33 research outputs found

    La cinemática de M33

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    Observaciones con técnicas interferenciales de M33 han mostrado la existencia de un débil campo de Hα en emisión situado entre los brazos espirales y diferente de la normal en estos, y que denominamos disco. 1048 observaciones de velocidad radial de alta precisión en los brazos y el disco muestran: a) Que el campo de velocidad radial tiene una discontinuidad al pasar del disco a los brazos. b) Que el gas del disco no posee movimientos radiales notables, y su rotación es más lenta que la de los brazos (para r < 2,2 Kpc). c) Qué las curvas de rotación de los brazos N y S son diferentes entre sí. girando el brazo N más rápidamente. d) Que las dispersiones de velocidad radial son aparentemente mayores en los brazos que en el disco.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    La cinemática de M33

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    Observaciones con técnicas interferenciales de M33 han mostrado la existencia de un débil campo de Hα en emisión situado entre los brazos espirales y diferente de la normal en estos, y que denominamos disco. 1048 observaciones de velocidad radial de alta precisión en los brazos y el disco muestran: a) Que el campo de velocidad radial tiene una discontinuidad al pasar del disco a los brazos. b) Que el gas del disco no posee movimientos radiales notables, y su rotación es más lenta que la de los brazos (para r < 2,2 Kpc). c) Qué las curvas de rotación de los brazos N y S son diferentes entre sí. girando el brazo N más rápidamente. d) Que las dispersiones de velocidad radial son aparentemente mayores en los brazos que en el disco.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Chemical Abundances and Ionizing Clusters of HII Regions in the LINER Galaxy NGC 4258

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    We present long-slit observations in the optical and near infrared of eight HII regions in the spiral galaxy NGC 4258. Six of the observed regions are located in the SE inner spiral arms and the other two are isolated in the northern outer arms. A detailed analysis of the physical conditions of the gas has been performed. For two of the regions, an electron temperature has been derived from the [SIII] 6312 A line. For the rest, an empirical calibration based on the red and near infrared sulphur lines has been used. The oxygen abundances derived by both methods are found to be significantly lower (by a factor of two) than previously derived by using empirical calibrations based on the optical oxygen lines. In the brightest region, 74C, the observation of a prominent feature due to Wolf-Rayet stars provides an excellent constraint over some properties of the ionizing clusters. In the light of the current evolutionary synthesis models, no consistent solution is found to explain at the same time both the WR feature characteristics and the emission line spectrum of this region. In principle, the presence of WR stars could lead to large temperature fluctuations and also to a hardening of the ionizing radiation. None of these effects are found in region 74C for which the electron temperatures found from the [SIII] 6312A and the Paschen discontinuity at 8200A are equal within the errors and the effective temperature of the ionizing radiation is estimated at around 35,300K. Both more observations of confirmed high metallicity regions and a finer metallicity grid for the evolutionary synthesis models are needed in order to understand the ionizing populations of HII regions.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures. To appear in MNRA

    Analysis of the distribution of HII regions in external galaxies. IV The new galaxy sample. Position and Inclination angles

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    We have compiled a new sample of galaxies with published catalogs of HII region coordinates. This sample, together with the former catalog of Garcia-Gomez and Athanassoula (1991) will form the basis for subsequent studies of the spiral structure in disc galaxies. In this paper we address the problem of the deprojection of the galaxy images. For this purpose we use two deprojection methods based on the HII region distribution and compare the results with the values found in the literature using other deprojection methods. Taking into account the results of all the methods, we propose optimum values for the position and inclination angles of all the galaxies in our sample.Comment: TeX file with 16 postscript figure

    CSR Communication Research: A Theoretical-cum-Methodological Perspective From Semiotics

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    Despite the proliferation of studies on corporate social responsibility (CSR), there is a lack of consensus and a cardinal methodological base for research on the quality of CSR communication. Over the decades, studies in this space have remained conflicting, unintegrated, and sometimes overlapping. Drawing on semiotics—a linguistic-based theoretical and analytical tool, our article explores an alternative perspective to evaluating the quality and reliability of sustainability reports. Our article advances CSR communication research by introducing a theoretical-cum-methodological perspective which provides unique insights into how to evaluate the quality of CSR communication. Particularly, we illustrate the application of our proposed methodology on selected U.K. FTSE 100 companies. Our two-phased analysis employed the Greimas Canonical Narrative Schema and the Semiotic Square of Veridiction in drawing meanings from selected sustainability/CSR reports. In addition, we present a distinctive CSR report quality model capable of guiding policy makers and firms in designing sustainability/CSR reporting standards

    Rhétorique et sémiotique : De quelques divergences et convergences

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    A la différence d'une « sémiologie » soit limitée au seul aspect connotatif des textes, soit, à fortiori, réduite à l'analyse de quelques codes artificiels de suppléance, la sémiotique narrative et discursive rejoint sur bon nombre de points les visées de la rhétorique même si les perspectives sont différentes : bien des éléments de l'inventio, de la dispo- sitio et même de l'elocutio peuvent se retrouver — après quelques réajustements — dans l'organisation du discours, telle qu'elle est conçue, sur un mode à la fois paradigmatique et syntagmatique, par la sémiotique. Toutefois, l'homologation ne saurait être que partielle, la rhétorique se voulant normative (et non descriptive) et n'envisageant que la seule classe des discours persuasifs, à l'exclusion, par ex., des discours interprétatifs.Courtés Joseph. Rhétorique et sémiotique : De quelques divergences et convergences. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses, tome 52, fascicule 3-4, 1978. Problèmes d'interprétation dans le champ du discours théologique. pp. 227-243

    Plaute et Rotrou: la traduction des comédies au XVIIe siecle, entre respect et création

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    PLAUTUS AND ROTROU: TRANSLATING COMIC DRAMAS IN THE 17th CENTURY. BETWEEN RESPECT AND CREATIONWhen translating ancient comic dramas, the playwrights of early 17th-century France adapt the texts to contemporary biens&eacute;ances both poetical and social ones. Stemming from Captivi by Plautus, Les Captifs demonstrates the necessary &ldquo;imitating&rdquo; skills of Rotrou: from precise translation to free adaptation, the dramatist uses the whole range of possibilities at his disposal, up to eventually changing the ancient dispositio in order to produce a good modern comedy.PLAUTUS AND ROTROU: TRANSLATING COMIC DRAMAS IN THE 17th CENTURY. BETWEEN RESPECT AND CREATIONWhen translating ancient comic dramas, the playwrights of early 17th-century France adapt the texts to contemporary biens&eacute;ances both poetical and social ones. Stemming from Captivi by Plautus, Les Captifs demonstrates the necessary &ldquo;imitating&rdquo; skills of Rotrou: from precise translation to free adaptation, the dramatist uses the whole range of possibilities at his disposal, up to eventually changing the ancient dispositio in order to produce a good modern comedy