808 research outputs found

    GPS Constraints on the Mw = 7.5 Ometepec Earthquake Sequence, Southern Mexico: Coseismic and Post-Seismic Deformation

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    We use continuous GPS measurements from 31 stations in southernMexico to model coseismic slip and post-seismic deformation from the 2012 March 20 Mw = 7.5 Ometepec earthquake, the first large thrust earthquake to occur below central Mexico during the modern GPS era. Coseismic offsets ranging from ∼280 mm near the epicentre to 5 mm or less at sites far from the epicentre are fit best by a rupture focused between ∼15 and 35 km depth, consistent with an independent seismological estimate. The corresponding geodetic moment of 1.4 × 1020 N·m is within 10 per cent of two independent seismic estimates. Transient post-seismic motion recorded by GPS sites as far as 300 km from the rupture has a different horizontal deformation gradient and opposite sense of vertical motion than do the coseismic offsets. A forward model of viscoelastic relaxation as a result of our new coseismic slip solution incorrectly predicts uplift in areas where post-seismic subsidence was recorded and indicates that viscoelastic deformation was no more than a few per cent of the measured post-seismic deformation. The deformation within 6 months of the earthquake was thus strongly dominated by fault afterslip. The post-seismic GPS time-series are well fit as logarithmically decaying fault afterslip on an area of the subduction interface up to 10 times larger than the earthquake rupture zone, extending as far as 220 km inland. Afterslip had a cumulative geodetic moment of 2.0 × 1020 N·m, ∼40 per cent larger than the Ometepec earthquake. Tests for the shallow and deep limits for the afterslip require that it included much of the earthquake rupture zone as well as regions of the subduction interface where slow slip events and non-volcanic tremor have been recorded and areas even farther downdip on the flat interface. Widespread afterslip below much of central Mexico suggests that most of the nearly flat subduction interface in this region is conditionally stable and thus contributes measurable transient deformation to large areas of Mexico south of and in the volcanic belt

    X-ray and Infrared Microanalyses of <i>Mona Lisa</i>'s Ground Layer and Significance Regarding Leonardo da Vinci's Palette

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    An exceptional microsample from the ground layer of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa was analyzed by high-angular resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction and micro Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, revealing a singular mixture of strongly saponified oil with high lead content and a cerussite (PbCO3)-depleted lead white pigment. The most remarkable signature in the sample is the presence of plumbonacrite (Pb5(CO3)3O(OH)2), a rare compound that is stable only in an alkaline environment. Leonardo probably endeavored to prepare a thick paint suitable for covering the wooden panel of the Mona Lisa by treating the oil with a high load of lead II oxide, PbO. The review of Leonardo's manuscripts (original and latter translation) to track the mention of PbO gives ambiguous information. Conversely, the analysis of fragments from the Last Supper confirms that not only PbO was part of Leonardo's palette, through the detection of both litharge (α-PbO) and massicot (β-PbO) but also plumbonacrite and shannonite (Pb2OCO3), the latter phase being detected for the first time in a historical painting.</p

    Peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric cancer: a multi-institutional study of 159 patients treated by cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from gastric cancer has long been regarded a terminal disease with a short median survival. New locoregional therapeutic approaches combining cytoreductive surgery with perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (PIC) have evolved and suggest improved survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective multicentric study was performed in French-speaking centers to evaluate the toxicity and the principal prognostic factors in order to identify the best indications. All patients had cytoreductive surgery and PIC: hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) and/or early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC). RESULTS: The study included 159 patients from 15 institutions between February 1989 and August 2007. The median follow-up was 20.4 months. HIPEC was the PIC used for 150 procedures. Postoperative mortality and grade 3-4 morbidity rates were 6.5 and 27.8%, respectively. By multivariate analysis, the institution had a significant influence on toxicity. The overall median survival was 9.2 months and 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were 43, 18, and 13%, respectively. The only independent prognostic indicator by multivariate analysis was the completeness of cytoreductive surgery. For patients treated by complete cytoreductive surgery, the median survival was 15 months with a 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rate of 61, 30, and 23%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The therapeutic approach combining cytoreductive surgery with PIC for patients with gastric carcinomatosis may achieve long-term survival in a selected group of patients (limited and resectable PC). The high mortality rate underlines this necessarily strict selection that should be reserved to experienced institutions involved in the management of PC and gastric surgery

