1,745 research outputs found

    Drainage of a nanoconfined simple fluid: rate effects on squeeze-out dynamics

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    We investigate the effect of loading rate on drainage in molecularly thin films of a simple fluid made of quasi-spherical molecules (octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, OMCTS). We find that (i) rapidly confined OMCTS retains its tendency to organize into layers parallel to the confining surfaces, and (ii) flow resistance in such layered films can be described by bulklike viscous forces if one accounts for the existence of one monolayer immobilized on each surfaces. The latter result is fully consistent with the recent work of Becker and Mugele, who reached a similar conclusion by analyzing the dynamics of squeeze-out fronts in OMCTS [T. Becker and F. Mugele, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91} 166104(2003)]. Furthermore, we show that the confinement rate controls the nature of the thinning transitions: layer-by-layer expulsion of molecules in metastable, slowly confined films proceeds by a nucleation/growth mechanism, whereas deeply and rapidly quenched films are unstable and undergo thinning transitions akin to spinodal decomposition

    Dynamic surface decoupling in a sheared polymer melt

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    We propose that several mechanisms contribute to friction in a polymer melt adsorbed at a structured surface. The first one is the well known disentanglement of bulk polymer chains from the surface layer. However, if the surface is ideal at the atomic scale, the adsorbed parts of polymer chains can move along the equipotential lines of the surface potential. This gives rise to a strong slippage of the melt. For high shear rates chains partially desorb. However, the friction force on adsorbed chains increases, resulting in quasi-stick boundary conditions. We propose that the adsorbed layers can be efficiently used to adjust the friction force between the polymer melt and the surface

    Low Friction Flows of Liquids at Nanopatterned Interfaces

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    With the recent important development of microfluidic systems, miniaturization of flow devices has become a real challenge. Microchannels, however, are characterized by a large surface to volume ratio, so that surface properties strongly affect flow resistance in submicrometric devices. We present here results showing that the concerted effect of wetting . properties and surface roughness may considerably reduce friction of the fluid past the boundaries. The slippage of the fluid at the channel boundaries is shown to be drastically increased by using surfaces that are patterned at the nanometer scale. This effect occurs in the regime where the surface pattern is partially dewetted, in the spirit of the 'superhydrophobic' effects that have been recently discovered at the macroscopic scales. Our results show for the first time that, in contrast to the common belief, surface friction may be reduced by surface roughness. They also open the possibility of a controlled realization of the 'nanobubbles' that have long been suspected to play a role in interfacial slippag

    Equilibrium Simulation of the Slip Coefficient in Nanoscale Pores

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    Accurate prediction of interfacial slip in nanoscale channels is required by many microfluidic applications. Existing hydrodynamic solutions based on Maxwellian boundary conditions include an empirical parameter that depends on material properties and pore dimensions. This paper presents a derivation of a new expression for the slip coefficient that is not based on the assumptions concerning the details of solid-fluid collisions and whose parameters are obtainable from \textit{equilibrium} simulation. The results for the slip coefficient and flow rates are in good agreement with non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Boundary induced non linearities at small Reynolds Numbers

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    We investigate the influence of boundary slip velocity in Newtonian fluids at finite Reynolds numbers. Numerical simulations with Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and Finite Differences method (FDM) are performed to quantify the effect of heterogeneous boundary conditions on the integral and local properties of the flow. Non linear effects are induced by the non homogeneity of the boundary condition and change the symmetry properties of the flow inducing an overall mean flow reduction. To explain the observed drag modification, reciprocal relations for stationary ensembles are used, predicting a reduction of the mean flow rate from the creeping flow to be proportional to the fourth power of the friction Reynolds number. Both numerical schemes are then validated within the theoretical predictions and reveal a pronounced numerical efficiency of the LBM with respect to FDM.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Diffusion in pores and its dependence on boundary conditions

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    We study the influence of the boundary conditions at the solid liquid interface on diffusion in a confined fluid. Using an hydrodynamic approach, we compute numerical estimates for the diffusion of a particle confined between two planes. Partial slip is shown to significantly influence the diffusion coefficient near a wall. Analytical expressions are derived in the low and high confinement limits, and are in good agreement with numerical results. These calculations indicate that diffusion of tagged particles could be used as a sensitive probe of the solid-liquid boundary conditions.Comment: soumis \`a J.Phys. Cond. Matt. special issue on "Diffusion in Liquids, Polymers, Biophysics and Chemical Dynamics

    Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of rapid directional solidification

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    We present the results of non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations for the growth of a solid binary alloy from its liquid phase. The regime of high pulling velocities, VV, for which there is a progressive transition from solute segregation to solute trapping, is considered. In the segregation regime, we recover the exponential form of the concentration profile within the liquid phase. Solute trapping is shown to settle in progressively as VV is increased and our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of Aziz [J. Appl. Phys. {\bf 53}, 1158 (1981)]. In addition, the fluid advection velocity is shown to remain directly proportional to VV, even at the highest velocities considered here (V≃10V\simeq10ms−1^{-1}).Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Nintedanib in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Combined evidence from the TOMORROW and INPULSISÂź trials

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    AbstractBackground and purposeThe Phase II TOMORROW trial and two Phase III INPULSIS¼ trials investigated the efficacy and safety of nintedanib versus placebo in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). To obtain an overall estimate of the treatment effect of nintedanib 150 mg twice daily (bid), pooled and meta-analyses of data from these three trials were conducted.MethodsPooled and meta-analyses were conducted for annual rate of decline in forced vital capacity (FVC), time to first acute exacerbation, change from baseline in St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) total score and mortality over 52 weeks.Results1231 patients (nintedanib n = 723, placebo n = 508) were included in the pooled analysis. Adjusted annual rate of decline in FVC was −112.4 mL/year with nintedanib and −223.3 mL/year with placebo (difference: 110.9 mL/year [95% CI: 78.5, 143.3]; p < 0.0001). The hazard ratio for time to first acute exacerbation was 0.53 (95% CI: 0.34, 0.83; p = 0.0047). Adjusted mean change from baseline in SGRQ score at week 52 was 2.92 with nintedanib and 4.97 with placebo (difference: −2.05 [95% CI: −3.59, −0.50]; p = 0.0095). Hazard ratios for time to all-cause and on-treatment mortality were 0.70 (95% CI: 0.46, 1.08; p = 0.0954) and 0.57 (95% CI: 0.34, 0.97; p = 0.0274), respectively, in favour of nintedanib. The meta-analysis was generally consistent with the pooled analysis. Diarrhoea was the most frequent adverse event in the nintedanib group (61.5% of patients treated with nintedanib versus 17.9% of patients treated with placebo).ConclusionNintedanib has a beneficial effect on slowing disease progression in patients with IPF
