9 research outputs found

    Arboreal forage lichens in partial cuts – a synthesis of research results from British Columbia, Canada

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    The mountain ecotype of the woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) is highly dependent on the arboreal hair lichens Bryoria spp. and Alectoria sarmentosa during winter. In parts of British Columbia, partial-cutting silvicultural systems have been used in an effort to provide continuously usable winter habitat for mountain caribou, while allowing some timber removal. We reviewed available information about the changes in hair lichens after partial cutting in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) – subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) forests of British Columbian and Idaho. Generally, abundance of Bryoria spp. in the lower canopy of individual residual trees increases with increased exposure after partial cutting, until the new regeneration begins to shelter the lower canopy of the residuals. Heavy basal area removal, however, results in low lichen availability at the stand level for many years. Abundance of Bryoria on the regeneration is low, and appears to be limited largely by the structure of the young trees, not by lichen dispersal, although dispersal capability may be limiting in Alectoria. Both distributional and physiological data suggest that Bryoria is intolerant of prolonged wetting, and that increased ventilation, rather than increased light, accounts for enhanced Bryoria abundance in the partial cuts. Alectoria sarmentosa reaches its physiological optimum in the lower canopy of unharvested stands; its growth rates are somewhat reduced in the more exposed environment of partial cuts. Both genera are capable of rapid growth: over a 7-year period, individual thalli of A. sarmentosa and Bryoria spp. (excluding those with a net biomass loss due to fragmentation) in an unlogged stand more than tripled their biomass. Calculated growth rates, as well as dispersal potential, are influenced by fragmentation. Bryoria produces more abundant, but smaller, fragments than Alectoria, and fragmentation in both genera increases in partial cuts. In subalpine mountain caribou habitat, partial-cutting prescriptions that enhance exposure of residual trees while keeping basal area removal low will maintain forage best. Regeneration management should focus on maintaining ventilation in the lower canopy of the residual stand

    Can partial‐cut harvesting be used to manage terrestrial lichen habitat? A review of recent evidence

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    Recent research suggests that partial-cut harvesting techniques can be used to alter successional trajectories in pine- and spruce-lichen woodlands, allowing forest managers to extend the period of reindeer lichen growth in mid- to late seral boreal forest stands. In Quebec, a fully replicated partial-cutting trial found that terrestrial lichen abundance remained at least as high in the partial cut as in the clearcuts or unlogged stands, and that the partial cut appeared to be on a trajectory to have even more terrestrial lichen due to sustained higher growth rates. In Alberta, a retrospective study found higher terrestrial lichen abundance in an early horse-logged partial cut than in undisturbed adjacent old forests or in clearcuts. Follow-up studies of partial-cut harvesting trials in British Columbia found that group selection plots 10 years after harvesting had lichen cover equivalent to that of undisturbed forest. In contrast, studies on lichen woodlands that have been defoliated by mountain pine beetle showed a major decline in reindeer lichen cover and a corresponding increase in vascular plant cover, similar to the results of previous studies on clear-cut logging impacts. Taken together these studies provide qualified support for the hypothesis that partial-cut harvesting can be used to enhance, or at least maintain, terrestrial lichen mats used as forage by caribou


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    Abstract: The mountain ecotype of the woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) is highly dependent on the arboreal hair lichens Bryoria spp. and Alectoria sarmentosa during winter. In parts of British Columbia, partial-cutting silvicultural systems have been used in an effort to provide continuously usable winter habitat for mountain caribou, while allowing some timber removal. We reviewed available information about the changes in hair lichens after partial cutting in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) -subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) forests of British Columbian and Idaho. Generally, abundance of Bryoria spp. in the lower canopy of individual residual trees increases with increased exposure after partial cutting, until the new regeneration begins to shelter the lower canopy of the residuals. Heavy basal area removal, however, results in low lichen availability at the stand level for many years. Abundance of Bryoria on the regeneration is low, and appears to be limited largely by the structure of the young trees, not by lichen dispersal, although dispersal capability may be limiting in Alectoria. Both distributional and physiological data suggest that Bryoria is intolerant of prolonged wetting, and that increased ventilation, rather than increased light, accounts for enhanced Bryoria abundance in the partial cuts. Alectoria sarmentosa reaches its physiological optimum in the lower canopy of unharvested stands; its growth rates are somewhat reduced in the more exposed environment of partial cuts. Both genera are capable of rapid growth: over a 7-year period, individual thalli of A. sarmentosa and Bryoria spp. (excluding those with a net biomass loss due to fragmentation) in an unlogged stand more than tripled their biomass. Calculated growth rates, as well as dispersal potential, are influenced by fragmentation. Bryoria produces more abundant, but smaller, fragments than Alectoria, and fragmentation in both genera increases in partial cuts. In subalpine mountain caribou habitat, partial-cutting prescriptions that enhance exposure of residual trees while keeping basal area removal low will maintain forage best. Regeneration management should focus on maintaining ventilation in the lower canopy of the residual stand

    Why is the rainforest lichen Methuselah’s Beard (Usnea longissima) so rare in British Columbia’s inland temperate rainforest?

