41 research outputs found

    Contributions of medical anthropology for medicine

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    Trata-se de um artigo de revisão que aborda as contribuições da Antropologia Médica para o campo da educação médica. A discussão centra-se na reflexão de como as noções e comportamentos ligados aos processos de saúde e de doença integram a cultura de grupos sociais onde os mesmos ocorrem. Argumenta-se que os sistemas médicos de atenção à saúde, assim como as respostas dadas às doenças, são sistemas culturais, consonantes com os grupos e realidades sociais que os produzem. A compreensão dessa relação se mostra fundamental para a formação médica.This is a review article that discusses the contributions of medical anthropology to the field of medical education. The discussion focuses on reflection as to how notions and behavior related to the processes of health and illness are an integral part of the culture of the social group in which they occur. It is argued that medical and health care systems are cultural systems consonant with the groups and social realities that produce them. Such a comprehension is fundamental for the medical training

    Men, health and public policies: gender equality in question

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    O artigo tem por objetivo estabelecer questões acerca do tema Homens, Saúde e Políticas Públicas para a viabilização do debate sobre o assunto, com base em referências teóricas e empíricas relacionadas a essas questões. Inicialmente, alguns marcos históricos de temática são apresentados para que melhor se situe o debate. Em seguida, apresenta-se panorama da agenda de gênero nas políticas públicas para se introduzir a discussão acerca da inserção dessa perspectiva no âmbito das políticas de saúde. Após essa discussão, aborda-se o questionamento sobre o fato de as políticas de saúde dos homens promoverem ou não a equidade de gênero. Nas considerações finais, aponta-se para a complexidade que envolve a elaboração, a implementação e a avaliação das políticas de saúde que visam à equidade de gênero, bem como se destaca a necessidade de a política brasileira voltada para a saúde dos homens articular-se com outras políticas para que a matriz de gênero seja transversal no campo da saúde.The scope of this article is to pose questions on the theme of Men, Health and Public Policies to render debate on the subject viable, based on theoretical and empirical references related to these issues. Initially, some historical landmarks on the theme are presented to provide guidelines for debate. An overview of the gender agenda in public policies is then presented to introduce the discussion about the inclusion of a gender perspective in healthcare policies. After this discussion, queries are raised about whether or not policies geared to men's health promote gender equality. In the closing remarks, the complexity involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of health policies aimed at gender equality is highlighted. The need for the Brazilian policy geared towards men's health to be implemented with other policies such that the gender matrix is transversal in the healthcare field is also stressed

    Experiences of gynecological care by lesbian and bisexual women: (in)visibility and barriers to the exercise of the right to health

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    Although lesbian and bisexual women have been included in health policies, in the search for comprehensive care, including the recognition of sexual diversity, discrimination persists in health care spaces, especially in clinical consultations. Based on the perceptions and experiences of these women, this qualitative study discusses, the relationships established in gynecological consultations, addressing the disclosure of the status of being lesbian/bisexual, experiences with exams and guidelines relevant to sexuality and the difficulties of negotiating conduct. The production of empirical data took place through semi-structured interviews with twelve lesbians and five bisexuals. The results point to bisexual invisibility in the clinical context. Difficulties in gynecological consultation involve fears regarding the exposure of sexual orientation, as well as the non-validation of their sexuality. Consultations in gynecology remain centered on heteronormative assumptions. Thus, they operate with a preponderance of reproductive aspects to the detriment of sexual aspects of life.Embora lésbicas e mulheres bissexuais tenham sido incluídas nas políticas de saúde, na busca por uma atenção integral e que inclua o reconhecimento da diversidade sexual, a discriminação persiste nos espaços de atenção à saúde, especialmente nas consultas clínicas. Este trabalho, de vertente qualitativa, teve por objetivo discutir, a partir das percepções e vivências dessas mulheres, as relações estabelecidas nas consultas ginecológicas, abordando especificamente a (não) revelação da condição de lésbica/bissexual, as experiências com exames e orientações pertinentes à sexualidade e as dificuldades de negociação de condutas. A produção dos dados empíricos deu-se por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com doze lésbicas e cinco mulheres bissexuais. Os resultados apontam para a invisibilidade bissexual no contexto clínico, para as dificuldades na consulta ginecológica tanto para lésbicas quanto bissexuais e para o temor das mulheres quanto à exposição da orientação sexual, bem como o não reconhecimento de sua sexualidade. Nesse sentido, as consultas em ginecologia continuam centradas em pressupostos heteronormativos, preponderando aspectos reprodutivos em detrimento dos aspectos sexuais da vida

    Gender, masculinities, and health in review: production of the field in the journal Saúde e Sociedade

