2,059 research outputs found

    Analysis of ICP variants for the registration of partially overlapping time-of-flight range images

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    The iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm is one of the most commonly used methods for registering partially overlapping range images. Nevertheless, this algorithm was not originally designed for this task, and many variants have been proposed in an effort to improve its prociency. The relatively new full-field amplitude-modulated time-of-flight range imaging cameras present further complications to registration in the form of measurement errors due to mixed and scattered light. This paper investigates the effectiveness of the most common ICP variants applied to range image data acquired from full-field range imaging cameras. The original ICP algorithm combined with boundary rejection performed the same as or better than the majority of variants tested. In fact, many of these variants proved to decrease the registration alignment

    Analysis of binning of normals for spherical harmonic cross-correlation

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    Spherical harmonic cross-correlation is a robust registration technique that uses the normals of two overlapping point clouds to bring them into coarse rotational alignment. This registration technique however has a high computational cost as spherical harmonics need to be calculated for every normal. By binning the normals, the computational efficiency is improved as the spherical harmonics can be pre-computed and cached at each bin location. In this paper we evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of the equiangle grid, icosahedron subdivision and the Fibonacci spiral, an approach we propose. It is found that the equiangle grid has the best efficiency as it can perform direct binning, followed by the Fibonacci spiral and then the icosahedron, all of which decrease the computational cost compared to no binning. The Fibonacci spiral produces the highest achieved accuracy of the three approaches while maintaining a low number of bins. The number of bins allowed by the equiangle grid and icosahedron are much more restrictive than the Fibonacci spiral. The performed analysis shows that the Fibonacci spiral can perform as well as the original cross-correlation algorithm without binning, while also providing a significant improvement in computational efficiency

    Surface projection for mixed pixel restoration

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    Amplitude modulated full-field range-imagers are measurement devices that determine the range to an object simultaneously for each pixel in the scene, but due to the nature of this operation, they commonly suffer from the significant problem of mixed pixels. Once mixed pixels are identified a common procedure is to remove them from the scene; this solution is not ideal as the captured point cloud may become damaged. This paper introduces an alternative approach, in which mixed pixels are projected onto the surface that they should belong. This is achieved by breaking the area around an identified mixed pixel into two classes. A parametric surface is then fitted to the class closest to the mixed pixel, with this mixed pixel then being project onto this surface. The restoration procedure was tested using twelve simulated scenes designed to determine its accuracy and robustness. For these simulated scenes, 93% of the mixed pixels were restored to the surface to which they belong. This mixed pixel restoration process is shown to be accurate and robust for both simulated and real world scenes, thus provides a reliable alternative to removing mixed pixels that can be easily adapted to any mixed pixel detection algorithm

    It all just clicked: a longitudinal perspective on transitions within University

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    This paper explores the transitions that a group of students, admitted from further education colleges as part of broader widening access initiative at a Scottish research–intensive university, made across the lifetime of their degrees. It investigates how they negotiate their learning careers beyond the first year, and how they (re)define their approaches to independent learning as they progress to the later years of their courses. Evidence is drawn from 20 students who were interviewed during each of their three or four years of study to provide a longitudinal account of their experiences of engagement and participation at the university. We draw attention to three ways in which the students made transitions across the course of their degrees: to increased knowledge of the conventions of academic writing; to enhanced critical skills; and to practical strategies to prioritise learning

    Age-related mitochondrial DNA depletion and the impact on pancreatic beta cell function

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    Type 2 diabetes is characterised by an age-related decline in insulin secretion. We previously identified a 50% age-related decline in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number in isolated human islets. The purpose of this study was to mimic this degree of mtDNA depletion in MIN6 cells to determine whether there is a direct impact on insulin secretion. Transcriptional silencing of mitochondrial transcription factor A, TFAM, decreased mtDNA levels by 40% in MIN6 cells. This level of mtDNA depletion significantly decreased mtDNA gene transcription and translation, resulting in reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity and ATP production. Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was impaired following partial mtDNA depletion, but was normalised following treatment with glibenclamide. This confirms that the deficit in the insulin secretory pathway precedes K+ channel closure, indicating that the impact of mtDNA depletion is at the level of mitochondrial respiration. In conclusion, partial mtDNA depletion to a degree comparable to that seen in aged human islets impaired mitochondrial function and directly decreased insulin secretion. Using our model of partial mtDNA depletion following targeted gene silencing of TFAM, we have managed to mimic the degree of mtDNA depletion observed in aged human islets, and have shown how this correlates with impaired insulin secretion. We therefore predict that the age-related mtDNA depletion in human islets is not simply a biomarker of the aging process, but will contribute to the age-related risk of type 2 diabetes

    Molecular basis of chemosensitivity of platinum pre-treated ovarian cancer to chemotherapy

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    Ovarian cancer shows considerable heterogeneity in its sensitivity to chemotherapy both clinically and in vitro. This study tested the hypothesis that the molecular basis of this difference lies within the known resistance mechanisms inherent to these patients' tumours