22,113 research outputs found

    The Space of Harmonic Maps from the 2-sphere to the Complex Projective Plane

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    We study the topology of the space of harmonic maps from S2S^2 to \CP 2.Weprovethatthesubspacesconsistingofmapsofafixeddegreeandenergyarepathconnected.ByaresultofGuestandOhnitaitfollowsthatthesameistrueforthespaceofharmonicmapsto. We prove that the subspaces consisting of maps of a fixed degree and energy are path connected. By a result of Guest and Ohnita it follows that the same is true for the space of harmonic maps to \CP nfor for n\geq 2.Weshowthatthecomponentsofmapsto. We show that the components of maps to \CP 2$ are complex manifolds.Comment: Plain TeX, 11 pages, no figure

    The Possible Interstellar Anion CH2CN-: Spectroscopic Constants, Vibrational Frequencies, and Other Considerations

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    It is hypothesized that the A ^1B_1 <- X ^1A' excitation into the dipole-bound state of the cyanomethyl anion (CH2CN-) is proposed as the carrier for one diffuse interstellar band. However, this particular molecular system has not been detected in the interstellar medium even though the related cyanomethyl radical and the isoelectronic ketenimine molecule have been found. In this study we are employing the use of proven quartic force fields and second-order vibrational perturbation theory to compute accurate spectroscopic constants and fundamental vibrational frequencies for ^1A' CH2CN- in order to assist in laboratory studies and astronomical observations

    Lagrangian acceleration statistics in turbulent flows

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    We show that the probability densities af accelerations of Lagrangian test particles in turbulent flows as measured by Bodenschatz et al. [Nature 409, 1017 (2001)] are in excellent agreement with the predictions of a stochastic model introduced in [C. Beck, PRL 87, 180601 (2001)] if the fluctuating friction parameter is assumed to be log-normally distributed. In a generalized statistical mechanics setting, this corresponds to a superstatistics of log-normal type. We analytically evaluate all hyperflatnes factors for this model and obtain a flatness prediction in good agreement with the experimental data. There is also good agreement with DNS data of Gotoh et al. We relate the model to a generalized Sawford model with fluctuating parameters, and discuss a possible universality of the small-scale statistics.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Teach phenomenology the bomb: Starship Troopers, the technologized body, and humanitarian warfare

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    Paul Verhoeven's SF films are often concerned with how the future body will be reshaped as a technological device. Starship Troopers strangely departs from Verhoeven's own work, other SF films, and current directions in cultural theory by seeing the future body as one that is more organic than mechanical. Drawing upon and challenging ideas developed by Paul Virilio, this article argues that Starship Troopers' departure from the notion of the 'post-human' mechanized body needs to be understood not as a nostalgic reassertion of de-technologized subjectivity. Rather, Verhoeven's film sees the idea of the pure body as a dangerous anachronism. And, this article further argues, Starship Troopers suggests that narratives of human salvation - such as those that arose during Nato's interventions in the Balkans - often conceal an appetite for territorial conquest

    System and method for moving a probe to follow movements of tissue

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    An apparatus is described for moving a probe that engages moving living tissue such as a heart or an artery that is penetrated by the probe, which moves the probe in synchronism with the tissue to maintain the probe at a constant location with respect to the tissue. The apparatus includes a servo positioner which moves a servo member to maintain a constant distance from a sensed object while applying very little force to the sensed object, and a follower having a stirrup at one end resting on a surface of the living tissue and another end carrying a sensed object adjacent to the servo member. A probe holder has one end mounted on the servo member and another end which holds the probe

    Predation by Amphibians and Small Mammals on the Spruce Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    Stomach-content analyses of pitfall-trapped amphibians and small mammals showed that the eastern American toad, Bujo americanus americanus, and the wood frog, Rana sylvatica, preyed on late instars and moths of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana. The spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, and the masked shrew, Sorex cinereus, also preyed on late instars of the spruce budworm

    On the interpretation of ionospheric resonances stimulated by Alouette I

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    Interpretation of ionospheric resonances stimulated by Alouette I - electrostatic plasma wave theory, observation of group delay, and application to ionospher

    The Plasma Capacitor in a Magnetic Field

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    Impedance computations for parallel plate and coaxial cylinder plasma capacitors in magnetic fiel