    Calibration procedures and first data set of Southern Ocean chlorophyll a profiles collected by elephant seals equipped with a newly developed CTD-fluorescence tags

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    In-situ observation of the marine environment has traditionally relied on ship-based platforms. The obvious consequence is that physical and biogeochemical properties have been dramatically undersampled, especially in the remote Southern Ocean (SO). The difficulty in obtaining in situ data represents the major limitations to our understanding, and interpretation of the coupling between physical forcing and the biogeochemical response. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) equipped with a new generation of oceanographic sensors can measure ocean structure in regions and seasons rarely observed with traditional oceanographic platforms. Over the last few years, seals have allowed for a considerable increase in temperature and salinity profiles from the SO. However we were still lacking information on the spatio-temporal variation of phytoplankton concentration. This information is critical to assess how the biological productivity of the SO, with direct consequences on the amount of CO2 "fixed" by the biological pump, will respond to global warming. In this research program, we use an innovative sampling fluorescence approach to quantify phytoplankton concentration at sea. For the first time, a low energy consumption fluorometer was added to Argos CTD-SRDL tags, and these novel instruments were deployed on 27 southern elephant seals between 25 December 2007 and the 4 February 2011. As many as 3388 fluorescence profiles associated with temperature and salinity measurements were thereby collected from a vast sector of the Southern Indian Ocean. This paper address the calibration issue of the fluorometer before being deployed on elephant seals and present the first results obtained for the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean.This in situ system is implemented in synergy with satellite ocean colour radiometry. Satellite-derived data is limited to the surface layer and is restricted over the SO by extensive cloud cover. However, with the addition of these new tags, we're able to assess the 3 dimension distribution of phytoplankton concentration by foraging southern elephant seals. This approach reveals that for the Indian sector of the SO, the surface chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations provided by MODIS were underestimated by a factor of the order of 2–3 compared to in situ measurements. The scientific outcomes of this program include an improved understanding of both the present state and variability in ocean biology, and the accompanying biogeochemistry, as well as the delivery of real-time and open-access data to scientists

    A study of cadmium yellow paints from Joan Miró’s paintings and studio materials preserved at the Fundació Miró Mallorca

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    The deterioration of cadmium yellow paints in artworks by Joan Miró (1893–1983) and in painting materials from his studios in Mallorca (Spain) was investigated. Analysis of samples from Miró’s paintings and from paint tubes and palettes showed that degraded paints are composed of poorly crystalline cadmium sulfide/zinc cadmium sulfide (CdS/Cd1−xZnxS) with a low percentage of zinc, in an oil binding medium. Cadmium sulfates were identified as the main deterioration products, forming superficial white crusts detected using SR μXANES and μXRD techniques. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements demonstrated that highly degraded samples display a pink/orange emission from the paint surface with a microsecond lifetime, a phenomenon observed in other degraded cadmium yellow paints. In agreement with recent studies on altered cadmium paints, these results suggest that the stability of the paint is related to its manufacturing method, which affects the degree of crystallinity of the resulting pigment. This, together with the environmental conditions in which artworks have been exposed, have induced the degradation of yellow paints in Miró’s artworks. It was finally noted that the paints exhibiting alteration in the analysed Miró artworks have a chemical composition that is very similar to the tube paint ‘Cadmium Yellow Lemon No. 1’ produced by Lucien Lefebvre-Foinet. Indeed, paint tubes from this brand were found in the studio, linking the use of this product with Miro’s degraded artworks

    Differential protein folding and chemical changes in lung tissues exposed to asbestos or particulates

