151 research outputs found

    An exploratory study on the effect of a four-week stroboscopic vision training program on soccer dribbling performance

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    BACKGROUND: Perceptual-cognitive skill is a crucial component of expert performance in sport as expert athletes rely on the integration and processing of sensory information to execute complex actions. One of the topics of interest to skill acquisition researchers is therefore how the perceptual-cognitive system can be trained, and how that affects sport skill performance. One of the methods suggested to be able to aid in the training of perceptual-cognitive skill is restricted visual feedback training.  Recently, stroboscopic vision glasses have been proposed as a tool that can restrict visual feedback during sport training and may therefore provide a useful tool for training sport-specific skills.However, despite its use in practice, evidence for the beneficial effect of stroboscopic vision on sport-specific performance across youth athletes with a range of performance levels is currently lacking. AIM: Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of a four-week soccer training program with (experimental group) or without (control group) stroboscopic vision on the dribbling performance of relatively fast and slow dribblers. METHOD: To measure dribbling performance, this study used the Ugent Soccer dribbling task. RESULTS: A Repeated Measures MANOVA revealed that four weeks of stroboscopic vision training did not improve soccer dribbling skill measured through the time taken to complete the dribbling task as well as the number of touches of the ball while dribbling. CONCLUSION: While stroboscopic vision can likely lead to short term changes in perceptual-cognitive skill, it is likely not related to persistent changes in soccer dribbling performance in youth soccer players

    Can off-field ‘brains’ provide a competitive advantage in professional football?

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    ‘Working-fast and working-slow’ in sport describes the concept that practice and research can be integrated to improve high-performance outcomes and enhance professional practice.1 ‘Working-fast’ is the task of the fast-thinking, intuitive practitioner operating on ‘the ground’ at a frenetic pace, interacting with coaches and athletes, and delivering the daily preparation programme. ‘Working-slow’ is key for the team's deliberate, focused researcher acting as the resident sceptic, operating behind the scenes on tasks that the ‘fast-practitioner’ may not have time and/or skills to undertake. Such hidden, but important, tasks include determining measurement noise/error in performance tests, establishing proof of concept for new ideas and ensuring validity of methods. Embedding research into the fast environment of high-performance football may provide a competitive advantage using ethical and evidence-based methods.

    Symptoms of Overtraining in Resistance Exercise: International Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Purpose: To provide details on the nature and symptomatic profile of training maladaptation in competitive resistance-based athletes to examine whether there are symptoms that may be used as prognostic indicators of overtraining. Identifying prognostic tools to assess for training maladaptation is essential for avoiding severe overtraining conditions. Methods: A Web-based survey was distributed to a cross-sectional convenience sample of competitive athletes involved in sports with a significant resistance-training component. The 46-item anonymous survey was distributed via industry experts and social media from July to August 2019. Results: The final sample included 605 responses (completion rate: 84%). About 71% of the respondents indicated that they had previously experienced an unexplained decrease in performance. Among those, the majority reported a performance decrement lasting 1 wk to 1 mo (43.8%). General feelings of fatigue were the most frequent self-reported symptom of maladaptation. Acute training maladaptation, lasting 4 mo) were training to muscle failure. Conclusion: The results from this study support the multifactorial nature of training maladaptation. The multidimensional nature of fatigue and individual variability in symptomatic responses precludes definitive prognostic symptoms or differential diagnostic factors of functional/nonfunctional overreaching or the overtraining syndrome in resistance exercise

    The influence of different length between match microcycles on neuromuscular, hormonal and perceptual responses in professional rugby league players

