136 research outputs found

    Defect Generation Mechanisms In Silica Under Intense Electronic Excitation By Ion Beams Below 100 K: Interplay Between Radiative Emissions

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    Ion-beam effects on bulk silica at low temperature have been studied with the aim of understanding the routes and mechanisms leading from the initial generation of free carriers and self-trapped excitons (STEs) to the production of two stable defect structures in irradiated silica, non-bridging oxygen hole centers (NBOHCs) and oxygen deficient centers (ODCs). Ion beam induced luminescence (ionoluminescence, IL) spectra were obtained using 3 MeV H, 3.5 MeV He, 19 MeV Si, and 19 MeV Cl ions and a range of cryogenic irradiation temperatures from 30 to 100 K. The kinetic behavior of three emission bands centered at 1.9 eV (assigned to NBOHCs), 2.1 eV (assigned to the intrinsic decay of STEs), and 2.7 eV (assigned to ODCs) reveal the physical origin of these emissions under intense electronic excitation. The creation of NBOHCs is governed by a purely electronic mechanism. The kinetics curve of the NBOHC band shows two main contributions: an instantaneous (beam-on) contribution, followed by a slower fluence- and temperature-dependent process correlated with the concentration of STEs. The beam-on contribution is proportional to deposited ionization energy. The growth of the ODC band is linear in fluence up to around 2 x 1012 cm−2. The growth rate is independent of temperature but proportional to the number of radiation-induced oxygen vacancies per ion, showing, unambiguously, that the 2.7 eV emission can be associated with ODCs created in an excited state

    High-level expression of Pinus sylvestris glutamine synthetase in Escherichia coli Production of polyclonal antibodies against the recombinant protein and expression studies in pine seedlings

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    AbstractIn a previous work we reported the molecular characterization of a glutamine synthetase (GS; EC complementary DNA from a woody plant (Cantón et al. (1993) Plant Mol. Biol. 22, 819–828). The isolated cDNA (pGSP114) encoding a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) cytosolic subunit, has been subcloned into the expression vector pET3c to overproduce the GS polypeptide in Escherichia coli cells. The recombinant GS protein showed the same molecular size as a native Scots pine GS subunit. Antibodies against the pET3c-GSP114 encoded protein were raised in rabbits by injecting purified preparations and specificity was determined by immunoprecipitation of GS activity present in pine crude extracts. In spite of the antibodies were able to recognize both cytosolic and chloroplastic GS in tomato plants, they were unable to immunodetect chloroplastic GS in green cotyledons of pine seedlings and cytosolic GS was the unique recognized polypeptide. Unlike to that found in other plant species, cytosolic GS was strongly expressed in green tissues as determined by protein and Northern analysis. Our results suggest a key role for cytosolic GS in photosynthetic tissues of conifers

    Optimization of nanopores generated by chemical etching of swift-ion irradiated LiNbO3.

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    The morphology of the nanopores obtained by chemical etching on ion-beam irradiated LiNbO3 has been investigated for a variety of ions (F, Br, Kr, Cu, Pb), energies (up to 2300 MeV), and stopping powers (up to 35 keV/nm) in the electronic energy loss regime. The role of etching time and etching agent on the pore morphology, diameter, depth, and shape has also been studied. The transversal and depth profiles of the pore have been found to be quite sensitive to both, irradiation and etching parameters. Moreover, two etching regimes with different morphologies and etching rates have been identified

    Process design for the manufacturing of soft X-ray gratings in single-crystal diamond by high-energy heavy-ion irradiation

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    This paper describes in detail a novel manufacturing process for optical gratings suitable for use in the UV and soft X-ray regimes in a single-crystal diamond substrate based on highly focused swift heavy-ion irradiation. This type of grating is extensively used in light source facilities such as synchrotrons or free electron lasers, with ever-increasing demands in terms of thermal loads, depending on beamline operational parameters and architecture. The process proposed in this paper may be a future alternative to current manufacturing techniques, providing the advantage of being applicable to single-crystal diamond substrates, with their unique properties in terms of heat conductivity and radiation hardness. The paper summarizes the physical principle used for the grating patterns produced by swift heavy-ion irradiation and provides full details for the manufacturing process for a specific grating configuration, inspired in one of the beamlines at the ALBA synchrotron light source, while stressing the most challenging points for a potential implementation. Preliminary proof-of-concept experimental results are presented, showing the practical implementation of the methodology proposed herein

