407 research outputs found

    Evaluation des Impacts de la Transhumance sur les Ressources Pastorales au sud duMali dans la Commune Rurale de Dabia (Cercle de Kéniéba)

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    En région sahélienne du Mali, l’élevage est de type extensif basé essentiellement sur l’exploitation des ressources naturelles. Les pratiques traditionnelles actuelles ne permettent plus de répondre efficacement aux problèmes d’alimentation et d’abreuvement des animaux. Sous l’effet conjugué des aléas climatiques, l’amplitude de la transhumance est devenue plus courante et plus importante et les séjours dans les zones d’accueil deviennent de plus en plus longs. Située plus au sud et sous un climat de type préguinéen dans le cercle de Kéniéba, la commune rurale de Dabia est devenue une zone de concentration des transhumants. La présente étude vise à analyser les impacts de la transhumance sur les ressources pastorales de ladite commune. Le travail a consisté à effectuer des enquêtes auprès des agroéleveurs (200 personnes), des pasteurs transhumants (34 personnes). Ces enquêtes ont été couplées avec des interviews semi-structurées auprès des agents des services en charge du développement rural. De plus, des relevés phytoécologiques ont été effectués au niveau des parcours. Les investigations ont montré que la transhumance occasionne la déforestation à travers la coupe abusive des arbres (97% d’enquêtés), la détérioration du tissu social se caractérisant par des conflits (55%), des viols des femmes (8%) et les dégâts des champs (55%). Les relevés phytoécologiques ont permis d’inventorier 63 espèces herbacées et 47 espèces ligneuses. La production de biomasse sèche herbacée variait en fonction de l’unité pastorale. Elle était moins productive 1,63 t.MS/ha sur les buttes cuirassées contre 2,74 t.MS/ha sur plaines limonosableuses. Les capacités de charge sont faibles 0,46 UBT/ha/6mois sur les cuirasses contre 0,81 UBT/ha/6mois sur les plaines. Il ressort de cette étude que la transhumance est un facteur qui contribue à la dégradation de l’environnement. Pour ce faire des mesures doivent être envisagées par les autorités pour amoindrir les impacts négatifs. In the Sahelian region of Mali, livestock farming is extensive and based mainly on the exploitation of natural resources. Current traditional practices are no longer effective in addressing feeding and watering problems. Under the combined effect of climatic hazards, the amplitude of transhumance has become more common and more important and stays in reception areas are getting longer and longer. Located further south and under a pre-Guinean climate in the Kéniéba district, the rural commune of Dabia has become a concentration zone for transhumants. This study aims to analyze the impacts of transhumance on the pastoral resources of the said commune. The work involved conducting surveys of agro-pastoralists (200 people) and transhumant pastoralists (34 people). These surveys were coupled with semistructured interviews with rural development service agents. In addition, phytoecological surveys were carried out at the range level. The investigations showed that transhumance causes deforestation through the excessive cutting of trees (97% of respondents), the deterioration of the social fabric being characterized by conflicts (55%), rape of women (8%) and field damage (55%). Phytoecological surveys made it possible to inventory 63 herbaceous species and 47 woody species. Herbaceous dry biomass production varied according to pastoral unit. It was less productive at 1.63 t.MS / ha on armored hillocks compared to 2.74 t.MS / ha on sandy-loam plains. Load capacities are low 0.46 UBT / ha / 6 months on the battles against 0.81 UBT / ha / 6 months on the plains. It emerges from this study that transhumance is a factor contributing to the degradation of the environment. To do this, measures must be considered by the authorities to reduce negative impacts

    Early reoperation in pediatric surgery at the Teaching Hospital Gabriel Touré.

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    Introduction: To identify complications requiring early reoperation and to determine associated risk factors in the pediatric surgery of the teaching hospital Gabriel Toure.Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of children 0-15 years old during 4 years (January 2014 to December 2017) presenting with a postoperative complication requiring a reoperation and taken care of during the period of study. Observation of bowels or the liquid stools through the opened wound, the presence of air-fluid levels on an abdominal plain X-ray and the absence of resumption of intestinal transit allowed us to make a decision to re-operate.Results: We have re-intervened on 103 patients because of early postoperative complication out of 4730 cases of pediatric surgery carried out in this hospital during these 4 years. This represented 1.54 % of our total surgical activities. The average age of our patients was a 5.2±2.3 year ranging from 2 months to 15 years. The sex ratio was 0.94. Eighty four (81.55 %) of our patients were admitted and operated on emergently. Peritonitis due to digestive system perforation represented 45.28 % of the indications for reoperation followed by the acute intestinal intussusceptions (10.7 %) and traumatic eviscerations (9.7 %). The average duration before the first intervention was 80±13.6mn. The postoperative evisceration was the 1st cause of reoperation followed by the post-operative peritonitis and then post-operative intestinal obstruction. The average time to reoperation was 6.9 ± 4.2 days.Conclusion: In our hospital risk of reoperation has an association with: indication of first surgery, operating technique, experience of the surgeon, malnutrition and anemia (p<0.05). On the other hand sex, age and the duration of surgery have no effect on early reoperation (p > 0.05)

    Musique et excision chez les Djimini (Côte-d’Ivoire)

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    L’analyse entreprise ici se rapporte au répertoire musical servant de support aux rites d’excision en vigueur chez les Djimini, une fraction du pays sénoufo qui s’étend au nord de la Côte-d’Ivoire, au sud du Mali et à l’ouest du Burkina Faso. L’aire géographique des Djimini, située à l’extrême sud-est du monde sénoufo, couvre une superficie de 8 320 kilomètres carrés limitée au sud par une frontière commune avec les Akan, l’un des grands groupes ethniques ivoiriens. Du point de vue démographi..

