148 research outputs found

    Infrared Emission from the Nearby Cool Core Cluster Abell 2597

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    We observed the brightest central galaxy (BCG) in the nearby (z=0.0821) cool core galaxy cluster Abell 2597 with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The BCG was clearly detected in all Spitzer bandpasses, including the 70 and 160 micron wavebands. We report aperture photometry of the BCG. The spectral energy distribution exhibits a clear excess in the FIR over a Rayleigh-Jeans stellar tail, indicating a star formation rate of ~4-5 solar masses per year, consistent with the estimates from the UV and its H-alpha luminosity. This large FIR luminosity is consistent with that of a starburst or a Luminous Infrared Galaxy (LIRG), but together with a very massive and old population of stars that dominate the energy output of the galaxy. If the dust is at one temperature, the ratio of 70 to 160 micron fluxes indicate that the dust emitting mid-IR in this source is somewhat hotter than the dust emitting mid-IR in two BCGs at higher-redshift (z~0.2-0.3) and higher FIR luminosities observed earlier by Spitzer, in clusters Abell 1835 and Zwicky 3146.Comment: Accepted at Ap

    Multinuclear solid-state NMR investigation of Hexaniobate and Hexatantalate compounds

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    This work determines the potential of solid-state NMR techniques to probe proton, alkali, and niobium environments in Lindqvist salts. Na7HNb6O19·15H2O (1), K8Nb6O19·16H2O (2), and Na8Ta6O19·24.5H2O (3) have been studied by solid-state static and magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR at high and ultrahigh magnetic field (16.4 and 19.9 T). 1H MAS NMR was found to be a convenient and straightforward tool to discriminate between protonated and nonprotonated clusters AxH8–xM6O19·nH2O (A = alkali ion; M = Nb, Ta). 93Nb MAS NMR studies at different fields and MAS rotation frequencies have been performed on 1. For the first time, the contributions of NbO5Oμ2H sites were clearly distinguished from those assigned to NbO6 sites in the hexaniobate cluster. The strong broadening of the resonances obtained under MAS was interpreted by combining chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) with quadrupolar effects and by using extensive fitting of the line shapes. In order to obtain the highest accuracy for all NMR parameters (CSA and quadrupolar), 93Nb WURST QCPMG spectra in the static mode were recorded at 16.4 T for sample 1. The 93Nb NMR spectra were interpreted in connection with the XRD data available in the literature (i.e., fractional occupancies of the NbO5Oμ2H sites). 1D 23Na MAS and 2D 23Na 3QMAS NMR studies of 1 revealed several distinct sodium sites. The multiplicity of the sites was again compared to structural details previously obtained by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. The 23Na MAS NMR study of 3 confirmed the presence of a much larger distribution of sodium sites in accordance with the 10 sodium sites predicted by XRD. Finally, the effect of Nb/Ta substitutions in 1 was also probed by multinuclear MAS NMR (1H, 23Na, and 93Nb)

    The outer halo globular cluster system of M31 - II. Kinematics

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    We present a detailed kinematic analysis of the outer halo globular cluster system of the Andromeda galaxy (M31). Our basis for this is a set of new spectroscopic observations for 78 clusters lying at projected distances between Rproj ~ 20-140 kpc from the M31 centre. These are largely drawn from the recent Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey globular cluster catalogue; 63 of our targets have no previous velocity data. Via a Bayesian maximum likelihood analysis, we find that globular clusters with Rproj > 30 kpc exhibit coherent rotation around the minor optical axis ofM31, in the same direction as more centrally located globular clusters, but with a smaller amplitude of 86±17 km s-1. There is also evidence that the velocity dispersion of the outer halo globular cluster system decreases as a function of projected distance from the M31 centre, and that this relation can be well described by a power law of index ≈-0.5. The velocity dispersion profile of the outer halo globular clusters is quite similar to that of the halo stars, at least out to the radius up to which there is available information on the stellar kinematics. We detect and discuss various velocity correlations amongst subgroups of globular clusters that lie on stellar debris streams in the M31 halo. Many of these subgroups are dynamically cold, exhibiting internal velocity dispersions consistent with zero. Simple Monte Carlo experiments imply that such configurations are unlikely to form by chance, adding weight to the notion that a significant fraction of the outer halo globular clusters in M31 have been accreted alongside their parent dwarf galaxies. We also estimate the M31 mass within 200 kpc via the Tracer Mass Estimator (TME), finding (1.2-1.6) ± 0.2 × 1012M⊙. This quantity is subject to additional systematic effects due to various limitations of the data, and assumptions built in into the TME. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of formation scenarios for the M31 halo

    Managing Injuries of the Neck Trial (MINT) : design of a randomised controlled trial of treatments for whiplash associated disorders

