12,876 research outputs found

    Self-unloading, unmanned, reusable lunar lander project

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    A payload delivery system will be required to support the buildup and operation of a manned lunar base. In response, a self-unloading, unmanned, reusable lunar lander was conceptually designed. The lander will deliver a 7000 kg payload, with the same dimensions as a space station logistics module, from low lunar orbit to any location on the surface of the moon. The technical aspects of the design is introduced as well as the management structure and project cost

    Review and re-analysis of domain-specific 16S primers

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    The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has facilitated the detection of unculturable microorganisms in virtually any environmental source and has thus been used extensively in the assessment of environmental microbial diversity. This technique relies on the assumption that the gene sequences present in the environment are complementary to the “universal” primers used in their amplification. The recent discovery of new taxa with 16S rDNA sequences not complementary to standard universal primers suggests that current 16S rDNA libraries are not representative of true prokaryotic biodiversity. Here we re-assess the specificity of commonly used 16S rRNA gene primers and present these data in tabular form designed as a tool to aid simple analysis, selection and implementation. In addition, we present two new primer pairs specifically designed for effective ‘universal’ Archaeal 16S rDNA sequence amplification. These primers are found to amplify sequences from Crenarchaeote and Euryarchaeote type strains and environmental DNA

    A water-soluble Manganese complex for selective electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to CO

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    Relatively few solution electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction in aqueous solutions are reported. However to be sustainable, electrocatalytic CO2 reduction is likely to be coupled to water oxidation in a complete device. Here we report a water-soluble Mn polypyridyl complex for the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO. This complex shows activity across a broad pH range and an excellent selectivity at pH 9 (3.8:1, CO:H2). Cyclic voltammetry indicates activity across a range of different electrode materials (Boron doped diamond, glassy carbon and Hg/Au amalgams)

    The Abundances Of Neutron-Capture Species In The Very Metal-Poor Globular Cluster M15: A Uniform Analysis Of Red Giant Branch And Red Horizontal Branch Stars

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    The globular cluster M15 is unique in its display of star-to-star variations in the neutron-capture elements. Comprehensive abundance surveys have been previously conducted for handfuls of M15 red giant branch (RGB) and red horizontal branch (RHB) stars. No attempt has been made to perform a single, self-consistent analysis of these stars, which exhibit a wide range in atmospheric parameters. In the current effort, a new comparative abundance derivation is presented for three RGB and six RHB members of the cluster. The analysis employs an updated version of the line transfer code MOOG, which now appropriately treats coherent, isotropic scattering. The apparent discrepancy in the previously reported values for the metallicity of M15 RGB and RHB stars is addressed and a resolute disparity of Delta(RHB-RGB) approximate to 0.1 dex in the iron abundance was found. The anti-correlative behavior of the light neutron-capture elements (Sr, Y, Zr) is clearly demonstrated with both Ba and Eu, standard markers of the s- and r-process, respectively. No conclusive detection of Pb was made in the RGB targets. Consequently for the M15 cluster, this suggests that the main component of the s-process has made a negligible contribution to those elements normally dominated by this process in solar system material. Additionally for the M15 sample, a large Eu abundance spread is confirmed, which is comparable to that of the halo field at the same metallicity. These abundance results are considered in the discussion of the chemical inhomogeneity and nucleosynthetic history of M15.National Science Foundation AST 07-07447, AST 09-08978Astronom

    Seed production of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in response to time of emergence in cotton and rice

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    The spread of herbicide resistance in barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) poses a serious threat to crop production in the southern United States. A thorough knowledge of the biology of barnyardgrass is fundamental for designing effective resistance-management programmes. In the present study, seed production of barnyardgrass in response to time of emergence was investigated in cotton and rice, respectively, in Fayetteville and Rohwer, Arkansas, over a 2-year period (2008–09). Barnyardgrass seed production was greater when seedlings emerged with the crop, but some seed production was observed even if seedlings emerged several weeks after crop emergence. Moreover, barnyardgrass seed production was highly variable across environments. When emerging with the crop (0 weeks after crop emergence (WAE)), barnyardgrass produced c. 35 500 and 16 500 seeds/plant in cotton, and c. 39 000 and 2900 seeds/plant in rice, in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Seed production was observed when seedlings emerged up to 5 WAE (2008) or 7 WAE (2009) in cotton and up to 5 WAE (2008, 2009) in rice; corresponding seed production was c. 2500 and 1500 seeds/plant in cotton, and c. 14 700 and 110 seeds/plant in rice, in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The results suggest that cultural approaches that delay the emergence of barnyardgrass or approaches that make the associated crop more competitive will be useful in integrated management programmes. In the context of herbicide resistance management, it may be valuable to prevent seed return to the seedbank, irrespective of cohorts. The findings are vital for parameterizing herbicide resistance simulation models for barnyardgrass

    Hubble Space Telescope Near-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Bright CEMP-no Star BD+44 493

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    We present an elemental-abundance analysis, in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) spectral range, for the extremely metal-poor star BD+44 493, a 9th magnitude sub-giant with [Fe/H] = -3.8 and enhanced carbon, based on data acquired with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. This star is the brightest example of a class of objects that, unlike the great majority of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, does not exhibit over-abundances of heavy neutron-capture elements (CEMP-no). In this paper, we validate the abundance determinations for a number of species that were previously studied in the optical region, and obtain strong upper limits for beryllium and boron, as well as for neutron-capture elements from zirconium to platinum, many of which are not accessible from ground-based spectra. The boron upper limit we obtain for BD+44 493, logeps(B) < -0.70, the first such measurement for a CEMP star, is the lowest yet found for very and extremely metal-poor stars. In addition, we obtain even lower upper limits on the abundances of beryllium, logeps(Be) < -2.3, and lead, logeps(Pb) < -0.23 ([Pb/Fe] < +1.90), than those reported by previous analyses in the optical range. Taken together with the previously measured low abundance of lithium, the very low upper limits on Be and B suggest that BD+44 493 was formed at a very early time, and that it could well be a bona-fide second-generation star. Finally, the Pb upper limit strengthens the argument for non-s-process production of the heavy-element abundance patterns in CEMP-no stars.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Metal-organic conjugated microporous polymer containing a carbon dioxide reduction electrocatalyst

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    A metal-organic conjugated micorporous polymer (CMP) containing a manganese carbonyl electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction has been synthesised and electrochemically characterised. Incorporation in a rigid framework changes the behavior of the catalyst, preventing reductive dimerization. These initial studies demonstrate the feasibility of CMP electrodes that can provide both high local CO2 concentrations and well defined electrocatalytic sites

    WIMP direct detection overview

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    This review on weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter direct detection focuses on experimental approaches and the corresponding physics basics. The presentation is intended to provide a quick and concise introduction for non-specialists to this fast evolving topic of astroparticle physics.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, invited review for the Proc. XXth Int. Conf. Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, May 25-30, 2002, Munich, Germany; version includes correction of typo in eqn.2; to appear in Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Supp