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    Optimal recovery between matches is critically important in team sports. Indeed, altered neuromuscular performance, hormone levels and increased fatigue can manifest in under recovered team sport athletes. However, the recovery patterns in these variables in the days following professional rugby league matches is unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of different between-match training periods on neuromuscular, hormonal and perceptual measures in professional rugby league players. Following familiarization, 12 professional rugby league players from the same team were assessed for changes in countermovement jump (CMJ) (force, power, flight time), perceptual responses (fatigue, well being and muscle soreness) and salivary hormone (testosterone (T) and cortisol (C)) levels during 5, 7 and 9 day periods between matches. Measures were taken 4h prior to the initial match, and then 1, 2, 4, 6*, 7*, 8* and 9* days following (*depending on group). All training was prescribed by the coaches and monitored using the session-RPE method. Lower daily training load was completed on the 5-day compared with the 7 and 9-day conditions (p\u3c0.05). Some CMJ variables (flight time and flight time:contraction time), perception of fatigue, well-being and muscle soreness were reduced in the 2 days following the match in each condition (p\u3c0.05). All CMJ variables returned to near baseline values following 4 days in each condition. Both CMJ maximum and relative power were lower in the 7 day condition when compared with the 9 day condition (p\u3c0.05). Fatigue levels were reduced at 48 h in the 7 and 9-day groups (p\u3c0.05) but had returned to baseline in the 5-day group. All perceptual measures returned to baseline levels prior to the following match in each condition and followed changes in training load. Salivary T and C did not change in response to the match. These results show that neuromuscular performance and perception of fatigue are reduced for at least 48 h following a rugby league match but these can be fully recovered within 4 days. CMJ variables involving flight time appear to be best for assessing acute fatigue caused by a match, and variables involving power may be useful in assessing accumulated fatigue. The perceptual measures were sensitive to both acute fatigue and accumulated fatigue. The salivary hormone analyses were of limited value for assessing recovery. These findings show that with correct training, it is possible to recover neuromuscular, perceptual and endocrine measures within 4 days after a rugby league match

    Do physical capacity and interchange rest periods influence match exercise-intensity profile in Australian football?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2) and the number of interchange rotations affected the match activity profile of elite Australian footballers. Method: Fifteen elite Australian footballers completed the Yo-Yo IR2 before the beginning of the season and played across 22 matches in which match activity profiles were measured via microtechnology devices containing a global positioning system (GPS) and accelerometer. An interchange rotation was counted when a player left the field and was replaced with another player. Yo-Yo IR2 results were further split into high and low groups. Results: Players match speed decreased from 1st to 4th quarter, while average-speed (m/min: P = .05) and low-speed activity (LSA, 15 km/h) per minute (HSR m/min) and accelerometer load/min throughout the entire match. The number of interchanges significantly influenced the HSR m/min and m/min throughout the match except in the 2nd quarter. Furthermore, the low Yo-Yo IR2 group had significantly less LSA m/min in the 4th quarter than the high Yo-Yo IR2 group (92.2 vs 96.7 m/ min, P = .06). Conclusions: Both the Yo-Yo IR2 and number of interchanges contribute to m/min and HSR m/min produced by elite Australian footballers, affecting their match activity. However, while it appears that improved Yo-Yo IR2 performance prevents reductions in LSA m/min during a match, higher-speed activities (HSR m/min) and overall physical activity (m/min and load/min) are still reduced in the 4th quarter compared with the 1st quarter. © 2013 Human Kinetics, Inc

    Heart rate variability and direct current measurement characteristics in professional mixed martial arts athletes

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    This study’s purpose was to examine heart rate variability (HRV) and direct current potential (DC) measures’ sensitivity and correlations between changes in the acute recovery and stress scale (ARSS) and the previous day’s training load. Training load, HRV, DC and ARSS data were collected from fourteen professional mixed martial arts athletes (32.6 ± 5.3 years, 174.8 ± 8.8 cm, 79.2 ± 17.5 kg) the following morning after hard, easy and rest days. Sensitivity was expressed as a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, inter-day typical error (TE) or coefficient of variation (%CV) divided by intra-day TE or %CV). Correlations between HRV, DC and ARSS with training load were also examined. The SNRs for the various HRV and DC measures were acceptable to good (1.02–2.85). There was a 23.1% CV average increase between measures taken between different locations versus the same location. Training load changes were not correlated with HRV/DC but were correlated with ARSS stress variables. Practitioners should be aware of HRV/DC variability; however the daily training signal was greater than the test-retest error in this investigation. Upon awakening, HRV/DC measures appear superior for standardization and planning. HRV and DC measures were less sensitive to the previous day’s training load than ARSS measures

    Esports: The chess of the 21st century

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    © 2019 Pluss, Bennett, Novak, Panchuk, Coutts and Fransen. For many decades, researchers have explored the true potential of human achievement. The expertise field has come a long way since the early works of de Groot (1965) and Chase and Simon (1973). Since then, this inquiry has expanded into the areas of music, science, technology, sport, academia, and art. Despite the vast amount of research to date, the capability of study methodologies to truly capture the nature of expertise remains questionable. Some considerations include (i) the individual bias in the retrospective recall of developmental activities, (ii) the ability to develop ecologically valid tasks, and (iii) difficulties capturing the influence of confounding factors on expertise. This article proposes that expertise research in electronic sports (esports) presents an opportunity to overcome some of these considerations. Esports involves individuals or teams of players that compete in video game competitions via human-computer interaction. Advantages of applying the expert performance approach in esports include (i) developmental activities are objectively tracked and automatically logged online, (ii) the constraints of representative tasks correspond with the real-world environment of esports performance, and (iii) expertise has emerged without the influence of guided systematic training environments. Therefore, this article argues that esports research provides an ideal opportunity to further advance research on the development and assessment of human expertise