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    Environmental and occupational inhalants may induce a large number of pulmonary diseases, with asbestos exposure being the most risky. The mechanisms are clearly related to chemical composition and physical and surface properties of materials. A combination of X-ray fluorescence (\u3bcXRF) and Fourier Transform InfraRed (\u3bcFTIR) microscopy was used to chemically characterize and compare asbestos bodies versus environmental particulates (anthracosis) in lung tissues from asbestos exposed and control patients. \u3bcXRF analyses revealed heterogeneously aggregated particles in the anthracotic structures, containing mainly Si, K, Al and Fe. Both asbestos and particulates alter lung iron homeostasis, with a more marked effect in asbestos exposure. \u3bcFTIR analyses revealed abundant proteins on asbestos bodies but not on anthracotic particles. Most importantly, the analyses demonstrated that the asbestos coating proteins contain high levels of \u3b2-sheet structures. The occurrence of conformational changes in the proteic component of the asbestos coating provides new insights into long-term asbestos effects

    Spectroscopic techniques and the conservation of artists’ acrylic emulsion paints

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    Artists’ acrylic emulsion paints are used in many contexts such as paintings, murals, sculptures, works on paper and mixed media; and are forming increasing proportions of modern and contemporary art collections. Although acrylic emulsion paints have been the focus of museum-led research over the past decade, the impact of artists’ technique and conservation treatment on the upper-most surface of these paints remains essentially unexplored ; This paper summarises previous studies using vibrational (FTIR) spectroscopy and presents initial assessments of paint surfaces using X-ray spectroscopies (XPS and NEXAFS) aimed at characterising artists’ acrylic paint film surfaces after natural ageing and wet surface cleaning treatment. Both techniques were found to be well suited for surface-sensitive investigations of the organic materials associated with artists’ acrylic paints, including explorations into: (A) cleaning system residues, (B) surfactant extraction from paint surfaces, (C) the identification of migrated surfactant, and (D) monitoring pigment changes at the paint/air interface of paint films ; It has been shown is that these X-ray spectroscopic techniques can be used for the analysis of almost purely organic materials in a way that complements mass spectroscopic techniques, FTIR and XRF. This investigation forms part of broader, currently ongoing, multi-technique investigation into the properties of artists’ acrylic paints and development of conservation treatments for works-of-art made with these materials

    Postoperative ileus concealing intra-abdominal complications in enhanced recovery programs—a retrospective analysis of the GRACE database

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    Purpose Postoperative ileus (POI) occurrence within enhanced recovery programs (ERPs) has decreased. Also, intra-abdominal complications (IAC) such as anastomotic leakage (AL) generally present late. The aim was to characterize the link between POI and the other complications occurring after surgery. Methods This retrospective analysis of a prospective database was conducted by the Francophone Group for Enhanced Recovery after Surgery. POI was considered to be present if gastrointestinal functions had not been recovered within 3 days following surgery or if a nasogastric tube replacement was required. Results Of the 2773 patients who took part in the study, 2335 underwent colorectal resections (83.8%) for cancer, benign tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, and diverticulosis. Among the 2335 patients, 309 (13.2%) experienced POI, including 185 (59.9%) cases of secondary POI. Adjusted for well-known risk factors (male gender, need for stoma, right hemicolectomy, surgery duration, laparotomy, and conversion to open surgery), POI was associated with abdominal complications (OR = 4.55; 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.30–6.28), urinary retention (OR = 1.75; 95% CI: 1.05–2.92), pulmonary complications (OR = 4.55; 95% CI: 2.04–9.97), and cardiological complications (OR = 3.01; 95% CI: 1.15–8.02). Among the abdominal complications, AL and IAC were most strongly associated with POI (respectively, OR = 5.97; 95% CI: 3.74–8.88 and OR = 5.76; 95% CI: 3.56–10.62). Conclusion Within ERPs, POI should not be considered as usual. There is a significant link between POI and IAC. Since POI is an early-onset clinical sign, its occurrence should alert the physician and prompt them to consider performing CT scans in order to investigate other potential morbidities