407 research outputs found

    Biodeterioration of glass-based historical building materials: An overview of the heritage literature from the 21st century

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    The main goal of this work was to review the 21st century literature (2000 to 2021) re-garding the biological colonisation and biodeterioration of glass-based historical building materials, particularly stained glass and glazed tiles. One of the main objectives of this work was to list and systematize the glass-colonising microorganisms identified on stained glass and glazed tiles. Biodiversity data indicate that fungi and bacteria are the main colonisers of stained-glass windows. Glazed tiles are mainly colonised by microalgae and cyanobacteria. Several studies have identified microorganisms on stained glass, but fewer studies have been published concerning glazed tiles. The analysis of colonised samples is a vital mechanism to understand biodeterioration, particularly for identifying the colonising organisms and deterioration patterns on real samples. However, the complexity of the analysis of materials with high biodiversity makes it very hard to determine which microorganism is responsible for the biodeteriogenic action. The authors compared deterioration patterns described in case studies with laboratory-based colonisation experiments, showing that many deterioration patterns and corrosion products are similar. A working group should develop guidelines or standards for laboratory experiments on fungi, bacteria, cyanobacteria, and algae on stained glass and glazed tiles

    Testing the feasibility of titanium dioxide sol-gel coatings on portuguese glazed tiles to prevent biological colonization

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    Historical glazed wall tiles are a unique vehicle of artistic expression that can be found outdoors, integrating the buildings of many countries, therefore they are often subjected to biodeterioration. In this work, the applicability of protective coatings on glazed tiles to prevent biological colonization was evaluated. Thin films of titanium dioxide (TiO2) obtained by sol-gel were applied on glazed tiles to appraise its anti-biofouling properties and to evaluate their suitability for cultural heritage application. The TiO2 coating was tested on four different Portuguese glazed tiles and a modern tile. The chemical and mineralogical characterization of the glaze and ceramic body of the tiles was examined by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (WDXRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The produced TiO2 coating was chemically and morphologically characterized by micro Raman spectroscopy (µ-Raman) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The anti-biofouling properties of the TiO2 treatment were evaluated by inoculating the fungus Cladosporium sp. on the glazed tiles. Potential chromatic and mineralogical alterations induced by the treatment were assessed by color measurements and XRD. The TiO2 coating did not prevent fungal growth and caused aesthetical alterations on the glazed tiles. A critical analysis evidenced that the tested coating was not suitable for cultural heritage application and highlighted the challenges of developing protective coatings for glazed tiles

    A structural and biochemical model of processive chitin synthesis

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    Chitin synthases (CHS) produce chitin, an essential component of the fungal cell wall. The molecular mechanism of processive chitin synthesis is not understood, limiting the discovery of new inhibitors of this enzyme class. We identified the bacterial glycosyltransferase NodC as an appropriate model system to study the general structure and reaction mechanism of CHS. A high throughput screening-compatible novel assay demonstrates that a known inhibitor of fungal CHS also inhibit NodC. A structural model of NodC, on the basis of the recently published BcsA cellulose synthase structure, enabled probing of the catalytic mechanism by mutagenesis, demonstrating the essential roles of the DD and QXXRW catalytic motifs. The NodC membrane topology was mapped, validating the structural model. Together, these approaches give insight into the CHS structure and mechanism and provide a platform for the discovery of inhibitors for this antifungal target

    Acetonitrile as adjuvant to tune polyethylene glycol + K3PO4 aqueous two-phase systems and its effect on phenolic compounds partition

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    Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have been proposed as platforms for the purification of biomolecules, and the application of adjuvants to tune the properties of ATPS phases and their ability to extract and separate biological products investigated. This work addresses, for the first time, the use of acetonitrile (ACN) as adjuvant in ATPS composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG) of different molecular weights (from 400 to 20,000 g·mol−1) and potassium phosphate. The effect of ACN concentration (at 0.25, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 wt%) in the liquid-liquid equilibrium is here studied by measuring the phase diagrams, the composition of the phases in equilibrium and their Kamlet-Taft parameters. The results obtained demonstrate that the ACN presence increases the biphasic region of PEG-K3PO4 ATPS and its distribution between the coexisting phases is dependent on its concentration and ATPS composition. The difference in the dipolarity/polarizability of the coexisting phases is significantly affected by the presence of ACN in the ternary mixture. The partition of two phenolic compounds – protocatechuic acid and gallic acid – was studied, showing that ACN improves the partition of these molecules to the salt-rich phase, and that the system selectivity can be significantly improved by changing the concentration of the phase forming compounds.publishe

    A transparent dialogue between iconography and chemical characterisation: a set of foreign stained glasses in Portugal

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    This work presents the first results of the iconographic study and analytical characterisation of a set of four stained-glass panels that are part of the collection of National Palace of Pena (Sintra, Portugal). These panels were collected by the King Ferdinand II in the mid-nineteenth century, for his main residence the Palace of Necessidades (Lisbon, Portugal), and only first presented to the general public in 2011. This study contributes with the knowledge of Technical Art History and Heritage Science to a better and deeper understanding of their history, materials and techniques used in the production, where an art-historical and a scientific approach are applied to attribute their origins. Based on the analysis of the formal and stylistic characteristic of the panels, it is proposed that the drawings used for the production of three of these panels may be based on the design and painting being carried out in the same workshop, and that the four panels have the same provenance (Germany). The composition of the glass and grisaille was determined and colourising elements were identified. Through this approach, conclusive correlation between the analysed glasses was possible: all are calcium rich or calcium–potassium rich types, and the results also suggest that the same source of silica was used for their production. A typical mixture of glass and lead oxide was found in the grisaille applied on the painted panels. However, less usual was the use of a copper oxide pigment for the black grisaille. All these findings support the proposals made regarding provenance and production period (fifteenth century)

    Fatores de virulência de Neisseria spp

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    O gênero Neisseria é constituído de dez espécies, duas das quais são patógenos estritamente humanos, a Neisseriagonorrheae e a Neisseria meningitidis. As neissérias são diplococos Gram-negativas imóveis, exigente para o crescimentoe capinofílicas. N. meningitidis apresentam cápsulas enquanto N. gonorrhoeae não é capsulado. N. meningitidis apresentacomo fatores antigênicos, polissacárides que permitem a divisão antigênica em vários subgrupos, proteínas de membranaexterna (Omp) e os lipossacárides. A bactéria também possui receptores específi cos dos pili meningocócicos que favorecema sua colonização na nasofaringe; e a cápsula protege da fagocitose mediada por anticorpos. Pode apresentar duas formasclínicas: a meningite (que pode ser causada também por outros microrganismos) e a meningococcinemia (septicemia com ousem meningite, fatal). N. gonorrhoeae aparesenta como fator de virulência: a cápsula e as proteínas pilina, Por, Opa, ProteínaIII, Tbp1 e Tbp2, Lbp, LOS e β-lactamase. A bactéria causa a doença conhecida como gonorréia, que pode se apresentar comodoença pélvica infl amatória, salpingite em mulheres, epididimite em homens e oftalmia neonatal em crianças. Além disso, abactéria pode-se disseminar para outras partes do copo