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    Coastal (CTR) and inland temperate rainforests (ITR) in western North America share a rich oceanic lichen flora. The distinctive Methuselah’s beard lichen (Usnea longissima) is an exception to this pattern of shared distributions, with very few ITR locations. Does this absence reflect dispersal limitations or climatic intolerance? To answer this question, we transplanted U. longissima thalli from the CTR to three ITR locations, assessing growth rates against reciprocal CTR transplants. Canopy microclimate measurements provided concurrent data on growth conditions. Growth rate responses (length, mass and area) were evaluated after summer and full-year transplants. Notwithstanding extended drought conditions during the summer period, annual transplants at two of the three ITR locations supported growth rates comparable to those at the CTR source U. longissima population, with summer dewfall and autumn rains being major ITR hydration sources. Thalli transplanted to a third ITR site (summer measurements only) in a location transitional to the drier interior plateau lost both mass and length. Based on these findings we suggest that the absence of U. longissima from much of the ITR reflects the combined influence of dispersal limitations and requirements for stands with long site continuity and topographically induced summer wetting of thalli by dewfall.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    How is nitrogen fixation in the high arctic linked to greenhouse gas emissions?

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    Background and aims Approximately 50 % of belowground organic carbon is present in the northern permafrost region and due to changes in climate there are concerns that this carbon will be rapidly released to the atmosphere. The release of carbon in arctic soils is thought to be intimately linked to the N cycle through the N cycle’s influence on microbial activity. The majority of new N input into arctic systems occurs through N2-fixation; therefore, N2-fixation may be the key driver of greenhouse gases from these ecosystems.Methods At Alexandra Fjord lowland, Ellesmere Island, Canada concurrent measurements of N2-fixation, N mineralization and nitrification rates, dissolved organic soil N (DON) and C, inorganic soil N and surface greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, N2O and CH4) were taken in two ecosystem types (Wet Sedge Meadow and Dryas Heath) over the 2009 growing season (June-August). Using Structural Equation Modelling we evaluated the hypothesis that CO2, CH4 and N2O flux are linked to N2-fixation via the N cycle.Results The soil N cycle was linked to CO2 flux in the Dryas Heath ecosystem via DON concentrations, but there was no link between the soil N cycle and CO2 flux in the Wet Sedge Meadow. Methane flux was also not linked to the soil N cycle, nor surface soil temperature or moisture in either ecosystem. The soil N cycle was closely linked to N2O emissions but via nitrification in the Wet Sedge Meadow and inorganic N in the Dryas Heath, indicating the important role of nitrification in net N2O flux from arctic ecosystems.Conclusions Our results should be interpreted with caution given the high variability in both the rates of the N cycling processes and greenhouse gas flux found in both ecosystems over the growing season. However, while N2-fixation and other N cycling processes may play a more limited role in instantaneous CO2 emissions, these processes clearly play an important role in controlling N2O emissions

    Does exogenous carbon extend the realized niche of canopy lichens? Evidence from sub-boreal forests in British Columbia

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    Foliose lichens with cyanobacterial bionts (bipartite and tripartite) form a distinct assemblage of epiphytes strongly associated with humid microclimatic conditions in inland British Columbia. Previous research showed that these cyano- and cephalolichen communities are disproportionately abundant and species-rich on conifer saplings beneath Populus compared to beneath other tree species. More revealing, lichens with cyanobacterial bionts were observed beneath Populus even in stands that did not otherwise support them. We experimentally test the hypothesis that this association is due to the interception of glucose-rich nectar that is exuded from Populus extra-floral nectaries (EFN). Using CO2 flux measurements and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis with experimental applications of C-13(6)-labeled glucose, we demonstrate that cyano-and cephalolichens have a strong respiratory response to glucose. Lichens treated with glucose had lower net photosynthesis and higher establishment rates than control thalli. Furthermore, lichens with cyanobacterial bionts rapidly incorporate exogenous C-13 into lichen fatty acid tissues. A large proportion of the C-13 taken up by the lichens was incorporated into fungal biomarkers, suggesting that the mycobiont absorbed and assimilated the majority of applied C-13(6) glucose. Our observations suggest that both cyanolichens and cephalolichens may utilize an exogenous source of glucose, made available by poplar EFNs. The exogenous C may enable these lichens to become established by providing a source of C for fungal respiration despite drought-induced inactivity of the cyanobacterial partner. As such, the mycobiont may adopt an alternative nutritional strategy, using available exogenous carbon to extend its realized niche

    Appendix A. Relative abundance (%) of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and neutral lipid fatty acids (NLFA) in four 13C6-glucose-treated cyanolichen species.

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    Relative abundance (%) of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and neutral lipid fatty acids (NLFA) in four 13C6-glucose-treated cyanolichen species

    Topography as a key factor driving atmospheric nitrogen exchanges in arctic terrestrial ecosystems

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