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    Este artigo analisa a produção bibliográfica sobre a temática de gênero, masculinidades e saúde publicada na revista Saúde e Sociedade. O método se constituiu de uma revisão bibliográfica de narrativa, de caráter qualitativo, que abrangeu a busca segundo os descritores “gênero” e “masculinidades” em todos os números da revista disponibilizados no sistema Scielo. Foram selecionados 49 resumos de trabalhos para análise descritiva; entre esses, foram analisados em profundidade treze artigos que apresentavam enfoque em homens e mulheres ou que utilizavam apenas homens como sujeitos de análise. A análise narrativa dos artigos e o cotejamento com temas, objetos e perspectivas conceituais do campo da saúde coletiva apontam para a expansão da área de investigação em gênero, masculinidade e saúde, mas também para o caráter incipiente das abordagens conceituais, especialmente quanto à interseccionalidade de gênero e outros marcadores sociais da diferença, como classe social, geração e sexualidade. Esta revisão crítica mostra uma área de pesquisa em expansão, em termos de suas potencialidades e fragilidades.This article analyses the bibliographical production on the theme of gender, masculinities and health published in the journal Saúde e Sociedade. The method used was the literature review of narrative, of qualitative character, which addressed the search according to the descriptors “gender” and “masculinities” on all issues of the journal which are available in the SciELO system. 49 abstracts were selected for descriptive analysis; among these, 13 articles that focused on men and women or which used only men as subjects of analysis were analysed in depth. The narrative analysis of the articles and the comparison with the themes, objects and conceptual perspectives of the field of Public Health point to the expansion of the field of research on gender, masculinity and health, but also to the incipient character of conceptual approaches, especially regarding the intersectionality of gender and other social markers of difference, such as social class, generation and sexuality. This critical review evidences an expanding research field in terms of its strengths and weaknesses

    Hombres, género y salud

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    Men have always been present on the public health agenda, primarily from a clinical and epidemiological standpoint. In order to expand on these approaches, it is necessary to integrate a perspective that takes into account the relationship between gender and health. Furthermore, these discussions must include reflections on the intersectionality of gender (masculinities) with other categories of social differentiation such as race, ethnicity, social class, age, and sexuality. The articles selected from the call for papers on men, gender, and health at Salud Colectiva offer theoretical and empirical contributions that will undoubtedly enrich this debate. Although the articles presented here do not explore every possible aspect of this complex problem, they provide a starting point for a productive debate on the tensions and gaps that still remain in discussions of these issues. Los hombres siempre han estado presentes en las agendas de salud, basadas principalmente en enfoques clínicos y epidemiológicos. Para ampliar estos enfoques, es necesario abordar el tema desde una perspectiva que tenga en cuenta la relación entre género y salud. Además, la discusión debe tener en cuenta la interseccionalidad de género (masculinidades) con otras categorías de diferenciación social, como raza, etnicidad, clase social, generación, sexualidad. Los artículos aprobados en la convocatoria “Hombres, género y salud” de la revista Salud Colectiva ofrecen producciones teóricas y empíricas que sin duda contribuirán al debate, y aunque este conjunto de textos no agota la complejidad del problema, abre un rico debate sobre las tensiones y las brechas que aún persisten en las discusiones sobre el tema

    Covid-19 and its impact on immunization programs: reflections from Brazil

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    Due to social distancing guidelines and the displacement of both human and material resources to fight the covid-19 pandemic, individuals seeking healthcare services face certain challenges. Immunization programs have already been a worrisome topic for health authorities due to declines in vaccine uptake rates and are now especially affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Disbelief in science, dissemination of fake news about vaccines, socioeconomic vulnerability and social inequality are some of the challenges faced. This commentary article discusses the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic on immunization programs in Brazil. In light of advances (and notability) of Brazil’s national immunization program, established in the 1970s, the programs face challenges, such as the recent drop in vaccine uptake rates. In addition to this health crisis, there is also Brazil’s current political crisis, which will undoubtedly require assistance from researchers, policymakers and society to be fixed

    Inequality in health, social determinants, and intersectionality: a systematic review/Desigualdade em saúde, determinantes sociais, e interseccionalidade: uma revisão sistemática

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    The intersectionality seek to expand the explanations for inequalities in health in contemporary society. This study sought to map the conceptual and methodological approach of intersectionality using quantitative data analysis studies on health inequalities. Systematic review was held in April 2017 using multiple sources of information. In-clusion criteria were articles that converged with the themes of health care dispari-ties, gender identity, ethnic groups, social class, and public health and that simulta-neously applied the concept of intersectionality in the analysis. Exclusion criteria were articles that only mentioned intersectionality without discussing its applicability and articles exclusively theoretical and conceptual or with a qualitative methodolog-ical approach. The search strategy resulted in 1,763 articles. After removing the du-plicates and articles by titles and abstracts, 20 articles composed the corpus of analysis of the review. The methodological resources most often used in the intersec-tional analyses were stratification of social markers of difference, interaction analysis, multivariate regression models, and multilevel analysis. The perspective of inter-sectionality allows for a greater specificity in mapping health disparities. However, caution is required in the subdivision of the population arising from the stratification of variables, without forgetting to focus on the interactive systems of power at the source of health inequalities