    Spatial and temporal variation of malaria entomological parameters at the onset of a hydro-agricultural development in central CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    A deeper understanding of the ecology and small-scale heterogeneity of malaria transmission is essential for the design of effective prevention, control and elimination interventions. The spatial and temporal distribution of malaria vectors was investigated in five villages in close proximity to a hydro-agricultural system in Côte d'Ivoire over the course of construction and the early phase of irrigated rice farming.; The study was carried out in five villages (Raffierkro, N'Douakro, Ahougui, Kpokahankro, Koffikro) near Bouaké, central Côte d'Ivoire, between early 2007 and late 2009. In each village, mosquitoes were collected by human landing catches and identified morphologically at genus and species level, and entomological parameters were determined. Plasmodium infection was assessed by dissection and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.; A total of 19,404 mosquitoes belonging to the genus Anopheles were sampled during 328 human-night catches. Before the construction of the hydro-agricultural system, comparable densities of Anopheles gambiae were observed in all villages. In subsequent years, densities in Raffierkro and Ahougui were significantly higher than the other villages [Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test = 31.13, p > 0.001]. The density of Anopheles funestus in the five villages was comparable in the early stage of the project, while a high density was reported in Koffikro at the end (KW test = 11.91, p = 0.018). Transmission of Plasmodium falciparum is perennial in the study area. Over the course of the study, high entomological inoculation rates (EIRs) were found: 219-328 infectious bites per person per year with An. gambiae. For An. funestus considerably lower EIRs were observed (5.7-39.4). Changing patterns of An. gambiae were not correlated with malaria transmission.; In this study setting, located in the bioclimatic transition zone of Côte d'Ivoire, rice cultivation was not observed to increase malaria transmission. The entomological parameters recorded until the onset of rice-growing activities in a hydro-agricultural system presented considerable heterogeneity both in space and time; a strong increase of Anopheles mosquitoes was observed in two of the five villages located in close proximity to the dam and irrigated rice fields. Malaria still is a main public health problem in all villages that require adequate control measures


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    L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser le rôle des liens sociaux sur la relation entre la qualité de service perçue et la confiance. Notre approche vise, dans un premier temps, à faire un état des lieux de la littérature portant sur notre recherche. Dans un second temps, nous présenterons la phase empirique de notre recherche, à travers une étude quantitative portant sur un échantillon de 830 clients de banques commerciales. Les résultats de notre recherche révèlent que toutes les dimensions de la qualité de service perçue n’influencent pas la confiance à travers ses aspects cognitifs et affectifs. Toutefois, les liens sociaux jouent un rôle modérateur dans la relation entre la qualité de service perçue et la confiance. En effet, les liens sociaux qui naissent de l’interaction entre le client et le personnel de contact de la banque, créent un cadre convivial qui renforce la confiance du client envers la banque

    Trade Between WAEMU And EU Countries Ante-Brexit : Lessons From A Gravity Model

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    The aim of this study is to analyse trade between the member countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and those of the European Union (EU) pre-Brexit over the period 2014-2019. It estimates a gravity model based on panel data. Three econometric estimation techniques are used : the WITHIN method, the Generalised Least Squares (GLS) method and the Hausman and Taylor (HT) method. These different estimation techniques are then compared to determine which is the most appropriate. The data used are secondary data from several sources : the International Monetary Fund (World Economic Outlook), the World Bank (World Development Indicators), the United Nations (UN Comtrade) and the ephemeride website. The results show that trade between these two groups of countries is positively and significantly influenced by income in WAEMU countries, infrastructure in WAEMU countries and population in EU countries. They also show that when an EU country is landlocked, its trade flows with WAEMU countries are reduced, while at the same time, the landlocked status of a WAEMU country does not affect its trade with EU countries. Variables such as the bilateral real exchange rate, distance, language and colonial links were found to be insignificant

    Analysis of the Evolution of Income Disparities Among WAEMU Member Countries

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    The main aims of this study are to examine the income disparities’ evolution among the West-African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries over the period 1980-2019, and to determine whether the reforms implemented in the region since 1994 have helped to reduce or to accentuate the income disparities among the Member States of the Union. The approach used for the analysis is that of sigma-convergence. It consists in studying the evolution of income dispersion over time, standard deviation being generally used as measure of dispersion. The results obtained show a reduction of per capita income inequalities among the WAEMU Member States. They also point out that the reforms undertaken in the area since 1994 have partly helped to reduce the income disparities among nations. In view of these findings, the study recommends to the community authorities to continue the implementation of the reforms and to reinforce the coordination as well as the harmonization of economical, financial and commercial policies of the Union
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