    DNA fingerprinting and classification of geographically related genotypes of olive-tree (Olea europaea L

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    Summary Málaga is a province of Spain where olive-trees are cultivated in a large range of environments, climates and soils. We have developed a reliable and reproducible method to detect RAPD and AP-PCR polymorphisms, using DNA from olive-tree (Olea europaea L.) leaves. Starting from their natural orchards, fifty-six olive-tree cultivars throughout Málaga province, including oil and table olive cultivars, were screened and grouped into 22 varieties. A total of 62 informative polymorphic loci that provide 601 conspicuous bands were enough to differentiate the varieties. Clustering analyses managing 3 different pairwise distances, as well as phylogenetic analyses, led to the same result: olive-trees in Málaga can be divided into three main groups. Group I (90% of certainty) contains wild type and two introduced varieties, group II (83% of certainty) covers some native olive-trees, and group III (58% of certainty) is an heterogeneous cluster that includes varieties originating and cultivated in a number of Andalusian locations. Geographic location seems to be the first responsible of this classification, and morphological traits are needed to justify the group III subclustering. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of autochthonic origin of most olive-tree cultivars, and have been used to support a Label of Origin for the olive oil produced by the varieties included in group II

    Process design for the manufacturing of soft X-ray gratings in single-crystal diamond by high-energy heavy-ion irradiation

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    Artículo con 9 figurasThis paper describes in detail a novel manufacturing process for optical gratings suitable for use in the UV and soft X-ray regimes in a single-crystal diamond substrate based on highly focused swift heavy-ion irradiation. This type of grating is extensively used in light source facilities such as synchrotrons or free electron lasers, with ever-increasing demands in terms of thermal loads, depending on beamline operational parameters and architecture. The process proposed in this paper may be a future alternative to current manufacturing techniques, providing the advantage of being applicable to single-crystal diamond substrates, with their unique properties in terms of heat conductivity and radiation hardness. The paper summarizes the physical principle used for the grating patterns produced by swift heavy-ion irradiation and provides full details for the manufacturing process for a specific grating configuration, inspired in one of the beamlines at the ALBA synchrotron light source, while stressing the most challenging points for a potential implementation. Preliminary proof-of-concept experimental results are presented, showing the practical implementation of the methodology proposed herein.The authors acknowledge funding support by the following projects: PID2020-112770RB-C22 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, TechnoFusión (III)-CM (S2018/EMT-4437) from Comunidad de Madrid (cofinanced by ERDF and ESF), agreement between Community of Madrid and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (item “Excellence of University Professorate”). M.L.C. acknowledges financial support from the research project “Captacion de Talento UAM” Ref: #541D300 supervised by the Vice-Chancellor of Research of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). LOREA beamline at ALBA is a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the Framework of the Smart Growth Operative Programme 2014-2020. The authors acknowledge the support from The Centro de Microanálisis de Materiales (CMAM)—Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, for the beam time proposal (demonstration of a grating profile for soft X-rays in diamond via ion lithography) with code IuB-005/21, and its technical staff for their contribution to the operation of the accelerator. We also acknowledge P. Olivero for very useful comments on the manuscript draf

    Elastic (stress-strain) halo associated to ion-induced nano-tracks in lithium niobate: role of crystal anisotropy

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    The elastic strain/stress fields (halo) around a compressed amorphous nano-track (core) caused by a single high-energy ion impact on LiNbO3 are calculated. A method is developed to approximately account for the effects of crystal anisotropy of LiNbO3 (symmetry 3m) on the stress fields for tracks oriented along the crystal axes (X, Y or Z). It only considers the zero-order (axial) harmonic contribution to the displacement field in the perpendicular plane and uses effective Poisson moduli for each particular orientation. The anisotropy is relatively small; however, it accounts for some differential features obtained for irradiations along the crystallographic axes X, Y and Z. In particular, the irradiation-induced disorder (including halo) and the associated surface swelling appear to be higher for irradiations along the X- or Y-axis in comparison with those along the Z-axis. Other irradiation effects can be explained by the model, e.g. fracture patterns or the morphology of pores after chemical etching of tracks. Moreover, it offers interesting predictions on the effect of irradiation on lattice parameter