    The standpoint of professionals on the presence and demands of men on the healthcare services: perspectives for the analysis of the implementation of the Comprehensive Healthcare Policy for Men

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    In 2009, the Brazilian Comprehensive Healthcare Policy for Men (PNAISH) was launched in Brazil, seeking to reduce morbidity and mortality in this population group. This article strives to analyze the conceptions that health professionals have about the specific demands and behaviors of the male population served by the healthcare services. The data analyzed are part of a larger research project, the objective of which was to evaluate the initial actions of the implementation of PNAISH. Ethnographic observations in 11 health services and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 health professionals. From the perspective of health professionals, the presence of men in the healthcare services is still limited. According to them, it is comprised of two types of clients: workers and the elderly. The male behavior characteristics - haste, objectivity, fear and resistance - and the difficulty faced by health services in receiving this population are the main factors that drive men away from health services. Although the concept of gender is central to PNAISH, it is only triggered by healthcare professionals in order to justify the social standards expected in terms of men's behavior. The attribution of men's behavior to cultural factors ultimately obscures the relations of power that underlie gender relations

    Reincidentes en el cuidado, pero sin derecho a la prevención: un análisis de la oferta de la profilaxis posexposición sexual al VIH en Porto Alegre, Brasil

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    This study seeks to identify challenges in the implementation of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, based on an analysis of actions taken by healthcare professionals in the state-run health sector in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Based on a qualitative approach that included ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews, we found that contextual, institutional, and individual factors represented challenges to the implementation of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Barriers to implementation included the historical context structuring healthcare services and practices, the lack of training and/or continued education in health, and certain attitudes on the part of healthcare professionals (ideas regarding both the strategy itself as well as the individuals that seek PEP). We conclude that there is a need for greater attention to specialized services for STI/HIV/AIDS as well as the professionals that provide these services, in order to guarantee greater effective access to this strategy at the local level.Buscamos identificar los desafíos para la implementación de la profilaxis posexposición sexual al VIH, a partir de analizar el accionar de las y los profesionales de la salud en un servicio de salud pública en Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, con técnicas de observación etnográfica y entrevistas en profundidad, se encontró que los factores contextuales, organizacionales e individuales eran desafíos para implementar la profilaxis posexposición sexual al VIH. Las barreras para su implementación incluyeron el contexto histórico de la estructuración y la actuación del servicio, la falta de capacitación y/o educación continua en salud, y las concepciones de las y los profesionales de la salud (ideas sobre la estrategia en sí, y sobre las personas que buscan PEP). Se concluye que existe la necesidad de mayor atención al universo de servicios especializados en ITS/VIH/sida y a las y los profesionales que componen estos servicios, a fin de garantizar una mayor efectividad en el acceso a la estrategia a nivel local

    Hombres heterosexualmente activos, masculinidades, prevención de infección por VIH y búsqueda de profilaxis posexposición sexual consentida

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    Hegemonic masculinity has distanced heterosexually active men from the responses to the HIV epidemic. However, with the combined prevention paradigm, post-exposure prophylaxis offers new ways to manage the risks of HIV infection, while at the same time bringing about new challenges. The aim of this paper is to discuss – through the lens of gender and masculinities – how heterosexually active men perceive their HIV risk and how they manage prevention methods and strategies, including post-exposure prophylaxis. Employing qualitative methods, 16 heterosexually active men in five health services from different Brazilian cities were interviewed. The analysis indicates that condom use – the main prevention method – was conditioned by subjective and contextual factors, and its failure stands out as the primary reason for seeking out post-exposure prophylaxis. We argue that ideals of hegemonic masculinity permeate perceptions and risk management discourses in the current context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.La masculinidad hegemónica distancia a los hombres heterosexuales activos de las respuestas a la epidemia de sida. Sin embargo, con el paradigma de la prevención combinada, la profilaxis posexposición sexual hace posible nuevas formas de gestionar los riesgos de infección, al tiempo que trae nuevos desafíos. El objetivo de este artículo es, a la luz de la perspectiva de género y de las masculinidades, discutir cómo los hombres heterosexuales activos perciben su riesgo frente al VIH, cómo manejan los métodos y estrategias de prevención, incluyendo la profilaxis posexposición sexual. El estudio de abordaje cualitativo entrevistó 16 hombres heterosexuales activos en cinco servicios de salud de diferentes ciudades brasileñas. El análisis señala que el uso del condón, principal método de prevención, fue condicionado a factores subjetivos y contextuales; y su fallo se destaca como el principal motivo de búsqueda de la profilaxis posexposición sexual. Los ideales de masculinidad hegemónica penetraron los discursos de percepción y gestión de riesgo en el actual contexto de la epidemia de sida