    Understanding the presence of mental fatigue in English academy soccer players

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    Research has demonstrated that induced mental fatigue impairs soccer-specific technical, tactical and physical performance in soccer players. The findings are limited by the lack of elite players and low ecological validity of the tasks used to induce mental fatigue, which do not resemble the cognitive demands of soccer. The current study collected survey data from English academy soccer players (n = 256; age groups - U14 – U23), with questions comprising of five themes (descriptors of physical and mental fatigue, travel, education, match-play and fixture congestion). The survey consisted of multiple choice responses, checkboxes and blinded/unblinded (for duration based questions) 0-100 arbitrary unit (AU) slider scales. Listening to music (81.6% of players), using social media (58.3%) and watching videos (34.3%) were the most common pre-match activities. Pre-match subjective mental fatigue was low (18.7±18.8 AU), and most frequently reported at the end of a match (47±26 AU) and remained elevated 24-hours post-match (36±27 AU). Travel (29±24 AU), fixture congestion (44±25 AU) and education (30±26 AU) demonstrated a low to moderate presence of subjective mental fatigue. These findings provide an overview of activities performed by English academy soccer players pre-match, and demonstrate that mental fatigue is experienced as a result of match-play

    Core Body Temperatures in Intermittent Sports: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Hyperthermia (and associated health and performance implications) can be a significant problem for athletes and teams involved in intermittent sports. Quantifying the highest thermal strain (i.e. peak core body temperature [peak T c]) from a range of intermittent sports would enhance our understanding of the thermal requirements of sport and assist in making informed decisions about training or match-day interventions to reduce thermally induced harm and/or performance decline. Objective: The objective of this systematic review was to synthesise and characterise the available thermal strain data collected in competition from intermittent sport athletes. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed on Web of Science, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus to identify studies up to 17 April 2023. Electronic databases were searched using a text mining method to provide a partially automated and systematic search strategy retrieving terms related to core body temperature measurement and intermittent sport. Records were eligible if they included core body temperature measurement during competition, without experimental intervention that may influence thermal strain (e.g. cooling), in healthy, adult, intermittent sport athletes at any level. Due to the lack of an available tool that specifically includes potential sources of bias for physiological responses in descriptive studies, a methodological evaluation checklist was developed and used to document important methodological considerations. Data were not meta-analysed given the methodological heterogeneity between studies and therefore were presented descriptively in tabular and graphical format. Results: A total of 34 studies were selected for review; 27 were observational, 5 were experimental (2 parallel group and 3 repeated measures randomised controlled trials), and 2 were quasi-experimental (1 parallel group and 1 repeated measures non-randomised controlled trial). Across all included studies, 386 participants (plus participant numbers not reported in two studies) were recruited after accounting for shared data between studies. A total of 4 studies (~ 12%) found no evidence of hyperthermia, 24 (~ 71%) found evidence of ‘modest’ hyperthermia (peak T c between 38.5 and 39.5 °C), and 6 (~ 18%) found evidence of ‘marked’ hyperthermia (peak T c of 39.5 °C or greater) during intermittent sports competition. Conclusions: Practitioners and coaches supporting intermittent sport athletes are justified to seek interventions aimed at mitigating the high heat strain observed in competition. More research is required to determine the most effective interventions for this population that are practically viable in intermittent sports settings (often constrained by many competing demands). Greater statistical power and homogeneity among studies are required to quantify the independent effects of wet bulb globe temperature, competition duration, sport and level of competition on peak T c, all of which are likely to be key modulators of the thermal strain experienced by competing athletes. Registration: This systematic review was registered on the Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/vfb4s ; https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/EZYFA , 4 January 2021).Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions. Mitchell Henderson is supported by the Australian Government’s Research Training Program scholarship

    Light Curves and Period Changes of Type II Cepheids in the Globular Clusters M3 and M5

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    Light curves in the B, V, and I_c passbands have been obtained for the type II Cepheids V154 in M3 and V42 and V84 in M5. Alternating cycle behavior, similar to that seen among RV Tauri variables, is confirmed for V84. Old and new observations, spanning more than a century, show that V154 has increased in period while V42 has decreased in period. V84, on the other hand, has shown large, erratic changes in period that do not appear to reflect the long term evolution of V84 through the HR diagram.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure
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