    Risk of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among travellers visiting friends and relatives to continental Latin America

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    Factors de risc mèdic; Serologia; Malaltia de ChagasFactores de riesgo médicos; Serología; Enfermedad de ChagasMedical risk factors; Serology; Chagas diseaseBackground Chagas disease (CD) is regarded as a possible risk for travellers to endemic areas of continental Latin America (LA). The aim of the study is to determine the risk of Trypanosoma cruzi (TC) infection among travellers to CD endemic areas and to identify risk factors for acquiring TC infection. Methods/Principal finding We designed a multicenter cross-sectional study among travellers in Spain (Badalona, Barcelona and Madrid). All available adults with laboratory confirmed proof of absence of TC infection from January 2012 to December 2015 were contacted. Participants referring a trip to LA after the negative TC screening were offered to participate. We performed a standardized questionnaire of travel related factors and measurement of TC antibodies in serum. A total of 971 participants with baseline negative TC serology were selected from the microbiology records. After excluding participants not meeting inclusion criteria, eighty participants were selected. Sixty three (78.8%) were female, and the median age was 38 (IQR 34–47) years. The reason to travel was visiting friends and relatives in 98.8% of the participants. The median duration of travel was 40 (IQR 30–60) days, with 4911 participants-day of exposure. Seventy seven cases (96.25%) participants had two negative TC serology tests after the travel, two cases (2.5%) had discordant serology results (considered false positive results) and one case was infected before travelling to LA. According to our data, the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the incidence rate of TC acquisition in travellers is 0.8 per 1000 participant-days. Conclusions/Significance Among 79 non-CD travellers to TC endemic areas, we found no cases of newly acquired TC infection. The incidence rate of TC acquisition in travellers to endemic countries is less than or equal to 0.8 per 1000 traveller-days.ASM was supported by a postdoctoral grant “Juan Rodés” (JE18/00022) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (www.isciii.es) through the Spanish Ministry of economy and competitiveness. The funders had no role in study design data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Process design for the manufacturing of soft X-ray gratings in single-crystal diamond by high-energy heavy-ion irradiation

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    The dataset that supports the findings of this study are archived in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid data repository e‐cienciaDatos in https://doi.org/10.21950/ARZSJ1This paper describes in detail a novel manufacturing process for optical gratings suitable for use in the UV and soft X-ray regimes in a single-crystal diamond substrate based on highly focused swift heavy-ion irradiation. This type of grating is extensively used in light source facilities such as synchrotrons or free electron lasers, with ever-increasing demands in terms of thermal loads, depending on beamline operational parameters and architecture. The process proposed in this paper may be a future alternative to current manufacturing techniques, providing the advantage of being applicable to single-crystal diamond substrates, with their unique properties in terms of heat conductivity and radiation hardness. The paper summarizes the physical principle used for the grating patterns produced by swift heavy-ion irradiation and provides full details for the manufacturing process for a specific grating configuration, inspired in one of the beamlines at the ALBA synchrotron light source, while stressing the most challenging points for a potential implementation. Preliminary proof-of-concept experimental results are presented, showing the practical implementation of the methodology proposed herei

    Biología floral de 4 clones de granado cultivados en condiciones homogeneas: viabilidad, germinación y conservación del polen

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    Con el estudio realizado se pretende determinar las causas de la baja fecundación en algunos clones de granado. Los clones estudiados han sido el MA1, MA2, ME18 y MES cultivados en condiciones homogéneas en la colección existente en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Orihuela (Alicante). El estudio se realizó durante los años 1996 y 1997, Se ha estudiado la viabilidad del polen mediante la técnica de tinción con carmín acético y se ha observado su evolución semanal a lo largo de la floración. Asimismo se ha estudiado este mismo parámetro para el polen conservado a las temperaturas de 5 y 28%C. También se realizó el estudio del potencial germinativo del polen procedente de flores “masculinas” y hermafroditas, en un medio de cultivo a las temperaturas de 15 y 28%C, realizando observaciones a las 48 horas desde la siembra