorización de la vegetación y la detección de masas de agua en el entorno de plantas fotovoltaicas, se empleó la teledetección mediante el cálculo de índices espectrales. [EN]The technological development of the last two decades has brought about a radical change that is leading to a new paradigm in which the physical and digital worlds are intertwined. These changes have had a great impact on society, modifying communication methods, access to information, leisure, work, etc. In addition, the industry has adopted these disruptive technologies, which are contributing to achieving greater control and automation of the production process. In the industrial sector, maintenance tasks are critical to ensuring the proper operation of a plant or facility, as they directly influence productivity and can involve high additional costs. New technologies are making continuous monitoring and automated inspection possible, providing auxiliary tools to inspectors that improve fault detection and allow for the anticipation and optimization of maintenance task planning. With the aim of developing tools that provide improvements in maintenance tasks in industry, this doctoral thesis is based on the study of how geotechnologies can provide optimal solutions in monitoring and inspection. Due to the great variety of industrial environments, maintenance support tools must adapt to each specific case. In this regard, and in order to demonstrate the adaptability of geomatics and geotechnologies, industrial installations from very diverse areas have been studied, such as a machine room (indoor scenario), photovoltaic plants (outdoor scenario), and welding (indoor and outdoor scenarios). The scale of the studied scenarios has been very varied, ranging from smaller scales for the study of welds and machine rooms, to larger scales in the studies of vegetation evolution and the presence of bodies of water in photovoltaic plants. Geotechnologies demonstrate their versatility to work at different scales, with solutions that allow for great detail and precision, such as close-range photogrammetry and the Portable Mobile Mapping System (PMMS), as well as others that can cover larger areas of the territory, such as remote sensing or photogrammetry with drones. The focus of the thesis has been the study of industrial elements or installations at different scales. In the first case, a tool was developed for external quality control of welding, using close-range photogrammetry and algorithms for automatic defect detection. In the second case, the use of a PMMS is proposed to optimize data collection in fluid-mechanical installation inspection tasks. In the third case, drone photogrammetry and the combination of RGB and thermal images with computer vision algorithms were used for the detection of pathologies in photovoltaic panels. Finally, for the monitoring of vegetation and the detection of water masses in the environment of photovoltaic plants, remote sensing was employed through the calculation of spectral indices

    A comparison of the scientific performance of the U. S. and the European Union at the turn of the XXI century.

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    In this paper, scientific performance is identified with the impact journal articles achieve through the citations they receive. The empirical exercise refers to 3.6 million articles published in 1998-2002 in 22 scientific fields, and the more than 47 million citations they receive in 1998-2007. The first finding is that a failure to exclude co-authorship among member countries within the EU (European Union) may lead to a serious upward bias in the assignment of articles to this geographical area. In the second place, standard indicators, such as normalized mean citation ratios, are silent about what takes place in different parts of the citation distribution. Consequently, this paper compares the publication shares of the U.S. and the EU at every percentile of the world citation distribution in each field. In 15 disciplines, as well as in all sciences as a whole, the EU share of total publications is greater than that of the U.S. one. But as soon as the citations received by these publications are taken into account the picture is completely reversed. The mean citation rate in the U.S. is greater than in the EU in every one of the 22 fields. In seven fields, the initial gap between the U.S. and the EU widens up as we advance towards the more cited articles, while in the remaining 15 fields –except for Agricultural Sciences– the U.S. always surpasses the EU when it counts, namely, at the upper tail of citation distributions. For all sciences as a whole, the U.S publication share becomes greater than that of the EU one for the top 50% of the most highly cited articles.