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    Background: A substantial proportion of patients with whiplash injuries develop chronic symptoms. However, the best treatment of acute injuries to prevent long-term problems is uncertain. A stepped care treatment pathway has been proposed, in which patients are given advice and education at their initial visit to the emergency department (ED), followed by review at three weeks and physiotherapy for those with persisting symptoms. MINT is a two-stage randomised controlled trial to evaluate two components of such a pathway: 1. use of The Whiplash Book versus usual advice when patients first attend the emergency department; 2. referral to physiotherapy versus reinforcement of advice for patients with continuing symptoms at three weeks. Methods: Evaluation of the Whiplash Book versus usual advice uses a cluster randomised design in emergency departments of eight NHS Trusts. Eligible patients are identified by clinicians in participating emergency departments and are sent a study questionnaire within a week of their ED attendance. Three thousand participants will be included. Patients with persisting symptoms three weeks after their ED attendance are eligible to join an individually randomised study of physiotherapy versus reinforcement of the advice given in ED. Six hundred participants will be randomised. Follow-up is at 4, 8 and 12 months after their ED attendance. Primary outcome is the Neck Disability Index (NDI), and secondary outcomes include quality of life and time to return to work and normal activities. An economic evaluation is being carried out. Conclusion: This paper describes the protocol and operational aspects of a complex intervention trial based in NHS emergency and physiotherapy departments, evaluating two components of a stepped-care approach to the treatment of whiplash injuries. The trial uses two randomisations, with the first stage being cluster randomised and the second individually randomised

    Kinematics of outer halo globular clusters in M31

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    We present the first kinematic analysis of the far outer halo globular cluster (GC) population in the Local Group galaxy M31. Our sample contains 53 objects with projected radii of ∼20-130 kpc, 44 of which have no previous spectroscopic information. GC

    Small‐volume blood sample collection tubes in adult intensive care units: A rapid practice guideline

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    Background: This Intensive Care Medicine Rapid Practice Guideline (ICM‐RPG) provides an evidence‐based recommendation to address the question: in adult patients in intensive care units (ICUs), should we use small‐volume or conventional blood collection tubes? Methods: We included 23 panelists in 8 countries and assessed and managed financial and intellectual conflicts of interest. Methodological support was provided by the Guidelines in Intensive Care, Development, and Evaluation (GUIDE) group. We conducted a systematic review, including evidence from observational and randomized studies. Using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach, we evaluated the certainty of evidence and developed recommendations using the Evidence‐to‐Decision framework. Results: We identified 8 studies (1 cluster and 2 patient‐level randomized trials; 5 observational studies) comparing small‐volume to conventional tubes. We had high certainty evidence that small‐volume tubes reduce daily and cumulative blood sampling volume; and moderate certainty evidence that they reduce the risk of transfusion and mean number of red blood cell units transfused, but these estimates were limited by imprecision. We had high certainty that small‐volume tubes have a similar rate of specimens with insufficient quantity. The panel considered that the desirable effects of small‐volume tubes outweigh the undesirable effects, are less wasteful of resources, and are feasible, as demonstrated by successful implementation across multiple countries, although there are upfront implementation costs to validate small‐volume tubes on laboratory instrumentation. Conclusion: This ICM‐RPG panel made a strong recommendation for the use of small‐volume sample collection tubes in adult ICUs based on overall moderate certainty evidence

    The Formation of Compact Elliptical Galaxies in The Vicinity of A Massive Galaxy: The Role of Ram-pressure Confinement

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    Compact ellipticals (cEs) are outliers from the scaling relations of early-type galaxies, particularly the mass-metallicity relation which is an important outcome of feedback. The formation of such low-mass, but metal-rich and compact, objects is a long-standing puzzle. Using a pair of high-resolution N-body+gas simulations, we investigate the evolution of a gas-rich low-mass galaxy on a highly radial orbit around a massive host galaxy. As the infalling low-mass galaxy passes through the host's corona at supersonic speeds, its diffuse gas outskirts are stripped by ram pressure, as expected. However, the compactness increases rapidly because of bursty star formation in the gas tidally driven to the centre. The metal-rich gas produced by supernovae and stellar winds is confined by the ram pressure from the surrounding environment, leading to subsequent generations of stars being more metal-rich. After the gas is depleted, tidal interactions enhance the metallicity further via the stripping of weakly bound, old, and metal-poor stars, while the size of the satellite is changed only modestly. The outcome is a metal-rich cE that is consistent with observations. These results argue that classical cEs are neither the stripped remnants of much more massive galaxies nor the merger remnants of normal dwarfs. We present observable predictions that can be used to test our model

    Advice or exercise for chronic whiplash disorders? Design of a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Whiplash-associated disorder (or "whiplash") is a common condition incurring considerable expense in social and economic terms. A lack of research on effective therapy for patients with chronic whiplash associated disorders prompted the design of the current study. The primary aim of this randomised controlled trial is to determine the effects of a physical activity program for people with chronic (symptoms of > 3 months duration) whiplash. A secondary aim is to determine if pain severity, level of disability and fear of movement/(re)injury predict response to a physical activity program. METHODS / DESIGN: This paper presents the rationale and design of a randomised controlled trial examining the effects of advice and individualized sub-maximal exercise programs in the treatment of whiplash associated disorders. DISCUSSION: This paper highlights the design, methods and operational aspects of a significant clinical trial in the area of whiplash and chronic pain